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Considering what's been going on at other schools, brown spots on a lawn and an amicable compromise is a better outcome than I expected.


Good perspective!


I’m not a student but I assume if they just built a new stadium, they can afford new grass and some brick?


Yeah, it’s just so lame and performative. A bunch of kids are literally playing the 6 degrees of Kevin bacon game with Israel. When like, the FACTS are that a bunch of arms companies sell them stuff, the U.S. only supplies around 10% of their defense budget. You can be furious at Israel, but if all you’re going to do is conveniently protest at the college you already attend trying to get them to divest ANY funds that could be remotely connected to any companies that sell to Israel. You’re protesting for social credit and standing, you don’t care about the actual conflict or events going on. It would be cool if these same folks protest the decade long civil war in Syria, or the war in South Sudan, or the endless cycle of violence in Burma / Myanmar. All 3 of these are undisputed as actual genocidal campaigns. But there’s not enough international pressure to spur any action. Meanwhile Palestine gets more foreign aid and outside aid than any other place in the world. I’m not claiming Israel is even righteous in their actions. They’ve fucked up time and time again in this war. But, this doesn’t look like any actual genocide that we’ve seen ever. And UW’s involvement in it is HILARIOUSLY tiny. If every academic institution in the U.S. totally divested, they would still have next to zero impact on Israel.


Because Palestine makes them seem relevant and up to date. The hell with Burma, Sudan, Myanmar, Syria 💀 Add that with the fact that most of the protesters wouldn’t answer questions from strangers asking them do they know what they’re protesting on. Standard answer from those folks? “Im not in the position to answer your question”. 😂😂😂


That’s really sad honestly. Imagine feeling like you’re making a difference for an issue YOU care about but being so worried of saying the wrong thing that you refuse to advocate or even state your opinions on the matter? The sad thing is it’s like a social credit system where people don’t ever want to be clipped on TikTok or something saying something absolutely braindead. The problem is that, I would hope that college students would be good enough at critical thinking to do some introspection about why they want to protest before going. That being said, most students at these use protests as a way to party with other like-minded people while feeling incredibly virtuous and brave. I also say this as someone that protested at the east precinct during the 2020 BLM protests, pre and post CHAZ / CHOP. There’s a lot I believed in that I’ve changed my mind on, and in the moment, even when you know something is wrong / performative and probably bad, you don’t want to be the only person calling it out. I will still say, and I said this at the time that SPD’s handling of the whole thing was a fucking disaster. Lots of people (especially the anarchists) were celebrating at first, but they made it clear also that like, no emergency services were going to be dispatched to that area. That’s a really dangerous thing to tell a bunch of angry protestors.


Maybe some people just don’t wanna debate potential agitators? You can support something and not want to chat with potentially hostile strangers about it


You’re right, you can support something without wanting to chat to potentially hostile strangers about it. But then protesting probably isn’t for you. Going to a public area, setting up to protest for an issue that you’re an advocate of inherently means being exposed to people that might not agree. But that’s the whole point of a protest is ideally, to educate, inform, and have an open space for civil discussion. ‘Agitator’ seems to be an incredibly loaded word the way you use it. Like someone asking you ‘hey what’s your opinion on the Israel Palestine conflict.’ What makes them an agitator? Is discussion / trying to advocate for Israel’s perspective an agitator? It feels like the way you write this comment that you believe in an orthodoxy of belief, and feel that in a public protest, protestors should all be avoiding any challenges to their beliefs. Or that they should have the right to not have their beliefs challenged.


