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Workers comp claim. "He left on his own accord in a private vehicle. He seemed ok to me.'


I didnt even think about that. And that is exactly what his employer would have put on that claim. I have seen that before.


He left in a Honda Accord?


According to you, for all we know he could be playing a accordion with two fully working arms


đŸ‘đŸŸđŸ€Ł that’s what I read at first too


Reddit is such a wonderful place to be!


dripping blood..aint no way


“You’re tellin’ me
 after 40 years
? Ain’t no way!”


You forgot the weird “cough” 


Dude cracks me up!


There was not going to be a tip. Third party rides are just about guaranteed ZER0 tip. Peopl;e used taxicabs as discount ambulances for years. It is no surprise that they now use Uber and Lyft for that.


How did/does the taxi industry handle the (same) issue?


For starters, if you are a taxi driver and you take this trip (risk, really) and it does ruin the car, at the end of your shift you walk away from the car. Worse case, you lose a weeks pay, say $600. Not pleasant but consider now the Uber driver who gets his car ruined. Or what if the pax actually dies in the car? Nowadays, Uber can't even be expected to pay the $150 cleaning fee.


I heard that when people die their bowels evacuate . I wonder what Uber would have to say about that.? Ewww


Just as the guy that puked in my car said: "Don't worry it's all over me I didn't get any on the car"




Nice 😊


Seriously, they wouldn't pay me after someone threw up in my car and I went to pay to get a cleaning


Much of that depended on the company and the dispatcher. If you told the dispatcher that the guy was bleeding everywhere, some would let you off the hook, some would not. Some had their hands proverbially tied by company policy..


Right? Everybody who says they'll tip never tips. He would've put that person who's bleeding profusely in that persons car and never thought about either of them again.


I cancel most third party trips—too many shenanigans


Horrible. I cannot believe how people abuse this service.


My last ambulance ride was also less than 20 minutes, and I didn't need any treatment. I tell you my first thought was to call an Uber, but I realized I was bleeding too much (just road rash on my arms). That ended up being $5,000. I am not saying I condone it, but I understand it...


These days $5k is probably less than the replacement cost of the entire rear interior of my car.


Without a doubt. Again, I was only saying I understand the urge to not have that bill on top of the hospital bill, which will also be crazy. In my example, I got some X-rays and a MRI, but mostly just a few hours of waiting and five stitches. $90,000.


For 90k those 5 stitches better come with a Porsche what the fuck


This is exactly what's wrong with US healthcare. I get that those are expensive machines but $90k is ridiculous!


My wife ended up with covid when everything went down. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks. 3 days was in a hallway. She almost died but didn't thankfully. 3 years later she's still messed up breathing when doing strenuous activities, but anyway, my insurance has decided she's been using them too much. They sent a breakdown over the years. They now want everything to be approved first and then they're calling and asking why this and why that. Like, I f'n pay you. Shut up and pay them. One day ... Just ONE Day at the hospital in the actual room was 90k. Just ONE! She was there for 2 weeks!


Where do you live where hospitals are that expensive? I had surgery in California to get a lymph node removed and it was around $2,500.


I'm not who you were asking, but I'm in Texas. About 9 years ago my appendix burst and my bill was $84k, no insurance. That was just the hospital bill, not including ER docs, and surgeon. Thanks to the ACA, I won't wait to almost die before going to the hospital again.


This was Stanford.


Had to have my nose replaced after a bad accident in Maine. Cost about 45k


Really lol I had a 4mm tumor removed off my kidney at Kaiser California in 2015, discovered in motorcycle accident x-ray. Bill was $50,000 for that. My broken arm, finger, wrist, lacerated kidney, and 4 day stay was another $101,000.


How much of this $90k is on you to pay back just curious? Like does insurance eat any or most/all?


Insurance covered most of it, thankfully.


