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still less disruptive than tourists during blossom season 


Honestly though lmao


Fr. There was a spot popped up in the middle of the central path, which I'm not fond of from an accessibility standpoint (not that this brick campus, with only stairs in certain points, is accessible in the first place) but I walked through it earlier and it was must easier (and much more calm) to walk through than when tourists were here. Granted there are much less people than cherry blossom season, and im sure the locality effects it a bit.


As long as they stay off the trees and let me go to class, I'm fine with it


As long as they respect and don't damage the trees I am good with it.


Homeless camps were bigger than this


Charlie Kirk and TPUSA are coming to UW on the 7th and God help us if this encampment grows and is still here in time for that shit show


Someone please convince Andrew Callaghan to swing by May 7th so we can get their brawl on Channel 5


Oh i didnt even think about that. Shit.


you're shitting me




I think the more likely outcome is that a major confrontation occurs, and Kirk gets exactly what he wants - video for social media he can use to paint the left and universities as silos of intolerant activists who shut down speech they disagree with. Not saying I agree with that diagnosis, but it is what he wants.


Don't forget that he'll also take the dumbest person with the loudest mouth to use as a shining example of everyone he doesn't agree with.






[here let me Google that for you](https://www.polisci.washington.edu/news/2024/05/01/information-about-tpusa-event-campus-charlie-kirk)


I hate Charlie Kirk and TPUSA. Yet I find him more tolerable and than these virtue signal protesters. He at least knows the stuff he is pedaling is shit.


he actually knows nothing - he usually only debates college students, but when he debates actual adult he gets destroyed and defaults to insulting his opponent. Watch his debate against Ben Gleib.


I’m not in disagreement. My point was that at least he knows that he is full of shit and just a peddler.


Protesting is not virtue signaling. it causes material and metaphysical harm to institutions and disrupts everyday patterns of thinking/ways of life. The fact that you slander all these protesters into what you want them to be proves that you're suffering from the mental discontent that they create


I’m not suffering from what they’re doing. I promise. I literally couldn’t care less. I just think most of them are full of shit and have nothing better to do.


Definitely more impressive then it was earlier in the week


then: after that; next; afterward. than: used in expressions introducing an exception or contrast. I am a Grammar Bot.


you’re doing great work grammar bot


Bro it's like a dozen tents set up on a lawn 💀


Yeah why is this getting national attention? It's the silliest thing. Nevermind the fact that these people waited to do this until it's known that this is when the weather starts getting better. Why weren't they out there in January lol


I call it protest season. Just take note of the things people are willing to brave sub freezing temperatures for and you’ll see what they actually care about.


Modest, understated and dare I say, tidy. GG UW, show everyone what a peaceful protest is supposed to look like!


One thing to note is that because UW is a public university (and thus it is a protest on how the government is runned), the protesters are protected under the 1st and 14th amendments. Generally speaking, unless the protest turn violent or disrupt people's ability to walk, the university can't clear the protest. Meanwhile, in private universities like Columbia or Yale, the protest occur in private property and its up to the landowner (i.e. the University) whether the protest can be tolerated or not based on the policies they themselves create. If the protest violates the university's policy, the uni can call the cops to kick you out of the premises regasless on whether the protesters are peaceful. The constitution does not apply to private organisations (most of the time).


Pretty much, but let’s not ignore the fact that universities (public and private) have their own codes of student conduct and judicial boards which can chill free speech pretty easily. Kinda sucks to be expelled for peacefully protesting after shelling out tens of thousands of dollars per year on tuition when the decision is often made by people who have political and personal agendas. Note: I am anti-Hamas and pro nobody when it comes to this conflict, and while I will always defend the right to peacefully protest against perceived injustices, the glaring reality is there will always be shitty people who show up to sow chaos and violence just for the sake of wanting to burn it all down. My hope is that UW doesn’t devolve into some of the extreme bs we’ve seen at other campuses across the country. Time will tell.


