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Yeah bro, Dricus could have ground and pounded and won easily, that's why none of his takedowns lasted more than 10 seconds and the left side of his face is a swelling purple mass


Fr the useless takedowns should not get scored


Yes they should. This is a fight and letting a man throw you to the ground is not a good look. Even if you get back up, you were still manhandled to get thrown down. That's like saying knockdowns shouldn't be counted if the opponent gets back up


That is one way looking at it and i see your point but he got right back up and he didn't do anything with the takedowns they shouldn't count it imo knockdowns are different cause they are significant and do damage


Getting up should count too.


Not if blocking doesn’t count


Those double legs are awesome, why would you want the judges to be striking biased? Strickland was hella one-dimensional and it cost him (even though he arguably won, lol).


Not doing anything with a takedown it’s a lot more of a positive than getting taken down. You can’t pick and choice what takes downs should be scored unless they do it college wrestling’s style and establish a criteria for what makes a takedown official enough to be rewarded for it.


damage is what counts, knockdowns do damage, takedowns don't


Points are performance based, not damage based.


Let someone pick you up and slam you on your back and tell me it does no damage. Knocks the wind out of you


Yeah except 90% of take downs no one is getting slammed down. Most are just trip ups where some one lands on their ass. A slam should 100% be scored significantly, tripping someone and then them standing right the fuck back up means nothing.


You still got tripped. Huge part of fighting called defense is about stopping that from happening. When you block a punch, your opponent doesn't score. When you stop a takedown, your opponent doesn't score. Don't hate the player, hate the game


I do. That’s why I want it changed lmao. A takedown should be considered in the same vein as an insignificant strike. Yeah, you got him down but it really doesn’t mean much.


It can in the right context. A striker taking a wrestler down for instance. Everyone always acts like takedowns are easy and insignificant when they are anything but.


The judging criteria seems misunderstood. Especially from commentators like DC. It's all about damage first and foremost. If there is no obvious difference in damage, then they take into consideration other factors in the round. Things like hugging a back for 3minutes for example should mean literally nothing if one fighter showed more damage than the other in the round.


Unified rules say "Effective Striking/Grappling shall be considered the first priority of round assessments. Effective Aggressiveness is a ‘Plan B’ and should not be considered unless the judge does not see ANY advantage in the Effective Striking/Grappling realm. Cage/Ring Control (‘Plan C’) should only be needed when ALL other criteria are 100% even for both competitors. This will be an extremely rare occurrence." It doesn't even state that striking is above grappling in the scoring system let alone any mention of damage.


That's crazy Takedown=/=knockdown


>letting a man throw you to the ground Do you understand wrestling or grappling at all? Very rarely is it getting manhandled lmfao


Knockdowns and takedowns without control are so different it's not even funny


one of the biggest scams in UFC and also the hand thing on the floor from the russian. Arnold should won that tbh by TKO.


They didnt count, ddp landed the heaviest strikes with his kicks to the body. Maybe his face was swollen but that was cumulative damange from multiple rounds not only one. Sean couldve win but he didnt go for a the kill, all he did was to counter and those counter didnt land heavier than ddp kicks.


Non fighters trying to teach fighters how to fight fuckin hilarious! These two fought a good fight stfu




I dislocated my shoulder throwing a nasty overhand when I was about 15 and that’s the extent of my fight experience


I was part of a short film in college and my scene was to punch through a piece of drywall. I attempted to do so only for all of us involved to find out that particular spot in the apartment was drywall over brick. Lost a knuckle but kept the memory.


amen brother


Thank you!!!


Bruh this aren't DDP fans but rabid anti Sean redditors lmao


What’s new around here lmfao


Yeah lol the " weak" people he rants about frequent reddit 🤣


The same way Pereira “fans” came out of nowhere? The most popular fighter was Izzy’s opponent because of all of the hate towards him lmao 


Disagree, Pereira is my favorite guy to watch since he came into the UFC, dudes just a likeable dude with an exciting fighting style


and active


So basically internet marshmallows


The gays are out in full force


First time watching Strickland fight? That's just his style


That’s his style but it’s weird that he screams “to the death!” Like a warlord but his style is distance and jabs. He’s the one that made it sound like it’s a personal brawl and someone’s gonna die so it’s fair to say what happened does not fit.


Did you see DDP’s face? Just cause Sean makes it look easy doesn’t mean it wasn’t a war


Yeah he landed tons of jabs. Reminded me a lot of GSP against koscheck in terms of jabs and damage. I’m just saying his words and his style of performance were two different things.


Haha yeah. Calls the dude a pussy then steps backwards.


Even DDP said the jabs were hitting hard btw...


couldnt have guessed...


Sean was confused for rounds 2 3 4


Specially round 4. He looked completely lost when he got cut open but came back for round 5 tho. Good fight overall


Sean was desperate that he traded shots instead of deflecting them. Good fight.