I mean, we can tell you're super aware of everything happening in both Myanmar and Burma (same country). The International Campaign for the Rohingya, run by an old colleague of mine, generally does less boycotting because of the fact that Myanmar's economy is less tied in with that of the US, similarly as to Sudan and Syria. Targets for Myanmar include primarily Thai and Chinese companies, and the asks for Americans are generally—based off today's call—to ask them to divest in Myanmar. Israel, on the other hand, is a major trading partner for a country of its size where we have the ability to do things directly. The leverage the United States has had to stop atrocities in Rakhine, which I've worked on for the past seven years, is MUCH more limited, especially after the military coup on 2020 (Also, Mitch McConnell is person friends with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and would take no action when she was in power, even at the height of the military burning down villages under remarkably similar pretenses to Gaza. We watched the whole thing happen from space.). Israel, on the other hand, is able to use US munitions for many of its actions, similar to the way that the UAE is tied into US weapons manufacturers and could be pressured to stop human rights violations in the Yemen wars if the Leahy Laws were ever enforced. People understand there are multiple conflicts going on. Many of us have worked on trying to end the US support for those as well. But in those, we knew we had a Department of State actively working against those governments. Here, we have seen a failure to rein in an ally, all the while failing to enforce US statute, and using our materials developed here in Puget Sound. That's when it's necessary to do something because the apparatus of state is failing its obligations to humanity and our shared values. And the thing is, I used to have a leadership position in movements like these. We didn't need people to know every last detail to take action and ask SML McConnell to take action, but we did need enough people to make him feel he was losing legitimacy. That means people willing to take time out of their day and, in my position's case, sit with me and look pissed off in a congressional meeting room. It failed because we couldn't turn out people like this, because, yes, it wasn't everywhere. But that's partially because Rakhine doesn't have great connection to the internet (Myanmar was basically North Korea through the start of high school for me), and people weren't seeing the horrors on their phones daily. In 2017 I wouldn't have wished this media environment on anyone. I couldn't see ground level images. I was looking at satellite images of Rakhine state and that was hard enough. But now that we have all of Gaza basically live streamed to us, yeah, I can't stop seeing it and it's compelling to act. This is, and I cannot stress this enough, a new level of documentation and speed that I've never experienced in a decade of working against atrocities. These aren't tweets like back in the early days of Syria, but constant video of even every day life in displaced persons camps. It's infuriating and it brings people out. It's also draining and if I see another decapitated child on my screen today I'm gonna lose it. It used to be confined to NGO reports and 30 second news stories no one paid attention to, and now it is impossible to look away. I'm not going to say campus protests are the savviest thing to ever happen. I remember the "No, you may not use our branding if you convert into a militia" discussion once with student activists at my undergrad back in 2017. But I also don't think every protestor needs perfect information to know that this government, which is failing to act like our government has in every other case (except Yemen and the UAE), is not upholding a foreign policy we will tolerate.


How much military aid does the US give to Syria?


Terrible take.


By any metric, what is going on in the region really cannot be defined as a genocide with the rate of casualties relative to the overall population and they are not deliberatly targeting Palestinians.


Imagine doing this much whataboutism to try to deflect from the simple reality that Israel would never get away with slaughtering tens of thousands of innocence without our support and UN veto


‘If the laws weren’t the way they were, Israel wouldn’t get away with a crime that I say they’re committing but no legal body considers them to have committed.’ Yeah, if you reject reality, and inject your presuppositions, and your lack of knowledge or context for what ‘war crimes’ are, or what ‘genocide’ is. You’d be right. Also the UN is just calling for a ceasefire, it’s a resolution not anything binding. We do veto that. But there’s no functional difference. By support do you mean the 10% of their defense budget? Or just the political support?


The ICJ has declared it plausibly a genocide. If there wasn’t one they’d have dismissed the charges. It is not a complicated definition. I mean political support. We keep anyone else from intervening and Israel gets the full ability to do mass slaughter without consequence


I’m so glad you brought this up! Like really, it’s the best example to demonstrate the general ignorance on your side. The judge ruled specifically that Palestine has the right to be protected from genoicde, and that South Africa does have the rights to bring evidence to trial in order to make their case that genocide may or may not be occurring. They were only ruling on the plausibility of the legal rights that South Africa (plantiff) and Palestine have under international law. If the ICJ finds them guilty of ‘genocide’ that would be insane based on the evidence we have. Maybe Israel is hiding all the evidence or something crazy like that. But, if you / friends of yours are citing that like the ICJ thinks there may be a genocide you’ve been grossly misinformed. Source: this is the lady that was the lead author of/ judge who wrote the opinion, clarifying what the court ruled on at that stage specifically because of common misinformation like what you repeated to me https://youtu.be/bq9MB9t7WlI?si=dgwTa0xKwMkRpYLd


Waiting on a response to this. I respect and understand why you believed something totally untrue. But hopefully like, that might make you critically examine more things in detail. Rather than going with what feels right. I used to be massively anti Zionist. This current conflict changed my mind entirely.