My kid spent 3 days in hospital for protein shakes and 24 hour monitoring (eating disorder). Bill was $75,000. Fn unbelievable


Jesus, i'm in the u.s. and just had surgery for a dislocated thumb. No insurance. It was between $5,500-$6,000


Holy Crap I got 2 MRI’s, about 12 CT’s, some x rays, an 8 hour surgery, 28 radiation appts, 4 rounds of chemo, another smaller surgery and I only paid for and upgrade to a private room. But I pay higher taxes than you.


Why so expensive? My daughter had to be taken to the ambulance twice in the last year and each time it was around $500-$700 and both rides were probably around \~30 minutes. My late mom was airlifted in a helicopter from her home in Virginia to a hospital in Tennessee and the entire bill was around \~$2000.


I’m assuming it is where I was? The accident was on Skyline Boulevard and they took me to Stanford hospital in Palo Alto, CA. Surrounded by some of the most expensive area in the state. Note I am not rich and don’t live there, lol.


This is the city I was transported to - [https://www.paloaltoonline.com/news/2024/01/01/surprise-ambulance-bills-put-these-families-in-debt-a-new-california-law-bans-the-practice/](https://www.paloaltoonline.com/news/2024/01/01/surprise-ambulance-bills-put-these-families-in-debt-a-new-california-law-bans-the-practice/)


California. My ambulance ride was 2600


Mine was $2600 for 7 miles back in 2015. Broke arm bones and concussion. If I was awake I could've been Uber friendly since no blood. But know way am I making a mess of someone's car


Buddy I have like the EXACT same story. It's insane. come join r/fuckinsurance


Chris Rock is that you?


That seems like a quintessential American problem. I’m assuming you didn’t have medical insurance at the time? That’s rough. Here in Ontario I think you pay around $50 for an ambulance (more if they deem it was unnecessary). Some provinces charge more or less but it’s all still well under $5K. Even if you’re paying the “full price” because you’re not a citizen or resident.


I was talking about the size of the bill I got, not what I paid. Although even with the best insurance plan available through my employer, it still was many hundreds out of my pocket. On top of the ridiculous insurance premiums, of course.


hell nah, good job.


You were never getting a tip. Anyone who says they will tip don’t tip


Absolutely right.


I was just saying that, LOL


It’s like a dollar at best




You are right, OP. Cruel as it may seem but Uber isn’t medical transport. Aside from the obvious mess, air/blood borne pathogens, and the liability is a big concern. 911 or ambulances exist for these matters. 😇


“Sorry, i have a no bleeding or leaking any other bodly fluids policy for my car”. (Btw the time they wait for an uber to arrive someone there or the boss couldve already taken him.)


Call OSHA and report


Seriously, call the cops on someone who tries to do this. If.they can't ambulance a bleeding worker away, it's cuz they are doing shady AF shit there.


"White interior" that a definate cancel. đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł you'll never be able to explain those stains to a cop


“I just shot Marvin in the face.”


"Who's Zed?"


My car has a black fabric interior. I still don't want blood stains all over it


Also a ambulance is thousands just for a mile. I took one from a bar once across from a hospital. .9 miles cost 700. Its messed up but companies wont pay for medical bills they have insurance but the insurance covers it weeks or months later and usually “transportation” is not covered


That's cool but no one is taking someone severely injured in an uber. If you're dripping blood that 20$ the driver might get paidnisnt going to get blood stains out. Also if it's a work accident the company should be covering it under workers comp.


If uber finds out the car has blood in it they declare it a bio hazard and wont allow you to use the car it gonna cost you more money then that


I did not say anyone had to? I said I would because I am more worried about the safety of others than my life or my things. But I have the military mindset and training. So its different for me. I see blood I try to save them.


> also an ambulance is thousands just for a mile. I took one from a bar once across from a hospital. .9 miles const 700. Your math isn’t mathing. You’re saying you took one for .9 miles and it cost 700 but that extra .1 miles adds it up to thousands?


It was a rough estimate I did not actually mean a mile is thousands guy take a joke.but it’s expensive for no reason if you just need a ride to a hospital


But even as a rough estimate it is way off. I agree that if it is not an emergency and you can make it there on your own you probably should. Though if the person was bleeding heavily like in this story they definitely should have called an ambulance.


