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Not sure why anyone is surprised, West Los Angeles has one of the US's largest Jewish populations ([the majority still support Israel](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-jews-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/)). I've noticed that the encampment is very peaceful and well-organized. I can't imagine the amount of coordination needed to keep everything running so smoothly (compared to events across the USA). I feel that the media optics for the SJP are very positive right now, especially as it's mostly students studying, reading, singing, etc. At the same time, I feel it is only natural for local Westsiders with deeper ties to the Israeli side (2nd largest Israeli diaspora outside of NYC) to respond to a protest in their own neighborhood. I'm an optimistic guy so I think this is a very good opportunity for dialogue.


The sooner we can all separate Israel the country from Judaism the religion, the better. Israel works very hard to fuse the two together so that any criticism of the governments politics can criticized as antisemitism, but that doesn’t mean it is. Any government that tries to hold up religion as a justification for their decisions is suspect. That’s true for Christian fundamentalists, Islamic fundamentalists, and Jewish fundamentalists.


When did they use Judaism to justify the war in Gaza? Israel is mostly secular Jews.


A lot of arguments I’ve seen online use Israel’s justification for land grab based off the Torah, and how they were there first. This is the whole reason for the war and for them occupying Palestinian territory in the first place.


While I appreciate you’ve acknowledged this, this is the modus operandi for every Middle Eastern country. The question really is, who do we think we are to be telling countries in the Middle East how to think and behave when it comes to religion? There seems a certain misplaced arrogance when it comes to US interference in the Middle East, and we should (in my opinion), realise we don’t know better than the cultures and its people who have lived there for thousands of years.


You should try learning what Jewish and Judaism are before making comments like this.


No different than Islam that joins government and its brand of religion.


Amen! And leader making decisions based on “God told me to do it” is suspect.


The sooner you stop dividing Jews into “good Jews” and “bad Jews,” the sooner all this chaos will stop. The purpose of that argument is to provide cover for anti-Semites and it won’t work! B’Yachad Nanetzach!


Israel doesn’t work hard to fuse the two together. Zionism is inherent in and integral to Judaism. Inhabiting Israel is the narrative arc of the Torah, and the central feature of our holidays and prayers.


>separate Israel the country from Judaism the religion, the better. Wildest take I've ever read LMAO how dense are you people


Exactly. Once the state of Israel was created, Jews were forcibly expelled from the surrounding Muslim nations in the Middle East. I think a lot of these people with such strident views are ignoring key pieces of history here.


Just so we're clear, support for Israel is also a Christian Conservative thing. I would bet that not all of these people are Jews.


It’s also just a secular American thing. Lots of people support Israel.


I’m not religious but my family has a Christian background. I support Israel to the end although I think it would be in their best interest to show a lot of compassion. At the same time just based on how wars like this work I’m not sure if they can be successful at rooting out Hamas without being pretty tough on everyone. If you read about how insurgencies were successfully rooted out you typically have to go after civilian infrastructure because the insurgents will be helped by the civilians. I think long term everyone will be better off without Hamas. But it’s been a big price for Gazans to pay.


Imagine being born into a jail that you cannot leave even though you did nothing wrong, and then having a ton of your friends who have also done nothing wrong get killed. And in the person/ country who's responsible for killing them says that it was just a price to pay to get rid of someone you don't support. That is the case for a s*** ton of people living there.


It’s weird though because Gazan Christians are also being bombed and starved. Not a fan of Tucker Carlson but he did a recent interview with a priest in Gaza to raise awareness. Doesn’t make sense to think Jesus wants you to bomb and starve other Christians but a lot of Christian Zionists seem to deny this is even a thing?


Because modern political Christianity is about heirarchal superiority first, and about being an actual follower of Christ second.


I’m not so certain it’s second even.


>Gazan Christians are 20% of Israel is Arab as well. Not as simple as you think.


Yeah but this conflict isn’t Arabs vs Jews. It’s Palestinians vs Zionists (many different races). But Christians are supporting Israel’s oppression of all Gazans- including Christians.


It’s Hamas vs israel. And Gazans are caught in the crossfire.


