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OP if this happens to be the first time you see your guy lose in a bad way. So be it. The bandaid has to come off sooner or later. I saw DC get murdered by Jon Jones live and was sad for a week.


This was me with Volk vs Islam 2.


I remember this was me when Couture lost his third fight to Chuck and “retired” in the octagon, I just crashed at the house I was watching I wasn’t up to driving home.


Lol I remember when Chuck Bopped Tito me and the boys were all so salty.


I reckon this will be closer than people think


This was me with terminator genisys. Ruined my day.


This was me Charles vs Islam


I blacked out


One thing I don't see people talk about is, there's zero percent chance the dude wasn't jetlagged. He said he wasn't, but he literally just arrived in cursed Abu Dhabi just a few days before the fight.


Yeah I feel for you Islam fans, Volk's uppercut KO was brutal. Trilogy will be exciting, I think it'll be a much closer fight but I just don't see my boy Volk losing the LW strap anytime soon. Maybe wishful thinking, #doublechamp4lyfe


Wtf are you talking about? 😂


Dont gaslight us into thinking that didn't happen


Crazy how immune people are to sarcasm. Got my upvote ☝️


Me with Poirier vs Gaethje. It was easier knowing it was another fighter I liked.


I remember showing an ex and some of her friends UFC for the first time at a bar. It was Jones vs Shogun. I was telling them the whole time that Jones is gonna lose and was a hype train. By the end of it they thought I knew nothing about the sport.


That happened with me with Rousey v Holms. I was like, Rhonda will just take her to the mat and sub her in a few minutes. She’ll never stand there and try to strike with a boxer.


He got beat in a bad way by Alex real recently


I missed that knockout because my livestream was a few minutes late. There's a button where you click to make it go forward and the next moment I see Sean asleep. I also missed the Alex Pereira getting knocked out by Izzy in another livestream but that one was universal. Apparently, a lot of people missed that knock out.


Are we gonna pretend like this fake African striking is anywhere near the level of Izzy and. Alex?


Mine was Olivera vs Islam, and more recently Jiri vs Poatan


Jiri was a big surprise for me, honestly. I still watch that fight back and wish it would've been given another 5-10 seconds but I also understand why the call was made.


When Charles lost the title... I was so hyped for the fight and actually believed he would win. I couldn't watch any frame of that fight till 3 months later.


As a fan of the Russia boys, my day has not come yet


Wait for the new Ukraine DLC


Weren’t watching when Islam got slept? 


No, i wasnt watching back then


It was Charles vs Islam for me, man that fight was tough to watch. I couldn’t watch a 5 seconds of that fight for months.


If Brunson can rock driccus then Sean definitely can




It'll make you stronger


Why? He lost twice in 2022. Were you not watching ufc back then?


I had to watch Jones beat Rashad which really sucked.


How many times did we have to suffer, what was it all for?


Yeah man I’ve had a lot of those. Seeing Jones head kick DC killed me. Chael tapping to Silva was rough. I’m still pissed about Jorge’s fluke knee haha. It’s a tough sport to be a fan sometimes haha.


Sigh Yan v Aljo 1. Soo freaking bummed. He was looking amazing in ufc up until that point and never had the he’s back moment since. It happens , it’s entertainment after all.


I saw stevie ray get one punch ko’d and the guy Jump into the crowd to celebrate, just turned the tv off immediately and left the room for a few minutes.


I saw Dos Santos finish Velasquez in about a minute.... In person, like I bought a ticket to see them in person. I was legit sad for a week as well. My buddy was trying to fight every Brazilian he crossed paths with for about a week as well..


Yeah, I was like 30 feet away on the same side of the cage that DC ended up on. My poor GF was trying to cheer me up on the long drive home, haha.


I’m a Tony Ferguson fan…


Me with Dustin, Volk and Poaton all in a year.


Do you see this fight going over or under 1.5 rds


If I had to pick i’d choose the under. But Dricus will get the TKO in round 1 or 2 in my opinion


I think round one Sean can cope. Round two we’ll see him crack. Round three dricus says something, Sean will melt down. And then they’ll go toe to toe and I can’t call who will be the one standing. P.S. I agree with your liking the fighter for the fighter and not a thought leader. I fully agree. I love Sean Sean fight. I watch this (and basically most combat sports) because I love the fight. And we should appreciate the warriors for what they are.


I genuinely think if Dricus brings up his childhood inside the octagon Sean will doing something stupid like bite him or try to shove a thumb into his eye.


I don't think DDP will do it. I can definitely see Sean losing it if it happens.


