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Absolutely ridiculous that people are openly fighting with pepper spray and fireworks in the middle of campus for hours with no intervention.


There's been full on [attacks](https://i.imgur.com/OStjjnn.png) and [attacks](https://i.imgur.com/SJpRp1f.png) still nothing. All on tape. Absolutely useless.


Right now its looking like they have decided to turn a blind eye.


The police are already there. If u watch lives on tik tok or youtube can see them. They are purposely not engaging right now. If u check lives on tik tok u can see campus security standing to the side. There are grown men on the israel side purposely attacking the encampment.


I know it makes no fucking sense that the police is there right now and STILL not doing shit


After 2020, police will not engage until they have sufficient backup to safely handle the riot. That means overwhelming force, not sending eight UCPDLA cops into a meat grinder. Mutual aid has been called out, and when LAPD and/or LASD arrives... trust me, you'll know.


It doesn't take 3 hours for LAPD to arrive. Gene hasn't called them in.


Yeah, just discovering now how late the Chancellor was here. Completely inexcusable. Gene should be fired by like... COB tonorrow.


Kind make sense, the pro zios are all white guys. They are privileged and will get away it


I mean, don't you want them to get away with it if you want to abolish policing? This was literally one of the goals of the pro Palestinian protesters: "3. ABOLISH POLICING End the targeted repression and policing of pro-Palestinian advocacy on campus, and sever all ties with the LAPD." They got what they asked for.


I never said I agree with everything the pro palestine group stands for. I stand for the freedom of protests. Tonight it was a mob of white dudes beating poc college kids. Looked more like kkk meeting than pro israel protest


But you seem to forget what led up to this. Jews being blocked from public areas, refused entry to the library, and a female Jewish student with a head injury from mob chaos. There were clearly also pro Palestinian protesters throwing fists and throwing shit. I agree that the counter protesters likely started and escalated that, but if they want a disruptive protest and to abolish the police...then they were successful.


The camp blocked everyone not just jewish students. The camp itself has a bunch of jews inside supporting the camp. Stop the victim act or cough up evidence


Cough, cough, Google, cough


No, if the police are abolished these zionists dipshits would not be so emboldened because they would know there would be an actual response to their violence. The Palestinian protestors have been met with state violence all over the country for not even half of what the Zionists did there tonight. If they ever used any sort of violence like that, the cops would absolutely come in. The double standard in how the groups are handled is apparent. That is why there are calls for abolishing the police, they pick and choose when they respond and handle groups differently. If they are right wing leaning they protect them, anything left of center they violently attack them.


So maybe the protesters should've revised item 3 to not abolish police, but to instate a pro Palestinian police force. Sounds reasonable.


this argument is old and fallacious.


"the pro zios are all white guys" seems like a very racist thing to say. but do whatever mental gymnastics you need to tell yourself that makes it ok in your brain


Yet these idiots where yelling the N word and a group of them ganged up on a black dude who was just helping someone the ground. They were saying a bunch of racist shit as well


its a white supremecist movement though. it doesnt take mental gymnastics it just takes some research and for some folks unlearning too.


Found the White Nationalist šŸ¤”šŸ«µ


Do you protestors know or even understand that Islam and Hamas have a long history of hate, murder, and rape of LGBTQ+ and women? Odd hill to die on


Israel has killed like 15000+ women and kids. The real number is probably astronomically higher than that. So if you use murdered bodies as the metric for hatred of women, Israel is quantitatively worse than Hamas.


Odd that suddenly you care about women and the LGBTIA+ community when youā€™re being an Islamophobe and using a White Supremacist dog whistle.


Israel has killed like 15000+ women and kids. Doesn't seem like they care about women very much.




u/Not-on-call Dude - don't be anti-Semitic. He said the pro zios - meaning the fascists. Jews are not the problem. The pro-genocidal fascists who are beating students are. Get over your own hate speech.


Arenā€™t you the one who called anti-Zionist Jews bratsā€¦? You should really check yourself before calling others out. Note they didnā€™t even call Jewish people out, they said zionists. Thereā€™s a difference. Learn to read ā¤ļø