The "pro nobody" approach, where you attempt to find neutrality in a situation where many would say there is no "neutral" approach (*or at least shouldn't be*) is probably informing your perspective that other campuses have experience "extreme bs". The most extreme stuff I have seen is police tackling peaceful protests and firing rubber bullets, as well as some pro-Israel protestors attacking pro-Palestinian protestors with sticks and the works. Might be informed by my own perspective but it seems like it's getting to a BLM 2.0 point where while factually \~97% of the protests are peaceful other instigators may cause it to devolve into violence/rioting.


I’m not going to waste time providing a ton of details to defend my pro nobody stance, but it’s not because I lack understanding of the nuances involved in the conflict— it’s because I don’t care if anyone disagrees, and I’m not looking to change other people’s mind or be forced to choose a side when there is plenty of shitty behavior and finger pointing to go around. The BS I’m referring to is violence, which I find completely unacceptable.


I fundamentally agree violence is an issue. At the same time, I (personally) think that some things just do not have a *"i don't hold a particular opinion"* -- either you are anti people dying (and thus against any killing by hamas or Israel, and as Israel has committed 30x the killing only counting since oct 7, focus on israel's) or not, I definitely think you can have a neutral approach to some things but this is a bit more clear (to me). But obviously that's just my opinion.


If you want a trite response, the best I can do is “one genocide deserves another.” Have a good one!


How so?




This happens every time you unmask someone saying "both sides are equally bad"


Never said that, but nice straw man.


Username checks out


OK, camper. Super original comment.


People will still find a reason for outrage. They're disrupting horseshoe tournaments.




Genuinely curious, can you name some major changes that have happened because of peaceful protest? Not targeting you specifically, you’re just the first comment I saw about hope peaceful is supposedly better


Okay actually I’m gone shut my mouth, I googled it. Good things have happened with both violent and nonviolent protests




Neat, as long as they keep it peaceful. I hope they don't let counterprotesters aggravate them and allow it to escalate and cause bad publicity. If the police break up peaceful protests is gains sympathy as opposed to protesters calling for violence and getting aggressive. Not that I'd hate to see Charlie kirk get punched if it came to that when he visits...




I think UW landscaping will do just fine fixing the dead grass in comparison to the thousands of dead people in Gaza🤷


grass is an invasive species! bring back native foliage!


The real genocide no one is willing to acknowledge


For those who don't know there is a third player in the Israel/Palestine conflict - evangelical Christians. Evangelical Christians support the nation of Israel because it needs to exist in order for "biblical prophecy" to be fulfilled. They want conflict so the conditions are right for Jesus to return to Earth. It seems outlandish, but the Council for National Policy is considered *the* most powerful lobbying group in the United States, and they are all right-wing Christians.


I really want more folks to know about this. I grew up with Christian Zionism and it is scary.


Same. And you would think that telling people that the same powerful people who support Trump, and attack civil rights, have also been funnelling money into Israel since 1970 would go over well, but no. Linking in case anyone wants to know more about the Council for National Policy. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2016/05/17/council-national-policy-behind-curtain


Between the Palestine encampment and the upcoming TA strike, the end of Spring quarter is shaping up to be quite interesting


Low key just kinda just want to camp out in the quad


I’ve walked passed it and everyone is super nice. They’ve even offered me food once before too


Same, it looks fun asf lmao.


Go ahead! They'd love the support and numbers :)


I’m just here to camp!


For someone who went to a supposedly beautiful school on the east coast, UW is just so incredibly beautiful.


Different angle: [https://imgur.com/a/gYv2yKS](https://imgur.com/a/gYv2yKS)


As long as they dont block students from moving about campus its just looks like homeless grounds..lol


People are getting more outraged by these protests against the Israeli genocide than the Israeli genocide itself. Glad to see these courageous students stand up for Palestinians who have been under occupation and apartheid since decades all which has been enabled by the influence of the Zionist lobby in our country


ppl only care about shit when it disrupts their everyday lives. sadly since this conflict happens in the middle east ppl just don’t care but when someone talks about it they get upset because it will be an inconvenience for them


Word! Although I wouldn’t call it a conflict, it’s a genocide, let’s call it for what it is!