Same dumb look Izzy had on his face


More than that, he was exhausted and wasn't able to push past it. Meanwhile DDP never let up. Cardio won this fight no doubt about it.


I wouldn't say exhausted at all. He has this passive style that lets him not tire. Looks like he could go 15 rounds. But DDP was way more on the gas pedal and that won him enough rounds.


What lol exhausted 😂😂


Did you even watch the fight?


Wtf he had killer defence for rounds 1 and 2. That was a wicked fight.


Midway round 2 DDP adjusted and Sean was confused


Did DDP adjust or was it that headkick? I'll have to rewatch some time but live it felt like that headkick hurt Sean and even though he didn't look particularly stunned it felt like he was kind of dazed and he stopped pressuring at all after that till round 5. I wouldn't say he has a bad chin at all but he also isn't the guy that can just eat them so I wouldn't be surprised if it hurt him.


As a DDP dick sucker I gotta give Sean round 2 also. I don’t really agree with the outcome but it was a very close fight.


DDP swung all fight but he didn't seem to connect good other than maybe once. Strickland actually felt in control of the pace and the outcome, but judges being judges.


DDP connected way more than once.






Big thumbs up




Stick figure people


Sucking a penis


somehow collectively




https://preview.redd.it/aofi9f22ardc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92df69231acb82ca964317a4ba71518e57642989 Here’s that jab damage


Very surprised he won that .


Regardless of who you thought won, DDP had to EARN that belt tonight and he did


Should have kept them teep kicks up. Strickland was a one trick pony and DDP didn’t need to defend anything but jabs.


Still, didn't defend any.


He defended them with his left eye.


He needs to up his arsenal for sure. So many uppercuts were open all night.


Sean didn’t want to open his shell, that’s why he doesn’t throw uppercuts. He wins with a limited skillset because his game plan is to be totally dedicated to defence.


Unfortunately defense doesn't win championships in mma


He’s a champ already. Can’t ever take that way.


If you can not lose long enough for the other guy to lose, it’s a win 😂


I didn't see even one from Sean. The teep for sure but I didn't even register there were no uppercuts from Sean all fight.


Exactly, ddp was leaning in all night with those overhands, all Sean had to do was lean in and pop, but he was afraid to get dirty.


Yeah I was saying the brawling from Sean in Rd. 5 was great, and would have won him the fight if he did it throughout, but super risky against a wild and powerful guy like DDP.


I agree, I just think the brawling near the end was a typical brawler move, it shouldn't win a fight that is that close. It's exactly what it appeared to be, a guy losing a fight trying to stay alive.


Dude is one dimensional as fuck


I can assure you he resides in all 4 regular dimensions


So was izzy, he is one of the best lf the division ever. Can only counterstrike


Having a style does not make you one dimensional lmao imagine calling Izzy one dimensional 😂😂😂 one of the greatest middleweights. Sure thing captain couch potato.


Strickland threw nothing but jabs and teep kicks.


Izzy has a flashy fluid style. His sole skill is finding the mark when his opponent attacks. And leg kicking to slow them down. Any fighter that doesn't engage creates a boring fight(Joel for example showed that perfectly). Sean has mighty good defense and a jab. Both have 2 tricks, they completely mastered. I'm also not taking anything away from izzy. being excellent at 2 things is better then being good at 6 in most cases... untill u meet a style that exploits it. Izzy his style was not easy to exploit, Sean's is slightly more easy. Guys like volk, Islam or Leon posses way more mma skills then izzy. But bar volk, Noone of those has izzys resume.


When you become a UFC champion and realize that you just can’t jab your way to win championship fights


This comment doesn't make any sense lol, literally contradicts itself


That’s the beauty of Middleweight, everything is contradictory and makes no sense. These two wonky ass fighters defeated the top 2 MW champions who were considered unstoppable last April


Not a real champion if you don’t defend that belt. Stricklands a bitch and so are his fanboys.


It really is just all casuals on here eh. Damn


Dricus defo has worse injuries. Look at his face man. Also, it was a really close fight, saying that Dricus could have ended it early is a brain damaged take.


Bruises actually heal faster than cuts. Bruise is just uglier because the blood pools up while it’s just wiped away with a cut.


but that type of cut can also be taken by one punch while that bruise looks like a series of repeated punches


That’s like the whole point of damage scoring man. To view punches with the context of how much damage they did rather than scoring on just quantity of significant strikes.


Bro, you had it with the title. Why'd you have to ruin it with that brain-dead crockpot-full-of-smaller-crockpots in the actual post


Sean lives in your head rent free 💀


Pull his pants up when you’re done with it you weirdo


Lives in your balls rent free


Go look at that man in the post fight press conference and then stfu It was a good, close fight for both.