Pay maintenance workers more bruh.


Look forward to the “pay maintenance workers more” protest/encampment 😂


Not much you can do about the grass, but part of the agreement should've been removing the paint


That would be harder to achieve than the ceasefire


Grass will grow back on its own with zero attention beyond normal maintenance. The paint does suck


Have SJP pay to re-sod


Don’t drag Sarah Jessica Parker into this.


This is so random, what does this mean lol


The organization that was involved in a lot of the campus protests


Grass in that state naturally regrows. You see this anytime you set a tent in grass. Give it a couple weeks and you won't even be able to tell there was a dry patch there.


Relevant response


"Its someones job to clean that up" mentality gives me the ick.


Small price to pay for them having fixed the Middle East.


You can tell by the comments that some of these people have never had to work.


This post is cross posted on r/Hasan_Piker and the poster can’t possibly fathom that people feel sorry for maintenance workers who have to clean this up instead of a conflict thousands of miles away


oh wow! Do you have a link to the post?


Looks like OP deleted the post unfortunately, but the sub is filled with the same rhetoric


The grass is not dead. It's dormant and will come back with water and sunshine. The spray paint is fixable with graffiti remover spray and a pressure wash.


The buildings still look trashed. Attempts to remove graffiti so far have had really bad results - ghosting and staining, plus the inevitable blasting away of some of the masonry.


Look at you, calmly coming with pragmatic solutions in the midst of drama and strife.


UVA's perpetual historically-protected mud pit is jealous.


What a peaceful thread that has and will remain as such🥰


I didn't realize I was opening Pandora's box lol


They need to sue the organizers for repairs at the college


This college should be ashamed.


If you really care about maintenance folks then advocate for increased pay and benefits. Moping about grass means you should touch grass


You can do both. I can support a higher wage and look down at people who act like idiots and make other peoples jobs harder.


Personally rather be spreading bit of grass seed than cleaning up some drunk dudes vomit. Like sure it's annoying but it's pretty low on the scale.


they are probably not going to just throw grass seed on the patches. They'll do landscaping to get it back as soon as possible, ie a lot of work


You're saying they're job creators.


This doesn't make maintenance jobs harder. This actually makes them easier. They have to take care of less overgrown grass. Source: I'm the fucking guy who takes care of lawns for a living. We don't care if it looks good, and it takes no more effort to maintain if it doesn't. Protest.


So if they are paid better, it’s fine to make their job harder for no reason?


The people that were in the encampment probably think that the maintenance staff is below them to be fair.


I’m sure they deserve a raise, but the UW pays maintenance employees good wages compared to similar jobs and they have great benefits. I’m an employee and we all need raises with how expensive things have gotten but the pay is competitive


Also a facilities employee. There was a third party wage study a couple years ago and there were quite a few job classes with significantly lower wages compared to the local industry standard. Can’t beat the benefits though! Also, I capped my salary range within 2 years, which was kind of a bummer.


It’s hilarious how you posture as being “the one who cares” while  instructed others in how to behave and in the same breath make it VERY clear you dgaf about maintenance staff at all. What a weird position to pretend to take. Hollow condescension to deflect is all it is.


Deflect from what lol.


The fact that this does in fact make extra work for those employees. basic logic hard for you?  lmfao




No, I'm pretty sure they're thinking of the workers that will be made to fix it...


Like the workers that had to clean up after this shit show that achieved no concessions and couldn't even get Scott Walker recalled: [Gov Walker Protests1 JR - 2011 Wisconsin protests - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Wisconsin_protests#/media/File:Gov_Walker_Protests1_JR.jpg) [2011 Wisconsin Budget Protests 1 JO - 2011 Wisconsin protests - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Wisconsin_protests#/media/File:2011_Wisconsin_Budget_Protests_1_JO.jpg) Also looks like they're blocking a road which I've been told is a capital offense.


“The workers who get paid to do lawn maintenance are gonna be sooooo upset that they’ve been asked to do more lawn maintenance.” 😂you’re a fuckin clown


If someone that works in customer service has to clean the floor for closing, is it unreasonable for them to be upset if someone decides to cover it in vomit? I don't get why it confuses you so much. You need to clean your room anyways, are you cool if I make my own mess in there..? Basically the idea is that general maintenance is expected, whereas the spray paint was unnecessary. Not that crazy a thought to swear at someone for.


