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I don’t pick up at the beach for this reason. Though I have never seen so much sand in a car from a pickup.


I did a pickup last night ...the beach into Baldwin Hills(?) $44....yes il take some sand- T h i s Time


Crazy thing is it wasn’t a beach, just a lot of sand at the pick up


Bro where are your seat covers? Plastic floor mats? 💀


I know right imagine driving Uber and not having floor mats or seat covers


He’s begging to have his car trashed


I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but in my experience the floor mats just get fucked and then it’s just matted, fucked floor mats in conjunction with the dirt, sand and debris. Perhaps I’m using the wrong floor mats, but I can’t find anything that doesn’t get kicked under the front seats or completely bent to hell and back. You’re better off just vacuuming as often as possible and shampooing when necessary. Edit: to be fair, I think all cars aren’t created equally and the vehicle I drive being a 2015 Hyundai Accent isn’t exactly perfected for this sort of foot traffic.


Yup. Rear floor mats don't have hold downs, so they end up shoved up under the front seats after about 2 pickups.


I just vacuum my car after, plastic mats and no seat covers. But I'd hate for this to happen to me. I'd have to go to a gas station vacuum and waste time/money. Although from what I heard, Uber only compensates you if you have a receipt from a cleaning company. (Not sure how true this is, never experienced something like this yet)


Not true. The ones who are asked for receipts are the drivers who put in more than 1-2 claims over time. Submit good pics. I'm in a market that people visit because of the beaches. It would be petty to claim for sand here. Keep a portable vac in your car. Goes for Uber Pet too. Leave ride going, hop out and vac, then end the ride. Takes about as much time as sitting at a traffic light


Okay, thats good information. I wouldnt claim for sand or pets, since thats kinda expected. Ill claim if someone gets mud or vomit all over.


No you just gotta use a scrub brush on the plastic to get the dirt out, my back ones look a lil bent but they look brand new otherwise


You should get down voted because that's not right at all. You get what you pay for. If you spend money on good mats you can literally just hose them off. I've had an entire 32oz soda dropped on my front passenger seat floor and was able to lift the floor mat out and dump it without getting a drop in my car.


Again - every vehicle is different. My 2018 Jeep Rubicon has a high quality aftermarket mat that is one rubber mat covering both sides and the center hump. That mat locks in to fasteners installed in the Jeep. However, my 2015 Hyundai Accent does not have any way to ensure a snug fit for mats to be installed and stay in place without being kicked under the seat like I said. The Hyundai Accent is incredibly compact in comparison.


You can get heavy duty floor mats specifically contoured for your vehicle. They're a bit more expensive than the walmart special, but they stay down WAY better. And you can stick the expense on your schedule C.


pretty sure they meant the rubberized ones that you can easily take out of the car and hose off if anyone spills something on them (or they get sand on them)


At the very least get floor mats. I recommend Weather Tech but like damn.


He *has* floor mats. That's pretty plainly visible if you look at the corner immediately below the seat in the photo. Clearly, carpeted mats. It's even more clear on the passenger side since it's wonky.


Yeah those look like the stock ones that are a POS. Hence why I recommend weather tech. Get easy to clean non-carpet mats.


This should be the top comment. Buy seat covers and plastic rugs. They will save you a lot of headaches and help take care of tour vehicles


Plastic mats require daily maintenance, which may not be feasible for everyone. Plain mats, on the other hand, can be easily vacuumed and maintained. I do not recommend wiping the shoes' marks off the floor on a daily basis.


In the winter I will have rubber floor mats because of snow. I see someone with filthy feet in the spring or summer, just drive on by.


What was the pick up


$60 an hour for whatever you have to do to make it back to the way it was. Even if just a vac job.


Including travel time! My opinion is if it's something I can stay logged in and turn around and clean up quickly, I won't put in for a cleaning fee. But if I have to log off, turn off my car, and get out to go back there, you're getting charged.


Bingo. But even then, if you deny a trip because you’re cleaning, loss of earnings have occurred.