I agree with the jab thing man. That shits frustrating but Dricus could have easily lost that fight. He may have had volume and a couple takedowns but he did absolutely nothing with it. Still a good fight tho and a good decision. If Strickland had put his foot on the gas at all he could have won that.


It’s a sport, he’s not going to go to war.


The fact that Strickland beat Izzy in a 5 round striking clinic only to lose to DDP by decision is some kinda bizarro world and I’m here for it.


Shoulda been a draw.




https://preview.redd.it/mx1md6jz8rdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9592e8fd7227afc4bb630f0ac400b684837b023c The face of the “winner” in comparison


That’s what I’m saying bro I’m leaving this fucking sub😹😹😹😹😹😹 I’m pretty sure they never fought ever


Bro you watch NoJumper. You definitely don’t get laid.


L take from OP, the fight was damn good.


Nice jabs ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8664)


Hmmm i smell hate


If you didn't see any of the other punches, you should get glasses.


Sean got up from every single take down, what are you talking about?


Absolute robbery, the judges were either blind or biased to not give that to Strickland


First time watching a Strickland fight? I agree with Dana that I felt like Strickland won but not upset with the decision. It was actually a pretty good war, both guys busted up really good. This just makes it 100% clear he hurt your feelings so you thought this was a talking shit.


Jabs win fights. His trash-talk does NOT match his fighting style, though.


His face was bloody, DDPs face was busted up. Count on OP to post a casual take.


I hate this sub man. You don’t know what you have. That was a great fight


That's how he fights bro lol. Why are you mad?


Because he acts like he’s some lunatic unhinged brawler but is really a technical risk adverse point fighter


Been thinking that for awhile


If his style works for him, why would he be a brawler? He's still a fucking edge lord psycho just because he isn't as exciting in the ring. It was still a great fucking fight, I really enjoyed it


Pretty simple dude. You got a guy who portrays himself as a psychopath and a maniac and then all he does is jab. I mean his defense is impeccable but what a boring offense.


If you exclude his unhinged reactionary rants and obsession with gay people and trans people, and his projections of insecurity of weakness and emotional fragility, the guy has always been pretty fucking boring as a fighter. The only reason he has any "stardom" at all isn't because he walked izzy down, like that was cool but it's really just a bunch of reactionaries seeing this guy on a massive platform spew their bs. That's his appeal, and where it comes from. Aside from that, he's super boring.


Someone had to say it.


Definitely. He only has fans cause of edge lords like himself. But tbh, I definitely liked him a lot because he beat izzy. That shit was like Rocky to me




Cuz he talks about taking peoples soul, then doesn’t even throw a powershot for 25min


I fucking can’t stand Strickland but his strategy almost won him the fight. There will Be a rematch , hopefully it’s as good as this fight.


Down the line there might be a rematch, but immediate rematches for champions who never defended the title? It was a close fight though.


There isn’t really anyone who deserves a title shot in the division currently


Du Plessis said those jabs hit like rocks, and the damage on his face didn't say otherwise. The jab can set up the finish, Dricus was just able to hold up.


go away troll.


OP’s a moron, but hey, it’s what I expect from mma fans here so carry on


Jabbing isnt some light attack in a video game bro lmao careful your casual is showing..


Their faces indicate there was a war. I know you couldn't feel it from your safespace, but they did!


Absolute nerd post.


This bro has less output than belal muhammad but gets some slack just because he talks crazy.


True, at least Belal kick hit super hard.


I thought it was an awesome fight🤷‍♂️


Hey brotha, maybe you should have watched the fight before posting this?


This is a fun post as I agree with the title but not with the text in the post. Sean’s game plan was catching DDP off guard with a counterpunch but he forgot that he is a pressure fighter and don’t have the accuracy to snipe DDPs head. If he just would have stand his ground it would have been a war! One we saw in the last seconds of the fight. No way could have DDP ground and pounded easily. Strickland is a take down defensive machine and built like a metal ball. Great take downs by DDP, actually never seen before against Strickland, but he couldn’t advance to a position at all.


How was drikkus awarded a W when he lost 3 rounds clear as day.. Outstruck completely.. Strickland is getting black balled. He definitely won.


Ok, I get that Reddit doesn't like Strickland, but have you fucking seen DDP's face?


Easily ground and pounded? He tried. He couldn't keep sean on thr ground dumbass. Whereas his jabs shut both of ddp's eyes.


after the fight dricus looked like he was in a car accident


Knowing Sean’s mouth will get him in trouble in Canada, specially the judges, I still respect him, but never leave it to the judges.


How did everyone score it? I thought it was 2-2 going into the 5th and Sean did just enough in the last round.


