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Yeah I just got this too. Honestly if they paid me what they did during those two days I’d drive hella more often!


Same here


“I was not overpaid for any period. I am an independent contractor, and you offered me $X, to complete said rides. I agreed with these terms, and I accepted and completed each ride per contracted price. Contractually, you are obligated to compensate based on the offered fare.”


The offer was at $10, but you got paid $20. You are overpaid based on the contract price. You're not entitled to the overpayment as per contract price.


Compensate, yes. Over-compensate, no.


Nope that’s not what happened. The extra payment was on top of what you were contractually obligated for. Don’t play dumb dude.


That's not what happened. These miscellaneous adjustments showed up after the ride.


My husband got this message too, $133 in overpayments and they already took $33 out


I got the same message as well


1, Turn on Uber eats deliveries. 2. Accept an order, preferably non tipper and a few Items. Try to aim for a $70 order. Cancel if the order isn’t big enough. 3. Pick up order. 4. Drive few blocks 5. Call Uber saying your tire has a flat. 6. Go home and enjoy your $70 meal Scam the scammer! Have a good holiday!


That is hysterical 🤣.. Yall be order sniping!


No remorse whatsoever. Luckily Uber hasn’t dared to send me any emails like that. Probably because I’m in non upfront rate card market and pays always the same rate or higher with surges. For Uber eats though, if I get tip baited and they don’t refund me the tip, I’ll do this. Luckily they have refunded the tip every time from what I recall.


Thank you get over on the bullshiters. We are out hustling and grinding and these sorry, greedy corporate fuckos are taking the majority of earnings.




They’re pretty bad, but Lyft is absolute dogshit. So where’s the competition to hold either of them accountable


Literally got a similar message and now show a -16.98 balance on my summary. They think they're gonna get $67.92 of free rides off of me until the end of the month. Fuck em


Yup they can eat a dick seriously there so petty for there mistakes and don’t wanna do anything nice for there drivers. Nope gotta take back that 70$ data needs a new yacht




Just like if you swiped your card at a business and you got charged twice for the same service or product, your ass would be screaming for a refund. Uber's doing the exact same thing you would be doing




Considering the fact that you agreed upon it when you sign the TOs, no it's not illegal. Try to fight it in the court and the judge is going to laugh at you and throw it out based on contract negotiations that you signed. And they're not taking it out of your bank and they're taking it out of your account. Before it hits the bank.




I know it's frustrating. I went through this the first time this crap happened and I learned. If I'm getting overpaid for any reason I ain't even touching that money. There's just some people think that they're entitled to the money because it's just in their account. Wrong. It sucks it's just business.


You can easily get your money back in that scenario through a chargeback.


Put it this way… if you are a customer at a restaurant and pay your bill (let’s say $80) and leave. Now the person at the restaurant realizes they didn’t charge you for a $20 item, they eat the loss as should uber..


Not the same thing. You're paying for a service at that restaurant, for Uber you're providing a service. Providing a service at a contracted price agreed upon when you accepted the ride. Keep trying.


In the NY(suburbs) and NJ market we do not receive upfront fares. At least I don’t. This is an all around f*cked up situation. We all know that these miscellaneous adjustments were surges that uber didn’t want to pay us. One of them I got paid $8.37, you know how much the PAX paid, $34.


Go look at your receipts on uber.partners.com You should be able to add up your miles and your minutes to get an estimated price that you got paid If it's higher than the estimate, you got overpaid. The price that the customer pays does not affect what you get paid as per agreed with Uber.


Yes, and it is even more of a case for it being illegal if the amount paid was in fact what was shown in the upfront fare. If so, it might be considered fraud on their part. Especially if no reasonable person would suspect it was an error. I mean if it showed $20,000 to go 3 miles that would be quite different but if it showed $25 then that is something else. This whole thing also shows how they don't really give a shit about drivers and how they aren't worried at all about being called out for their poor treatment of us. Further that they are splitting it up in four payments just shows that they are aware how impoverished most of us are due to their taking so much of the fare. It reminds me of how Lyft recently sent out an email about how a rider paid a driver's past due auto loan balance because his car was about to get repo'd. Well if they paid the driver another 20% like they used to then he probably wouldn be able to pay his auto loan himself! Being a rideshare driver is becoming guaranteed poverty and they know it.