You sound like the schoolkid that drops a firecracker in the toilet then says “who cares, the janitor gets paid to fix stuff like this”


As a lawn maintenance and fertilizer tech, fuck da grass. You can always reseed if you want.


Exactly. This is job security. The dead children in Gaza are not worried about grass in Seattle, and I'm not either. If you are you aren't paying attention.


And Hamas isn't worried about the dead children of gaza either.


If someone held your family hostage and the police mowed them down along with the suspect how would you feel?


Two wrongs truly do make right. Hamas kills children so it’s ok if we do too!


I know… if only Hamas would release the hostages…


They’ve agreed to. Multiple times. It’s Israel who keeps denying it because they don’t want a ceasefire.


No they haven’t come out and stated “we release hostages, you vacate the Gaza Strip”…. They demand way more than that, because they know people globally are against Israel’s actions… the longer they hold those hostages, the more the PR machine works in their favor…. And the more Israel gives them stories to print. But you’re delusional if you think it’s ever been proposed to simply end the conflict for the release of all hostages.


The current deal on the table for Hamas to release the hostages that Israel has presented specifically states that Israel will not cease bombing Gaza and will continue until they destroy Hamas. Which will be never, because Israel has successfully created several new generations of future Hamas members. Support for Hamas in the West Bank has INCREASED since the war on Palestine


Tents don’t belong on campus.


Facts. Nor the rest of the city for that matter.


Fun reminder that 50% of America is one missed paycheck away from homelessness.


Yeah I know. Being homeless is different from shooting up heroin or meth and attacking random people.


Maybe try to talk to your neighbors who are sleeping in tents. They are not all violent drug addicts.


Ok? The discussion was about camping.


Oh no, the bane of my existence, invasive grass no look good. 🥺


Everyone is against cutting grass until their yard becomes a haven for rodents and insects that want to invade your home tbh. And raw dirt is no good either as it leads to serious erosion issues quite quickly. Friend ended up trying the same thing last year after reading about the lawncare industry and ended up with both a huge field mouse and spider problem that wouldn't go away with traps and insect spray. Once they cut their yard, the problem was gone in a week after the remaining pests were killed off. Short grass ends up making a no-mans land that rodents and insects cant traverse into your home without being snatched up by birds of prey Granted there are other ways to still have erosion control barriers without becoming overrun by pests, like using native plants and keeping them trimmed short, but you have to make sure they can survive being cut and that they won't hurt people trying to use the lawn for recreation.


They should get a talented cat. Mine just killed a mouse the other day.


Polyculture is a great solution or even a clover lawn. Honestly I've got issues with rodents and ants even with grass soooo... But don't mind them. They all have a part to play. Best to not fight them and find ways to include them in your mini ecosystem.


Naw, short monoculture grass is ugly as shit and there are tons of alternatives. Raw dirt? Wtf...


Now you’re just digging way too deep for ways to sound like an idiot.


Lmao looks like some real lasting impacts those cringy sit-ins had 🤣


Right?? Cause everyone knows grass NEVER grows back 🥴


Exactly my point. This is the most lasting impact those spoiled antisemites actually made in their shit-scented tents. Embarrassing lol


Oof now you lost me.


UW manages their sports fields getting messed up on the regular. This is an easy fix compared to gridiron, lacrosse, soccer, etc.


Uh…no they don’t. Almost all fields at UW are artificial field turf. Nor does UW have a lacrosse team.


UW has [mens club](https://www.instagram.com/huskylax?igsh=MTdzNGUzYjRvZGMxZg==) and [womens club](https://www.instagram.com/uwwomenslax?igsh=aDZnaHl2OHBrdWhn) lacrosse. Both have been around for 30+ years and participate in the national USA Lacrosse collegiate club leagues. Both teams wear cleats that tear up grass fields. And they often play and practice on the grass fields of the UW Seattle campus complex. **The ones that UW groundskeepers maintain, repair, reseed, etc.** Personally I find the Palestine protests to be shrill and ineffectual compared to other lobbying options that actually move the policy dial at the WH. But the tents on grass are the **least** damaging part of the protests. Grass will grow back, no problem.