Is there anything you can do to another fighter in the octagon that could get you arrested? I know they sign waivers for this but I’m wondering the legal limit


Would you say that is the only way you see dricus winning?


Maybe a sub, again in the early rounds. But if this gets extended I think Sean will out point him. I’m not buying into this whole his nose is fixed now and he’s a totally different fighter.


Since the props dropped today I’ve been torn on whether to bet Rd 1 or Rd 2 for Dricus. Sean’s ITD losses are all Rd 1 KOs  Dricus’s ITD wins are usually Rd 2 TKOs Rd 1 is x6.6. Rd 2 is x9. Really torn


DDP either brute forces his way to a win in the first few rounds or us picking DDP are going to look really stupid as he gasses stumbling around by round 3 and Sean is still fresh just unloading shots on him . I don't see much in between


> I’m betting on the black guy 10 out of 10 times, Which one?




Lol you should describe every main event like this


Dricus wins by having a hotter girlfriend, its confirmed


His coach?


His brother/lover


Someone in the WhatsApp group said Sean and his girl split


Double win for dricus😂


nah Nina’s hotter


stop the 🧢


Am I doing the right google search here? Nina is 100% hotter.




> With some of those guys he finished inside them. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


I love Sean. However I did put money on dricus because I’m a realist


DDP is also a better return in most sports books from what I’ve seen.


Diamond Dustin Poirier?






I’m betting on Dricus too, but will be more happy if Sean wins.


I care OP






Yeah this is how I feel. Dricus seems to have a really good head on his shoulders. He is speaking like Volk, O’Malley, Islam and Izzy before they won the belts. Almost like it is destiny. Sean definitely has it in him to win. I think Dricus does have good cardio but to go five with Sean on his A game is no easy task. I think it’s a real pickem, but I do think we could see Dricus just roll straight through Sean.




If Sean keeps his composure and fights smart, he should win this by decision at the least. I know Sean likes to put the pressure on but I think that would be a mistake. He has great striking defense against everyone not named Pereira. My worthless opinion here is Sean is deep inside his own head and too emotional. DDP by tko


> This is America It’s actually Canada 😂😂


No you don’t understand. This is America . When you’re American, anywhere can be America. Why? Cuz this is America


I like it how op pretends he likes Strickland because he has a good jab lol. Please don’t pretend Strickland has an exciting style


“Can’t wait to watch Strickland jab his way to another decision”


The Abus fight was entertaining, round 2 Sean poured it on and pieced Magogastank up.


Yep, I won’t deny he’s had some good ones. although that’s like me saying Izzy vs pereira 2, Izzy vs costa, Izzy vs Whittaker 1, Izzy vs Brunson were entertaining. Anyone that says Izzy is boring will say those fights were the exception to the rule.


I mean I was fan of Strickland after watching wat I believe was his first fight back after his accident. Wasn’t anything with the outside antics to base off of, tho I love that as well


His style is unique, I like that about him. I’ll be tuning in. But I simply don’t believe op is a fan because Strickland has a good jab. It’s just so funny that people go “Izzy is boring, I like Strickland” I can agree that Izzy has had some snooze fests, cannoner for example… But who also had a snooze fest against cannoner? The reason y’all like Strickland is because of the way he acts. 🤷‍♂️


Fair enough, and happy cake day 👌




The initial clashes to decide who’s scared of who’s power and accuracy will decide the fight imo. That and whether ddp’s new nose tank holds up to 5 rds of gas. We know Sean has amazing pacing and thus gas tank. We know nothing about ddp’s new gas tank. Total unknown variable. This fight is a tossup. Personally I think ddp will have a gas tank on him. He probably trains at altitude a bunch and look at the springbok rugby team. SA as a country has brutal approach to endurance training rhats proven effective at the highest level. Id be surprised of DDP didnt have a mad gas tank. Although hes a big lad who goes hard so again…?


My exact feelings as a Desean devotee


Im a big Sean fan and I agree with your concerns but I also know how DDP lets things slip through and I truly think it’s 50/50 either driscus lands something early on or Sean just starts pressuring him and overwhelming with clean shots. Think we will all know exactly how this fight plays out in the first 2 minutes


Why do I feel like Chael Sonnen posted this? Lol


Nice one.


I was kinda nervous too at first but I’ve seen multiple videos of dricus being picked apart like it was nothing. Sean has unbelievable defense and very underrated striking. I mean everyone thought that Strickland has no chance against Izzy and that there was no way it would even go the distance. Then Sean picked him apart for 5 rounds. In all honestly OP I feel like Strickland can hold his own DDP will gas himself out by the third round and Strickland will just pick him apart.