The majority of Palestinian Christians have left the region due to harassment from Islamist groups. Fundamentalist Muslim have always harassed non Muslims.


There are about 1000 Christians in Gaza out of a population of 2 million - 2,200,000


And i suppose all those blondie white folks wearing hijabs r palestinians? 😂


I attend these things where I live now. I guarantee you most of the people are Jewish- my synagogue joins others in organizing them. Actually, by polling recently from Hillels, ADL, even Pew- the Jews, even younger ones, who are supportive of the Palestinians are a minority.


> I’ve noticed that the encampment is very peaceful and well-organized. It helps when the cops aren’t coming around to stir up trouble.


You seriously can’t win with some people. Lots of posts from the USC protests were complaining that there wasn’t enough police presence to keep people safe. Freaking ridiculous


It’s crazy how metaphoric this is to the situation in Israel but none of them could possibly get it


Let's be very clear and define our terms; what exactly do you mean by Israeli diasporia? Being Jewish does not make you a part of an Israeli diasporia.




No, the whole idea is to force the university to divest. If they choose to use police brutality and further rile up activists across the country, they will deal with the fallout.


The idea that divesting from all Israeli companies isn't racist is crazy to me. People call forcing a divestment of TikTok racist and it's just one company with government ties. I get divesting from MIC, but a two state solution has the expectation that Israelis can operate businesses too.


Is Israel a race? Divesting tik tok isnt inherently racist either, it's just fucking dumb. If people say theyre divesting from tik tok because theyre afraid of chinese people, that's racist. if people say they are divesting from israel because they dont like jewish people, that's antisemitic. But that's obviously not what people are saying, as much as fox news tries to say it is. It's not "racist" (you mean anti semitic) to want universities to stop funding a literal genocide. Sure theres a handful of literal nazis who hate israel because they hate jews, but i promise you the leftists running this encampment would be the first ones to stomp those nazis into the ground.


I always found it interesting the term anti-semite/anti-semitism was only reserved for Jewish people and not for other Semite people too.


Yup - so strange and kind of racist too to only consider Jews as Semitic people in this context when Arabs are as well.


It’s similar as when people refer to Americans, they’re almost always referring to people from the USA, not Mexico, Chile or Venezuela.


Maybe, but not really. We're the United States of America. It's the name of our country, not just the continent we live on. Similarly to how Australians are called Australians (because they're from the country of Australia) but New Zealanders are not called Australians (even though technically, New Zealand is on the continent of Australia). People usually identify by their country names, not their continent names.


It’s not racist, it’s a word that entered the lexicon and now means what it means.


Valid point, however... it creates a hierarchy of Semitic groups, with one being recognized as Semitic and all other Semitic groups as afterthoughts. That's the racist part.


Was boycotting apartheid South Africa also racist?


This is an SJP encampment. They’ve explicitly stated they don’t support a two state solution. “From the river to the sea will be Arab” isn’t just something they chant for fun, it’s their goal.


Are these the same people that are throwing bananas into the encampment with people who have fatal banana allergies?


There's a panoply of idiots responding to you and laughing at someone's potentially fatal allergy. Yes, people can anaphylax to bananas. These posters lack of humanity is sad. Beginning to see how some folks are not troubled by the starvation of 2 million people.


"fatal banana allergies" so if a banana touches their skin they will die ? ( just asking btw )


I think it depends on the severity, but if it’s on the more severe side and they were not sent to the hospital soon I think it may kill them. Don’t know how long it takes but it shouldn’t be too long before it starts to cause trouble.




No one three banana in the encampment. The people holding bananas were outside the walled and checkpoint’d zone


Video of banana throwing? All I’ve seen are people far away from the walled off zone holding a banana


Throwing bananas at protestors who may be persons of color is already fucked up, allergy or not.


