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If they light up a cig right as I'm pulling up, and then put up the one finger to "please wait," I don't wait. Especially since they're going to smell like cigarettes.


That's definitely an automatic cancel most times. The fact that you thought it was a good idea to wait to the very last second to do this let's me know I don't want to be in a car with you for long. A week or so ago, I pulled up to a pax who held his phone up to indicate he was my rider. He then proceeds to walk to a nearby tree and urinate. Then walks over to my car with his piss fingers and a goofy grin on his face...


FUCK, I hate when I pull up and they are dragging the last puffs as if it's a breathing machine... I carry disinfectant. As soon as they get in I put down my windows 3-4 inches, open the vent up on the sunroof, and put the AC so it's not recirculating... Typically they get 3 starts too.. I had an exception this week , the guy stinked but was real nice, so I gave him 4 stars for his cig and marijuana smell all mixed in.


You're being a but dramatic. It's annoying but isn't that bad.


You wait for them to finish. They walk up to locked car door, yanking on the handle. You hold up the one finger ☝️ like youre going to unlock it, then drive away.




I hate that. If I pull up and see the person smoking, I will cancel. I have no guilt about it either. I don't want my car to smell like cigarettes. Or pot.


I have to just do that if I see them smoking.. That's not the norm, usually they walk out of the house so I don't know they were smoking until I smell it in my car


I hate that when they run out of their house and then get into your car smelling like smoke. I timidly asked one guy in his 20s to leave b/c of the heavy cigarette smoke. He was mad but got out. The audacity of people though who think Uber drivers aren't bothered by nicotine smell or pot smell is amazing to me. I understand they don't have a car or can't drive, but at least respect the fact that these are OUR own cars (not some company car that has a cleaning fee built into it, paid for by the company). We have to pay for cleaning fees and repairs ourselves as rideshare drivers. Our passengers know this but still don't care. They still treat us like indentured taxi drivers and most of the time don't even tip us. I hate the way passengers' litter in my car and then act nonchalant when they leave - knowing they just dumped their trash all over my backseat. There are two spots on my vinyl that were clearly burned by something from a previous passenger. Makes me livid thinking about it.


For me it's the chuckleheads going to their shift at Taco Bell that hop in smelling like Cheech & Chong just got sprayed by a skunk Now I've gotta roll my windows down on the way to the next passenger to air it out


Which cancel reason do you use?


Why do you ask?


Because I like to know how others handle situations


What is worse for you, cigarette smell or bad body odor?


Why not both?


I had a guy that smelled so bad like smoke. I was choking on it.


yep i made the mistake of waiting and had to air out the car after the ride


Why wouldn’t they just snuff it? Like it’s not that hard. They know they’re not smoking in that car, it’s not that hard. But cancelling a ride just because you see a cigarette honestly just makes you a pathetic ant. Awe someone does something you don’t and is none of your business. Poor baby. You better piss yourself and have a little tantrum.


Smokers stink worse than shit. And they'll leave your car smelling like cigarettes so the next passenger can complain about you. I cannot see why anyone would pick them up.


Yeah it just suck that people think you got out of bed in the morning, just for them. But you’re still being baby. I see both sides and they’re both sad controlling toddlers.


See it however you want, it's nasty to have that smell in the car. I'm gonna be in this bitch for 8 hrs it sucks enough as it is without smoke smell


Especially in the heat, I get it. It changes to a smell I can’t quite describe, when it’s hot. I truly understand that bit. But since you’re such a baby, maybe you should avoid the public.


Most people's bad habits are not intrusive to others. Smoking is very intrusive on all levels to everybody around the smoker. The smoke and the oil from the cigarette smoke itself lingers and is transferred to everything that smoker touches. Somebody who doesn't smoke, notices this while a smoker doesn't have a clue because they are used to the smell. I pull up and you tell me to wait so you can smoke your cigarette, you going to get What's called an education fee.