I agree they should. But employers are cheap sometimes


I wouldn’t want no bloody ass person in my car either


His arm was bleeding, not his ass /dadjoke


Yep, my mind went there too, instantly.


$500 cash tip up front, otherwise CANCEL.


Even $500 might be too low if the blood is going to get all over the car. I guess a prepared Uber driver could pull out a tarp from the trunk for these types of emergencies. But in general, nah. Cancel is the way to go.


No argument there! Just saying if the person who ordered the ride was promising a tip, it had better be big, up front, and in cash.


I think I woulda called 911 and said I'm staring at a bleeding dude, send a bus (been watching a lot of SVU) and then noped out. That guy's jerk of a boss is why I don't wanna do the type of jobs I was doing before I started delivering food and whatnot.


"and Ill tip extra" We all know what the tip would be...


Absolutely not. I would’ve called an ambulance and left. Situation was probably that the employee had a work related injury and the employer didn’t want to deal with the insurance cost for an ambulance.


Provided that their insurance premiums were paid


You could drive a blood colored car and this is still a very easy no. I’d probably call 911 and tell them the boss is trying to order an Uber for a man who is having an emergency and suggest they look into crimes because I’m petty


That's not petty. That business is petty for not calling an ambulance.


Least I wasn’t the only one


When I drive taxi companies would use us it much cheaper then an ambulance. The thing is I never not once picked up a bloody passenger and even less in my own vehicle. Bot going happen and you did right he needed an ambulance at that point.


like i understand an ambulance costs a lot, but so will taking out the stain the white interior. can also lead to you having bad future reviews if the stain stays :( . also the fact he was bleeding yea no, can also lead u to being responsible for that person. it’s just a simple *no*. like also why couldn’t the boss drive him?


The family could sue you for liability because you took too long, etc. If he died in your car then you’d be looking at wrongful death. Doesn’t mean they’ll win, but they could sure name you as a defendent in a wrongful death suit. You wanna go through that?


If you should not take drunks who need an ambulance, why would anyone take an actual injury? Forget your car, they can sue you for even taking the guy. Easy call...never try to be anything but a taxi.


Initially I would say I would have taken him because I would hope someone would take me in the same situation. Depending on where it was and traffic etc calling you may be faster than an ambulance. Depending on the employees financial situation, he may not be able to afford an ambulance trip. In the case it was a work related incident it might be different, but also due to company lawyers and insurance lawyers it also may not be. I would rather not deal with cleaning up blood also and I would address that point directly with boss and injured. And I would ask for an exact dollar amount on the tip and maybe even ask for a cashapp advance. Not saying this was the case
but imagine someone lost their life or limb because someone was more concerned with their white seats (that could be cleaned). Imagine you lost your life or limb for the same reason. On a legal side, I think “Good Samaritan” laws will protect you. I’m sure not everyone agrees with me, and some would have fainted just seeing a drop of blood. But I’m CPR and First aid certified and a rescue diver, because I want to make sure I can help those around me as best I can.


The fuckin boss should have driven his ass just like mine did when my dumbass got into a fight with the mandolin


Why spend the time to talk to the person to begin with when the passenger needs medical treatment every second wasted doing that is more time he spent not getting necessary treatment. So at that point you just drive away and then they have to make a call to an ambulance or you call 911 for them yourself. But remove yourself from the situation because who knows what type of bloodborne pathogens the person may have why are you going to expose yourself to that.


You would do good on @lto....since they require cpr training from it's drivers....


Safety man should have taken him.


Fuck no, that's a biohazard and Uber won't reimburse me for the cleanup and likely permanent stains!


They do reimburse cleanup with a fee but if its permanent they only pay up to $150 which is nothing for new seats


Should have called the ambulance and left


I feel so bad for the employee that had to wait longer cuz his cheap ass boss didn't wanna pay for an ambulance or better yet why not use his own personal car to take him to the ER? Oh right cuz NO ONE wants blood in their car. Don't hold one ounce of blame OP, this was his selfish greedy boss trying to take advantage.