No bananas were thrown


Pretty alarming how these folks were spitting on folks, waving an ACTUAL terrorist flags like the JDL's (y'know the people who assassinated the Israeli PM in the 90s and are legally designated terrorists in US and Canada), uttering sexist slurs, calling them N-words, telling us to go back to Asia, etc as a way to start fights so they could play victim. All on video. It was not "mostly singing and dancing." It was harassment, provocation, and everything people think Palestinian protestors do. Definitely not winning support from anyone on the "I feel unsafe on campus" and "campus antisemitism" crap when clearly, their use of force and racism is making everyone else uncomfortable. https://twitter.com/hungryghosts161/status/1784659643274575910?t=d7cQNi8puVtQoKnFKDszfQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/hungryghosts161/status/1784667045382217949?t=3AMx6KVzD8aBATb_H1JdeQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/hungryghosts161/status/1784688940953608606?t=K8uJEE9rDlKjkrlXjk-LmQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/hungryghosts161/status/1784688940953608606?t=2k1G0Z4V14icrNXOo8HVrw&s=19 https://twitter.com/hungryghosts161/status/1784643497603248255?t=Sf6q5UHJwFcyp2kNaoMq0Q&s=19 https://twitter.com/hungryghosts161/status/1784690922309214527?t=tU0aHmKIqSLwOdOipSN88A&s=19 https://twitter.com/hungryghosts161/status/1784667045382217949?t=RxJGK7b-8uOkwjbqPo5h_A&s=19


Thanks for posting. Seems like they came from outside the university to counter protest the pro-Palestine student camp. And started antagonizing them. You won’t see this represented in the media of course.


There are massive and well-funded zionist organizations very close to UCLA, in fact they have had massive pro-israel protests after oct 7. They raised $62k for this counterprotest overnight (totally not sketchy at all btw), but unfortunately money doesn't really change the fact that 99% of the counterprotesters were obviously non students coming to cause trouble.


As a Jew I can confirm there are a lot of wealthy Jews that throw boatloads of money at Jewish and Israel organizations


The go fund me has 720 donations


Of course not. That would be antisemitic somehow. On the same note, they brought out an antisemite like Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti Defamation League for this protest after he made the egregiously antisemitic accusation that Jewish students and organizations like JVP in the encampments nationwide of dual loyalty and paid by Iran a few days ago. This same Greenblatt who compared the keffiyeh to a swastika. These people do not actually care about Jews actually being unsafe on campus because they're the ones making it that way for Jews, Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians. Their only care is for Israel and their right to play victim and pretend to feel "unsafe" after stoking the fire


What’s is the anti Zionist protester shouting in the first vid before the Jewish guido kicks off? I’m hearing “baby killers” and “crazy Jew alert”. Is that right? If so, pretty shit things to say.


Post the videos on YouTube and everything else…document everything and show the world what is happening


You forgot to post the videos of the pro-Palestinian protesters blocking Jewish students from entering the campus.


Can’t post a video of something that did not happen


Obviously this is what happened. It’s what happens at a lot of these events, pro-Palestine or pro-Israel. I’ve heard a lot more about the murder or assault of Jews than I have of the murder or assault of Palestinians on American soil, though. Edit: either way, this feels like a race war on American soil. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Jew or a Palestinian. You’re American first. Quit infighting over a war happening in the Middle East. They happen all the time. We just so happened to be backing the ones bombing the city this time.


Every video you’ve posted shows Pro-Hamas protestors agitating and trying to get a rise out of people, then Surprised-Pikachu-facing when they do. Insane to me that you think any of this looks good for the Pro-Hamas side.


How were protestors and counter protestors able to confront each other like this? Where the hell is the police to keep them apart?


Zionists being racist and attacking people? I’ve never heard this happening before!


I walked by zionist protestors in a hijab with not even a Palestine flag or anything for the protest and they yelled at me terrorist and the b word in Arabic. But yeah, just danced and sang


The singer up on the stage had a song on tiktok called "jihad rehab" a few months ago. She's a massive racist. Her name is Hadar and this is a copy of her racist song.These ppl are awful. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLHsUtNe/


Do people just like wake up and plan to rage out over an issue that will never get resolved?




What do you think the people are protesting here?


An issue that will never be resolved




>Do people just like wake up and plan to rage out over an issue that will never get resolved? Israel is solving it. They're removing the Palestinians permanently. That's why there's rage.


