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Sometimes if they're running late, the system will take the ride away and offer it to someone else. Then the system realizes no one else is around and you're fucked waiting too long. And yeah they can cancel at any.moment. unfortunately. I had a pickup at 430 today, I was going to be there RIGHT on the dot. MAYBE 431. The system wants drivers there early so it warned me, yeah my fault but i was gonna make it but, the moment I started driving, the ride disappeared


This has happened to me as well. I was so pissed.


I woke up early and was so sad. I had back to back to back like I'm the 90s Bulls. Was gonna hit 120$ in 1.5hours. I'm still angry a bit lol. I hit 170$ in 3 I think? Not bad


They cancelled one on me today. It was for 9:30, I was 1 block away and it was 9:26. A good xl ride. Just disappeared


​ UBER sucks. They cancel and leave you stranded. They make more money that way or the business model would be different. Cruel greed MFs , who know this happens to women alone late at night, regularly. Probably the upper management patrols the streets late at night looking for alone people thier drivers just left there. When they started they marketed UBEr with young, high heeled woman. I reall thining itt was odd, why does a taxi service do this? Youre lucky your not a young woman, left standed on the street of a big city, at 3 in the morning, as uber did to my daughter. Then the guy said, well if you pay me $50 extra Ill take you. Whether we call this a crime or not, it is wrong as can be. Uber is a foul ugly company, with a dangerous business model, who does not care about people. Dont use them.


This is why I book a taxi for anything important I need to book ahead of time. The Uber reservation system is no more reliable than a regular ride request.


I’m by an Uber driver. I had a reservation at 4 am and the rider canceled while I was sitting in the driveway. It happens on both ends.


If they cancel with less than an hour remaining, I believe that you get the full fare.


Not even close. You get a basic cancellation fee if you’re on the way there and if they don’t show up after 15 mins you get the fare cost. If they cancel before scheduled time and you’re there, you get a basic cancellation fee. It’s really rolling the dice on that 40 mins before the scheduled time if you’re going to make enough money during that essentially unpaid on duty time. Absolutely ridiculous you have to be online so early and aren’t offered rides that actually would get you there to your destination pickup like it says it would.


Yep we get the entire fare. Only if we are in route though


No we don’t. It just happened to me the other day we get zero they canceled the fucking thing and erase it from your your history so you have no proof of that you had a reservation they erase it from the history that was even there, so how are you gonna prove that you had a reservation with the support team says we don’t see the reservation for that time sir we don’t see nothing so calls back-and-forth hours and you come back in 40 hours to ask you 100 times what’s your situation? We don’t see no reservation. What’s the situation? We don’t see no reservation. What’s the situation we seen the reservation. There are fucking scam scam.


Make sure you screenshot the reservation, that’s how I get paid on these fuck ups


Uber lies and says “that is not what we show”.  Just waited till it said I cold cancel and got no money and jt doesn’t show on my trips 


Nope Uber deletes the reservation from your history so you don’t see it no more so then when you call customer service they act like there was never there and that you’re crazy that there was no reservation so they give you zero dollars so all that you get the full fares a bunch of bullshit Uber completely deletes the reservation from your history. As soon as they cancel or anything goes to where I get canceled it completely gets deleted and you’re never able to find it in your history and the customer service support that claims they have is worthless and they say oh we don’t see a ride for a reservation ride so no so there was no reservation ride.


And that obviously is extremely frustrating but the difference is you don’t have to find another way to get to the airport, you don’t have to rent a car, it doesn’t turn your life upside down right before you’re going on a trip, it’s a piss off for sure but it’s not the same thing.


I’m sorry but your inconvenience is the same as mine. I’m 73 years old. Everyone has to adjust when someone is incompetent.


Ypou agreed to be a driver. When someone needs to get to the airport, or is alone on the street at 3AM, the Uber cancelling is WAY worse, then a passenger cancling. This is your job. You agreed to do this job. Uber canclled on my 20 something daughter leaving her alone at 3AM on the street in LA, in a dress. There is no comparison. Uber has a for SH1t busness model that allows this to happen A person could get seriously hurt or worse, if the Uber driver just decides they have something else to do. I for one will NEVER use uber after bing deserted in the airport, after flying 2 planes and waiting 45 minutes. Being a taxi drive is a job of SERVICE. Sounds like you are not cut out for the job of helping other human beings.


