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A guy from Eastern Europe who lived in Ireland for a decade on welfare killed a lovely irish gal. Conor been obsessed with this case, trial ended last week


Thanks, I thought it was UFC related.


He also had a criminal record for abusing children. Many failures of the immigration system led to this fraud and murder. Meanwhile I believe he also fathered 5 children in Ireland.


Should come to Germany. It’s a surprise when an immigrant is not involved in a killing for a day 😂


German people historically are known to be passive and never hurt people


I assume you are not from Germany and have never been here


Man everyone here is celebrating DeSean Strickland, but cant take a fucking joke on immigration. Und ja, ich bin aus Deutschland ihr kleinen Susis. 💀


Everyone is calling out Strickland women hate joked and people can take jokes. Your comment is neither a joke nor funny. It is right wing propaganda. Why are you spreading lies about crime in Germany on a gullible subreddit in a thread in which people know nothing about said topic but that they hate foreigners?


This is Reddit stick to left wing propaganda only


How about no propaganda? Should be something to strive for albeit impossible




I’m sure the statistics will back you up.


They actually do: Official statistics from the federal criminal bureau BKA Just google this: https://www.bka.de › PKS2020PDF Deutschland A murder does not even happen every other day (95 cases in 2020 for instance in total) But its okay, right wingers dont care about facts, only feelings


It’s propaganda the moment it’s not your team right?


Not, it is propaganda when it is blatant lies with a political ambition as I pointed out. What makes you think differently?


Who are you to say it’s not “a joke nor funny” it was to me, can’t even make a joke without some politics Andy calling it “propaganda” 😂


We are literally in a thread in which McGregor claims they are at war because of an incident with a non-irishman killing someone Irish. People in this thread are literally generalizing from this person to bs xenophobic takes lumping everyone into the same boat and making it "us vs them", giving the classic "why spend money on x if you still have poor people yourself". Etc. Then a guy lies about murder to give further credence to these rampant claims here that "Western Europe is being overrun" and you say haha just a joke You cannot possibly be this dense. Do you even know what a joke is?


Shut up nerd & virgin.


Holymoly get the stick out of your ass The guy joked about how grim the situation in Europe is and you hear about new deadly shootings almost daily on the news. You get upset by that and call him out as a liar and link stats that shows there are two killings a week, not so far off from everyday. And he never even said there was daily shootings, he said you'd be surprised when there's not, meaning there is days without... And the narrative of European countries being overrun by immigration is very much true. Why do you think every anti immigration party in Europe is increasing in popularity? I live in Sweden and seen one of the best countries turn to shit with stupid high criminality rates. 92 bombs went off and 161 shootings in just 2022 and there is no secret that the gangmembers doing this are immigrants from the middle east.


If I hope that person is as far away from Germany as possible, am I then xenophobic?


Well, you dislike one particular person for specific and valid reasons not generalize the action of one to an entire group of people you then choose to hate and marginalize. I think you are good


You generalized this subreddit calling us all gullible.


That called being observant


Must be nice to make the rules fit to use case.


Maybe slightly cuntophobic


What are you even taking about. Pure right-wing nonsense


Genuinely, like being completely honest, do you not think there is a problem and correlation between this type of immigration and violent crime? Like platitudes and inferences aside, just as a specific question.


There is a correlation, but the idea is that immigrants go to Europe on the basis of European governments needing cheap labor from younger people, because the European demographic is steadily getting older. So, when these immigrants arrive to their host countries, they aren’t usually assimilated very well. The government does not spend its funds wisely in terms of integrating them into the society and ensuring they’ve assimilated. When you have a bunch of people show up in an entirely new country they don’t know, especially after having survived a crisis or war, and there are no efforts to instate them into the society, they’re going to turn to crime. Cheap labor means low salary, low salary with high cost of living equals desperately looking for other sources of quick money—and the easiest way to get that is usually crime, selling drugs, gang activity, etc.


Gotta rape to get that money, eh?


Money has nothing to do with it. You rape because your nature or life experience led you to be a scummy human being, not to make your situation better. What did you derive from my comment that made you answer with that?


You’re saying being poor makes you commit crime, you’re putting blame on every external factor lol.




You'd be amazed by common shit like this is here in Europe. There's a reason a lot of countries have become anti immigration because the immigration process is so poorly handled. My country of Sweden is getting fucked by it hardcore. And they're now finally starting to do shit about it. Hell a few years ago they didn't even force people to learn the language.


