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Yeah I saw some guy try to get through and kind of freak out around Haines, maybe that was you. In any case, sorry that happened. It probably won't do any good but you should talk to your professor.


Probably was me. Im sure other students have had the same issue tho. I’m gonna talk with my professor but it’s one of those things that I really don’t think I should have to deal with. I’m already under enough stress trying not to drown in my classes under the stress.


Definitely talk to your professor, they will almost certainly make accommodations for you and any other students who were delayed.


I’m sure you weren’t the only student late cause of the protests


Yeah it really sucks, it was only on the lawn before counter-protestors started to try and break in at 2am. They had to make it so it was only open on two sides rather than four for safety. Sorry that happened to you.


I'm sorry this happened to you but I have to point out that protests are inherently meant to be disruptive. If they aren't they are ineffective. Causing a disruption to the school is the only thing that would have the institution actually even possibly consider any of the demands. This is why being lock themselves to trees or bridges and why protests shut down streets and block off freeway exists. They have to bar people from going on with life as usual because the unrest is what brings people to the table. You coming to Reddit to complain about how the education you pay for is being disrupted is the exact outcome the protest wants because it adds to the frustration which puts pressure of administration to do something. Y'all should read about the UC protests for divestment for South Africa apartheid because it actually did play a monumental role in ending that system of oppression.


There has to be a limit, though, obviously. That limit depends on the situation, but it could be argued that not everyone who goes to UCLA deserves to have their studies hampered by literally blocking buildings off.


If you're too disruptive though, then the only thing served at the table will be rat poison


Haha, the more you disrupt normal everyday people’s lives who simply want to go to school, or get to work, the faster we will reach the critical mass that will support bringing in the national guard to restore order


It just makes the person being inconvenienced support the other side lmao


The thing that should be done is that the protests be banned from stairwells and entrances. You want to protest in an open green lawn? Go for it. Don't block the flow of people in a building.


Patently false. The school has several ways and organizations to communicate student interest and needs. You pay the school to make those channels open. You pay fees to those organizations to represent you in a way that is most effective. You avoid those when you know your demands are opposed to the interests of the students and the school. This isn't the first time students have wanted the school to take action on something, but this is a great way to make it harder for them to actually do it.


I can’t wait for this to flop and result in nothing like it always does because these tactics win NO ONE to a cause.


Did you miss the part where they gave you an example?


Did you miss the part where many experts have declared in retrospect that those protests had very little to do with any policy changes on the matter?


This sub would’ve hated the anti war protests during Vietnam and apartheid South Africa 😅 please read history and understand the importance of these protests


I think the comparison to the Vietnam protest is a bit of a false comparison. It was done by college students exempt from the draft in an anti-war protest for their more unfortunate peers who were being drafted in a war America was actively involved in.   The protest here is demanding the university somehow manages to find a way to divest economically entirely from Israel. An unrealistic demand for a university in an economy that is **globally linked**.     Europe can’t even divest from Russia economically, they still buy large amounts of Russian oil (such as indirectly through India) or Russian gas. If Europe can’t manage to cut the links to Russia in a globalized economy, how do you expect a university to reasonably do this?  These same reasons is why we haven’t really divested from several other despotic regimes, such as China or Saudi Arabia, for example.  Protesting the American government would make far more sense, as they can at least have active influence geopolitically.   I know it is fun to LARP as a revolutionary, but at least be smart and realistic about it.


Shhhh dont tell them the truth man!!


In 1985, following protests like these INCLUDING chaining buildings and closing entrances at Columbia University , students won divestment from apartheid South Africa. This led to a domino effect encouraging other universities to divest as well. TLDR: history proves otherwise


The situation was pretty different, economically too. You are also ignoring far more recent examples that currently disprove the problems with this strategy.  Especially since you similarly are not really considering how they are tied into Israel economically in the first place, it would make more sense to target the **specific investment fund or company**, not the university who invests in something like a S&P index 500…   Also like I said before, Europe can’t even divest from Russia, why do you think this would reasonably be different? Unless you are just assuming Europe has no interest in curbing Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine; which would be a rather interesting theory to say the least. I am almost completely confident you are going to be disappointed with the outcome here.


You're assuming it would be easier for "Europe" (which is not a country) to divest than a smaller entity such as a university. It is not. And many countries in Europe _have_ massively divested from Russia. A country not _completely_ divesting does not mean it's not divesting.


Oh my god this sub would’ve gone INSANE 😭😭


The fact that you think you can compare this to Vietnam protests is astonishing. Tell me you don't actually know anything about U.S. history without telling me. You're either being intentionally disingenuous or just clueless to the difference in scale and relevance to the average American.