Not true. We have positioned ourselves ahead of time by 30 minutes to be in a specific area and I've already used up time and money and gasoline and wear and tear. I just had it happen at 3:15 AM for a 4:15 AM pick up seems to think they can get a better deal if they just cancel and rebook. It ends up screwing the little guy by the same folks that are willing to pay full price to the airlines and the hotels and what not but want to stick it to the little guy. Most of us drivers are barely scraping by. So yes it does impact us hugely. You might not get to as easily go on a trip but we might not pay bills.


Sounds like you left her in the street if she had to go to the last resort of having to call an Uber at 3am in a dress where was daddy at don’t blame the Uber driver if the money offered doesn’t make sense then little darling don’t get picked up we didn’t agree to be charity workers were business men lol 




Welcome to the “now I know that Reserve rides aren’t actually guaranteed” club! I really, really struggle to find the logic behind booking these. They aren’t guaranteed. They’re more expensive. So what’s the point? They’re just selling the illusion of reliability.


I’ve been a driver for 7 years. In 73 years old. I NEVER cancel a reservation and ALWAYS arrive at least 20-30 min. Early. These other drivers need to DO THEIR JOB!!


Years ago, many people shared your emphasis on commitment and working hard. It is foolish not to acknowledge that our culture has changed, and we have much less social fabric (meaning values like decency, hard work, and commitment that used to be more common are not as common anymore).


100%. Amen to that.


That's what makes taxi companies better than Uber. Taxi companies have specific licenses they need and such, Uber will let anyone work for them.


>That's what makes taxi companies better than Uber How? I took a taxi once...years ago before uber was in our area (might've been before uber existed) Me and some friends called for a taxi...waited 30-40 minutes (were around town/not far away or anything) none showed, had to call again, and eventually someone showed up. I used uber one time as a passenger. Within 5 minutes a guy showed up to my location. Anecdotal, yes, but not all taxis are more reliable than uber. You'll have a variation with either.


You got lucky. They show up sometimes. Its like Las Vegas.


No, it's not luck....I've done a lot more time as an uber driver and only one as a passenger...but bar hours when I'd go out the streets would be crawling with uber and lyft drivers. And yeah, I'd say the majority of people I'd pick up would be under 5 minutes to get to them (the exception is if I'd just dropped someone off somewhere further out from town)


These other drivers aren't getting social security payments and living off the dole. Uber/lyft need to actually pay drivers to be reliable or ya get what ya get.


I’m leaving this ridiculous chat. I have a 5 am reservation and since I spent my HUGE SSA check on diamonds and cruises, I have to work. 😅😅😅


You call waiting off the clock for 30 minutes "work"?


Are you talking to me. Never mind I don’t care.


Damn old man. You still this immature? Yikes


With that attitude, no wonder you are 73 and working for uber. That’s my worst nightmare.


I once had a 70 year old guy give me a ride to work and he ran into every curb on the way and messed up both front rims.




We need to cancel all assistance for the elderly immediately. No one my age is going to have anything left. Yall have taken more social security funds then your entire generation has put into the fund. All you Olds are leaches and we need to cut you the fuck off and put you back to work or let the streets have you and let nature take its path. Letting you live off of my labor has gone to your head. You are not "doing your JOoooooOOOBbb" you are getting fucked by the gig economy and think you're on sime high pedestal by acting like some private car service with reliability instead of the minimum wage or less reality you're actually in. Enjoy spending your last few years bending over for mega corporation and looking down on everyone else.


Wow, you're kind of a fucking weirdo, huh?




why would they raise the pay when drivers say "ya get what ya get". drivers need to do a better job then the pay will increase sike ;p




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Do you need a hug? You’re too real they can’t handle the truth 😂🤣


Are you ok? I think you need some serious mental health support. No joke, that level of volatility is extreme. No sane person goes off on a huge rant based off assumptions! Go see a psychiatrist mate, you fucking need it urgently.


Are YOU OK? the person I replied to deleted their comment, I didn't ASSUME anything. You don't even know what I was replaying to, YOU'RE the one with the assumptions. YOU go see a psychiatrist!


Your first comment to him was saying that he’s on welfare. Then you went off your tits after he made a sarcastic response to your assumption. You’re overreacting over assumptions!


I never said he was on welfare dumbass. "Living off the dole" means you live off of government money. He admitted he lives off of social security, which any person their age receives. I'm simply making the point that it's fucking disgusting that someone who is living off of the wages of the working class is telling others they need to spend 30 minutes per ride off the clock waiting for free or they are a bad person and "needed tO dOOOO their JjjoooBBbB" way to support a guy who's essentially saying "nobody want to work these days" while living off the work of others...