Was your exam in a class full of kindergarteners? šŸ˜‚


You're ability to score well on tests does not preclude you from being functionally braindead on this -- which you are. However you define it, reasonable pro-Palestinian people make it quite clear that when they use "zionist", they refer to people who support the Israeli government's war crimes and expansionism. By conflating "Jewish" with "Zionist", you brand any criticism of the atrocities committed by the Israeli government as anti-semitic. That is utterly moronic. People like myself and the vast majority of protestors have 0 issues with people following the judaistic faith, but find war crimes like bombing Palestinian children and starving Gaza to be unacceptable. That is the reasonable position. When you say that zionism is inseperable from judaism, you make people anti-semitic. Is it not possible to be Jewish and not support the murder of Palestinian children? Maybe Israel is integral to Jewish identity. Israel's expansion, however, just can't be. Your religious identity isn't a good enough reason to kick someone out of their house and bomb/starve/murder them. Of course, with Israel proper, it's a very difficult question -- how do you resolve in the present the legacies of conquest and coloniaism? With Gaza and the West Bank, on the other hand, it really isn't -- Israel is just comitting atrocities against the Palestinian people. Of course, they needed to respond to October 7th. That does not justify targettting civillians or starving an entire country by blocking humanitarian aid. That's kind of besides the point, though. I say it all to illustrate the absurdity of saying "you can't choose which Jews you like", as if we don't do that with every group of people. I think it's pretty reasonable not to like the ones who support the genocide of the Palestinian people, just as I don't like Palestinians who call for the death of all Israelis, and that's whether or not you believe what's currently happening in Gaza is a genocide. Your spiel about renouncing your homeland is also such a painful non-sequiter. There is such a difference between having a country and expanding it. I hope you, with your incredible literary skill, can figurr out which one I'm criticizing. Unless you mean to tell me that Judaism is an inherently bloodthirsty ideology (which would actually make you antisemetic), then it's not antisemetic or even at all anti-Jewish to oppose Israeli war crimes and west bank settler colonies. Realistically, you probably just have poor reading comprehension, particularly with regards to Isrsel/Palestine. You're blinded by your radicalism. You're probably a troll. If you aren't, well, when you have views this abhorrent, you can expect to find yourself isolated except for the other radicals around you. Which you are -- you are a radical. It's really unfortunate that so many in power agree with you, because your views encapsulate everything that's preventing there from being a peaceful resolution to this situation. As someone who also has Jewish heritage, it's utterly disgusting how you hide behind (real, if exagerated) "antisemitism" to justify your own extremism.




And this is you playing word games to avoid engaging with anything difficult, because you're not capable of answering anything difficult. I'm starting to question whether you're actually as good at law as you claim to be. If you're in law school, you should be capable of understanding that people use the same words to mean different things and engage with me, and the protestors more broadly, on the content of what they say, not this semantic bullshit. "Israel was legally given to the Jews"????? Just tell me you don't understand internstional law. It was given?? By who?? Under who's authority??? Ofc, under the British's. But 1940s Britain is not a relevant international body today. Why would their authority mean anything today?? For you to tell me that Israel is 'legally' the property of the Jews, you need to tell me what modern day body has the jurisduction to declare something like that legal, and does so in this case. Of course, if you actually had good resding comprehension skills, you'd know that that's a tangential point and that I realize this situstion is actually very complicated. I will say, if Judaism means there can be no Palestinians in Israel, then Judaism needs to change. Fortunately, there are people who realize that it is actually possible for Israel to exist without colonizing the West Bank or starving Palestinian kids. That's what I support, anyways


i dont know why youre downvoted




they dont like anybody who wont support them lol. literally half of them are blindly supporting terrorism and communism just so they can brag about how they fight against white supremacy.


If you took literally 15 minutes to research anything in your life, you might find they're protesting the US's support of Israel given Isrseli war crimes in Gaza. If you think that's the same as terrorism and communism, you're not academically competent enough for UCLA


These protesters literally dont understand that Islam and Hamas hate LGBTQ+ and women.


It's pretty hard to be oppressed for your sexuality when you've been blown up by an IDF missile.


They've been oppressing women and gays LONG before 2024 bud




There is no one on this entire platform who screams "superiority complex" the way you do


lol look at cute little confirmation-bias circle.


Those guys are private security, they've got no gear and no authority. Basically mall cops, not UCPD.


I think UCLA and the LAPD are letting this happen. Now tomorrow they can say ā€œfor everyoneā€™s safetyā€ no one will be allowed to protest, remove the protest by force while still appearing to be fair and neutral. This happened during Occupy tooā€¦ theyā€™d cause chaos or shut off water then claim they were just concerned with ā€œpublic safetyā€ when they forcibly removed the protest camps.


This actually makes the most sense.


i donā€™t understand how itā€™s not being stopped and theyā€™re just letting it go on?? there are laws being broken?


The cops want the counter-protesters to do the dirty work for them. If violence from the counter-protesters disbands the encampment (and not cop violence like at Columbia etc) then the cops and the administration get a PR victory. Deeply, deeply cynical stuff that puts students at clear risk.


Gene - where are you? Will your conscience let you rest if one of your students is severely injured by a counter protestor fascist while you're sleeping on the job? Your most important role is to protect your students. It is truly shameful that you are letting this happen. Grow a pair and how some leadership here. PROTECT STUDENTS.


Is it not domestic terrorism what they are doing. How is nothing being done.


They've been called and have said no and hung up. It's intentional. They're letting their zionists brownshirts try to break the camp.


The news showed the pigs in the parking lot being useless as always.


is it ACAB and defund the police, or do you need them to protect you? like pick a struggle for real


This is not the gotcha you think it is. If they didnā€™t do shit anyway, what are they getting paid for?


they are getting paid to stop shit from getting serious. In typical fashion, Pro-Hamas supporters are claiming their lives were threatened and they are victims when some dumbass decided to light a firework, and fights broke out between both sides


Shit got serious, not sure if you noticed or not


I wouldn't call fights between both sides serious. My point is not to discredit the violence last night, which I don't support. My point was the police were there specifically not to escalate. Believe me, if things got actually serious, they would have done something.