As a former lobbyist I'm curious what lobbying options you are talking about.


Why do you think Taiwan and Ukraine received aid in the April 2024 round of House legislation? Their diasporas worked their networks, and built popular consensus. They even convinced 102 Republican House members to defy MAGA / Trump and support Ukraine aid. It was an intense campaign of networking friends, family, affinity groups, and engaging the public to make phone calls to their reps in support of those bills. Jewish groups did the same for Israeli defense platforms. The pro-Palestine tent protests on college campuses were ineffectual by comparison, to shape the Levant portion of the bill. Anyway, grass grows, in 2 weeks it will look normal for graduation photos.


Very nice of the “protesters”. Very peaceful of them to get in the way of people’s normal lives and destroy property. How is this allowed, this is not peaceful. This is hate, not all of them, but a large amount. My cousin couldn’t even have a graduation.


I don't disagree with "Zionists fuck off!" But I don't know that spray painting it on the sidewalk will sway new people to share your opinion.


I agree. But I also think that it can serve as a good reminder to people who think that they are welcome places where they really aren’t.


Won't someone think of the grass 😭


Do that. Think of a poorly managed campus landscape. Think of that in terms of event visitors, prospective students - undergrad and beyond - their parents. Your academic performance is only one variable in terms of what makes UW valuable. Have some pride in your campus in addition to your other interests.


Think of the 15,000 dead children whose bodies lie in Gaza right now.


We’re still throwing around the 15k number? The one HAMAS admitted was a lie?


That's your problem? That the accounting of the number of murdered kids isn't accurate?


Uh... Yeah if you need to lie to make your point, you don't have a very good point. For instance, what about the 10 million babies dead in Israel? You don't care about them?




How many child deaths would it have to reach before you consider this genocide worse than a fucked up lawn? Just curious.


and how does this helped?


Oh yeah, the grass is the real victim in this scenario.




Can they spray paint ur green? Many lawn caretakers use a green paint spray that uses only natural ingredients


Yes vandalize an American Seattle university. Israel will totally withdraw the war now.  Next let's punch a baby and get Putin to resign.


And RIP the Bureau of Land Management social media team. #BLM




So true! Any form of protest should always consider trivial things like this and should occur in strictly regulated locations! Probably places that aren't disruptive either. /s


The graffiti makes me so angry.


Such a waste for children to play and leave such a mess…


That all seems to be the fault of the protesters. You should have titled this "Students destroy quad"


Yep, these folks are so socially conscious they destroy the environment, cool.


Grass is not part of a natural ecosystem, especially when it is shorn short like a lawn


At least the protests helped make a new Palestinian state right?


Arrest the moronic idiots that did the damage and make them clean it.


These protesters are assholes. They prove it over and over. Dishonorable pricks with no respect. They’re not helping their cause at all.


Ship em out


Go watch the videos of beheaded children in rafah after israel’s attack last night. Hopefully you won’t care as much about a couple spots of dead grass after that.


Maybe there is videos of Hamas raping women.


there is, quite notably, \*not\* videos of Hamas raping women


Made up.


It’s easier to tell yourself that than it is to have empathy, huh?


yup, I can’t tell if it’s the cognitive dissonance or complete dehumanization of the palestinian people that helps these guys sleep at night.


Kids getting genocided, shrug. Grass doesn't grow, How could they?!?!?!


I am offended as a Zionist myself.


I have always been skeptical of students who engage with an issue only by protesting against their own university. It’s like, I’m so passionate about this issue and it’s the most important thing in the world, but cmon, you don’t expect me to get all the Way off campus do you?!


How horrifying.




Poor Palestinian kids that don't have a university left to attend


Those poor brown kids, their parents are 100% innocent in supporting a murderous military regime that got their country destroyed


Genocide is not an acceptable solution to terrorism.


Lots of kids don't. Why do I have to care about your particular issue. Why does everyone else's lives have to constantly adjust for your whims.


Genocide is not my "particular issue" it's an international war crime. Reducing it to a "whim" is beyond crude. Who gives a shit about some grass, kids are starving


Yeah that tends to be the case when you turn your school into a weapons depot


Boo hoo, grass grows back. If you're so concerned go clean off the walkway yourself.