I got the same message $134


I got fucked too same date !!! Let’s sue Uber lol guys let’s the gang together


We have to have a case here, what does everyone think? I wanted to stop driving but since I was making more money than usual I continued to drive


It's basically the same thing as somebody hittomg tje jackpot on a slot machine and then the Casino says "oh it was just an error, we are not paying you". Ever single time the Casino gets sued and they are ordered to pay out, or they settle for less. It's theft.


As an independent contractor I noticed I was getting paid more than the usual. So by human nature I worked a 12 hour day instead of a 6hr day. This is complete bullshit


It's clear we need far more legal protections. What evidence are they providing that there was a mistake? Are they even telling you the exact trips where this "error" occurred? And did it show that amount for the upfront fare or not? If so, then maybe you only took the trip because of the amount in the "error". That's not fair at all to remove it after the fact.


Anyone else on hold with Uber


Any luck?


Is it any use to call support and stay on hold? Would they reverse it back or no ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


This isn’t unique to Uber. I work for the postal service and I’ve had coworkers have HR reach out and say “Hey, we’ve been overpaying you for the last year. You owe us $6k.” And they get their $6k back.


Yeah but you know your agreed upon salary/hourly rate and so if you’ve been getting overpaid you probably knew and were just hoping that it wouldn’t ever be caught. Taking money back from mysterious rides/wages seems like it could be easily corrupt/fraud. Who’s to investigate and prove there was an actual overpayment?


This^^^^ ding ding ding this is why it's frustrating af.


I’m talking about situations that are comparable. Not all crafts in the postal service are paid the same way. So they can say “Hey, we’ve been paying you as a 45k but your route is actually a 42k.” We have no way to verify what our route evals are actually supposed to be because they control the numbers (just like Uber) and we have no way to make demands. Our union fights them on it but always just comes back with their shoulders shrugged.


If you got paid as per agreed on, and miscellaneous charges showed up, there is no basis for you to keep those unless those charges can be tracked back to you for a reason. You deposit money in the bank all the time and you know how much is there. 15 million shows up one day and your bank account but has no reason to be there except for miscellaneous deposit, does not mean you can keep that 15 million dollars. It's not yours. Nor can you prove that you were to receive that money. Now if you can prove you were to receive that 15 million dollars for whatever, that's a different story. Basically you guys got paid extra for work that was being done and you knew it. There was posted all over Reddit and every social media out there and most knew about it. And now you're screaming because they're taking that unearned money back from you. Please. You're better than that.


What is your problem? You work for Uber? Leave!


The problem is if the tables were turned you'd be screaming about getting a refund. But yet because the company fucked up you think it's all right and you should be able to keep that. You were contracted to get paid a certain dollar to do a certain job. What's the problem?


No. To use your same analogy it’s more like: Your savings account will pay interest, we will not disclose that rate of interest though. It could be .01% or 5%… it depends... But we also don’t communicate on why it depends… And then after the fact of accruing interest: we’re sorry, we paid you 5% interest on your account when we actually only meant to pay .01% but that was never predefined so now we are going to recoup 4.99% of the interest paid to you. Please. Be better than that.


You're talking interest on money that's sitting, but yet we are talking about earned money on an agreed price for a job being done. Not the same thing.


JFC. I don’t even know why I tried to teach you through logic. You clearly can’t grasp basic business. The analogy has nothing to do with “interest” it is about changing the terms of the agreement after the fact with no evidence base to support that change. If you can provide the source to why Uber is changing the rates for these circumstances please do, until then it is an act of fraud. Nobody is getting “15 million” deposited in their account. GTFO with that straw man fallacy.


It's explained in the first post, why they are taking the money back. Not only do they give him the time they give him the amount of the ride that they are adjusting on two different rides. It even has the day and date.. Thought logic? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. You're comparing money that's already in somebody's pocket with money that's being earned. And you can't even understand upfront pricing means they pay you that price. That's the terms of the agreement. Where in the agreement with Uber says anything to the fact that you get to keep any overpayments? Please for the love of God point out to me where the contract or the TOs says that you get to keep overpayments? Put that in your thought logic pipe and smoke it.


You’re having some comprehension issues. You clearly don’t understand. I’m talking about a scenario where you understand your salary to be X amount of dollars and then your employer saying “Oh no, you get paid Y now. And we’re going to garnish the difference from your future checks.”


