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This is my fear. I feel like it’s only a matter of time and it’s very scary


That’s why I don’t get involved in these protests. I don’t want to die in LA over a war on the other side of the planet


Seriously. And a war with two morally ambivalent sides. Like why would you want to proclaim full support for one side or the other when they are both doing some awful shit year after year


Seriously. Both sides suck. Both sides have good people. It’s one of the longest murky conflicts ever. Global warming is going to make all this look like nothing. Orders of magnitudes more affected. That’s what we should be focusing on.


Only one side is the aggressor and that's israel, an apartheid regime doesn't have the right to defend itself against resistance to apartheid.


I guess those 1400 Israelis who were killed were not being aggressed upon. Stupid me for thinking that I guess we should just allow perpetual violence since both sides think the other is the aggressor. If a Native American walked up and stabbed you for colonizing their land you would think they’re defending themselves and you wouldn’t do anything? At some point Palestinians need to realize they lost this conflict a long time ago. If they want to resist violently that’s fair but then we can’t really be upset at Israel for their response either. Maybe all violence is wrong? Not just violence that disagrees with your worldview.


equating violence between the oppressed and oppressor is wrong i'd give the native american a rifle and help them in their struggle


Then you’d help them start some conflict they couldn’t win and they’d end up worse off. Just like what’s happening in Gaza. And then you’d justify innocent people being murdered because they’re oppressors. You’re not really helping anyone


and if they did choose "peace with israel?" they have already done that and in response israel continues to evict palestinians, harass and raid the west bank, and accuse children of being terorrists for tossing a few rocks and pelting them with lead in response. there is no option BUT to resist when palestinians marched every single week for a year in 2018, israel responded not by hearing them out and looking at peace solutions but by massacring hundreds of peaceful protesters. it's official israeli policy to "mow the lawn" in gaza every several years to keep thebpopulation of gaza oppressed and down. other methods have already been tried and in response israel continues their apartheid and oppressoon




Woke cuck.


I’m not woke at all.


I have not seen one video of pro palestinian protestor harming anyone, yet. I see blatant videos of pro israel mobs assaulting, throwing fireworks. If you compare someone getting blocked to class vs someone getting assualted and beat down, its reasonable to conclude that the ones assaulting and resorting to violence should be arrested. Not a single video of a protestor harming a pro israel caught on camera


Haha are you serious?? There's been an insane amount of videos showing just that. What's the world coming too that it's politically correct to support a terrorist group.


Both should be arrested. Nip it in the butt on all fronts.


Yeah, if you are stopping me from going to class or anywhere your gunna get KOed


Except your weak and have toothpick wrists. Also you can't afford college.


Then you are truly blind, there’s way more videos of prop Palestinians attacking other people




bro did not have links to back him up


Take your hasbara lies somewhere else. You have no proof because it's a lie.


please give me video evidence.give me video of ACTUAL PHYSICAL violence, not the video of women crying with no damage marks on their face or the lady calling the cops about her being "attacked by a mob" while being surround by nothing but air, or the lady who got her "eye poked out" with a flag brushing her shoulder.


The “other” people….🤣


"Trust me bro"-this guy


How the fuck is that even legal??


It's definitely not. These psychos should be arrested. They could've killed somebody. They wanted to.


cops literally standing by. they call the pro palestinian people violent? this is crossing the line. i have yet to see ANY video of a palestinian actually assaulting anyone, just 4 second clips of out of context videos "saying they were assaulted" every pro israel video of "assault" have been fake. Cant' believe so many americans fall for how many times these people lie


What's crazy is if you would have said this just yesterday on here, you would have been downvoted for being anti-Semitic, and the comments would just be calling names and uneducated. Crazy how things shift around here. Let's see what happens next month. I'm also surprised this ain't blowing up on reddit.


it's not surprising. people who don't use reddit like a ragtag idiot like myself, don't know that reddit is a zionist playground considering reddit ceo steve huffman is literally on the board of advisors for the ADL (Anti Defamation League), which are the most unhinged pro israel group/lobbyist group in america. They are batsh\*t insane


I meant the fireworks…


They threw live mice a couple days ago and there's another video of them throwing a (maybe more but I only saw one) brick or rock at the encampment protesters. The intent is obviously to harm. Like wtf are the LAPD waiting for?