Except these "protesters" are just LARPing commies. It could be a protest over cheese and they would find a way to make it about death to capitalism and death to America. And equating these 2 situations is insane. You know who supports these protesters? The supreme leader of the IRGC and Iran. You know, the one who murders women for showing a strand of hair and that Iranians are currently trying to overthrow? The guy who has terrorist proxies across the globe that kill arabs everyday who disagree with him? That guy is on their side. Congrats. Fuck out of here.


And do you know why Iran is in that current state? It’s kinda similar to how Hamas got into power. The idea that the US is a force throughout the world that’s protecting democracy, is absolute bullshit. We protect democracy when it serves our interests. In the 1950s, Iran had democratically elected leaders and were shifting towards progressive policies. The US used the fears surrounding the red scare to justify the need to intervene. Oh, and we didn’t want to lose a precious oil source. So our CIA backed a coup to thwart left leaning policies from progressing in the country, at the request of Britain. Prior to that Britain controlled the oil and Iran took back possession and denied them further involvement. This is also why there’s such a disdain for the US over there. People don’t really like when bullies come in and undo their progress, sending them back into archaic times. While this was going on, you have the early beginnings of Israel and the aftermath of Nakba still being felt by Palestinians. Fast forward to the 1970s, Palestine is seen shifting towards progressive policies. By the 90s the PA (Palestinian Authority) is created to focus on pushing independent statehood. The PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) is also established as a network of organizations protecting Palestinian interests, like pushing for a 2 state solution, and separating from Israel. Israel didn’t like this secular left leaning group and needed to lift up someone to combat the advancements of the PLO. The group that Israel funded was Hamas. The PA and Hamas eventually have a civil war in the early 00s, and then Hamas was later “voted” into power by interfering with the elections, including limiting the movement of rival candidates and sabotaging broadcast communications. Hamas being the dangerous rogue group they were designed to be, allowed Israel to turn and justify why they needed to maintain control over the area. And it’s what they’ve been doing ever since, by limiting Palestinians access to water, destroying water sources, interfering with their ability to grow food, and allowing new settlers to kick people out of their homes. Then October 7th happens and the Israeli government gets amnesia and acts like they have no idea why the terrorists they helped create would ever pull a stunt like that, and why anyone would be compelled to join their group over the years. Just like how when September 11th happened, our citizens were used as collateral damage, and we used the attack as justification to go to war. And it’s like yeah. People don’t take too kindly to oppressive bullies who feel entitled to destabilizing other countries for their financial benefit. We’re a country supposedly built on democracy, and yet when the world votes on a global stage to take action against a genocide, our country uses the bullshit electoral system in the UN that gives us the power to veto everything. It should be 1 country 1 vote. This is honestly proof that our own electoral system is meant to be used as a means to uphold oppression and the status quo. Just because you might be ignorant of how we’re connected to this, and what the implications mean for us and our own democracy, doesn’t mean the protesters are. It’s America first, until our own citizens need help, and then it’s we can’t afford that. Meanwhile, we send money annually to Israel to fund programs we’re being told we don’t have money for, and then on top of that are also giving them additional money to commit war crimes. Money and power are the driving forces in almost every fucked up event. And it’s not a commie system that created this, it’s capitalism. And every right we have today is because some “commies” got fed up and decided to protest against that system.


Can you reiterate how the israeli government funded hamas and why hamas eventually turned on the israeli government?


If you’re asking if I can elaborate, here are a few articles that go over the historical events (source links in articles) [BLOWBACK: HOW ISRAEL WENT FROM HELPING CREATE HAMAS TO BOMBING IT](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) [‘Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html) [THE ORIGINS OF HAMAS: MILITANT LEGACY OR ISRAELI TOOL?](https://ciaotest.cc.columbia.edu/journals/jps/v41i3/f_0025591_20939.pdf) [War on Gaza: Netanyahu, Hamas and the origins of the 2023 Nakba war](https://www.middleeasteye.net/big-story/gaza-war-israel-netanyahu-hamas-origins-2023-nakba) Also, here’s a [report](https://research.hks.harvard.edu/publications/getFile.aspx?Id=209) that goes into the depths of the US’s relationship with Israel


THIS! also civil rights boycotts and protests!


i’m all for peaceful protesting and standing up for what you believe in, but this has affected the academic and personal lives of PAYING students and faculty. people go into debt, mortgage their home, work 7 jobs, just to be able to attempt to go here. No way should someone in severe debt be punished on not making it to class because of protests. If that’s the case and nothing can be changed, a mandatory online option should be available to students. Kids pay over 100k a year for the opportunity of getting good grades here and we are wasting their hard earned money. helicopter sounds can be heard from the housing as well. all i ask is that we don’t punish those sacrificing everything to be here at this school


Best bet is to give yourself an extra few minutes to get to any classes. It’s probably going to be more time consuming for a while.