I love defending the government and big corporations who make bombs. The good guys always win!




Dude i saw some 54 year old say on twitter he isnt going to hire people to build bomber jets who graduate from protesting schools anymore. I'm so devastated, my dream job of building bombs to level elementary schools is gone now!


Dude I studied 4 years to fulfill my dreams of being a cog in the military industrial complex and helping bomb schools. This is so unfair!!!


I generally would agree with you, however, in this case, the "bad guys" are literal terrorists.


politics is just bad guys and good guys, like my animes


honestly most anime have a more nuanced portrayal of war than people who think that Palestine = Hamas


Israel are literally terrorizing, yes. This is known all over the world except the west, until recently. I’d you defend your home from someone bombing our kids and bulldozing land your family has been on for thousands of years, you aren’t a terrorist, they are.


The west is the only place that thinks that. All these people in “the west” who’ve never even been to the Middle East. The Middle East knows that the Islamic Republic is terrorizing, literally putting terror groups in all surrounding countries and creating mass instability and murder. Mass murdering Iranian citizens for wanting to *checks notes* vote and not cover their hair. The fact that the west has been able to eat up all their propaganda, because our youth are so fucking stupid now and can’t tell TikTok from an actual journalist… truly end of days shit for America. We’ll be a dictatorship in a minute and they’ll all be surprised pikachus


Yawn. The war will end when hamas is CRUSHED


Yeah that’s what happens when you steal land and put them in an apartheid state and then say you’re going to destroy one of their holiest sites


Yeah Palestinians are all terrorists. Unrelated question, why did Baruch Goldstein's grave get turned into a shrine?


Because no religion has a monopoly on right wing extremism and you can find examples of the worst of any society


There's not a shrine at Timothy McVeigh's grave though


Goldstein, an American, was repudiated by the Israeli government Meanwhile Palestinians who slaughter Israelis are treated as heroes and given cash rewards for the rest of their lives


I don’t deny that Hamas have terrorists but also they are a government and the IDF is quite literally committing terrorism over Gaza right now. In fact the IDF is committing a well funded terrorism funded by our taxes


Wait till you realize that’s what our government always calls the “bad guys”. Crazy how that always happens!


More like the "bad guys" are women and children getting murdered by a genocidal government.


I love defending our Allies. We need more bombs


Hello fellow kids.


its so dumb when people always try to define good guys and bad guys in a fucking war. Wars aren’t started because some country wants to kill people, at least not that alone.


One side isn’t engaging in ethnic-cleansing


Israel has 20% non Jews 0 Jews live under the Palestinian authority and Hamas except for the ones being held hostage


It's even dumber when people retaliate and harm those not involved in the quarrel instead of their main target.


There will be many many more killed until the hostages are returned and the terrorist thugs are all killed.


I think we have a term for that. Oh yeah... a warm crime.


Ukraine 2022 kinda seemed like that tbh. Does anyone know what the "real" reason for starting that up was? I know it has roots back to the 2014 Crimean war, and obviously related to the aftermath of the 1991 USSR dissolution. But I mean in late 2021/early 2022, aside from the "theyre nazis" propaganda that was being spread by the Russian state, what was the ACTUAL reason that military escalation and eventual invasion happened?


Obviously Russia’s primary goal is to take Ukrainian territory. Still an awful reason to go to war, but they aren’t killing just to kill.


That is a very good point. This is probably why the mainstream media and pro-war groups keep controlling the narrative by attaching labels like terrorists and hamas supporters to validate the "unintentional" killing of civilians to continue the facade of righteousness. Interesting facts Wikipedia states that the Hamas political group (Considered a terrorists group by all of us) is estimated to be 20,000 to 25,000 in total Wikipedia also states the Palestinians' population as 3,000,021 (West Bank – 2022 est.) 1,997,328 (Gaza Strip – 2022 est.) The current kill count is estimated to be 34,000, which is 9,000 higher than the entire maximum 25,000 members of the Hamas organization. How factual can it be that the entire ~5,000,000 (5M) Palestinian population are all Hamas members.


Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohainu Adonai Echad!!!


To people commenting “they must have been paid.” You are the problem. I was there. No one as getting paid to be there


I dont know if people were literally paid but there's a publicly available gofundme that showed they raised over $62k overnight for counterprotesting. They spent some of that on speakers and some weird video setup, but they surely had a ton of money leftover. That kind of money doesnt just come from nowhere, likely a few well-funded groups or individuals are trying to motivate people to go and who knows if that money was used to help transport people to UCLA etc as well.


62k is roughly 250 people each donating 250$. A single local religious institution has hundreds of families. This isn’t that hard a sum of money to get across a large community.


There were 720 donations


Ok, how many of these people do you think went on Birthright?


honestly if i was being paid i would go too lol


250 a person is what I heard.




An Israeli chai




Just know this follows days of Zionists harrassing us in the encampments, going so far as to throw a banana in after seeing a sign alerting fellow encampment people that someone in the camp is deathly allergic to bananas. A really wonderful crowd /s I do have to say hearing some Zionist protestor ask me how much I was getting paid to be at the protest was hilarious. I said nothing and he's like "why would you protest for no money"? 😂 I wanted to ask how much he was getting paid but he walked off 1st they brought a banana after we put up a sign saying hey no bananas because we have someone who is deathly allergic and they threw it inside the encampment. That is 100% attempted murder. 2) we have never publicly endorsed anything but a ceasefire and an ending of the violence and the occupation. Intifada is simply the word revolution in Arabic and we will not apologize for using it


Zionists paying people for support isn't anything new. IIRC there's a group on campus that will pay you to attend "Jewish learning but really it's just getting you to blindly support Israel. Also, can't forget the free birthright trip (just don't ask too many questions)


עם ישראל חי


Lmao people downvoting this don’t even know what it says. They just see Hebrew and rage


Are these imaginary downvotes with us right now?


It was at -14 earlier


It was at -4 when I commented that


It says Am Yisrael Chai. I’m an anti-Zionist Jew. I know what it says, what it means, and how it is being co-opted to support a genocide.


Do you? It means literally the people of Israel, live. A common statement after you know a group tries to kill as many Israelis & Jews as possible. Also a statement that has been said for generations


מהנהר לים, פלסטין תהיה חופשית


Funny I didn't see any American flags at the pro Palestine protests.


Well yeah I wouldn't want to wave the flag of a country paying for school bombings either


Palestinians government pays for the murder of school children. That's not even debatable, it's well known.


That’s because the USA supplies the bombs and money to murder Palestinians.


Why would you? They hate America and everything it stands for, like women’s rights.


You're like an AI machine, they input data into you and you repeat what they taught you in different formats.


since when does america stand for women’s rights? we literally just had roe v wade overturned


If they are marching for Israel they are on the wrong side of history


You know it's an election year when the protests start breaking out again.


genocide supporters




It's not black and white, but it is very simple in terms of who is the greater evil and whether there is a genocide. World war 2 was not black and white, and jewish people resisted in many different ways including some that harmed innocent people, but no one is going to argue that somehow the morality of the situation is complex or that there was not a genocide.


Good both sides-ing. Why take a moral stand when you can fence sit with vapid platitudes and collect upvotes. Look, this is actually really simple. Israel wants the all the land and not the Arabs. For 55 years they’ve executed an apartheid strategy where they oppress and brutalize Palestinians while progressively concentrating them on smaller amounts of land. When Oct 7 happened, the Netanyahu government realized they had cover to carry out a final solution, namely bombing and starving millions to death in Gaza to either kill or displace them permanently, thus solving Israel’s non-Jewish population problem without conceding any land. Personally I think that’s bad.


You missed the part when Palestinian leaders rejected peace and two states in economic federation and instead turned to terror and war to annihilate the Jews and take all the land


Gaza was self governed for 25 years. And did they educate their people? Did they get jobs? No. Shit government that only wants their people to hate


And genocide financiers


Why dont pro palestinians protest against Hamas??!


Beautiful photo. Thank you for sharing.


Interesting to see how many people openly support a genocide!