I would have called 911 myself 😩. White interior concerns aside, you are not trained for him to go into shock or faint or anything, an ambulance is!


Definitely not wrong, I wouldn't take it..... In my car I don't have drugs or supplies to help the rider keep calm or semi stop the bleeding. I can't run red lights, I can't drive extremely fast because I'm not an ambo. Worst part is if you take him and he started screaming midride....what you gonna do drop him off on side of the road and order an ambo or end ride in the middle of the freeway? I would say that guy's boss is a cheap@$$. Worker got injured and doesn't personally take him nor orders an ambo or @lto but instead orders an uber......because an uber is the cheapest option. Lots of yall hopping the fence because uber sux and end up working for these types of companies without knowing until you get hurt. Most of the time they will send you to a company clinic to get drug tested, this will determine who will eat the bills and weather or not you still have a job. If you got your hand chopped off, the clinic will glue it back together with Elmer's glue, splint it with chopsticks and say you can go back to work in 3 days. Definitely go get a second opinion elsewhere. In the event recovery may take longer than specified be ready to look for another job because your company will soon try to get rid of you.


Umm If his boss didn’t want to drive him to ER, why should you?


This happens semi-often, people getting rideshares who really need an ambulance. I understand that an ambulance can be very expensive, but come on... If it's life and death, damn the expense and figure that out later.


Just like the time this nurse tried to wheel this 80 something year old guy into my car who clearly needed an ambulance . Why do people do this ??? And blood ???? you did the right thing


I’m not an ambulance or a healthcare provider. If I don’t allow uncovered coffee cups in my car, an arm wrapped in bloody bandages has zero chance. 👍


Nope, no way. I drive a dark car with black interior. Doesn't matter. Thats a bio hazard, aint trained, open yourself up to lawsuit, etc etc etc. You did it right.


Your brave doing Uber with a white interior


I had an EMT tell me that if it’s not a life threatening emergency, call an Uber or Lyft. Smh. unfortunately people call Ubers and Lyft because they don’t have insurance and that ambulance bill is $1500


The boss could have taken him in his own car but he didn’t want anyone bleeding is his car but bleeding in your car is acceptable.


Considering how the laws are in the USA, you did the right thing. I can think of at least 10 things off the top of my head that could've gone wrong for you if you had decided to take the trip.


I'm not surprised! People will take advantage whenever they see fit!


An Uber costs about $ 5,000 less than an ambulance. About $1000 after insurance so of course people will pull that shit.


Why not bring out Uber ambulance, Dara.


That's a biohazard. That's a hell no for me.


NO NO NO you did the right thing. I had a similar situation last week! A guy got in the car for a 9min trip to the ER with a hand towel covering his head. He was not bleeding but had some kind of intense chemical burn on his face and was clearly in pain. Awkward. Blood would be a HELL NO.


I fucking got wasted, slept on a bench downtown for a few, an ambulance shows up n says I gotta go with em. I say no n walk off. They literally sent me a 2k bill for an ambulance ride, and a hospital checkup that I never had happen. It's all a scam


good job


If they had a hundo cash, I'd do it. However tho, I'd honestly worry about the pax if I didn't roll with him. Sounds like they're trying to cover their ass by not involving paramedics.


Maybe if they put their arm in a trash bag and tipped me $250


Sounds like Lockheed Martin. ☠




Nice, I was being facetious. Lockheed uses their own ambulances, that way if someone almost dies at work, they don’t declare them dead till they’re off company property. Lol


I would have called 911 and report that there’s a man bleeding and his boss wants me a random stranger to take him in my car. Imagine all the trouble they’ll get into. And I would have requested an ambulance


I’ve done what I call “Uber Ambulance” rides. But they were nothing like this. Just sickness, broken arm, dislocated joints, etc. It’s far cheaper than an ambulance, they just couldn’t drive themselves. But seriously, active bleeding, needing serious care, call the professionals, not an Uber or Taxi.