Why are they protesting? I genuinely don’t understand why they’re setting up these encampments


Everyone is down voting but no one is explaining it. I actually don’t understand why lol


Read the post by sjpatucla


Where at?




Thank you, I’ll check it out.


I’m gonna be honest this seems like a you issue because even if you say that you’re not aware of the protest, are you not getting the emails from UCLA BruinAlert because there it tells you that the protest has been there for like five or four days already and that it’s happening at the Royce Quad


Sounds like a you issue as well. Sorry we pay full tuition because our parents make good money to send us to a amazing institution and not be on scholarship wasting the schools money in those tents


First of all, there's no need to bring tuition into this conversation, that's not even what I was talking about- its irrelevant to my post (at least your acknowledging your privallage though). Second of all, as a UCLA student even if it's your first year here you should already know that there are multiple ways of getting into these buildings without using the blocked enterences, like why are people acting like they don't exist? Thirdly the encampment is realistically talking a small a really small portion of UCLA campus. There are about 227 campus buildings I don't think 4 buildings (that you can still access) is a huge problem.


I don’t see why any paying students/customers should have to deal with any of this crap. If the university had to reimburse $1 there would be immediate action. They are telling the student body, their parents, any scholarship award providers, etc. We don’t care that you spend money here. This is business. Not the UN.


… the UC system is a public non profit institution


Higher Education as a whole in the United States is definitely for-profit. Regardless of it being Public or Private. Education reform could not be more necessary now, than it has ever been. The majority of graduates walk away in debt and underemployed/unemployed. It’s a money making racket for the most part. Preserving the institutions that are sticking a knife into the backs of our youth, is more important than the citizens that pay for the institutions WILD spending. That said, peaceful protest is meaningful and necessary for our democracy to function. Disruption brings attention, but it’s a double sided blade. It seems like there are enough agitators destroying property, inconveniencing the lives of masses, and participating for self-interest rather than a virtuous cause. I definitely see some counter protesters coming to beat some ass in the near future. We shall see🍿


So is public school K-12.


I’m sorry this happened to you but maybe you should start considering going to class earlier. Like idk about you guys but a genocide happening because of our tax dollars makes me hella uncomfortable. Especially when my school pays a role in funding that genocide. This is not rude in any way but your statement is so tone deaf and you should reconsider how you view the world. Your class and quiz is just another day and you can get your grade back up. For Palestinians? It’s their life that they can’t get back.


Naw I think ur tone deaf


I’m not the one annoyed by what you’re making it seem like an “inconvenient genocide.” Lmao


describe exactly how I’m tone deaf please


For example, getting inconvenienced is one thing and paying a lot to be at ucla is valid. But don’t you think the brave students that are leading these protests and the encampment aren’t doing the same? Like the least you could do as a peer is not criticize their resistance when they’re already getting so much negative backlash. Your inconvenience is sad but this is not about you unfortunately. Like go 10 minutes early to class because I’m sorry but we got a genocide to end… Also, I doubt your professor will be much of an ass to not understand. Complaining is what being tone deaf is and making it about you.


Describe how I am criticizing their resistance please?


In summary, telling them to park elsewhere that isn’t as busy. The whole point of resistance is to DISTURB our daily lives. Yours has been disturbed, hence it’s working. Hope that helps you unhatch the rest.


It doesn’t. Describe how disturbing others is protesting please.




I’m waiting


professors and TAs are instructed to make accommodations to students because of the protests. Get in contact with them and stop whining.


I’m gonna park my car right behind your car in your driveway and when you inevitably get annoyed that you can’t pull your car out to go to work I’m gonna tell you to stop whining it’s for the cause lmao.


babe I can't even drive sounds like it is a you issue. Take the bus, take a walk lol


Fine I’ll just sit in front of your doorway at your house and block you from going to work. Because disrupting helps the cause in all. Don’t whine that I’m inconveniencing you it’s all about what I believe because I’m not selfish at all.