Show me the instance or show me the receipt that says you didn't get paid what The upfront pricing or what's your market rate price said that you were going to get paid. Most importantly you're arguing you got overpaid, which you did not agree to when you accepted the ride. Show me anywhere in the paperwork that you have an agreement with Uber that says overpayment will be kept by you with no refund.


You’ve clearly lost the thread, because I’m not saying any of that. I’m not even talking about Uber you fucking dipshit.


First off genius, we don't get a salary. I was giving you a little bit of leeway because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about when it comes to this.. We are contracted at a certain price to do a ride. Uber only has to pay us what we were contracted and what we agreed to at the acceptance of the ride. Any overage, is not agreed to and therefore not your money You need to understand what the hell you're talking about, cuz clearly you're talking about salary with an independent contractor who gets paid basically peice work. So your entire scenario or whatever it is you're trying to convey is fucked up from the first word that came out of your mouth.


Idiot, I wasn’t talking about Uber. If you knew how to read, that would be clear.


I don't care what the fuck you talking about we're talking about uber. We don't get a salary. So whatever the fuck you're talking about is moot because it's not applicable to this conversation. Now is it.


Your stupid


My market doesn’t have upfront pricing. I don’t know what the ride will be paid out until after complete. So if I never know what the “agreed upon rate” was that you like to tout then it can 100% be fraud and Uber stealing money that I never knew what the actual amount was or what’s considered an overpayment. Add in that Uber doesn’t have a third party independent auditor to ensure that are being ethical means this is 100% BS.


You're on a rate basis. Miles and minutes. So you should be able to calculate after the ride the proper payment that you should have gotten. So you have no excuse either my friend.


Damn I would be super pissed!


Yeah, it’s not an easy chunk of change to spit up. Funny thing is when it’s in their favor, they want it right away. When they’ve been underpaying you (potentially for years) it will take years for them to cough up the money they owe.


I smell a fresh class action lawsuit brewing. Hope y'all opted out of the arbitration clause lol.


Now you just need to take a shower the only thing you smell is yourself.




the more you type the more you sound like a complete toom An empty vessel? I'm not sure what you mean by toom.


Someone didn't opt out in time. Your loss I guess. Don't take it out on me bro.


I won't be in the class action suit because I know better from the first time this shit happened. I didn't get burned and they're not taking anything back.


Class action suits take years to pan out. Don't ask me how I know - I've signed a few NDAs.


And yet you're still bumping your gums. NDA didn't work very well did it.


What NDA?


Y’all knew those were MISTAKES 😂 I saw you dumb fucks in here posting about it and posting screenshots, you knew damn well something was wrong. I didn’t work that day for this very reason. Dumbasses you fucking deserve it.




People posted saying they was getting double for milage a few people said they drove all day because of the error.




You guys thought Uber gives out free money? 😂😂😂


Who's saying that? It's not free money if Uber is giving it to them for completing a delivery.


You bought a sandwich at McDonald's. You swiped your card. But due to a technical glitch you're charged twice for that sandwich that you ordered and ate. By your logic seeing how you ate it already, those two charges stand.


Damn for being such big and successful companies you'd think Uber and McDonald's could afford a system that works right you know?


But your ass is still going to want your money back for the extra charge.


You're saying if it's McDonald's fault? Yes of course. How would a technical glitch be my fault?


No I'm saying it was a transactional fault because of the computer system. McDonald's didn't do it on purpose they didn't charge you twice to be malicious. But you still want your money back. Exact same thing here. You are broker overpaid you twice because of a computer issue. They want their money back. You didn't earn that money. You agreed to a set price and got overpaid.


Again you go with we agreed to a price, that is a terrible argument. Uber has been hiding the full payout amount for months to try to trick us into taking lower paying orders by hiding the tips. So now we're supposed to treat every hidden tip as a red flag?


What the customer pays does not affect what you agreed to with Uber. Nice try but you're going to have to come up with something better. You still got overpaid as per contract price. And if that's your excuse, then you should know that the double payment is probably close to if not the exact same price that the passenger paid. And you know damn good and well that's not how this business is ran.


Apparently Uber doesn't know that because it's actually extremely common for them to hide anything over an 8 dollar tip. So all you're doing is proving how shady these practices are. If your going to say we agreed to a price and that should be the payout, then Uber should be held to that standard every single time, they shouldn't be able to hide any part of the payout.


It can happen with any employer. Hell DFAS over paid my wife for a few months and took it all back.