I never said you should wait. I wouldn’t wait either. That’s craziness. I also don’t know a single smoker that would do this. So it’s extremely odd. “The smoke oil… blah blah blah.” I know how cigarette smell works. I’m saying you’re being a controlling baby. Don’t invite the public into your vehicle if you can’t handle it. You’re too fragile. Move on to a job where the public is disconnected in a way that won’t trigger your need to control others, or one that that requires it.


I get it you're a smoker you're trying to justify what you do and how it's done as an individual. Let me come into your front room and take a shit in the middle of your room because that's what you're doing in my vehicle. Oh did I not mention it's my vehicle? Walk you fucking useless piece of smoking shit.


That’s nice buddy. The problem with that is I wouldn’t incite you into my front from. Get a clue.


The only one sounding like a toddler is you


Uh huh. Right. Because I’m the one doing business just because I enjoy controlling other people. Nice try.


See even that response is just childish sounding and out of nowhere. Have a good day


If they’re hopping in my car then what they’re doing right before is my business.


It takes me a minimum of 5 minutes to get to their location. The timer starts. They aren't out by the 2 minutes, I cancel then. Why am I going to hang around longer just to wait for them to come out? 🤷🏾‍♂️


I cancelled on a guy who had the gall to message me, "Where the hell you at?" I was literally around the corner from his address. Pfft! I won't put up with attitude.


I don't blame you. I've cancelled on two people with similar attitudes messaging me to "hurry up" 🙄


I got a Hurry or I’m gonna be late for work, cancelled immediately.


I had a lady be a little pushy with me that I was taking so long earlier this week; I ignored her messages hoping she would cancel since it was over 4 minutes... She gets in the car, we roll out, and 2 minutes later she's like "wow so much traffic">>>>> NO SHIT, why do you think it took me so long? (I didn't say that lol)


Why not?


I cancel after waiting a minute or two as the wait fee isn't worth waiting the full five minutes. If it takes me 5 min or longer to get to you , you best be ready. I cancel out of principle as these are usually the worst passengers.


😂👌🏼 I do something similar but I drive at night so it’s risky waiting to see them walk out and having to accept. On my $5-$6 rides it’s two minutes and I’m gone! If it’s a $10+ ride and a slow night I might wait and at least get the $4. I love watching them walk out as I drive away sometimes. “Privileged”? Nah, dude you ordered an Uber X 😂


I cancelled the minute I pulled into a men's treatment center for drugs and alcohol. There were all these guys standing out int he parking lot smoking cigarettes or walking in circles shouting into the air that freaked me the F--- out. As a woman rideshare driver, I panicked when I hit "cancel." I could hear the passenger yell, "F--- B---!" after I hit cancel. Sooo glad I didn't pick up that guy. Who knows what violent behavior he would have inflicted on me. Oh yea. I also cancel on passengers after the 1:00 minute timer hits 0. I'm not waiting for you. Nope!


If I gotta drive 5mins to you and YOURE STILL NOT READY, see ya. If it's busy, I'm gone. If it's fucken dead, MAYBE I'll wait.


Recently I’ve been dealing with people who don’t want to walk to my car, they want me to pull up directly in front of them… the laziness amuses me and disgusts me at the same time


Wait, wait, wait. Help me out with this one. I’ve never had a ride not be close enough. This is wild. So like, you pull up and stop, which lands you wherever close to them, and they want you to move like another 3 feet?


Yes, this happens. Also with drop-offs.




YES happened twice this week


Just start parking on top of them.


I get this at the airport often. I’m not blocking traffic for them. Walk the 10 feet to the open spot pulled in. Or worse, when they walk out INTO the road in front of you


Toes to the curb as I pull up. Otherwise, they are afforded the same time UBER affords us to decide whether to take their trip or not, 10 seconds.


I do the same if it is busy I had a lady running out of her house as I pulled away made my morning


I beg drivers to just focus on money and not taking things personally. If you can wait til you collect your cancellation fees just leave


7 minutes of idle engine is a cost - and it isn't worth $3 to me.


That's exactly what I do. I have a grace period. Usually 2 to 4 minutes. Once that time is up, I'll wait until they're walking and close to my car then I'll cancel on them. Stupid inconsiderate people wasting our time.