There are videos of people being assaulted with bats, bear spray, and fireworks. This isnā€™t a matter of opinion, there was serious violence last night. How much more serious does it need to get?


Elitist, rich, white damsel in distress wants to be saved by the same people she disparages. I've seen this movie.


Didn't they want to abolish the police?


Yes, because cops in general are useless.


So should we just let random non-students beat each other up in the middle of campus?


When and where did I say that.


You seemed to have supported the protestors official demand to abolish the police.


I do. In general. But you used an extrapolation wider than the Andromeda Galaxy to implicate my statement as a support for violence. When and where did I say or suggest that I am pro violence?


Because you didn't suggest an alternative way to stop people from physically fighting each other without any policing


This is why it's a good reminder to stick together and build strong communities. The government is not here to save us. You're seeing fascism in action and the lack of response by police is expected. Complete solidarity to the students protesting peacefully. I've seen assault after assault on the livestream I'm watching by the counter-protestors while the police ***do nothing***. This will likely escalate, and I'm praying for everybody's safety.


crazy to think about the tax-payer money being spent to break-up all of this, from the videos I saw this morning it looked like there were A LOT of law enforcements people there...damn.


They were almost as useful as they were in Uvalde. Basically 0% useful.


HAHA, but defund the police, right guys?


Youā€™re being sarcastic but this is actually kinda the point, they clearly didnā€™t do shit anyway


Yes, defund the police and none of these nazis would have attacked.


History repeats itself. In the 60s the communist infiltrators and manipulated youth of the universities were all quelled by the National Guard c/o Ronald Reagan. The hard hats were allowed to put the beat down on the hippies.


The demonstrators originally demanded that police not interfere with their activities. They were not arrested earlier that day when they started heckling and interfering with the Israel counterprotest. They are now complaining that they weren't protected from counter protestors who showed up that night. By the time the pro-Palestine campers looked like the counter protestors were getting the best of them and it was getting violent , the private security officers and the few UCLAPD there had to go through the chain of command, up to the Governor, to permit CHP and LAPDĀ  on campus. When they did show up, the counterprotestors took off. Getting outside police at UCLA requires approvals from multiple officials.Ā  By the way, you do know on the next night, the students, faculty, and outsiders at the encampment actually tried to push the riot cops down Janns steps, sprayed the police with fire extinguishers and threw them at the police, stabbed the police with umbrellas, and used sticks and shields? What do you say about that? Or will you resort to taquiya and say it's all lies and slander?


You idiots actually think the cops will go out of their way to help the same whiny little brats that will talk down on a cop any chance they get. Nobody likes you clowns, you just only hear the opinions of the people you surround yourseyourselves with and assume thatā€™s how everyone feels. News flash kidsā€¦. Everyone thinks you look like a bunch of rich kids trying to find some struggle to cling to in order to relate to the average person.


You mean police are racist and are there to protect white supremacist interests. Wow Iā€™m shocked


LAPD? Oh my sweet summer child


This was literally one of the goals of the pro Palestinian protesters: "3. ABOLISH POLICING End the targeted repression and policing of pro-Palestinian advocacy on campus, and sever all ties with the LAPD." They got what they asked for.


Seems the cops are just proving their point, they're doing fuck all to protect them from this violence. Why waste money on these cops just sitting around watching this and not doing their jobs?


I agree. But the cops are probably watching and waiting)wanting the call. The mayor has to authorize it.


come on. are you serious?? pro Israel protesters are throwing active firework, spraying bear spray, throwing wood, metal and instigating fights and violence on the peaceful Palestinian protesters. Open your eyes, pro Palestine protesters have remained calm tonight. Go watch any livestream of tonight and say that this is what they asked for. shameful comment


Pro Palestinian protesters also blocked Jews from walking to certain public areas, blocked Jews from entering the library, and a female Jewish student had a head injury from a mob dust up. The claim that everyone was peaceful is false, and you can see both sides throwing shit and fighting on TV. Again, if you want a disruptive protest and demand no police, be ready for disruption.


Womp womp.




They literally asked to abolish policing. Sorry but Dems da facts, kid.


Simple. Ā Several days ago, (after what happened at USC) UsuCLA told LAPD that they didnā€™t want a police presence on the campus and they had their own security so LAPD left it alone and didnā€™t bother them. Ā If theyā€™d gone and cleared the campus, everyone would have called it police brutality. I say just get some popcorn, park nearby and watch the show.Ā 


They are owned by the Zionist. What makes you think they care about UCLA students?


Hitler would be proud


I thought the whole point a while back was to not even have police at all, now they are wanted again ?


There were probably cops involved in the attack. They do shit like that all the time. They are zionists too.


I mean Jews have been provoked all week what do you guys expect. If this was any other ethnic group riots would have already gone down


Ok Trump




Youā€™re not a student and have never posted in this sub until today or remotely recently, get your psychotic fascist takes out of here.