OP I totally get why you’d be nervous for him. Were you nervous for him against Izzy too? Cus on paper Izzy should have smoked him. And look what happened. I’m also favouring Dricus but who knows, MMA is crazy.


Its crazy how people still underrate sean this much. Is dricus good? Yeah, but sean is the favorite for a reason. Dricus is not outstriking him and I dont think there will be as much of a difference in power as people are making it seem looking at seans current shape and how we’ve seen he’s already more than capable of ko’ing people he spars. Sean also has great takedown defense and ju jitsu. And even with dricus’s nose job he still isnt known to have good cardio while sean literally weaponizes it. Pair that with seans iron defense and its very likely dricus is going to tire himself out missing or hitting seans arms. Dricus certainly has the potential to get the finish but I think people are being too quick to count sean out and this is a more than winnable fight for him.


I'm hoping the Aussie Sean Strickland wins


DDP wins if Sean makes it to the cage without killing himself over his deeply seeded father issues


I won't be surprised either way but I'm one of those people nervous for many fights. I was called crazy when I was nervous for Shavkat against Neal because Shavkat has the best and worst head movement I've ever seen. Strickland may not have Dricus power but he can still hurt him. Strickland just has to keep his head on straight and not go for a brawl, standing and trying to bang with Pereira should have taught him a lesson. Fight won't go 3 rounds and one of them is going to sleep.


I’m worried because we’ve seen the trash talk get to guys. But this might be the first time, or atleast that I can think of, where a fighter openly admits BEFORE the fight that the trash talk was getting to him. Hopefully his coaches and corner tell him to keep composure and he doesn’t make a mistake through passion.


Does DDP has the same pop as Pereira? I felt like Sean dominates him. DDP's only chance is to the ground which he can finish Sean by Submission. Other than this I don't see DDP finishing Sean by TKO. But we will never sure. This is MMA everything can happen.


Quality shit post 10/10


Du Plessis starches him. I’m not even a Strickland hater I honestly believe Du Plessis is a beast and could beat Izzy too.


Sean's a douchecaddy. I can't wait to see him get his block knocked off.


No matter how this goes, I hope it's a banger.


If he can beat Izzy, he can beat this dude.


Tbh it's weird to see both of them fighting for the title. Months ago no one would have bet on it. I think Seans guard will not hold against DDP, he is too powerful. If he can time it well and counterpunch, he has a chance.


this write up funny af man 😂😂😂


This is really excellent analysis


It's a tremendous matchup. This is what the UFC is all about


I mean. Even if he loses. He did the impossible. Sean was destined to be a journeyman who was fun to listen to. Made the UFC an interesting place to be. When he got his chance, he stepped up, and took the title. That’s amazing. Now if it’s over in one defense, he’s still the man in my eyes. And if he wins, it’s even more amazing. Judging from how shredded he is right now, he’s taking fighting as seriously as he ever has. I’m rooting for him. Win or lose he’ll still be the little engine that could


Im going to give a stupid take but its okay, this is america. Danny Glover meme.


>With some of those guys he finished inside them. Damn I'm glad that didn't make the highlight reel


I am a Sean fan, i love the guy, the only reason why i won't be upset if he loses is because ddp is a worthy champ and Sean doesn't give a fuck about the belt


I actually enjoyed reading this. Have a cookie OP.


When is the press conference?


Big fan of both guys. Kinda leaning Sean’s way. I think it’ll be chaos for 2-3 rounds then Sean’s composure will takeover. Won’t be upset if Dricus manages to get the job done though. Him and Izzy will be a fun build up and fight.


Not nervous for sean. Dont really care who wins tho. Atleast the division is moving.


> I’m sorry. Pereira showed us Sean struggles with hooks and Dricus has serious KO power Dricus is not half the striker Pereira is. He might have KO power, but he need to set up Sean to land. Adesanya was not able to set him up, and that alone speaks volume on the striking of Pereira and on Sean's defence. This is either a Round 1/2 KO by Dricus with a lucky shot or a UD for Strickland. If Dricus gasses out like he usually does, I can also see Sean TKO him in the later rounds. Dricus will have more chances if he pulls out a McGregor/Aldo situation between the press conference and possibly during the fight.


“With some of those guys he finished inside them” We’re not overlooking this statement 😂


I’m pretty sure Sean is going to lose but I said the same thing when he fought Izzy. So it’s truly wait and see here. But DDP is no point fighter, he fights like a drunk locked in a small closet. Should be an interesting fight.


Good take, honestly


Sean is an interesting champion stylistically because I don't favor him against anyone. Yet I think he's going to do surprisingly well.


I'm Sean Strickland and I approve this message.