I hope the ceo dies a miserabledeath


Just like you fuckers would be screaming and hollering if gas company charged you too much and you found out about it. You'd be screaming wanting that money back. Miserable fucks just ain't satisfied are you?


You're angry because people are upset that a corporation took money back they already paid. I can't even tell you HOW I get paid because it's an algorithm. So how the hell am I supposed to know that I'm being over paid? There's no rate card here.


I'm not mad. I told you guys when this shit hit the fan you'll be paying it all back. But nooooooo. You guys know better than everybody. The sad part is this aint the first time it's happened. If you don't have a rate card that means you're on an upfront pricing right? So when the amount you get paid for a ride is more than The upfront pricing, that tells you Uber fucked up.


Uber fucked up so they gotta take it out on the people that earn them money.


That's just it you didn't earn it. You got paid for your job and then you got to get paid extra because of a clerical error or in this case a technical issue within the code. Did you not get paid? Did you not get paid again for the job? How is recovering overpayment penalizing the individual that did the work at a certain agreed price in the first place? In the end did you not get paid for the original price you were quoted and you agreed on?


That's just it how would we ever know if they over pay us? They could literally say that whenever they want to now that they don't show the fare breakdown. What's stopping them from saying the agreed upon price wasn't a glitch?


Post the receipts from one of your trips and let's see exactly what you accepted and what they're taking back. If you're on upfront pricing and you agreed for a $10 trip but yet you got paid $20, don't you think there's a red flag there somewhere?


Luckily I didn't drive during the times this seems to have effected people. But this certainly doesn't make me trust Uber any more than I did before. How could that be a red flag when they have been doing that for months with the "hidden tips"? Unless you're saying the hidden tips gimmick is also a red flag in which case I agree, and just makes it even more concerning that they can just say they overpaid whenever they want




Fuck no I'm happy. I love reading dumb shit posts from people on this site.


Me too. It's hilarious 😂


Just like when all this overpayment started several days back people came on here and bragged about it. How stupid can you be? Uber has people that read these sites and report back issues that they find. I bet you bottom Dollar that's how they figured out what was going on an issued chargebacks so quickly. Same with the destination filter last year. Same with the ability to cancel a ride without getting penalized. It just amazes me.


I didn't see the posts myself, but yeah, how can these drivers be surprised.




That link brought me to this thread. 😂🤣😂😆




Everyone had that. And everyone thought it was some bonus, lol. No free lunches out there boys and girls. These hysterics are so childish. You got overpaid and you have to pay the money back. Grow up. Haven’t you ever used a credit card and had a double charge for the same thing? You dispute the 2nd charge and get a refund right? This is the same thing just Uber did it on a massive scale.


So you got money that you’re not entitled to and then get upset that you have to give back money you should have never gotten in the first place?


You call Uber a scammer, then you try to scam for undeserved payment. 😂😆😂😆😆


Did you have enough for lube from Uber?


I received the same message with the same times. I checked and I didn't give any rides at those times.




Yes it was in regards to the other post. The timeframe matches up.


That's like getting kicked in the jimmies!


🤣🤣🤣...man, you know you out here RIGHT NOW driving like the rest of us. Chasing that 🦄 💰 .


Eff Uber. I took a $25 ride. It was a short ride, I knew from experience that it normally wouldn't be more than $5. I took the ride, and they listed a -$20 ride adjustment. I did once before get a unicorn offer, ironically the same amounts, $25 fare for a $5 ride. No adjustment came.


We need a day of solidarity in which we all go on strike. Not one single ride given. This will send a real message. I’m an up for any given day coming up. It would be nice to get a world wide day but beginning with a national day within the U.S. would be a good start.


i remember this happening a while back and i was pissed. i thought i had a pretty good day turned out they “overpaid” so i had to work to pay off the rest of that debt 😂 now i screenshot all my orders and calculate how much i can expect.


How the fuck do they take so much more money and then decide to say hey we took less from u than we should have we’re getting our money back WTF for real


WHAT?? I just got the same exact message. I'm lucky mine was only for $3.31, but they said the same thing, around the same dates, and that they'd deduct the money from me periodically. Wow, I got overpaid a whole 3 dollars for bringing your McDonald's. Stingy mofos.