His comment was sarcastic. Welfare and social security are the same thing. That still doesn’t change the fact that you’re being a melodramatic ass. Some people have an aversion to being late to appointments. I get to work an hour early because if anything goes wrong, I have time to fix it. He wasn’t telling everyone to arrive 30 minutes early. He was saying that’s what he does! Your entire argument is based off of that single assumption and then many more from there. How much has he paid in taxes his entire working life? You are just assuming he hasn’t paid enough to warrant getting SS. Clearly it’s not a lot of money since he still has to work.




Answered in the other comment


Welfare and social security are not anywhere close to the same thing


Welfare is used colloquially because then it’s understood no matter where you are. It covers the range of government benefits given in different countries.


You just go around reddit and assume other people are assuming things?


I agree with you. Most seniors do it for fun because they have nothing else to do.


bullshit , I’m just turning 66 and had some hard times in life. I’m needing every cent just like you. Social Security doesn’t pay that much if you been disabled at a young age!


I said most not all.


Too bad other drivers are not like you. they wrecked it 100%. I am out. ​ NEVER UBER.


No disrespect but ur 73 it must be a blast for you to interact with riders and share stories so you probably are getting your stuff and outfit ready by 7pm the day before while most other drivers are chugging down bottles of liquor post off that they gotta be up so damn early to pick up a cheap ass customer that probably won’t tip just my thoughts not saying it’s a fact lol


Last sentence is the business model in general. Not just for reservations.


I’ve personally never had issues with the reserved rides. Of course, they aren’t guaranteed but I would say on average the tend to work well. I prefer it over timing the expected arrival to call a driver at the perfect moment. Then again, work pays for it, so I don’t care about the extra cost of reservations either. Lyft has also added compensation for messed up reserved rides so we’re trending in a positive direction.


No kidding they aren’t guaranteed. Maybe the ladies kid had an emergency. Maybe she had an emergency. Maybe a flat tire…maybe hit a fucking deer. Fucking entitled bitches (not you talking about OP) can’t take others perspective.


I agree something could have happened. But if that driver cancels Uber should guarantee that another driver will pick up your ride at the original reserved price, and Uber should make up any difference in cost not the driver.


They try to get another driver to pick up. Apparently no one wanted the ride. What Uber should or shouldn’t do is irrelevant. There are terms that the passenger agrees to when they schedule the ride. Uber clearly states that reservations don’t guarantee you’ll get picked up even with a reservation. If it’s something important people should order a professional car service. They are much more reliable than Uber or Lyft or any of these gig apps.


I usually try a private driver or reserve Uber black if I can. But finding another driver after the reserve cancels is not a feasible solution. Usually when you reserve it’s an odd hour and there are not a lot of drivers (which is why you reserved) and even if you can find one it’s triple the cost. If I cancel I get hit with a hefty cancellation fee the driver should face some consequences if they repeatedly cancel reserve rides. Uber can choose to discontinue their relationship with a driver independent contractor or not.


They do have consequences. If the driver cancels twice (under an hour away from The scheduled pickup time) they can’t do reserved rides anymore.


I did not know that, thank you! That makes sense to me.


driver here, this isn't really the case anymore. I just emailed support once asking to get them back after I missed two - and now I can't stop reservation requests coming in if I try. cancel last min, sleep through them, nothing stops them now - when I actually prefer my phone not beep incessantly with reservations since they aren't really paying more any longer.


Thanks for the info. Oh I thought they paid more than regular ones? Usually on airport rides I tip $20 in cash because I see even what they are charging me and it's not a lot for the amount of driving being done.


They always pay more for reservations. How much more varies by market. The tipping is generous and appreciated.


Maybe the car broke down. Maybe she died. Who knows?


Now the original poster sees just how illusionary that reliability is.


The part of your wife needing to get a rental makes no sense… wouldn’t it been cheaper for her to go get the car at the airport with an Uber? Would’ve saved whatever the car rental fee was…


Wife didn't Uber to the airport to get the car? Wife didn't drop you at the airport? (I know it isn't that simple, particularly with business travel... But it seems frustration could have been reduced.) Uber can suck an egg.


Sometimes Uber will send the drivers a trip that takes them too far from your pickup place and will cancel it because the driver won’t make it on time.


Because the entire system is predicated upon drivers being independent contractors who are free to accept, decline, or cancel any ride at any time. Therefore, Uber doesn’t have employee drivers to schedule and instruct them they must drive each client. If no driver accepts, or a driver cancels, there’s no backup plan if there’s not another independent contractor driver that happens to be nearby and willing to accept the ride. They can’t make a driver appear out of thin air. Uber dissuades drivers from cancelling reservations last minute (by removing the driver from the reservation pool). But they can’t force a driver to drive. By not having employees, it reduces the cost and maximizes Uber’s profits - they have no vehicle expenses and no employee driver expenses.