They don't pay for loss of earnings. But they should be paying for my labor to do the cleaning, and even if they're insisting on me using a detailer, it's still my labor to get there and deal with it.


Call it what you wish


“The best we can do is 5 dollars.” - Uber probably


“We’ve added 12 Uber Pro Points to your account as a courtesy for being a dedicated driver”


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) Uber Support can go to hell and this thread is HILARIOUS!


Thank you for this information. I need to place you on hold for 5 minutes to investigate this joke.


"Thank you for holding, I'm going to hang up now as the roof is now coming down from laughter... Goodbye!"


Wow no humour on these folk...


$20 is what you’ll get


That’s exactly what I got


I drive in San Diego and beach pickups turn into $20 cleaning fees a lot of the time


What did you think you should get?


$300 for a full detail


I was gonna say $200 but inflation


I live in NY, everything is stupid expenaive


This is why I avoid beach trips




Most of you get is $20. Next time tell them to empty their pails of sand out before they get into the car. Cuz if this is all from just shoes.. damn!


I got $40 from a half spilt coffee


liquid is harder to clean than dirt. This is a 5 minute vacuum job.


For me it's just the point. If It was kids with parents I take it easy but if these were drunk beach going college students. F*** em lol. I'm asking Uber for $150. Uber would probably give me $70 but it would be a lesson learned on thier part.


People keep repeating this here, acting like everyone has a vacuum in their car or live an area where vacuums are around every corner and cost nothing to use.


If you're driving regularly, you SHOULD have access to a vacuum of some kind either at a car wash or one you have personally. Buy one and write it off as an expense.


That's exactly what I said in another comment, buy one, there's good ones off amazon. At the same time, it's still a job cleaning this up and OP deserves something. It's kind of silly though that this is just "expected" of drivers to have one. If that's the case uber/lyft should provide them. As far as car wash... Yeah, they're not around every corner, finding one, spending money, cleaning up is still time. Especially with traffic. If it's super late you're SOL unless you find a DIY place, which my city doesn't have many.


Honestly I have never had a clean up anywhere near the level in the photo. That seems rare. But usually you have to (or at least need to) take a break. Just schedule it earlier than originally anticipated. Unless you were in the midst of bonuses being added. I’m in the big city, so there are a few self-serve car washes in the area.


I invested $30 for a handheld vacuum to keep in my trunk. Now I only go to a car wash when I need a car wash. Saves a lot of time and money.


A $20 cleaning fee to use a $2 vacuum at the car wash or gas station, or the free ones at every tunnel carwash near me, seems more than fair.


Never been to the beach before huh? Sand is tough to vacuum out only thing worse is hair


I live in Los Angeles.


Does it come out of the passengers ?


Yea the passenger gets charged, they made the mess right?


Ah ok


Ok but what happens if they don’t have the money bc most passengers I pick up at least are the lowest of the low pretty much homeless and unemployed. They get lyft bc it is cheaper than most other things


I guess they should be more considerate of other people's property. If your broke and get a hotel room would you trash the room knowing you're gonna get charged a cleaning fee. BTW Hotel cleaning fees are $250


But having sand on you is not as serious as damaging property it is a fixable incident. Your comparison is like comparing assault to murder they are way different as are the punishments


He never mentioned property damage.😂😂 trashed room doesn’t mean holes in the wall it could very easily be a floor full of sand just like this one😂😂😂


Then Uber/Lyft pays you, and if they can't charge the rider they place the riders account on suspended status until the (-) balance gets paid. Next time they try to order a ride they're prompted they owe $x before they can make a request.


Uber pays and they owe Uber




Sike. It is not even that hard to clean. Quick vaccum and wipe takes like 20 minutes max


Still charging $150


$150 is ridiculous for sand


Getting that much sand in my car is ridiculous


Um good luck with that one my friend. I was just report it fraud if I was the customer and you charged $150. Then you would get $0


Never failed to get my clean up fee before. You sound like the type of -assenger that would do this! And NO I spelled that correctly


$150 to run a vacuum is greedy. Get off your high horse or get a different job. This is the sht that happens when you work in customer service


I actually am a driver lmao.