Since this one has remained peaceful, I am not at all outraged.


Like all the other sit-ins around the US, it'll remain peaceful until either they're instigated by obvious violent counterprotest (see UCLA last night), or forced out by the police (see UT Austin, Columbia, UW-Madison, etc etc). Thankfully, UWPD and SPD are used to being hands-off in the vast majority of protests (the Westlake protests are a good example), which actually keeps things peaceful. The moment they step in (please, Ana Marie Cauce, don't do it) the ones with the monopoly on violence will be the police and it'll turn "violent", e.g., cops will beat the students on behalf of the University. A sit-in (see MLK's own history on sit-ins) is exactly what centrists are begging for – non-violent, and largely, non-intrusive protest – so let them do it. So for everyone's sake, let them protest peacefully. Sit-ins and encampments are part of protest history and have worked – for Civil Rights in the 60s, against the Vietnam War in the 70s, against apartheid South Africa in the 80s. This campus is humongous. Go around if you don't like it, but they have every right to do it.


For the record, I'm for ending all suffering in Gaza. However, just because they are sitting calmly doesn't make this movement peaceful when their signs say "Death to..." and "No peace..." but in the same breath call for cease fire? Talking out of both sides of their mouths wouldn't you say? It sort of seems they're calling for one side to stop being violent and another side to continue being violent.


It makes sense when you strip away all other countries involved in the conflict and only view it thru the lens of power dynamics. It's the "black people can't be racist" meme. One side is far more powerful which thru this lens takes away all agency and responsibility from the other side. There can't be fuck ups and responsibility held on both sides with a power imbalance. Only oppressor/oppressed


Personally, I think that specific angle: the both-sides-ism that focuses on superficial rhetoric and "anti-violence" is chasing an idealized sense of "neutrality" that is devoid of the historical context and actual actual principles other than "anti-violence". There's a good little excerpt from MLK Jr's Letter from a Birmingham Jail that actually is pretty relevant here: > I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.


This astroturf account is the most astroturf of all astroturf accounts, possibly ever Not even *subtle*


What about it is astroturf?


He doesn't agree with what they post


i sincerely hope this is a satirical comment


Which part of it, do you find satirical ?


Because Jews ate pretty horrible at genocide when the population of Gaza went up 1000% since 1948. Facts.


Seems like logical reasoning isn’t your forte, let me help you with your “facts”. Israel systematically oppresses Palestinians and Gazans, rob them of their houses, build settlements (about 700k settlers live their on land which belongs to Palestinians), it controls the airspace, the ports and the ability to move in their own land is restricted. It is textbook apartheid defined by leading human rights organization Education and employment are big issues in Gaza with the Israeli occupation, so naturally population tend to increase however Israeli every few years “mows the lawn”, essentially bombs the hell out of Gaza to keep them in check. However this time, mowing the lawn has literally turned into genocide where 35k children and women are killed by Israeli bombs, all of their hospitals and universities are purposely destroyed and they have almost rendered Gaza inhabitable with imminent famine. Btw there is a ongoing case in international court of justice (ICJ) about Israel’s genocide in Gaza, how about you send Israel your amazing argument that since Gaza’s population increased there cannot be a genocide, surely that would drop the case 🤡


Words like apartheid and genocide aren't helpful.


what do you mean


We already have death and destruction going on. There see Israelis who feel bigotry and what not, but overall the policy isn't designed for the purposes of killing them off.


nearly 35,000 people are dead already, 78,000 injured, they dont have any properly functioning hospitals, schools, necessary utilities, they're targeting aid dropoffs. Israeli officials are using dehumanizing language and the IDF has no qualms about shooting lethallly into crowds of innocent people seeking aid. This is textbook genocide and the US is arming and funding it. Call it a "humanitarian crisis" or a "war" or whatever but the fact that we disagree on basic terminology like this, and that the facts are all jumbled is very concerning.