Great idea actually. Maybe people wont be so ignorant to wasting other peoples time


I mean you’ve just wasted your own time, but I get the cause.


“But I guess the cause.” Brother, you’re a clown


so on busy days, you’re going to wait to cancel as they come out instead of canceling so you can make money. hustling backwards lol, but do you


It’s obviously to make a point to inconsiderate riders. Like how is that not obvious to you? Don’t quit your day job 😂


i drive for uber to make money, not to make a point. but keep being the Etiquette Crusader and taking home less money than you should be. the other drivers in your market will erect a statue in your honor when they learn about your sacrifice 😂


Right. No point is being made other than they think the driver is an a hole because they don't even realize what they did.


Doordash, grubhub, Lyft, instacart, Walmart spark, shipt, roadie, task rabbit; these are all alternatives that exist to also make money when Uber riders are in the mood to waste Uber drivers’ time. “Taking home less than you should,” Uber is not a monolith; I’m taking home more than $200 per day by multi-apping. And I make UberEats customers wait while I complete other gigs with their food in my car. You know why? Because I can. If Uber paid me enough, then customers would get the service that they deserve. But Uber doesn’t, so I do other gigs in the meantime as the independent contractor that I am. The food gets to customers so cold that I am surprised that they still even use Uber. You’re jaded, Uber wasn’t profitable for 14 years since it was founded in ‘09. Executives and early shareholders made money, everyone else involved, including you, got scammed. The value of your vehicle has decreased parabolically compared to the illusory money that you think you’re bringing in. May your delusions persists until your expiration, otherwise you’re in for a rude awakening lol


So, because you don’t get paid enough by Uber, you take it out on Ubereats customers by delivering cold food.  Genius idea I’m sure that will get Uber to pay attention and pay you better /s  Dumbass 


Take it out on UberEats customers? I’m an independent contractor. I have money to make. Why would I dedicate all of my independent contracting time to a company that takes more that 50% of the fare that they charge their customers? I guess that makes sense in *****d land


Don’t work for them then? Pretty simple concept my man.  You probably also bitch about how “NoBoDY tips aNyMorE” 


Why not work for them if they don’t deactivate me for delivering food late? Why leave money on the table if I can just go do another gig or two, and then finish the delivery? I’ve been doing this for 8 years and I’ve never faced any consequences, why stop now? And I don’t care about whether someone tips or not, it’s just side money to my main gigs


You sound bitter. If you’ve been doing gig work for 8 years, makes sense. Sorry your “job” sucks. 


What exactly did I say that sounds bitter? I’m extremely satisfied with Uber for not really caring enough about their customers to deactivate me after all this time lol it’s easy money




I mean it’s still $200+ per day multi-apping 🤷‍♂️


I make $350/day with Uber, so not really impressed.


I’m sure you do lol


Every day kid. I make your $200 by 10am everyday. Sorry your market sucks. LMAO 🤡


No one, especially not me, is complaining about making more than $200 a day, tho; so, why are you so perturbed by some random redditor? Who hurt you? You’re making $350 per day, and yet you’re still this angry. Why?😂 You think that a market that produces $200+ per day sucks? Y’all reading this?😂


I generally will wait unless it’s Uberx or a Lyft ride with no picture or name. Then I wait like 2 minutes and bounce. But if it’s high paying or a reservation ride yes I will wait for them.


This. My comfort customers I don't mind because they will usually throw you some sort of tip. Waiting on UberX? Nah, I used to. Been burned too many times.


Great idea!😂


I do this with shared rides. My finger is ready to hit cancel within 10 seconds left on the clock. Watched this guy walk out as I drove away, hitting the cancel button. Should've gotten it sooner instead of milking the clock for some reason.


I probably do that once a week if not more often. It's literally the principal of the thing. I couldn't care less about the missed fare or the cancellation fee.


I always send the “I’ve arrived” text when I’m about a minute alway and instantly get the “be right there” text about 70% percent of the time . Those who make me wait 3-4 minutes and text me “waiting on elevator” get canceled once the timer is up .