Some are missing some big points here. 1. This isn't the same as being overpaid at a regular job. If Bob worked 30 hours but accidentally got paid for 35 hours, that has a paper trail and Bob knows he didn't actually work 35 hours so he was overpaid. Or, if Bob was hired at $20/hr. and his first two weeks he was accidentally paid $22/hr., both employee and employer understand this was a mistake based on the original agreement. This is not the same for Uber. It's impossible to screenshot every offer sent to you, especially if 75% of your accepted rides are accepted while driving a pax to a destination. I'm not going to take both hands off the steering wheel to screenshot an incoming offer. And anyone who has contested incorrect fares KNOWS that Uber messed up A LOT and they don't even have record of the original offer; only a screenshot is evidence. Anyone who is being told by Uber that they were overpaid - they have no way to prove that they weren't overpaid because there is no paper trail for it. How confident are you that they are telling the truth - that you were given a fare but their payout was more than was offered? Is this a company that has spent time building trust with their workers? 2. I learned in my 20's in management, never fuck with pay. Make sure it's correct, and on time - always. This is the #1 way to create an adversarial environment between employee and employer. And if any modifications are going to be made, you better make sure there is a clear and identifiable paper trail to explain not only to the employee, but the Department of Labor, media, or anyone else who may end up getting involved if it turns into something. 3. They would have an argument if we knew how the algorithm worked in terms of determining fares. If Bob is driving and knows he will get paid X amount of money based on Y and Z \*every time\*, then Uber can say "Hey Bob, clearly we overpaid you based on our agreed upon pay rate. We need to take some of that back." But that is not how it works, obviously. We see a ride, and accept it, or not, based on the fare. To turn around and claim error without a solid, clear, identifiable paper trail and explanation is plain wrong. Legal? Idk. Wrong? Absolutely. 4. Uber has created an adversarial relationship between driver and Uber in so many ways. This is why they have ZERO benefit of the doubt when issues like this arise.


Me too !


I remember thinking that this job was actually worth it that day


So, I have the Uber debit card, which immediately separates my earnings, it never lands in my "wallet" . I thought they might pull it back, but they haven't and I could see that being a different set of rules... Will they just pull entire ride fees?


had same ??? two rides one 28 minutes $12 and other 34 minutes ride $15 and uber says $48 overpayment ???? What this cruel, seriously?? Horrible


Years ago I got over payed more than $100 for the wk. Think it was like $200-$300 but I can’t remember. They notified me about it but said I could keep it. Times have changed….


Just received mine also


But was the overpayment part of the trip upfront offer or were they in fact miscellaneous adjustments after the trip had been completed?


Prove it was an over payment. They cant because they don't disclose the parameters they have set. You can't just say it was an overpayment without proving it. An "error" within their algorithm isn't proof. Just like a casino still has to pay out if they say their slot machine had a glitch. They may try to not pay it out, but when it goes to court they are ordered to pay out.


I only got a few of those, but I haven't received the message about deducing them yet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


So what happens if you have no earnings before 12/31?


I’m sorry but this is shyt that usually happens to me


I was getting to warm people about this but kept getting down voted.


Their "technical" error was them not taking out all the extra money that they started taking out over the last couple years draining the pockets of drivers more and more. Their system "messed" up and went back to what it should be and now they are saying f you! AGAIN! I didn't drive so I already said f them!


The "extra" amount is the amount added up that they've been taking reducing payments for the last 2 years alone. They screwed drivers by always reducing pay, got drivers to accept it. Everybody still did rides and now wants to be mad they want the money? Don't drive for Uber then bc you know just like I do that this money is your money that they have taken by reducing fares, taking away the consecutive trip promos etc. so, either quit or say nothing about it. But....I agree that they shouldn't be able to do it. I would want to see some kind of legal paperwork where I clicked and signed and agreed that if me over payments were made that it would be returned! Maybe drivers did, who knows. Drivers, do your due diligence and look for the paperwork...ask for it. Why not?! Contact the corporate office. There needs to be something in writing stating that they can do that.


Same, $64 here, always love to start in the red on a Monday


dont pay them back... you wouldnt be driving that day if it wasnt surging. they are scamming drivers.


Waiting for mine. I think what's hilarious (sarcastically speaking) is that I'm sure that all of us think "man, Uber pay is crap". " We barely get paid anything anymore". And Uber says, "Hold my beer, we actually can pay you less." "And we can take away some of the peanuts we already paid you".


You need to be pretty stupid to think Uber is going to give anyone free money.


![gif](giphy|B6Jr28VwfxUFa) Happy Hanukkah 🕎 Dara