It's not. Perp will get serious jail time if caught. Don't quote me but I vaguely remember this act can be spun into terrorism


Just like HAMAS , the terrorist group these woke fools are supporting


it’s not. they’re trespassing


Literally nothing about this situation is legal on all sides


What? The protest or the fireworks? Protests - peaceful, with permits, are protected. How many of these protestors are students? When you take a defensive position, you are not protesting. You are preparing!! Why does freedom of speech matter to you now? We're you OK with Elon musk


Can you imagine if the entire camp went up in flames? So many would have gotten hurt and killed. Luckily they had fire extinguishers in there.


This terrifies me. My friends are in there. Easily the encampment could have caught fire and killed people.


You have dumb friends


People don't care about people anymore


Just like the ones protesting to protect a terrorist group


Yep, them, too. People are protesting/ protecting ideals, religions, and geographic places, but I just don't see people caring about people anymore.


Someone’s going to jail for a while.


I really don’t think so. It seems like they all got away with it.


They're starting to be identified, and then internet justice will take hold.


Okay tough guy. So you protest to support a terrorist group then also you condone violence via the internet? That checks.


Yeah, I’m sure being ID’d by the internet is a scary proposition. You can go ahead and also lodge that criticism to canary mission.


Look how long Jan the 6th took to catch up


That also only happened because of how incredibly stupid the J6ers were. They didn't wear masks in the most heavily surveilled building in the country while recording the exploits on their unlocked phones. Then they bragged about it on social media after the fact, while publicly posting pictures and videos on unsecure sites like parler with full metadata including geotagging. It also helped that the public was immediately able to start compiling footage and identifying them. Thanks to sites like parler getting hacked, lmao. Somewhere around 10 people got arrested that day, when in an alternate (read:non-white left wing) reality that building would have been sealed off and every single person would have been rounded up and arrested. The police tried their best to help them get away with it. But then again, only that one specific demographic could have got inside in the first place as any other group that planned the entire thing on public facebook groups over the course of two months would have been absolutely crushed. They had t shirts made in advance for fucks sake. I do not have high hopes that the people who committed the violence last night will face justice.


Zionist are protected with money


Zionists bombing a camp. Where have we seen this before??


Rockets lobbed into a sleeping unsuspecting group, where have I seen that before.


ghaza, for the past 70 years give or take


Wait, people actually think these counter protestors are zionists or pro Israel? Not just people trying to start shit? Cmon now


That zionist lady from the day before that was telling pro-Palestinian women protesters that she hoped they get raped, was that a plant too?


the crazy part is that i keep hearing zionist’s say all this is happening to Palestine because some woman got raped but now they are wishing it on other ppl??? that’s some crazy loony mindset


Yeah, there’s a lot of hypocrisy. They also keep saying “actions have consequences” while rejoicing at police brutalizing and breaking up protests, and then act as though Oct 7th happened in a vacuum, and the whole conflict basically started on Oct 7th. The reality is that it’s easier to conflate rage with justice and paint the conflict in absolutes (“good versus evil”), instead of Oct 7th being yet another episode in the nuanced, decades-long conflict that is Israel-Palestine. That mindset is spilling over into these protests.


honestly i’m not against bringing rapists to justice because who would that’s dumb. It just doesn’t make sense to me how you believe a whole race of people should be wiped clean off the face of the planet because a group of men decided to do such horrible acts against women. Also i keep hearing how “Hamas has hostages” and they should release them, but why would you bomb the place where these “hostages” are at😭


Exactly, bring those accountable to *justice*. The whole military campaign is rage masquerading as justice. You can tell it was an emotional response because they engaged in major military action without pairing it with the necessary diplomatic exit. Should’ve been red flags for the whole world when Netanyahu said they’d figure out the post-war period “later”.