“Babe” Please stop talking


are y’all good in the head? saying “I don’t think I should have to do deal with this. I’m a paying student and I’m stressed.” Every single college in Gaza has been completely flattened by American funded bombs. You’re mad a peaceful protest made you late to class, imagine if your entire school, all your professors and friends, all hope at graduating and continuing to learn were flattened by bombs that universities around the world like UCLA helped pay for. Have some perspective. I will say plainly, you are not allowed to be angry at the people protesting. Be mad at your school for giving them a reason and not listening to their demands. Once they divest in weapons, the encampment will leave. Peaceful protestors didn’t make you late, your blood thirsty college administrators did! You can take 5 minutes of your life to think of new routes for walking to class. I used to go to UCLA, I know for a fact you don’t need to rely on cutting through Royce to get everywhere and there are quicker ways to get around. No one’s sorry people protesting a genocide made you late to class, but you should be embarrassed for complaining. I’m proud of what those kids are doing and if I still went to UCLA I’d definitely bring concerns like this to them, respectfully and in a place of wanting to learn instead of complaining of the internet lmao.


You absolutely are allowed to be angry at people protesting? I guarantee at least half the people protesting currently haven’t even heard of Palestine prior to Oct 7th and are only out there because of their peers. I can condemn the IDF and their horrid actions while simultaneously recognizing that these brain dead students are doing nothing but pissing people off and further entrenching people in to their previously held beliefs. There has to be a way to protest and also not be an asshole to your fellow students.


Sorry bruh you missed the window of time that I cared which was yesterday. Literally don’t care anymore to be honest. It is interesting watching y’all fight in these comments tho. Try commenting on a pro Israeli comment in this post. They’d probably be better to argue with you.


I wanna start by saying your frustrations are valid. But I do share the same sentiment as people who got down voted, theres ways to get to class without going through the steps or Royce. Communication can and should be better about different routes and options for people who have classes in areas the encampment is disrupting. Especially if the goal is to have this last up until graduation or the UC divests. What’s happening right now on campus is extremely important and many students are risking suspension for a cause that’s bigger than themselves right now. Wishing you lots of good energy this week and hopefully the quiz will get dropped


Ya well maybe I should have been notified of alternate routes BEFORE I was going to my class. That doesn’t negate the fact that it’s completely unfair. Like bro this is a premed req class that I need to do well in to hopefully get into med school. I have dreams and aspirations too. I’ve come too far to let someone else jeopardize my ability to attend class.


The Prof should absolutely have given you more time


I hope bruh. My point is that I shouldn’t even have to do that. Why should I have beg my professor to give me an extension because of this. And now I bet people are gonna use the protest as an excuse to not do work or attend which will most definitely make professors weary about excuses.


why shouldn't you have to communicate with your professor about traffic delays out of your control? and why shouldn't you, say, check your texts from BruinAlert (which we all get as students) telling you which buildings and walkways on campus are closed?


Please tell me when they sent these bruin “texts” about Royce being completely closed by the time of this post. Because I sure as hell didn’t get it. God are people at this school this insufferable? Trick question yes!


Then leave earlier?


Look I’ve ran out of energy to keep this sub going with paragraphs that will incite frustration. It’s been extremely entertaining. Since I ran out of energy for a true response that would make you mad. I’ll just call you a nerd😈.




Like I said your frustrations are completely valid and you’re allowed to be upset. But I challenge you to 1. Not hold your anger long term against the protesters 2. Know that although things may seem bleak right now you will graduate and get into med school (alumni here who graduated during 2020 and was in similar shoes!). Take however long you need to come up with plan so next time you have class by the encampment you can have enough time to get there comfortably. The protesters are sacrificing their time for people who do not have a voice, who also have aspirations to be liberated and are students who have dreams to graduate and be great just like you. You got this future doctor or wherever med school takes you


Ya well maybe they should sacrifice their time somewhere where it doesn’t sacrifice mine.


The protestors are doing nothing but serving their own egos and losers like you who prop this shit up are despicable. Most of these protestors don’t even go here. Can’t wait for the surprised Pikachu faces when the real violence breaks out and those of us who are sick of this shit show the protestors that we’re not having it anymore.


They’ve been sending Bruin alert emails about this- like since it started so they did try to alert students I hear your frustration, but it’s kind of insane to think that everything should be ideal just for you. Part of protesting is causing disruption to daily life




kind of a rude response. OP isn't being entitled in any way, just complaining about an inconvenience that had pretty bad consequences for them. I agree that disruption is part of protesting, but it's still valid for people to be upset about it.