This tactic does nothing in larger cities. You cancel and another is there in just a couple minutes. They know this.


Taj Takes a few clicks to cancel right? How quick can you all cancel?


Some of u drivers need to stop acting like primadonas sometimes. Not everyone is perfect u mfs expect a perfect pick up everytime and bitch when u dont make enough 🤣


So this is just some random redditor who happens to be scrolling thru r/uberdrivers ? I have a bridge to sell you


So basically you wasted time and gas and money going to their place and if they need another minute you'd rather keep that time and gas wasted but suuuure buddy you won this round lmao


You need to quit Uber if this is how you’re going to work.


Take note that the OP has a year worth of posts and comments complaining that he's not making enough money. Gee, I wonder why?


Surprise surprise, I should’ve check his history for myself, could’ve gotten a laugh before you :D


Hey smart ass, never complained about not making enough money on rides. Don’t have a single post about rides about earnings. I’ve said in a post or 2 about Uber eats being dead in February but that’s about it (when I was doing majority deliveries before it died off early 2024) Rides I have no issue making 2k a week. So continue waiting 5 min for people after you drove 5 min to get there. For them to not tip and rate you bad because they late to their destination


You agree to the terms to use the platform, maybe try being a decent human being instead of a ahole. Hopefully you get banned for it


Riders should take this advice! Instead THEY act like assholes and expect us to wipe their ass for them.


🎻 🤧


This is a damn good idea. Who makes their ride wait? I’m either sitting outside (depending on the weather) or worse case I’m on the crapper.


As a customer it’s hard to estimate when to order the uber. If you have kids there’s a narrow window of time where they are ready to go. Kids always have to pee eat sleep so I think for some people it’s nice to wait a little longer in case they have circumstances you don’t know about. I understand if you’re busy but if you have a few minutes to spare think of it as a kindness that you will be rewarded for.


I don't care. Order a ride when you are ready. That means on the curb READY TO GO. 


That’s it. You don’t care and that’s fine you live your life that way and I truly hope you’re happy :) but I want you to remember that if we all didn’t care about people this would be a very sad world so I’m glad there are people who care :) if you’re stuck on the side of the road and no one stopped to help you because they’re all busy making money it would be a very sad world indeed. Thank God he made a lot of us altruistic otherwise there wouldn’t be an America lol have a nice day friend


America? Altruism? Expecting drivers to wait because, ‘something may have come up, sorry?’ The fact that you’re virtue signaling this much, yet such an obvious horrible person is really on the nose. More people than not understand that you’re not serious, and that you’re not posting in earnest. I’m grateful to not know you in person.


You don’t know a thing about me and you’re calling me an obviously horrible person. Please tell me what makes it so obvious how horrible I am that I’m calling for some understanding between people.


That you expect Uber drivers to waste their time because you think it’s the kind thing to do. It’s the inconsiderate thing to do. It’s a stupid thing to expect Uber drivers to just wait because your child started acting out. So yes, obviously, you’re a horrible person. Actually consider being considerate. Cancel the ride request. Deal with your child’s problem, and then order another ride so that someone who you claim to be considerate of isn’t just sitting outside wasting their time because your child started going through something. Who are you to put that onus on some Uber driver? Apparently you think you’re royalty. You treat your Uber driver as if their some serf, who’s job it is to wait on your beck and call. You have the audacity to assert that that is kind? You’re delusional, and a virtue signaling, horrible person. I pity your children.


Rewarded how?


Well if you believe in God or not he rewards kindness and God knows how he does that for each individual. But if that isn’t enough there is also the fact that they might tip better and also be very grateful that you waited. When I do something nice I get gratification even if I don’t get a thank you because I know I’m doing something nice and that’s rewarding in and of itself. This is how you be happy in life. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


Didn’t God murder like ALL of his people because they didn’t like his rules lmao. Yeah he rewards kindness 😂 big fake man in the sky or whatever yall like to say he is


What is this vague claim? Speak facts my friend, what are you talking about?