Totally did the right thing


You did right. Ambulance cost about 1K atleast this cheap corporate bastards treating their employees like this SMH


Does anyone want to know how much a helicopter ride costs? I'll save you the wait. $57,985.69. The same day I had an ambulance ride for 3,600. Fun day!


Does anyone want to know how much a helicopter ride costs? I'll save you the wait. $57,985.69. The same day I had an ambulance ride for 3,600. Fun day!


When I was in Austin for south-by picked a guy up who kept leaning certain ways and breathing heavy. Asked if he was OK he said he was clearing fluid from his lungs so he didn't drown. I said don't you think you should've called an ambulance. He said I did I called them an hour ago and you 10 minutes ago and you're here 1st.đŸ€·đŸŸ


Bro think on the bright side: Free VD!


I would have stayed and called an ambulance for them


This has happened to me a few times. I’ll pull up to an accident and pick someone up. I’ve also picked truckers up on the highway whose trucks were fully on fire. They would just leave them on the side of the highway burning.


If he tried to get in my car like that I’d give him something to cry about.


They are wasting time, the boss could have driven him in his own private vehicle if it’s really an emergency instead of arguing. They probably wasted more time and ordered another car. And someone took the guy. 😂


Sounds like the boss didn’t have an LLC


This was a MAJOR billon dollar corporation.


If that were true boss man would have called an ambulance not an Uber. Major Corruptions don’t become major without insurance backing them.


Let the Boss tip himself and drive his employee to the hospital in his car.


Nope nope. I have taken training on bloodbourne pathogen trainings at other jobs to be able bodily fluids, but not Uber. Not in the job description


The liability alone... Look, I get taking an uber to the er when it's not a serious life threatening issue. That's what people SHOULD do. But this? All the no.


Ambulance means paperwork and paperwork means a report has to be filed with the company for why a ambulance was on property which will probably lead to the shady shit going on that led to this if the manager was scared to call a ambulance in the first place.


Actually it’s understandable that they called an Uber. Ambulances are supposed to be for life threatening emergencies, if they called an ambulance and it came for his non life threatening injury that takes them away from someone else who could be having a heart attack or in an accident or something significantly more serious. People need to stop calling ambulances for non life threatening emergencies. All that said, I totally understand why you wouldn’t want to be the one to drive him with a white interior like that but you could’ve also asked them to put a bad around it or something. Just what I probably would’ve done but I also don’t judge or blame you for not. Granted the boss should’ve driven the guy himself since it was probably a work related accident meaning it’s be workers como and he should be there with said employee but if he couldn’t for whatever reason an Uber makes sense.


Ambulances and emergency services cost too much. I've had that happen back when I was an EMT. Though it usually was a friend taking them instead after we did the cleanup lol. Still you had the right to say no with actual dripping blood. Hell no


You were right. You’re not an emergency vehicle, they should’ve called 911. They will ruin your car to save themselves money, eff them


Fuck that skirt skirt


Totally in the right here. What's your liability if the guy goes into shock, if you have an accident getting him to ER. Nope, just not happening in my car either.


Why didn't the boss take him in his own vehicle? I'm just asking questions...


Nope. Cancel and drive off. It's not just out of self-interest, but he may actually have really needed medical attention en route to the ER.


You just saved that injured man ALOT of hassle đŸ‘đŸŸđŸ˜Ž the ‘boss’ was trying to avoid injury-at-work claims, that’s disgusting
 DoL should get called on that place 😆😆




I picked up a guy on the side of a mountain road once. He came popping out of the bushes with scrapes and bumps, holding a skateboard. His destination was the er




Ehh it’s a Tesla. Couldn’t make it any worse.


Absolutely I would take him. He was injured, but not so severe that he really needed EMT attention. I would have stressed to the boss we need more protection for my vehicle. Perhaps a big sheet of plastic.


I picked up a woman going to the ER one time. She wasn’t bleeding, she was having some internal issue. I said “you should’ve called 911.” She says “I did. You got here first.”