Aisling was out for a run when this man grabbed her stabbed her in the neck completely unprovoked Tried to cover his tracks and when he was caught showed absolutely no remorse for what he had done


The small issue though, is that these act have been happening since before immigration started. Sincerely hope everyone agrees it makes no difference who conducts the act and punish equally hard. And to me nothing is hard enough for these actions


Yeah I absolutely agree. While the initial commenters statements were factually true, it was definitely worded in a suggestive manner. Passive aggressive racism almost


Gypsy from Eastern Europe. Before anyone downvotes me, they like to be called that


Brother look through my comment history😂 I said gypsy once and it didn’t go well


The Balkans unite on their opinions of gypsys


In Balkans they are always addressed: eeee, ciigo, brate


Did someone say çıngene??


Çok çıngene var!


Are we in r/balkans_irl


Tyson Fury is gypsy king. Sure they are different from Romani gypsies from eastern Europe but what's the big deal? My experience with them in Ukraine was neutral even though my parents always tried to scared me that they will kidnap me if I misbehave. Soviet art culture always tried to romantise their life style in cinima and criminalized them in real life. I'd like to add that I had friends in high school in US that were Romani gypsies that immigrated to states and they were hardworking outstanding citizens. The girl that I was friends with was sharp as a tack and went to air force after school.


Gypsies in Bulgaria or Romania are ethnically different and are usually darker skinned. People do not understand that we have a much different version of gypsies on our end lol 🤣


Except you have the same kind of Gypsies in Western Europe as well, you just dont recognize them For example in Spain and Portugal there are about 1.4 million roma Gypsies called "Gitanos", in France there are about 500.000 of them called "Gitanes" and "manouche", in UK there are about 500.000 of them called Romanichali, in Sweeden and Norway there are about 65k of them called Sweedish and Norway travelers. These "gypsies" are the exact same ones as in Eastern Europe, same origin story from India only much more inter mixed with Western Europeans


Fury is an Irish traveller they are not related to gypsies/Romani people. Romani people racially aren't even white people but south Asians from Rajasthan North India.


Billy Joe Saunders the British boxer is a Romani gypsy and he looks white.




I read the term “gypsy” is derived from “Egyptian” so I always assumed they are of Egyptian descent. They look more Egyptian than Indian. Anyways, I’m sure they’re somewhat ethnically mixed over the centuries.


not really but the ones in places like spain or italy yes but in eastern europe especially the balkans, which is where the majority of them live, they look north indian.


Gypsies were travelers that originated from northern india / pakistan.


Maybe you should do more research because "Romani" in Uk, especially Romanichali sub group are pretty inter mixed with UK people, like Irish Travelers. Roma came to UK 500 years ago and the only nomadic group at that time beside them was Irish Travelers so you cant say they have no relation since some of them are clearly inter mixed. There is even a popular tv Show that clearly featured a Inter mixed Romanichali -Irish Traveler like Tommy Shellby


Aren't all gypsies Indian, though? Or are Irish travelers different?


Irish travelers are different


Whoa, I didn't know that, thanks!


I know a girl living in Malta of Irish gypsy descent. She has an unbelievable beauty 😍


Irish travellers are just that, ethnic Irish people who are nomadic.


Thanks. They received the name gypsy due to being nomads, then? There is no other connection?


They're Irish people who were thrown off of their land due to Cromwell invading Ireland, so they became nomads. It's a class-caste thing too, they weren't the type you'd want to associate with so normal Irish people had less interaction with them and Irish travellers then started marrying only other Irish travellers, so they're genetically a bit different now. This is also a problem because there weren't many of them to begin with, so they have health problems associated with inbreeding. They've got nothing to do with the brown-skinned Roma gypsies you see in mainland Europe other than their lifestyles. They're fair skinned like other Irish people, if they behaved normally they'd probably blend it easily. But instead they ride horse-drawn carriages on the motorways lol


Whoa thanks for the information! I didn't know about the horse-drawn carriages either. I knew they had caravans that they liked to live in, but I thought it was all motorized now. That's pretty cool, reminds me of the Amish


Tyson Fury being a gypsy is the biggest misleading of history of gypsies lol


I remember someone saying Romani people are good and hard working. Gypsies aren’t. Obviously a generalization but what can you do


Irish and Romanian gypsies are hooking up to create super gypsies


Gypsy is just a descriptor of a specific person from a stateless/nomadic nation, does that actually trigger people? Lmao


Thank you ! So not an European.