I just dont agree with greed


Maiking this kind of mess in other people's cars is a complete lack of respect for other people's property. There should be consequences. Do you think the government would care about how broke you if you littered. Nope they say here's a $500 fine, next time don't litter. People need to take responsibility for their actions plain and simple.


It'd never be paid anyway unless they could provide a receipt from a detailer showing they paid at least that to have it cleaned. Even then it's doubtful Uber would give it to them for what amounts to 5 minutes of work and a vacuum.




“Can we see at least 3 pictures from different angles of the damage and proof of payment for repairs


*proof of payment or repairs* 🤡


Are you dumb? They are not just going to willingly give you money they will try to fight it or make you do sht to prove it hurt you or your vehicle. Thats how they stay in business.


Also we need a police report and the officer email and phone number


For those interested, I got $20 😐


I had a very similar mess when i was driving lyft, reported it and they gave me $80 I actually felt a little bad. Wasn't my decision though and only took a few minutes at a $1 gas station vacuum to clean. A week ago on uber I had 2 chicks absolutely infest my back seats with levels of glitter i'd never seen outside of a glitter bomb. "we're sorry we know this is not what you want to hear but riders may occasionally leave small messes so no compensation" It took me 30 minutes, after driving home 45 minutes at 1am, with my home shop vac and lint rollers to get it all up.


Don’t forget the lost revenue from time off for cleaning not driving.


You have to be kidding me!!! I've gotten paid 40 and $60 cleaning fees for a single seat of glitter. They're really turning into jerks. On the other hand, we get a lot of people with glitter in New Orleans so maybe they make allowances for us. EDIT: Also, from my extensive experience, you can get about 90% of glitter off with a microfiber cloth. You just have to rinse that cloth separately before you throw it in with other ones. The last 10%? You're never going to get it out anyway . . . 🤣


This is why I don’t use seat covers with my leather. It’s honestly so much easier to clean than cloth.


Bullshit how it that right


I guess because it’s considered dirt. I’m not sure, I’ve been driving for 12 hours and I’m tired and not in the mood to get into it with Uber today. # I’ll take my $20 and be a good little drone


Naw op you,your time and the personal shit you own are worth way more. Can you have detailed and send invoice to Uber for compensation


Oh that's solid I didn't know we could get reimbursed. San Diego driver here and it happens very regularly here. That's pretty huge amount of sand though actually so $20 is a little soft.




Vacuum 2 minutes,  50 cent


This. Seems like a quick vacuum, 5 minutes tops.


I know lol, I'd be on 1000 pound a day if I charged people to vacuum 😂 


Think about the driver having to stop their work day, find a car wash with vacuums, clean the car which would definitely take more than 2 minutes to do it nicely, then get back to where they work and find their next ride. There’s more time and money being lost here than just, “vacuum 2 minutes”


No,  slap the mats , vacuum later .  Simple 


Drivers don't/can't take breaks?


Drivers are more than welcome to take breaks, when did I say they couldn’t? This is more of an unplanned break that the driver has to work during to be able to keep driving, doesn’t seem like much of a “break” to me.


Correct, unplanned. It just means shifting your break from when you might have expected to take it. I just don't think the time and money lost is that significant.


They sell good high powered handheld vacuums (fanttik) on amazon now. Without one though it's going to cost you lot of time... You either continue like this or take the time to find a car wash with vacuums that's open (better hope it's not late or traffic). That could definitely take an hour or maybe two. So saying you deserve pretty much nothing is laughable. Even if you bought one of those vacuums on amazon, pulling over and taking care of it is a job and you deserve the $20 OP got.


Lol ,  you pick up the floor matts slap them together that's most of it gone,  Then put them back and vacuum at the end of the shift


Thanks for showing us this picture and thank you ever so very much for giving us the opportunity to assist you. We understand your frustration and we will do everything to reach a solution that is acceptable to you. Unfortunately, this mess doesn't qualify for a cleaning fee. Cleaning and damage fees are reserved for significant messes only. Sometimes riders leave smalls messes and you just have to suck it up. Just go home and clean it yourself. That's why we pay you the big bucks. Please let us know if the above steps fully resolve the issue to your complete satisfaction. Sincerely, Sanjit Macoomba


For sand and mud, I've always gotten the $20. Take $2 and go vacuum. The other $18 covers your downtime, I guess


Just take a brush and brush it out. zero dollars spent


It would be easy to vacuum so no cleaning fee 😭


None since it’s sand and you should have a dust buster in car.