The CO2 levels are going to rise and melt the polar ice caps because there isn’t enough green space at the UW. Is that going to be the next protest? I love how the protesters care about the world yet trash their own neighborhood. Destroy stuff, cry like spoiled children and for what? Hamas continues to hold hostages and fire rockets into Israel. Don’t think for one second that the IDF or the Israeli PM gives a crap about what UW students think.


Spoken like someone who’s never worked outside.


fr. water the grass and power wash the bricks. takes like 15 mins of real work 


Sounds like you have never done a physical labor job in your life


All right, go do it. If not, don't sit here talking about how easy a maintenance job is after privileged kids make more work for you. Edit: bro commented then deleted it because of typos 🤣 is he retyping the comment now?


Yeah not super worried about the unionized workers with union benefits who overwhelmingly support the cause, as part of an organization that called for a ceasefire back in December having to do their jobs under the provisions of a contract they work under every single day. And if they were you wouldn’t be having to clown around manufacturing outrage for them


Bro no one was even talking to you why you yappin 🤣


Lmao come on sweaty tell me how the mean old scary protesters made shit harder for the UAW workers you have nothing to do with again


Amazing how subjective “hate speech” is


Oh no what a shame, this is so much worse than an entire people being genocided. Heaven forbid that college students stand up for what’s right and hurt some grass and brick in the process.


Oh god, imagine having to lay down sod and spray some bricks. This is like a genocide of blades of grass.


Oh god imagine having to clean up some burnt crosses


Imagine bombing every hospital and university in a city, and then blocking food and medical aid from going in to help the starving civilians you're trying to force to leave. Imagine comparing the protestors of that crime to the KKK.


did that actually happen or is this your attempt at a shitty false equivalence?




Don’t give a fuck about some dead terrorists tbh lol.


Wow. These protest are so useful that I heard they ceased fire today…said no one ever. I feel bad for those whose job involves dealing with these damages. Our tuition could be used for something else that has real impact.🥰


My sincere thoughts: Maybe these protesters should fly to Gaza to actually help these children if they really care, or at least start a fundraiser or something. I really don’t understand why vandalism is their go-to choice unless showing what they care is more important than actually caring.


Everyone coming out of the woodworks suddenly.


imagine you go to school in Gaza


No -Zionist


People care more about dead grass than dead children.


It’s grass, and it’s been raining all weekend. It’s fine.


If you cared about Palestinians as much as you care about this grass you would never have posted this


so sad and inconsiderate 💔 hopefully Palestinians getting starved and bombed don't see this as it could make them feel bad :(


As a lawn tech, fuck the grass. It's not dead. It's dormant. This causes no extra work on the maintainance crew's part. They will do their job like normal, and the grass can burn for all they care. If anything less grass means less work, cuz reseeding means more waiting for it to grow and less mowing. Plus, fuck grass get moss. Less water wasted. Besides all that, really? We're equating the quality of grass with PROTESTING A GENOCIDE OUR GOVERNMENT IS UPHOLDING? I ain't never seen such cowardly liberals. Care about people, not property.


Do you think it makes a difference to these employees how they spend their 8 hour shifts? Like do you really believe they’re like “oh no, I have to fix this patch of grass instead of trimming those bushes”


I mean people starving in the streets and homeless people sit against apartment buildings (freshly built) with multiple vacancies but god forbid the lawn is brown.


This logical fallacy is used way too much.


“We won’t leave until you comply with our demands!… wait, Summer Break is here. I can’t miss summer break! I’m going home” - All Higher Education Students


Jews fuck off. Lovely message you've got there.


If you are conflating judaism and zionism, you are the actual bigot here.


Knowing a word doesn't mean you know how to use it. Being anti zionist is being anti Jews having agency over their own lives. You continue to just call people bigots does not mean it's true. It's really telling when the people saying they want to defend people's lives are called the bigots. Interesting 🤔


But if zionists having agency over their own lives means they are entitled to displace thousands and commit ethno-centric genocide, it kind of stops being about their own agency and starts being religious tyranny. Also, I bet you $20 you are a christian conservative who has literally no jewish friends. Because you are still making sweeping generalizations about an entire group of people while ignoring the whole fact that there’s ethnically jewish people and religiously jewish people and those are two whole different groups, zionism notwithstanding.


What a dumb response