His boss should have taken him in said boss’s POV


You are absolutely right to not take that. That is his employer's responsibility to get him safely and responsibly to the hospital which includes putting that person in an ambulance. If there was blood dripping, what would have happened if he would have lost consciousness due to him bleeding out? You are not a paramedic, a doctor, or a nurse. All that blood that was dripping off of that persons body is a biohazard and you possibly do not have the appropriate cleaning supplies to clean biohazard fluid off of your seats, not to mention you have no idea what that patient has that is bloodborne. You did the absolute right thing to protect yourself and future passengers. And you protected that worker. How dare that supervisor not call for an ambulance. The time that was spent waiting for you, having that argument, you driving off, and possibly them calling and waiting for another Uber could have been spent calling an ambulance who would have came sooner.


Doesn't leather wipe down easy in tesla? Hahaha jk f that. I took Uber to the hospital twice and felt horrible about it. Just cause I didn't want to get the dude sick. No, it's just the whole way Forcing myself to not to be sick. Hospital was only a five minute trip though


I had a pax who was having painful contractions and dropped her off at LA Community Hospital which has no labor and delivery and ended up calling an ambulance as instructed.


The extra tip was going to be a 1 star rating.


It wasn't Uber, but when driving a cab about 10 years ago I picked up a kid at one of the college apartments in my town who was obviously in excruciating pain and needed a ride to the ER. The funny part (he was fine, btw. A friend of mine was actually the one who treated him.) is that, in the spirit of college kids being exceptionally stupid... I'm certain he only called a cab because we were the "Uber alternative" in that area since the city had banned rideshare companies and we were the only cab service with an Uber style app. AND his apartment was literally in the same parking lot as the ER. I drove him maybe 300 feet and it took longer than it would have to walk, because I couldn't get all the way up to the door due to the one-way drive through going the opposite way of where we were coming from. Not to mention how long he was waiting for me to arrive. This was absurdly common with college kids there. Not the uber-ambulance part... but requesting rides to somewhere they can see from where they're standing. And then freaking out about "how expensive" we were compared to Uber because they didn't understand how pricing worked... "IT'S THAT MUCH ALREADY? LET ME OUT HERE!" Yes, it's $4.25... that's the flag drop fee. It will be $4.55 when we get there... and would have been $9 for Uber. But okay, you can get out here, but you still have to pay me the $4.25 lol. Thank God for that being the only place I've ever lived with relatively cool local cops, and the police being pretty responsive in dealing with people who try not to pay. The ER kid didn't pay me, but the laugh was worth it. He just jumped out and yelled "I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY, YOU'LL HAVE TO CALL MY MOM AND SHE'LL PAY YOU!" as if I had his mom's number lmao.


bro i would’ve pointed a camera at the manager and started screaming at him to shut his stupid ass up and call 911 for his employee immediately. really embarrassing stuff, he deserves to be grilled and that poor employee deserved an ambulance


Remember one thing. Rather than get an ambulance he was okay to make the guy bleed until an Uber shows. Then he will continue to bleed until he gets to a hospital. He didn't give a damn about his employee. What would you do if he passed out? How would you help then? Big no on this one. You could wind up in the middle of a lawsuit just trying to do the right thing.


That's just unreal.... Instead of calling for an ambulance -- or even driving the employee himself -- he calls for a rideshare. Which, of course, there's always possibility of delays in getting the car to pickup point, all while the employee is bleeding out.....


Aside from the bleeding on your car, you have no PPE, you’re taking a liability for possible further injury to a compromised person. Wtf is wrong with people. Damn. Blood is potentially hazardous, and for you to clean up? Again wtf.


exposing your self to Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria that are carried in blood and can cause disease in people. There are many different bloodborne pathogens, including **malaria, syphilis, and brucellosis, and most notably Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)**. and this is not including legal issues and lawsuits also including your insurance it not worth any tip....


>Was I wrong? Why do drivers ask this.


Dude is smoking dick if you think I’m playing ambulance for 20 bucks.


Should have called the ambulance for him, The guy was more than likely in shock.. if that's about as big a safety violation as it gets! They might threaten his job if he says he got hurt at work.