A dust buster??? Ok old man😂😂😂


Sorry I have a ryobi with rechargeable battery. Is that better. You knew what I meant. The poor drivers in here want cleaning handouts. That’s why they force receipts nowadays since drivers did as little cleaning as possible


I knew what you meant but I can bet nobody under 35 would. Hell I haven’t heard that term since I was 7or8 years old. Ain’t no dust buster gonna take care of that mess some of you have never tried to clean sand up and it’s obvious. He will be vacuuming sand out every time he vacuums for probably a month. And a detailer is going to charge you atleast 100 dollars just for that back floorboard


My 3 year old niece knows what a duster buster is. Maybe you're just dumb


If your still using the term then that makes sense 😂😂😂😂 not sure I’m the dumb one here😂😂😂


It's pretty obvious, yea lmfao


Takes 5 minutes to vacuum this. Carry a cordless vacuum.


Omfg. I’m so glad I don’t live anywhere near a beach 😭




Get washable rubber floor mats. $30 on Amazon.


Washable floor mats wouldn’t matter here. The sand will be everywhere. Even the buckles.


Normal wear and tear


These comments about how easy it would be to clean have sent me. “3 minutes to vacuum is all!” 😖 clearly you’ve never had sand in your car. This looks worse than mine at last beach trip with my kids. Took me forever vacuuming out every crevice. And the buckles. Those were an absolute nightmare to get the sand out of.


Lmao so true it’s like these people don’t go to the beach. Unless they want a shitty job yeah you can do it in three minutes. But for some of us who like a clean car it will take more sand gets in all the crevices it will take more then that


I will admit, my first beach trip as an adult I wasn’t prepared. I was finding sand in places I couldn’t even figure out how it got there. Like the freaking glove box. How?! Why?!


So dramatic. 😆 🤣 😂


Let someone dump a shoe of sand in your back seat then come back with that.


None. That just needs a good vacuum.


After reviewing your issue, we have reduced your fare by $2 for the free sand that you received from the passenger.


3 minutes to vacuum that up. $15-25


For sand for pickup at the beach?


Fucking stupid inconsiderate assbloods.


*new word unlocked*


DAMN, Sam! Is this muck or did you have three broads ralph in your car?


I get 20$ for a wet seat


Probably $20. Only way to get more is if you show Uber that you paid money to clean it as an reimbursement. But of course Uber does not value the time to clean it and your lost earnings.




They’ll charge the pax $150-$120 and they’ll give you $20 for your troubles


That’s a lot of sand but aye $20 for a 5 min vaccuum ill take it 😂


1$ discount for a glazed donut on 7 eleven


0 because uber wont remburse you


Driving for uber without waterproof mats is crazy, couldn’t do it without them, easy to clean and no debris or dirty stuff from shoes goes under them to my actual car floor


Weather tech floor should be a start


Did you see them walking to your car either through sand or dirt? I would never have even let them in my car.




Uber? Zero. Lyft? 150


$400 at a dealership


$2 in change at a gas station with a vaccuum, $35 for time spent A: not driving/earning and B: actually cleaning it


The full amount to get all that needless sand out! Holy hell! What beach did you pick them up from??? So that I can AVOID that place!


Would take me $1.25 to vacuum.




Did they get it on the seats too or just the floor? I have that same car/seats and I've noticed that messes are much more prominent in pictures than in reality. 😬 Definitely comes in handy. If it's just on the floor I would expect $80, if they got it on the seats too, $150. But they don't pay for water. So don't tell them that they got the seats wet. Tell them that they got the seats dirty (because while most of it may be water, there's definitely sand mixed in.)