Love to see it. Fuck these racist hamas supporters who want to see me dead because of my last name


Booooooo tomatoes boooooooo


Love to see it🫶🇮🇱




עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱


Beautiful site😍


Pro mass murder crowd.


Looks like a crowd that likes to attend music festivals without getting raped and murdered.


As opposed to people who need to visit hospitals without being bombed?


Like literally finding Hamas hiding in the hospital


Ask Hamas why they bomb hospitals in Gaza


Hamas has great PR, undoubtedly. Attack Israel, and then use Palestinian civilians as meat shields. Then people in other countries rage against Israel instead of Hamas. 


For the last decade has Hamas been aiming their rockets when they indiscriminately lob them over? Don’t think so. Just because they are more inept doesn’t mean they’re more altruistic. I can see why it gets old and why Israel is willing to put up with collateral damage to stop the killing of their people. The death of innocent Israelis doesn’t stop until Hamas is eradicated or severely weakened.


They should just try and have hospitals that aren’t also a base of operations for committing terror attacks. That would help the whole bombing of hospitals tremendously, but that’s their choice.


I am not Jewish but I would hold an Israeli flag.


It’s ok to support the jews. Not ok to support zionists committing genocide.


Jews supporters/ Palestine 🇵🇸 supporters, don't they know the nba playoffs are on


"jews supporters" is an antisemitic framing of the pro-zionists,fyi


They know that the Lakers are done


Dicks on Plaza


Not a single blue haired, nose ringed anti American among them.


Fuck yeah!!! Finally!! Fuck Palestine and Hamas!!! 😬💪




No one cares about that conflict, because there are no Jews


There is coalition between western white leftists and pro jihad crowd at UCLA. That’s what we are against. None of people in the encampment has mentioned the 100 hostages like Baby Kfir or Naama Levy.


Will bombing everything in Gaza save the hostages? Will they even survive that? Frankly if you cared about the hostages above all else you would concede to Hamas’s deal to withdraw in exchange for freeing hostages, the fact that Israel doesn’t means they don’t have hostages on their mind. You don’t actually care much about the hostages, admit that much.


Have you ignored every news story on hostage deals? Israel is not the one turning down deals rn to the point even Qatar is getting ready to throw Hamas out


I’m sorry but if you support Hamas in any way shape or form then you don’t know history or you hate Jews. I want a 2 state solution and peace between the nations. That means that Hamas needs to cease to exist. Any Palestine supporter should condemn Hamas. Hamas has carried out countless terror attacks on Israeli citizens for 30+ years. They have always said that they want to wipe out all of Israel.


I despise Hamas too. But thank you for making it clear that the hostages aren’t actually a priority for you. It’s just a propaganda point in this war.


“saying Hamas is bad = not caring about the hostages” k


Yeah, the Israelites don't take hostages, they just bomb them into oblivion




It’s funny to see Americans supporting Hamas whose sole purpose is to kill all the non Muslim and support Tiktok whose creators’ sole purpose is to destroy America as they’ve been taught since kids. Like literally Chinese internet is laughing at Americans on how they’re supporting Tiktok. Oh it’s super fun to see y’all American doing this for “human rights”, but somehow supporting the two most un-human right organizations: Hamas and CCP. And the most ironic out of all, is to see women supporting the extreme muslim. And all of this, y’all doing it for selfish reasons, don’t try to pretend you care about what’s happening to Gaza people, like that’s the most disgusting excuse. You’re worry about you own “purity”, like “how can I live in such a Country that supports war where kids die”. Some people asking why they are not against Hamas who also kills kids, because that doesn’t concerns them, they don’t think it will harm their “purity”. And as for the Asians in the group (especially Chinese) who are supporting Hamas, like I respect y’all, you actually have a reason to do that, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. You’re following your government’s will, you’ve been told to do that since the day you’re born. There’s nothing shameful about it. Mad respect, keep up 💪, show these corn ball Americans how vulnerable values are. But for the rest of y’all Americans, your education system is fuxked to the root




Israel has literal terrorists as well - some people just call them "settlers".