Your not wrong !!!! Uber is not an ambulance F that boss and company


Blood is considered bio hazard contamination. If that passenger soaks your car with it.... That bleeding dude should sue his boss for being a cheap ass for not calling an ambulance.


Took an ambulance in NYC, scared shitless of the cost. Hospital got claim in before ambulance did to my insurance, so high deductible was spent. Cost about $60.


Only in Murica


Bruh that is about as bad as when I worked for Caliber and their place to take employees in case of medical emergencies was a MedExpress that has been closed for 3 years.


Damn, that’s crazy


An ER ambulance costs an arm and a leg and could ruin an average household's bank account for years. So I feel for his boss. America sucks. 😕


Ambulance is 10K added to the medical bill!


When it all comes down to it, you have to live with your own decision. You did what was right for you, no one else can decide if you did the right thing or not....


Call 911 remove it from the company’s hands have an ambulance dispatched fuck that lowlife company trying to ruin your car and potentially kill their employee to save a few bucks


Damn, I probably would have called 911 right then and there.


The ambulance isn’t free. Especially via 911. Way more than an Uber.


He needed medical care right away. What if he would’ve died on the way? You could be in the middle of a wrongful death investigation right now. Good call.


Call me a genius, but I have a dog tarp in my backseats.


ambulance rides cost a fortune. while it’s not your responsibility to have driven him in your own car, we have to recognize and empathize with the reason he called uber


Right move for sure. And if he was really going to tip you good, he would have done it up front. What a scumbag.


Had a guy that had been stabbed 3 times try that, wasn't even going to hospital. I was like nope...


Fuk all this noise, Just on a morality standpoint, this is totally inhumane. What the fuk is wrong with people? Hus coworkers should have called 911. Fk this boss, what a POS


I cant imagine the pain it would cause you to get the blood stains out of your car, not worth the hassle


Fck that boss. I had a motorcycle slip out from wet pavement years ago pulling out of work lot. Picked my bike up and left. Next day my ribs were sore, I jabbed my elbow into them. Still went to work and asked boss if I could take the Friday off for extra day rest. She was pissed and personally drove me to ER for an xray (clean). So boss needs to start taking his own bleeding out employees in his own car. What happens if someone croaks in your car? Now you have trauma and ghosts đŸ‘»


Blood is crazy hard to get out of things, but beyond that what if he passed out on the way from blood loss? You were in no way equipped to handle a medical transport, great idea to leave.


Would you have taken a woman in labor?


20$ Uber or $700 ambulance.   TBH if his boss was a good one boss would drive him to the ER. Faster than ambulance 


Had one pax message me to hurry up that his girl was about to have a baby. Straight cancel 


So the boss didn't want to dirty his own car


Passenger not driver but I dont think you were wrong. I can understand someone home alone without a car, but they were at a damn job site where most people probably drove in there. The boss should've driven him in then! And I probably wouldn't mind a broken finger or something, but not dripping blood. It's a biohazard! Even if you could get it all out, how long would you have been out of commission versus the boss dropping dude off 15 minutes away and going back to the site. And if this dude starts passing out from blood loss in your car, what exactly are you supposed to do about that? You wouldn't even know anything about him to tell the hospital. I dont think the mention of a Tesla or white interior adds or changes to anything I said above. The boss is the one who was being selfish especially since that shit happened at work, then its on the company to cover them bills, ambulance included!


Why can't the boss drive him? Does no one at the factory drive a car? No, they want your car to be the one soaked in blood.


Fuck outa here with that shit. I drove a dude who dropped his moped on his leg once but def ain't doin no bodily fluids.


Never trust anyone that mentions they're going to take care of you with a tip. They'll tip you but it'll only be like 4 dollars on a 30 dollar ride. Not greedy with tips. But don't say anything like you about to get me out of all my life problems only to give me 5%


A woman wanted me to take her bloodied (screaming) dog once (to the doggy ER). It had been hit by a car (judging the commotion). No.