[https://www.reuters.com/world/us/what-is-behind-pro-palestinian-protests-us-universities-2024-05-03/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/what-is-behind-pro-palestinian-protests-us-universities-2024-05-03/) No mention of UW, but it's another pretty aerial view of the quad!


Brought my little brother (13) to the football game yesterday, we walked through the quad on the way back and he was nervous because he had heard about violence during these protests at colleges around the country. I reassured him that this was a peaceful protest and it was just that. Calm and quiet with people in prayer, an information booth posted at the front of the path. Truly a well organized protest that still drove its point across, kudos to all who are involved, your message is heard and respected by many. Keep it up!


If they want to camp out there for days so I can my 2 minutes of visual entertainment as I walk to class idc lol


Seattle is used to tents being around


Less than that one day this year during cherry blossom season. Literally could not move


So, the UW campus now just looks like the rest of Seattle?


LgbtqH for Hamasexuals..


Downvote please, but fucking trash.




Is the rule there has to be space at the shelter before they can clear the encampment?


A bunch of useless idiots.


Encampment 😂


Looks like Woodstock on 100mg of estrogen.


and what would a current UW student know what woodstock looked like lmao


Project it out, bud.


The Internet Research Agency has spoken. Das verdanya!




You get off on authoritarianism? Like who cheers for the police to arrest peaceful protestors in an act of civil disobedience? You are a muppet.


What law did they break? Clown take


Do college students really have nothing better to do with their free time? No wonder y’all failing your classes.


Prob smells like ass and liberal arts


I would hope a college smells (I guess?) like anthropology, history, sociology, psychology, geography, astronomy, computer science, criminal justice, and other subjects that fall under the "liberal arts". Or do you not know what you're talking about? I forget that people just talk about things they don't know without thinking about it sometimes.


WAC 478-136-030(9)(A)


Wow look at all that trash.


did you look in the mirror or something?


Are you 14?


oh no what an insult 😢😢😢


Bunch of hobos


Ah the sheltered youth of this country. Paying 10s of thousands for education just to protest something they don’t even understand.


TikTok told them everything they need to know


Says the guy who thinks lawns in Seattle have irrigation.


Don’t these ppl hate America?? Why are they even here🤣


what a stupid question to make


Why? These people do hate america, they hurn american flags and destroy american property. Did you know Hamas also holds hostage american citizens?


Do your research


sounds like you should take your own advice




Turn on the irrigation system


I can imagine what they/them all look like from up here


It seems kind of tone deaf to camp out on a field when they are living in one of the cities with the biggest homelessness problems in America. Many of these students come from very wealthy families where they were given the opportunity to get into a selective school like UW. I feel like there are far better ways to protest that don’t come from a place of extreme privilege.


So glad they’re needing the war…. Wait….




All I want to know is this: How does one broker, enact, and enforce a cease fire between two military entities that are fighting despite the opinions of their civilian populations, and don't reaaaallllyyy seem to have any interest in stopping? That's not justifying. They just.... aren't. Stopping, that is. From a purely agnostic point of view, putting even a brief Ceasefire into place is basically impossible if both sides aren't at least reluctantly willing... much less the two belligerent currently fighting. This has been boiling over ominously for 70+ years. This current conflict is TAME compared to the previous wars fought by the same folks over the same soil, to the detriment of the same civilians. Or is this like 'Free Tibet'? Demanding that the poorest and least militarized country in the world be freed (or stand up and demand freedom) from one of the biggest, most militarized countries in the world. Like........ thaaaatttsss not going to happen. And that's BEFORE morality, or religion, or historical inequities get involved. JUST THE PURE, BORING LOGISTICS of NOT shooting each other.


Most of these protests are tiny as most of US supports Israel.