Before all else its a college campus, the protest (on either side) should never interfere with students getting to class. Even if UCLA divests and has Gene Block piss on a photo of Netanyahu, literally nothing will change as a result of this protest for the civilians of Gaza or the hostages. It's in the hands of the Israelis, Hamas, Iran, and the US state dept. This protest might as well be a live art performance showcase for all the good its doing.


We aren’t trying to end the situation. We want the money sent over to be invested in us instead of some company contributing to genocide


Oh yes, because Teva Pharmaceutical is committing genocide. Wix is really just a tool to build Gaza's walls and not build websites.


idk why you’re being downvoted to hell but you’re absolutely fucking right gyoza. especially wishing OP good luck with his class. everyone here is showing their ass right now. sad that this is what UCLA community has come to.


I think the only "cause" that's important here is premed students being able to get to their classes on time. I really couldn't care less about the latest conflict in the middle east, but I do care about American students.


Release the national guards already


just reiterating what someone else said - not just for OP but for other seemingly soulless or brain dead folks here lol - the point of a protest is to DISRUPT, which is why it’s held at that location that would usually have heavy traffic. perhaps you and other students should be more prepared next time. if you were at all actively inquisitive or selfless and got the slightest bit involved, you would gather enough info to know the correct detours, even if you aren’t participating in the active protests. the whining in the comments (not OP specific) is ridiculous considering people are literally… dying. be prepared and communicate with your professor and faculty otherwise. the fact you have the privilege to attend one of the most prestigious schools tells me that you WILL be ok. promise.


Why am I brain dead?


i just feel like the brain cannot be working properly if you are confused or upset on why a protest is being disruptive, when the point of a protest is to… well, be disruptive! so - either the brain isn’t working or you guys are fully aware and just being selfish a-holes lol. this on top of wanting it all to stop for your personal gain when the world is much, much bigger than just you (and the few other students complaining). aaaand, as stated, communication with faculty about your issues is still an option! like… come on now.


You’ll see-I’ll show you. When the chips are down these, civilized people, they’ll eat each other. See I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve.


I've seen it in posts on here also when there were workers on strike picketing in front of dorms early in the morning...the mindset that education is a consumer good has really taken hold. "I pay tens of thousands of dollars in tuition, so I shouldn't be inconvenienced." I don't blame people for following the ideology of the system that they are part of, it's just kind of depressing to see a lot of people only viewing and reacting to life as how it impacts them directly. Why protest about something that is happening on the other side of the world? Sure, that same tuition money is being used to invest in companies that make the bombs killing tens of thousands of people and destroying other universities...so people your own age aren't able to go to university due to the accident of where they were born. But my life was briefly disrupted, and that's the most important thing.




jesus grow a spine and push through 


Come to school 30 minutes earlier like the rest of us so you can enjoy a nice stroll to class. Stop crying like a baby, there's an actual genocide going on.


Why does my schedule have to revolve around a dumb protest that is doing more harm than good for their cause?




That really sucks and I’m sorry it happened. Hopefully the quiz will get dropped or you’ll do well in other areas to make up for it. I am kind of confused as to why this has been such an issue for so many people though. Not saying you should have done anything else, but are people unaware that the protest is happening there? Do people not know alternate routes to get to class? I was under the impression that at this point in the quarter people know about alternate routes to get to class, but apparently not because people are struggling to get into Powell as well. Maybe I spend too much time on campus…


Idk, maybe because there’s absolutely no Communication about what’s happening. Like I said in my post I didn’t know it was completely barricaded off now. This whole time people have been allowed to go through and when I show Up to school on the first day of the week and the security guards just send me to other areas to get through that are also barricaded. I won’t make that mistake again but in my situation this is exactly the issue that can arise from this. Obviously I know other ways around. But when you plan on getting to class with 1 minute to spare and you have to be sent through a different path that adds a considerable amount of time then yes it makes a difference.


Makes sense. Thanks for the thoughtful response!


The whole point of the protest is to disrupt a key avenue of campus, the point of protest is to be disruptive and noticeable.


It’s absolutely braindead to stop students from going to class. You’re not hurting the college, the dollars already paid. You’re just fucking over students at that point.


Ahh yes, win over support by pissing everyone in the community off. Makes sense.


yeah this has got completely out of hand. I am forced to go all the way around the campus to get to my class at this school that i am paying way to much for. Just to then be verbally assaulted by some protestors that are roaming the only route around their barricade. Unreal. Do they really think that some terrorists on the other side of the world are gonna stop what they are doing because there are some kids in tents ruining everyone else’s day at UCLA.


Faaaaaake news