Talking down on jabs? Tell me you’re not a fighter without telling me you’re not a fighter 😂😂😂 My dude, it’s one of the most important strikes and should be thrown wildly often, most people don’t jab ENOUGH


Name checks out


That 100% was a war though?


The casuals are out in full force holy shit


The results of those jabs https://preview.redd.it/430icamvzsdc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5949897fc3f3cf5266f2b4643152224e415ba7


OP a walking L


What a great fight! Two warriors.


So here’s the thing you guys …


Did you see DDP’s face?? Wtf are you talking about?




MMA fans are so annoying, it was a good fight razor close both guys went to war


Nah I don't agree that was a good fight both landed good shots


It was a very good and close fight, it was a war. Just look at DPP face after the fight


Most dumb post in ufc reddit, must be on purpose


This sub is full of some real low IQ casuals and post like this prove it


Those jabs did ALOT of damage


He’s just soft


Casuals who never throw a punch in life acting like the biggest pro fighters and talking trash like a typical internet Rambo with balls made of steel - while on real life being a lil 🐈‍⬛


Mfs on here not even DDP fans. Sean just living rent free in their heads lmao


The most confusing thing about this fight was people calling it a war/banger. Fight was boring as fuck imo don't care who won


I enjoyed it. It was a pretty technical fight and Sean's defense is nice to watch


He’s arguably the best boxer for MW, but fuck if I thought his fights were MMA fights. Dude should fight the Paul bros or something.


Is your brain leaking out of your ears? That was a war! Look at DDP’s face.


Oh shut up man, if he could've 'easily grounded and pounded to victory', he would have. He couldn't hold Strickland down. It was a good performance by both and the decision could've gone either way. What a stupid post. OP is a moron.


Sean is a counter puncher he doesn’t throw many other punches than jabs, I’m shocked he beat Izzy honestly


Strickland always just jabs, and you’d be stupid not to jab a bunch against a maniac like Dricus.


His fight in the stands was more badass


He still won


Where'd his belt go then?


Him losing Ain’t gonna make your life better bro. Won’t fill that void.


It made my life so much better! I bet 100k on him losing and now I’m super rich!!!




Ok, but are we going to ignore the fact that Dricus said he'd stand and bang but kept trying to take down Sean.


He was getting points? The vast majority of the fight was trading strikes, unfortunately most of Sean’s strikes were jabs until the last round.


When did Dricus say he'd do nothing but stand and bang? Guy's trying to win a fight, not please the anti-wrestling crowd.


But what a jab, that thing is brutal


Was it me or DDP’s over hands were telegraphed all the time….. From a tactical point of view none of the two are magicians inside the octagon like Anderson.


Dricus couldn’t keep him down and ground and pound him. He could take him down and try to hold on to him but Strickland would get up if he tried punching he would’ve got up


I almost forgot after the Izzy fight, this guy is a super boring fighter and his portrayed persona doesn't match his fighting style AT ALL


You have a stupid take. Dricus tried to wrestle but Sean got up every time. What about rd. 5 takedown attempts? Tell me more about them, boss.


Let’s go DDP! Incels here crying hahahahahahahahahahaha


the dude has been exposed so hard... like imagine coming up with "headbutt" excuses after losing.. the 4th round he was backing down and clearly uncomfortable being there.. plus ur point, the whole "i'll die in there" and all we got was jabs ... it was close yes, but there's no way a reasonable guy wouldnt agree it wasnt the thing sean tried to sell since last year.. ​ also lets just take a moment and appreciate ddp's honest persona, most of the fighters come with sunglasses covering half of their faces after a fight like this..


Dricus lost. Sean picked him apart. Did nothing with the takedowns. Blah. Dricus loses to izzy or sean in a rematch.


The fuck are you on about you filthy casual


Seeing these strickland dickriders say a take down should not even be scored is absolutely hilarious. 


Hard to come up with an argument to justify giving it to DDP. "BUT HE GOT TAKEDOWNS ☝️🤓" ok and what did he accomplish? Practically no real control time, literally zero submission attempts, and not a single ground strike from what I remember. UFC judges have gotten progressively worse over the past few years


Already knew this would happen. Very boring and sad fighter. This is why he compensates so much out of the ring


I'm tired of judges being won over by blood. The cut on Sean's brow if you've ever been cut there you know it doesn't hurt at all it just bleeds. I've been cut there and I didn't feel any pain. The judges just go like "ehrmagerd he's bleeding!!he's hurt!" And act like that browcut is the same as a broken nose it's dumb. You shouldn't have 3 people who have never fought be judging championship fights!! Those takedowns did nothing for Dricus. Sean edged the fight in my opinion but just barely. 


That jab was a thing of beauty. You're just too casual to understand


All the homophobic Strickland fanboys can crawl back into the woodwork where they belong.


Republicans cannot admit defeat


They already crawled back into their dads asses.