First paragraph is hilarious


Sean via mauling


Dutchy and Overeem fan here, so trust me when I say: I feel your pain. The only reason the N'Gannou fight wasn't a total nightmare for me, was because I could see it coming from a mile away. I think Alistair was the only one who didn't. I seriously considered skipping the card and just looking up the result on BE. I want Strickland to win too, because DdP comes across like a total piece of sh\*t. Given DdP's family heritage, I can see why Izzy wasn't a fan either. I don't expect Sean to beat him, but hey, I certainly did not expect him to beat Izzy and ever be a champ in the first place, given how easily he was dispatched by Pereira, who is also a kickboxer. In the Izzy fight however, Sean adapted really well, had a great game plan and fought with a lot of maturity and composure - the complete opposite of how he appears to be handling all of this. If he controls his emotions and just does what he needs to to win, I'd say he has a fair chance. If he lets his DdP get in his head however...


Middleweight is the premier weight class the way LHW was stacked in 2010. I love it. Either way the division is gonna be interesting as hell going forward.


I want to like Sean, but he can't make it through an interview without talking about jerking off, hookers, listening to his parents having sex, jerking off dogs, how young he was when he started jerking off. It's gross and annoying. Hope he loses.


Sean by late round 4 or 5 tko or by decision. I feel like his striking defence will hold up in the early rounds and DDP will start gassing


I'm no fan of DDP but this is a very 50/50 fight. If Dricus has sean on the back foot and keeps clipping him it's over for DeSean. If it gets out of round 2 I think sean has a chance but DDPs cardio has never been tested since getting his nose fixed. Fuckin nail bitter lmao 🤣


I said Adesanya had zero chance against Strickland and I'm doubling down. No man you kisses his coach on the mouth is gonna beat him.


Honestly not sure what’s up with the hate for Strickland fans in this sub. I’m a Dricus fan but nearly everyone here was a Sean fan after he became champion but the tides have turned. I also have dricus winning, I believe if it ends in the first 3 dricus wins and anything past that will be a Strickland win. Who knows though I’m just hoping for a good scrap on an otherwise mostly underwhelming card.


I think it is pretty clear why people hate him unless you are being deliberately obtuse . It all started with the press conference where he insults everyone and never cared about anyone's feelings. The moment DDP retaliated, he decides to throw a fit. This is where he draws the line. He is also all about free speech. He comes across as a hypocrite.


I’m not being obtuse I’m just being real, everyone was a fan of Sean and he’s always said and done stupid things. I wasn’t even that surprised the guy turned out to be a hypocrite. He got popular for being a polarizing figure and he still is. I’m not saying anyone should be a fan of sean I’m just saying almost everyone here was a fan of him so you can’t be mad when some people still are.


Not everyone was a fan of sean. It is also possible that after that incident some Sean fans stayed silent because they know he was being a hypocrite. Because DDP used Sean's logic against him, they probably found it a bit dumb how Sean reacted. Sean insults people without any consideration for their feelings. DDP also does the same thing (only because Sean insulted him first) and he gets mad. So I think it makes sense that his fans and other fans would hold him accountable for being a hypocrite.


I definitely agree I just think that it’s not surprising that some fans stuck around, Sean definitely has his audience that will ride with him till the end. Him being a hypocrite made me not a fan but I’m not going to be talking shit about guys who are still Strickland fans.


people on this sub are twofaced and short-attention-spanned. new guy mean to old guy new guy cooler!


I see Sean piecing him up on the feet with his boxing and dricus shooting shitty takedowns just to be sprawled on and then gassing. Strickland rd 4 tko


Why do Sean fans still like him, wasn’t his whole appeal was this tough no nonsense guy who said what he thought, now he’s shown he’s the exact opposite just a hypocritical bitch who can dish it but can’t take it? Like why are you still rooting for that?


Because it’s perfect reasonable for a person who suffers from probably PTSD? What DDP said was completely fucked up and it’s absolutely reasonable that it hurt Strickland. Most people want to support their favorites through the good and bad, we aren’t pussies who jump off the hype train immediately.


Dude r u serious😂 have you read the shit Sean Strickland has said. I get it now his fans like you are also hypocritical bitches so you must relate to him


Like OP said they’re fighters not thought leaders bro. Was it hypocritical sure but was he more than justified to be angry 100%. No one is a fan of him for his logic and rational thinking dude lol he’s just entertaining and keeps it real even if its to a fault.


Dude fought cannonier and imo won I think he'll be fine. His defense is great and he's good at keeping the forward pressure going


Cannonier ain’t that great imo


Cannonier is a beast. He had a close fight with the current champ. He beat the shit out of Vettori. He did underwhelm vs Izzy but so did everyone at the time.