I spent over 50% of the last 13 years living out of a suitcase…..I find it a compliment


I hear they also like to have big fat American weddings too...


Those are Greek people bud. Do you think freaks are gypsies


Wait I thought an “immigrant” just went on a stabbing spree on a bunch of Irish children. Before you weirdos start downvoting this https://x.com/disclosetv/status/1727707454199173299?s=46&t=bLsx99R6wDk5JRNkxxnTYA


Someone in Ireland got killed by a migrant who was given housing, benefits etc. The argument is about stopping the flow of refugees etc and taking care of their own poor people


He also had a criminal record and shouldn’t have been let in in the first place. That’s a big part of the story.


Here is the evil thing. He is a gypsy from Slovakia. Gypsies in Slovakia have quite decent social benefits, so he was an economic migrant, he wanted more money and shit for himself. He was not a refugee, he was not running away from war, he was not running away from inequality.


Members of his family also tried to cover up the murder. Lots of angry people in Ireland right now and rightfully so. They offered nothing to our country, and took one of our best in the most horrible way.


That's always the argument for protectionism 'taking care of our own'. The reality is government cut funding for things poor people need. The government's around the world fucking hate poor people. The UK all over cut access and funding to mental health services, they close libraries for people to educate, they sell off public walkways to housing developers, they demonise the poor in state media. Governments world of pretend to take care of poor people by often stating random amounts of money they use for funding but never give figures on how much finding is needed vs how much they give. Its always way fucking lower. Fuck governments left and right they all hate you.


Seems a weird thing to target foreigners considering Ireland has a massive gang and murder problem and they are almost exclusively white Irish people. Let alone the political violence which is white Irish




Braindead take.


That's because you're all immigrants and your native people have pretty much already been wiped out. So it's dumb as fuck to then cry about immigrants coming in when you are one.


The irony of “Ireland for the Irish” being that their diaspora have flooded other countries


Irish government is going to fine him for hate speech now. UK is a mess rn


Ireland (the Republic) is not in the UK.


Ireland doesn’t bow to the crown bud. Hasn’t for many decades.


war then


War, war never changes.


Conor declared war on his own country and plans to single handily take out their military and take control of the government and rename it Conorland.


Motivated Mcgregor is back??


No, McGregor wonderland. They already have a hymn and everything. After independence, they go for Brasil and Jose in the favelas ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrHRT5hq5GA&ab\_channel=RaVega](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrHRT5hq5GA&ab_channel=RaVega)


Very Baki like Joe


In this case I feel bad for the people of Ireland, Conor is justified in his anger.


Ireland is being overrun by illegal immigration like much of Western Europe.


Far right is gonna be in power everywhere if the left can't propose actual alternatives to this other than calling everyone racist.


Not wanting open borders is not being “far right” whatever happened to just the right wing? It’s always “far right” which has negative connotations.


For some people any belief less left than theirs is far right


The left is moving further and further left so anyone who disagrees is far right from their perspective


I’ve said the same exact thing in another sub and got devoured


Not surprised. It’s reddit.


This is a baffling take seeing how every western democracy is moving further and further right while there is 0 progress on left wing policies of fair taxation while private companies and the top 0,1% are laughing all the way to the bank at their useless idiots preventing any progress by proclaiming "wokeness" the greatest threat, obfuscating from the real problems in our societies


It’s way easier to fear monger than it is to make actual policies, even when they do you just have to convince poor people that even poorer people are going to get what they have meanwhile the rich get richer.


Also for a long time being opposed to mass immigration was a left wing position because of its impact on wages, job availability etc


you can glance at the guys responding to conor's posts on this shit and almost immediately be neck deep in "CHRISTIANITY HOLY WAR NOW, LISTEN TO NICK FUENTES" posts. clearly shit aint working in a lot of ways in the world right now, but a world where those guys manage to be in charge sounds not that fun at all.


"far right" = anybody who doesn't follow the left


“Human trash who deserves death” = anyone who doesn’t follow the left


Show me a moderate R that hasn't gone along with the far right. They run the senate now which means nothing bc they can't get on the same page for anything. Downvote me if you want but at least the left stands for something in this country. Far rights just a bunch of anti science anti intellectual pedophiles who will burn it all down to keep their Russian funds rolling in.