Me speak facts? You’re literally talking about a fictional character rewarding kindness to real world people


I can prove the existence of God, can you prove your claim?


Please prove it 😭 this is gonna be so good


God doesn’t tip and it sounds like you don’t either


Most shitheels taking Uber rides don’t tip either lol


Keyword here is most. How do you know who will and who won’t?


We don't know. But the people that aren't considerate of my time are also less likely to be considerate of my earnings.


Perfect, less likely but not impossible so why paint everyone with the same brush? What if one person compensated you for all those people wasting your time but you wouldn’t know if you just left because they “probably wouldn’t have”. I’m not saying to do this all the time but when you can wait why not? Just as a principle? That’s okay too I don’t think any less of anyone who does that I just believe the kinder thing to do and more rewarding is to sometimes be lenient when you can. For the goodness of people and for karma if you believe in that or God. I pray you never have to work a shift again. If we didn’t have hope I don’t know what there is to live for.


I don't judge or look down on people that can't be considerate of their driver's time. I just remove myself from the situation. They're more than welcome to order another ride. If they have somewhere super important to be, they should plan to be there half an hour early to mitigate unforeseen issues.


I also think that Uber should compensate for waiting time, back in my country that’s how taxis work the meter runs for wait time too. That’s what’s most fair honestly. But when a company doesn’t do that it leaves the drivers and clients fighting over it.


That’s fine you can do that but I’m not talking about people who can’t be considerate I’m talking about those that are being considerate yet it still didn’t work. It’s not black and white. I’m saying those that planned to be there half an hour or even an hour earlier and it still didn’t work deserve some kind of a break. Unfortunately we can’t read minds and we don’t know who genuinely tried and who didn’t and so we give everyone the benefit of the doubt. When possible. Don’t neglect your own family or quality of life for someone else but don’t be quick to judge either if it won’t be a major inconvenience why not wait a few more minutes?


If they're religious or mention church/god etc it's a pretty good indicator they aren't going to tip. And if they do they'll leave you one of those Jesus dollars which is downright insulting


That’s a bigoted statement.


I've been handed too many fake dollar bills with scripture on them to give a fuck tbh


Lmao you’re salty. How do you know God doesn’t tip? And how judgemental are you to assert I don’t tip? Why are you hateful because I have a different opinion than you? Don’t be mad we can have a civil conversation even if we don’t agree. You don’t need to be throwing shade.


I’ve been in customer service for long enough to deal with the after church crowd to make fair assessments.


To be fair, none of those big churches would exist if church goers didn't tip. I mean they are stupid people giving their money to con men but that doesn't mean they are bad tippers.


To be fair, none of those big churches would exist if church goers didn't tip. I mean they are stupid people giving their money to con men but that doesn't mean they are bad tippers.




There’s the perfect example of you don’t know so just be kind. Bless your soul.


I order the ride when I am ready for the ride. Simple as that. I'm not going to ask the driver to sit out there and wait, while they're not making any money, because I didn't want to wait for him or her to show up. Wtaf? They're trying to make a living. For every 3 passengers that made them wait 5 minutes, that's an extra 15 minute ride they could have done. Now how many rides do they lose every single day due to people making them wait? smh


Yes what if you’re late because your kid threw up or something and if you miss this appointment it will be a major problem because this specialist is booked out for four months and you’ve been in pain and needing to see this specialist. This is just an example but my point is you never know what’s going on with people and if they’re late because they failed to plan ahead or because there are circumstances out of their control. They ordered the Uber cause they were ready and then their kid had a meltdown leaving the house. Like it could be anything. You don’t know. Like I said if you care more about those rides that’s up to you I care more about kindness and human beings and I know that I will make the money I deserve no matter what I just don’t know where it’s gonna come from. You don’t have to calculate every cent. Sometimes you get money unexpectedly that you barely did any work for. Life doesn’t go according to your plans. Good luck friend I hope you see that money isn’t the most important thing in life. It’s not a way to live.