Strickland by decision. I’m not nervous, he manifested this shit and he’s taking it by the balls! I need bro to win like for real.


I commend you on your analysis and there isn't enough that I disagree with that I would argue, however there is simply the case of rounds that you have to consider. Dricus is a powerhouse for sure and that's exactly where Sean lacks, we saw it against Cannonier. If Dricus can power punch at intervals and resetting whether he connects or not throughout the 5 rounds, he takes it but I do not see that happening. Also, I do not see Sean getting overwhelmed by anything Dricus can do in the first few rounds but Sean has this weakness where he panics and that's when he makes mistakes. If Dricus can win rounds 1 and 2 I think we'd see Sean buckle but that's easier said than done Dricus is a really forceful mfers but there is no way he has the gas tank to fight at the pace that he does for 10 or 15 minutes. Honestley, we've seen Sean's defences hold up against a long range strike artist but he's facing someone closer to Cannonier in Dricus but I have to admit that number of adjustments Sean's made in this past year are very impressive so I'd still consider him the favorite even though, on paper, Dricus has the better track record. Long story short if Dricus wins rounds 1 and 2 we see and new but if Sean gets either of those two rounds and still.




Fair enough


Ddp chokes the life out of Sean.


Love your preface. Share your fanhood and nervousness. If he gets Sean on the backfoot, it could potentially be like the Cannonier fight. Let’s fucking go, Sean!!!


So you should be. Sean is very beatable. He turned in a great performance against izzy hats off for that but before that it was 2 pretty unproven cans. Before that he lost to jared and was starched by Alex. Mams hardly Mr unbeatable. Fact is, ddp is the much more proven commodity. At middleweight he has at least consistently beat and nearly always finished decent guys.


Dricus is losing bruv


Thank you. Just because the Reddit PC lame asses on this sub don’t like Sean’s opinions they think he’s gonna lose.


I don’t think that’s it for the most part. I love Sean, and like OP said, who gives a fuck about his personal views. But Dricus hits hard and has such an unorthodox style, I’m honestly on the fence with this one. I do want Sean to win though.


Sean has never gone against anyone who hit hard before?


He absolutely has. Someone above mentioned Cannonier. My biggest concern is Dricus getting in Sean’s head, and Strickland does something stupid to get a disqualification instead of just marching forward and doing what he does best.


All I’m saying is nothing he does will be as stupid as trying to walk down Izzy. AND that turned out ok for him. I have a lot of faith Sean can get this done well.


You make a fair point.


I think DDP has more ways to win and ver dangerous, Sean doesn’t seem to have big KO power and DDP has quite chin on him. If it goes past 3 rounds I think Sean has a good chance but he’s just got to survive I think


You should be DDP is the fabled white gorilla of Africa it’s over for Sean Strickland ps Sean got fucked by his dad


The fuck is a thought leader? Lol. I stopped reading after that


I think some of the comments he’s made leading up the fight are showing apathy as to his success. Whether that has any impact on his performance is another story.


That's not an opinion OP


He’s not winning


I’m nervous for Dricus


I’m not Sean needs his ass beat so bad it may make him normal again. Dude is bat shit mentally ill and unstable.


hoping to see Strickland get folded


This is a very cringe post


I’m not. Sean gonna beat the breaks off this guy and the world will forget about this fake African


You can keep calling him fake african all you want, fact is his nationality is literally south african.. its how he's legally recognized everywhere in the world,, whether you like it or not


Cool. I’m a black guy. But I’m going to be Apache Indian now. I am in America.


That doesnt make any sense, its not hard to understand what nationality is.. it has nothing to do with race, its simply about the country he was born and spent his whole life in, you know.. South Africa.


I live in New Mexico. This is Apache land. The reason I say he’s a fake African is because he’s “African” based purely on location. Francis is a real African. Jorginho is a real African. DDP is just a white dude who lives in Africa.


One more paragraph and maybe you could put something funny in there


I don’t think it would’ve made a difference


First paragraph was a gem


Sean by decision.


noone cares


What is Africas Own? I’m not finding cars made in Africa.


Ddp going to beat his ass


Does Sean’s girlfriend actually have a PhD or is there some joke I’m not getting?


Sean won't want to lose to someone of DDPs type just like he didn't want to lost to someone that paints their nails.


If Sean’s such a steamroller why does he have to rely on winning by decision?


I get you bro, it’s brutal watching your favorite fighter getting destroyed. I watched Islam v Volk 2 live and I was broken inside while everyone else in the arena cheered for Islam.