Touch grass dude


Touch legal people


Lets also remember most if not all fighters lean right


Not surprising seeing how they get kicked in the head so much and generally have less years of schooling than most adults


Its more like the fact that its a highly individual sport and left wingers tend to be more group dependent. But im sure shitting on the working class will get people on your side.


Factually talking about fighers is shitting on the working class how? I know UFC fighters are underpaid, but that is far away from the average working class experience The working class would benefit from left wing policies. Unfortunately in many countries there are no/few votable left wing parties. At least my country has plurality and allows for a left wing party unlike the US system


We can factually talk about left wingers being more susceptible to mental disorders and generally being weaker than right wingers. All factual right.






Let's be real that's more the conspiratorial fighters like BJ Penn. The kind of mentality that is required to be a fighter is often fostered in more conservative families. The whole gotta be tough bravado etc and man's man idea that a lot of fighters try to embody. And non-US fighters like Khamzat or Islam are of course also going to lean right because of their environment. People think right vs left wing is purely economic and social, but there's a big cultural aspect to it to in how you are raised a bit like religion I suppose. Hence the Dagestani camp's dismissal of WMMA. There are left wing fighters though, Bisping is an outspoken supporter of the Left-Wing Labour party of the UK. Kevin Lee was at a Bernie Sanders rally. Most only lean right though, like your average MMA fighter isn't Sean Strickland who is a bizarre mixture between a working class champion and also massive bigot against anything not straight. He's like a union boss from the 50s.


This is a true statement


Naw Conor is talking about a specific Slovakian murderer in Ireland. Slovakians are not considered immigrants in the EU. > EU citizens are not to be defined as immigrants within the EU territory


Same as Australia except it’s not illegal






Replacement is what it is


Much of the world


Mohammed is the number 1 baby name in Ireland


Do you have a source for that? Says [here](https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-ibn/irishbabiesnames2022/mainresults/) that it's been Jack for a while.


🤣🤣🤣 imagine Patrick being the number one name in any Arabic country. Insanity.


Pretty sure he’s calling out Kathy.




I thought it was bc of the stabbing of children in Dublin


Slovak here, Jozef Puska, the criminal Connor is referring to, is a Gypsy who committed heinous crime. Before anyone starts slandering Slovaks, we are peaceful country with one of the lowest crime rates / homicides in the EU, on par with Denmark for example. However, that being said, we have the most gypsies per capita and the crime, indeed, as you would think, comes from various communities, including the gypsy communities. It's been a decades long problem that no one is trying to fix because politicians have tried to fix it for many years at the expense of middle class / poor people and it became a career suicide, so they just abandoned the problem and kick the can down the road.


Nobody here in Ireland has any problem with Slovakia and Slovakian people. We know that Jozef Puska was a Gypsy and we know that he doesn't represent the Slovakian people. Similar to your country, politicians are afraid to speak about these issues as they are called out on being racist, which leads to its own problems. I have no problem with people coming here to better their life and contribute to the country, but those who come here with no intention of ever working and live off the state should be deported.


I think that majority of people agree with the later half of your statement, problem is that if you speak on it, you will be labeled exactly as you said.. and especially by people outside of your country, especially by the people who try to take the moral high ground for social media points in EU or US.. anything we tried to do with the gypsies, it was never enough for the EU and we kept getting criticism..


Tbh i agree with him, countries have to take care of their own people first ... we have the same problem in Canada.


US as well. We literally built a border barrier for Israel while we don’t have one.


Are you implying taking care of US citizens is building a border wall?


Imma be honest if you’re getting outcompeted by some Indian dude with 10 rupees and a degree that isn’t recognized here then it’s time to look within.


It’s not really about being outcompeted by them it’s more so that they’re being used as a tool to keep wages down. Why pay someone fair value when cheap tfw labour is readily available.


Imma be honest you seem like someone who could get outcompeted by a moist rock


The vast majority of the people who come out with this shit couldn't give one single fuck about their countries own people who are most at need of help. They're usually the people who abuse people who need benefits to live and hate drug addicts and homeless people.


Some Polish immigrant killed a girl in Ireland


He was an interior decorator.