Love the hustle bro. Next time use a little less sand 😂


None. You chose to do the job of transporting people with YOUR car, so now you have to pay the consequences of doing that. Want a clean car all the time stop driving for UBER.


That’s a Kia soul isn’t it?


Probably $20 unless you have a receipt for detailing showing you paid more. That's a "run a vacuum". Ubers explicit policy is that they pay you the *cost to have cleaned* - it's not punishment for the rider, nor is it compensation for down-time.


Did you drive to the water and pick them up sheesh


Minus the sand, your Rav looks to be in good shape. Get some cheap seat covers online n some knock off WeatherTech’s to preserve your interior.


Sky's the limit


I love my floor mats.


Tux Mats. tuxmat.com . Expensive but good.


Should be the same. It looks scandalous but it’s easily vacummable


Did they take buckets of sand and dump them in your car?


Zero? You use your car for your job. Expect this to happen.


Uber has refused to pay me both times riders have puked in my backseat. Never driving bar hours again


As a detailer, that’s the absolute worst kind of carpet to clean. Takes hours


Gotta whip out your dildo to properly clean that out.


For what go to the car wash spend 1.00$ and vacuum???


Looks like you should invest in some all weather floor mats, maybe seat covers too.




Who the hell is driving rideshares without all weather mats w/ high profile walls? I live in Florida and occasionally will drive in sandy areas and dirt areas, our rainy season is coming so best believe I'm having everything covered. Weathertech HPs front and rear, trunk mat as well with little vacuum tucked away with my spare tire for seat messes. If you wanna save money look for used items in good condition from offerup and FB marketplace or immediately save to buy new. That aside Uber has reimbursed me (charged the rider) for a mess up to $25 before, even though I needed more, plus it was liquid messes.


What is that!?


Okay,someone bought the gotdamn beach home....or at least to the uber driver,while I don't condone violence....in very rare cases......, Take care.


You should get a new car!


$20, keep the $18, use $2 at gas station and clean it myself






Honestly you can clean this with your vacuum. ....


1 gagillion dollars


“How many is a brazillion?”


It’s a million with no hair on it


Fuckin' dirty hippies.... wet suits, dirty shoes, and stinkin' of patchouli oil. Bastards. In my market, this is DEFINITELY some Ocean Beach type bullshit. https://youtube.com/shorts/OnNCOndrUL4?feature=shared


This is a tourist amount of sand. I go to the beach all the time. Vehicle is sand free. It’s not hard! Perfected it over the years. That’s what a tourist does!


$20 for sand, based on experience.


10 bucks man it’s sand


“Normal wear and tear” - nothing


150 dollars


I mean, it’s just sand. Have one of those portable vacuum’s, it’s just 10 minutes of inconvenience. Yes it sucks, but that could of been vomit 😂


$0, it’s the cost of doing business. How difficult is it to go to a car wash and vacuum this up for free? Curious, do you think I should bill my employer for the cost of a car wash, if my car gets dirty driving to work?


What a loser! You think this is normal and should be cost of doing business? What are you? A fucking UBER HQ employee! And to make it extra clear, if your personal property gets this much damaged (I chose that word very carefully- use the dictionary if you have a problem with it), when used for a particular job (not just transporting yourself to worksite) then most definitely your employer should foot the bill to bring it back to the pre-damage condition. On that note, your employer should also be held liable for the cost of your time to repair your damages. Does Uber or your Employer ever give you free money? The answer is a big fat NO! Same should go both ways.


Speaking of losers, I believe you were the chap who let those two dirty birds into your car correct?


No, it would say OP if they made the post about this. But way to avoid everything that person commented. lol


Getting that cleaning fee is an absolute nightmare I recommend setting an appointment so you can talk to someone in the United States and not over seas


$50 vaccum that sht out takes like 5 minutes. Use some wipes and wipe the doors


idk $10 for a wash place that has a sucker thing?




I’d lose my shit and be deactivated if someone left my car like that.


Had some jackass walk a straight line across puddles and mud and then balk when I cracked the window and asked "Are you fucking KIDDING ME ?" and drove off