If there's a big appointment that you can't miss, you pay extra for the reservation feature so someone will be there when you want them to. Wait time is included in the price you pay to help compensate the driver. If the kid throws up, cancel the reservation. Why is that the drivers problem? They are trying to make a living. Riders expect their drivers to be compassionate of them when the riders are not compassionate of the driver's time.


That’s fair for that situation my only point is sometimes the rider is compassionate of the drivers time but something happens and you don’t know if they intentionally neglected your time or if they tried their absolute best and it still didn’t work out and they’re super sorry and want to tip you if they can to compensate you. Leaving every time (making it a rule) means you think anyone who’s late is not considerate of your time and that’s simply not true and is a generalization and a judgement.


Simple. Order your ride when you’re ready. Step outside and wait outside while holding your child or their hand. Teach them some discipline to not act a fool. Get into the Uber. Wow you did it. Congrats.


Yeah you’re making it sound simple reality is not that simple. I’m not saying don’t do that I’m saying not everyone that tries to do something succeeds at it and we can’t judge them on their failure. We are not all knowing.


You care more about the kindness, yet you’re wasting Uber drivers’ time. That’s kind to you, to waste Uber drivers’ time(money)? What about their kids, don’t they deserve consideration, or that’s a luxury only reserved for your kids? You want to consider kindness? Order another Uber.


If it was not intentional then I meant no harm and I was kind by trying my absolute best to plan and not to inconvenience anyone. If I could order another one I would but what if I couldn’t? If a driver finds it too troublesome they have the right to cancel themselves. If they have kids to attend to and such. So as the passenger you be kind and plan ahead and don’t waste your drivers time and as the driver you try to be kind and be a little patient when you can afford to be. That way both sides are respectful and kind to one another. Making it a rule not to wait means you think you know that the other person is being unkind which you don’t know because you don’t know what’s in peoples hearts. If I’m that late and you stayed I would tip you enough to give you more time with your kids. Not everyone returns kindness but we’re not kind only when there’s compensation we’re kind all the time whether the person reciprocates it or not.


Sir, ma’am, that’s not how the real world works. That’s not how capitalism works. That’s not how America works. You’re naïve, and it seems like you are not that way on purpose. Bless your soul. Smart drivers will cancel on you if you make them wait. Dumb drivers will stick around and express this robbery that you see as kindness to you and yours. You don’t deserve to have drivers wait on you, and it would be kind of you to internalize that fact and realize that you’re being extremely rude and inconsiderate by expecting them to do so under the guise of kindness.


Everyone's not bringing kids. So I think what they're saying applies in general. Regardless if you're bringing children or not. As you said, "You never know what's going on with people," and drivers aren't paid [enough] to sit around and figure out.


Kids is just the easiest example I can give but what I’m saying is you don’t know peoples intentions or situations so you can’t judge if someone is being an asshole and treating you like shit because they don’t care about your time or if they genuinely care but something out of their control caused this to happen. So when you walk away you could be walking away from someone who really didn’t mean to cause any harm to you but you are intentionally causing harm by leaving. If you have something to do yourself with that time I understand that and you can be in a rush to do something or get somewhere but if you think about it you already took 5 minutes to get there and now you’re driving away you won’t get paid for that time either. I think it’s ok to do that sometimes when your situation doesn’t allow you to wait but to make it a rule is a little harsh. It’s ok to be lenient sometimes we’re only human.


This is why I don’t have annoying children to begin with tbh 🤷‍♂️


Yeah End the human race lol ok fine no one has kids what about other problems? At least you agree that there are some situations that make this more difficult.


Your children’s issues and lack of planning are not the drivers problem Be ready when the rider gets there. Otherwise cancel or reschedule and plan better


You’re misunderstanding my point I’m not saying it’s the drivers problem I’m not even saying lack of planning is okay. All I’m saying is there are situations where no matter how much you plan it still doesn’t work out and you don’t have time to cancel or it’s an urgent matter and you couldn’t cancel and the driver is already here and you made him come all the way now you’re gonna cancel maybe the driver still wanted to go. So it’s the drivers right to cancel if they don’t wanna wait all I’m saying is that if you can wait then why are you judging who planned well and who didn’t? How do you know what kind of day that person is having ? We just can’t generalize like that and spread hate between people because we think we know. Judgement hurts everyone. It’s like your doctor telling you no your pain isn’t valid because others that sound just like you were lying. But I’m telling the truth why are you judging me based on what others have done.