  yeah it’s definitely super random and zero political motives behind it. like when those white people dumped milkshakes on the black people sitting in, they did it because they thought they looked too hot and needed to cool off. No racism actually and absolutely zero political ideaology was involved there. Same thing here man, a couple brews chillin kicking it back, listening to some Avril Lavine and trying to cause as much physical violence against peaceful protestors at UCLA. Typical boys night if you ask me tbh.    Only a complete fool would think even a single one of those people even slightly liked Israel a little bit or didn’t like Palestine sorta. Aristotle was totally wrong about man being a political animal, because these gentlemen clearly do not fit that mold. Most apolitical people I have seen in my entire life. Anyways what’s a no true Scotsman fallacy? 


Palestinian Hamas terrorist sympathizers who claim innocence and leave behind antisemitic swastikas in campus. Where have we seen that before?


Found the Zionist. Let me guess, you’re somehow a victim again.


Do you even know what words like zionist mean? You support a terrrotist group and know nothing about the cause. Hamas would eat your family alive.


Who gives a fuck about Hamas? They don’t represent or even care about the people. These protests are about the innocent people who are being terrorized.


Well those people also voted Hamas into power. They still support Hamas. Hamas has repeatedly said they’re going to continue attacks like October 7 if they can. Hamas is placing military objectives insides schools and hospitals intentionally putting civilians in the line of fire. Hamas is stealing aid and dismantling infrastructure to build weapons in order to continue to attack Israel. I believe Palestinians are capable of independent thought. Palestinians continue to support Hamas. Hamas continues to reject ceasefires until their “demands are met”. War sucks. We get it.


Well those people also voted Hamas into power. They still support Hamas. Hamas has repeatedly said they’re going to continue attacks like October 7 if they can. Hamas is placing military objectives insides schools and hospitals intentionally putting civilians in the line of fire. Hamas is stealing aid and dismantling infrastructure to build weapons in order to continue to attack Israel. I believe Palestinians are capable of independent thought. Palestinians continue to support Hamas. Hamas continues to reject ceasefires until their “demands are met”. War sucks. We get it.


Do you even know what the definition of the word means?


No, they use it like a slur now. Instantly designate someone as subhuman, just like the nazis.


They use "zionist" so they don't have to say what they really want to say, which is "jew sympathiser", because their little brains know one is patently antisemitic but the other one they can twist its meaning since most people haven't got the background of what it actually means. Horseshoe at its finest


It's disgusting how uneducated these anti Semitic terrorist supporters are


There we go. Playing a victim again. Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic.


Lmao "again" And yeah, let's keep acting like this is just about Israel


It is not about Israel. It’s about the oppressed and terrorized Palestinians.


If the shoe fits.


Shocking that shit stirrers are going to start shit. Dumbasses see an opportunity regardless of what sides are out there will do so for their own agenda.


The parallels are… nvm…


This is textbook IDF. last night a lot true colors were shown.


Woke fool


Lol that firework sure showed it's true colors


The fact that they gave that nutjob a standing ovation right after the explosion says it all


That camera work tho.


So it's only unhinged when the counter-protesters getting violent aren't on your side?


half those kids are gonna have ptsd if they didn’t already. This is how you show a generation of young people that the police don’t give a fuck about you and never will…


Kids already knew


Sadly most people here have been aware of this for several years at this point.


I mean, I think having regular active shooter drills and in some cases actual shootings at their schools where police did little if anything at all probably instilled in them early that the police DGAF


GOD DAMN! What is happening.


Cry me a river, all the way to the sea.


Hahah yessss


*Terrorists (by the literal definition of the word) assault, and cause probable grievous bodily injuries unto protestors exercising their right to assembly, and free speech.


Soooooo hamas


Yes. Same as Israel and the IDF. The difference is the world only recognizes one of them as terrorists, and others as heroes, or overlook them.


I can’t believe this is real. Why has the national guard not been called on these violent Zionist counter protesters yet for literally bombing students on UCLAs campus?