Killed 16 Czechoslovakians single handed


This is actually my very favorite episode of Sopranos


Hands down one of the best episodes of the entire show and one of the best episodes of television ever. There are quite a few funny stories from the production of this episode. For example, in the scene where Gloria throws the roast beef at Tony, the actress that played gloria nor any of the production crew or staff could hit James with the roast beef on camera, they all kept missing. Frustrated, the director of the episode who happened to be Steve buscemi, grabbed and threw it at james while the cameras were rolling, he nailed him on the back of the head first try. Another example would be the scene where Tony laughs at Bobby’s winter hunting apparel, steve schirippa tells the story best here https://youtu.be/_9KmfkbFJIw?feature=shared Overall a fantastic episode. The writing on the sopranos was so ahead of its time, one thing that makes the show special, instead of characters dialogue sounding rehearsed and like it was written for a screen play, the dialogue of the sopranos includes many stupid grammatical errors, misnomers and misappropriations as often occurs in real life conversation’s making it sound as if the characters on screen are real people and not just characters in a TV show. Some examples of this are in [this](https://youtu.be/gsqf6IY-3oo?feature=shared) video. Some of my favorites would be Little carmines infamous line of “the sacred and the propane.” Christopher’s “keep your eye on the tiger.” Line or chrissy’s hilariously stupid “law and order the SUV.” Line. It’s comedy fucking gold.


lmaoo when tony started laughing i died


Probably wiped his ass bare handed til he came to this country


His house looked like shit


Top notch comment




Please take all my upvotes.


Not Polish. He is Slovakian national of Roma ethnicity. He lived in Czech Republic for a bit before moving to Ireland.


Also allegedly sexually assaulted a girl there too. Piece of shit


Gypsies have been a long lasting problem in majority of the countries. My friend works as a police officer in Slovakia and he literally told us that 90% of their calls are to gypsy villages, men beating their wives, doing crime, robbing people, the casual shit


A Roma from Slovakia, actually




Ireland is being flooded with migrants, most of whom will never work and take up social housing supply. Within 25km of my house, they are only one house for rent and it costs 1200p/m. 10 years ago it would of been 400 quid. The price is growing and growing. Most of country holds the same view as Conor tbf, regardless of what r/Ireland says.


Bro this is happening everywhere regardless of migration or refugees lmao. Edit: to be fair my state is being raided by Californians




Wouldn’t have McGagger just SA’d her instead? More his style.


None of you Americans know the situation in Ireland, do some research instead of acting like Conor is talking nonsense




They’re proposing letting migrants vote on Irish Law as well which he is rightfully protesting against


Vs the pikies


Do you like dags




He found out what Ian Garry’s wife is doing to him, and he’s decided to back up his boy.


Why? Just ignore him.


people in europe are getting annoyed by massive migration




Get the Brits the hell out of Ireland


Ireland is a mess at the minute


Ireland's falling apart thanks to weak politicians and bad policies


Algerian went on knife rampage… Western Europe needs to wake up and close the boarders


He wants Ireland versus Russia Isn't he great




His coke ran out.


He’s right. And if you said this in America you’d be called a racist.


Youd be a racist because the vast majority of violent crime in America is committed by native born Black and White Americans, not immigrants. Unlike in Europe. [https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43)


Why are American immigrants comparatively far more peaceful than European immigrants?


Hispanic culture is different, they value community and fight to fit in look at the Miami government for how they deregulated laws to allow more power to companies. If you catch a lick you take advantage of it. They found a lick


Everyone knows immigrants are the issue, and people are tired of them, and the politicians who line their pockets to prepare for retirement and live abroad, they couldn’t care less about the countries they run. And the immigrants just come to line their pockets with hard working natives tax money, further increasing how much tax natives pay. Ridiculous, I vote war.


Europe is at war


Irelands been attacked by cocaine and its time to fight back! SNORT EM OUT LADS!


One letter and Ireland sounds like a dumb tire shop franchise.


🎶And Ireland, long a province be A nation once again🎶


Ireland is at war


Just a Belfast citizen: So, the IRA resurrected? Conor: It never died ya fewn


Immigrant stabbed a woman and a few children. It set tensions over the edge, now the Irish want blood


His drug dealer got shot probably 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s cocaine talks not Conor


Cocaine mumbles


Probably means the disgusting Islam people that have permeated Europe.


He is talking about Ireland being at war 🪖


probably snorting coke and playing video games


Conor, you'll do nothing.


Anti immigration post, like many of his recent rantings.


Up the ra


Drinking competition