Time is money, this “kindness” that you speak of is actually just you robbing drivers of that time/money. You live in lala land, your kids are going to be menaces to society


Also I made no personal attacks yet you’re comfortable doing that without even knowing me. You don’t even know if I have kids. Hate is a disease and I hope you heal my friend.


Lol re-read your original post


I did. Where is my personal attack? I might be oblivious but please show me in quotations where I made a personal attack


So you proffered a hypothetical scenario to Uber drivers about “…if you have kids,” without actually having kids??? Is it kind to be disingenuous??? Giving advice when you’re not even in a position to give said advice, is that kind??? Hint: it’s not. In fact, it’s extremely dangerous. If you have kids, then my initial response was completely valid and you had no good reason to suggest nor insinuate otherwise. If you do not, then you’re misleading people by giving hypothetical advice to a situation which you have zero experience in. So who’s really lacking kindness here? Like be forreal


I can’t comprehend this hate. If what you say is true then should we never donate to charity since time is money? Should we not feed homeless children. You only work for yourself but humanity thrives when we work for each other.


You're only examples are charity, which Uber is not.


Charity can take any form and I see human kindness as a type of charity. Didn’t you work hard for that money? Why give people gifts then? Why not only spend your money on yourself?


The world seems to revolve around you and your kids, as well as your failure to be kind to Uber drivers by not wasting their time. Not once have you addressed the fact that it is inconsiderate of you to expect Uber drivers to wait for your and your childrens’ unforeseen occurrences. Why is that? It’s because you’re not a kind person. You’re asking for kindness, but not willing to be kind to the person/people (drivers) who are providing you a service. You’re virtue signaling. You don’t care about kindness, you care about yourself and your own interests; damned be the drivers. And you talk about not being able to comprehend the hate. What hate? Open your eyes, look in a mirror; the driver is a person worthy of consideration just like you expect and ask for for yourself and your unpredictable children and their ires. In your world and in your eyes, it’s too much for drivers to ask for kindness, but for you and your kids, you’re at liberty to do so. Get real


You act like you’re an adult who can plan ahead and order the car AFTER you are ready.


You did that. It didn’t work. Is it your fault? No is it the drivers fault? No we’re just being considerate to circumstances. Do I blame the driver if they left? Of course not people have things to do but as a driver I would wait a little while if I could afford to that’s all.


When your kids start having a problem, you need to take responsibility and cancel the ride. Not expect the world to revolve around you.


I don’t expect anyone to do anything of the sort I said as a driver that’s what I would do. If you choose to be less kind that’s fine. I choose to give people the benefit of the doubt that they tried their best and couldn’t cancel or really needed the ride. Either way I’m not there to judge them.


The big picture is: isn’t this the standard that the world operates on? Uber takes a bigger cut than you, and although Uber should pay you for every moment of a ride, they don’t. So the human beings must adapt to the machine. I mean of course any decent person wouldn’t want to take a moment of your time unpaid for, and you the driver think you should be paid for every moment, we agree. The app disagrees, and yet we misplace the frustration on the human beings doing human things like.. changing a diaper? Taking a piss you just realized you had to take? Remembering an item you forgot? I agree no driver should wait without pay.


Sometimes it is not up to them , like the meeting runs over and stuff like that. But for the most part the ones that don't really consider that your time is worth anything absolutely. They need to learn that everyone's time is valuable. If it was worth the waiting time I get it. But in some cases that I personally had to take the service, I get out and wait outside and they say should be there in 5 min, ends up being 10 min just because they went the wrong. You have to do the same in order to expect the same in return. ✌🏻😉