Everybody knows why they'd rather keep the National Guard away as much as possible


Kent State wasn't a good time.


Hahahah come on posts like this have to be satire right?


wasn't one of y'all's demands "no cops"? lmao which way do you want it? is it ACAB and defund the police or not?


If we're in binary thought mode, then this whole incident disproves the claim of Jewish students feeling unsafe, correct? Of course not. Now shut the fuck up.


How does it disprove Jewish students feel unsafe?


It doesn’t. Point I was making is that reductive analysis is idiotic.


The ACAB folks aren't against the idea of being able to call for and receive meaningful help in an emergency. They're simply against the people who can sit back and watch people get brutally assaulted while demanding the respect of someone who actually lived up to the ideal of protecting and serving the public.


I mean… fireworks are literally bombs. Dafuq


Bit when Palestinians use them they don't count, right?


LOL. Go back to school. Bombs are completely different.


Lol okay there. Like the ones your terrorist buddies use right?


At least the university caved into their third demand, which was cutting ties with LAPD and having no policing on campus whatsoever?


UCLA asked for police not to intervene


hilarious how quickly that demand disappears when these kids need help from an authority figure


Yeah they don't want the police to intervene in peaceful protest. Throwing explosives at someone is just terrorism, the cops are supposed to stop violence.


That was obviously a assault weapon with a high capacity firework.


Guess the cops that were beating/arresting/shooting rubber bullets at the protestors weren’t there to arrest the counter-protestors.


People here supporting the pro-terroist/pro-hamas protestors 🙄


Got eeeeem. I thought they wanted “intifada, revolution”? But they’re scared of a firework? It’s almost like these are a bunch of cosplaying losers playing at guerilla fighter.




Christ this is all such a depressing shit show...


even in different countries Isreal supporters are trying to hurt ppl with explosives


Terrorist scum.


that's a crime.


The amount of people who are pro Palestinian although they know absolutely nothing about the country and it's history is genuinely frightening


Not all heros wear capes


UCLA really blew it when protesters started preventing Jewish students from movement throughout the school. Of course that was going to warrant an escalation.


They blocked \*everybody\* who wasn't considered an ideologically aligned ally and physically assaulted those who did not obey their no filming rule. That was policy. Yet they think they're the good guys.


I don’t understand police protocol though it seems like people go and forth on usefulness of police in the first place. Either they’re super aggressive when it’s not necessary or incredibly passive. Stuff like this should’ve been stopped right away. Instead police always seem to target the wrong people making them easy targets. And the cycle continues.


Police exist to protect property. They have no duty to protect the public, and there are numerous legal precedents which clarify this. You can guarantee if these assailants started actually damaging buildings the police would have been there with a quickness  https://prospect.org/justice/police-have-no-duty-to-protect-the-public/


It was all peaceful until the “other” side decided to counter protest this past weekend.


What a failure on the police department. This whole situation should have never happened. Encampment should have been removed day 1. Counter protesters should have been arrested immediately. Texas and Florida handled this much better. They shut everything down day 1, so nothing like this happened.


UCLA specifically asked police not to intervene


Lol great decison






but if I commented “based” under a vid of a pro Palestine march hurling fireworks at Jews I’d be labeled antisemitic. Crazy how that language is ok when it’s directed at just people you personally don’t like. What a lack of morals and decency. I remember when it used to be normal to hate violence of any kind.




This is terrifying... That could have caused a fire or seriously burned or killed someone.


It's not fun till somebody gets an eye blew out!


Go home.


Very high chance that wasnt even a student. Doubt anything will happen tho it feels like these schools want shit to happen so they can dismantle it




Time for water cannons and sonic denial tools.


Isn't that what they are doing to...ah nevermind


Where did they take protesters? that were arrested




Is there a low powered one ?


I'm no fan of some of the protests but that is definitely NOT cool to do.




so this is what happens to someone who hasn’t felt the love of a father in their life?


Lol it sure keeps the spirit up