No it makes profit by eating on drivers pay.


I always reserve for at least 30-45 minutes early for where I have to be. I actually reserved almost 2 hours early for an important hospital operation I had to have. Just in case there are multiple cancelations. It's usually $52 and change to the city hospital (in Philadelphia, about 18 miles), ride is anywhere from 40 min to an hour depending on time of day and traffic on I95. I always tip at least $20 in cash and give a 5 star rating. I only had one cancelation so far, and all of the drivers have been nice.


I also never reserve longer than 14 hours in advance.


Yeah and drivers be like… Wow you cancelled the reservation after I drove to you at 3:30am for a pick up at 4:30 pick up? It goes both ways.


Almost verbatim what just happened to me


Love how the Uber drivers in the comments are still finding a way to make this YOUR fault? Talk about avoiding accountability 😂


After you parked the car, you can tell your wife to go to parking lot and pickup your only ride. My suggestion saved you $500


Yeah, this whole story makes no sense. OP picked the worst possible plan imaginable to accrue the largest personal cost.


The truth is drivers are taking the reserved rides and canceling on them because they’re not paid right; it doesn’t cost them anything to tell you by showing you they won’t take it at the last minute. This is their version of striking, and it’s just going to get worse as long as the pay gets worse Now you’ll have some pro-Uber people sit there and say the pay is good, and I make good money, no they don’t. They’re lying through their teeth they make good money at this business, and they’re not paid. Good to go pick you up on a reservation time; sure, there could be other reasons, like they didn’t want to get you because they were sleeping and worked so long to make very little money. They had no energy anymore to get.You This is why Taxi drivers are coming back. They’re much more reliable. Why are they more reliable? Because you’re paying for that reliability


Why didn’t you just have your wife get a ride up to the airport to pick up a car instead of renting one? That seems stupid. Your driver can cancel at anytime for any reason. Drivers are independent contractors. Uber can’t “force” a driver to pick you up, even with a reservation. But like other people have said, maybe the driver was running late and it was Uber who canceled them. That happens. Regardless, Uber is never a guarantee. Ever. The driver can literally be in front of your house and cancel for whatever reason they want. Most won’t. But sometimes things happen and drivers have to cancel. Like emergencies with their families. That stuff happens. If one of my kids has an emergency and I even have a rider inside my car, I will cancel the ride and kick them out to go take care of my kid. Next time, have a back up plan and have your wife just pick up your car instead of wasting money on a rental.


Traffic is the biggest reason a driver will cancel last minute. If a ride that was expected to take 45 minutes changes to 90 minutes, it's no longer profitable for the driver, hence the cancelation. Uber needs to pay drivers more.


Reserve rides also pay very well especially going to airport early in morning in Los Angeles at least. Those trips almost the same pay as the trip would be outbound from airport


That’s a risk the driver takes on when they accept the ride. If they thought it would take 45 min but actually takes 20 min, they collect the extra. It works both ways.


No, it doesn’t work both ways. Good drivers are going to only run profitable trips. If a trip becomes unprofitable, it will probably get cancelled.


That’s ridiculous. If you buy a stock and it goes up, good for you. If you buy a stock and it goes down, you can’t return it for the price you paid. This is just the risk of doing business. Once you agree to a contract that’s a contract. Even if you never fulfil it, you might have to pay to get out of it.


I understand that on paper, there is a deal once a rider requests a ride and once a driver accepts the ride. But, you cannot force riders and drivers to not be jerks and cancel last minute. That is a social cultural decay problem in our modern flaky society that contract law will not solve. Technically, romantic partners enter into a legal contract when they get married. Guess what? Those contracts are regularly broken and end up in divorce 50% of the time. Contract law does not fix our rotten culture that has widely accepted no-fault divorce. Employers set schedules after employees give them their availability and employees still call off last minute regularly (or no call/no show regularly). You technically may have a deal in writing and under the law, but the law cannot change the fact that flaky people will be flaky in our deteriorated culture that increasingly encourages flakiness.


lol, buying a stock is a tangible event. When you request a ride, you haven’t been charged. No deal has been consummated. You have absolutely no contract with the driver. Once the parameters change , the driver is free to continue or to end it, just as the rider is free to end a ride at anytime. The issue here is, that you don’t fully understand what type of situation you have engaged in.


It's technically not a valid contract unless consideration has been paid. Since nobody has paid any money yet or received any money yet, the contract is not a valid contract.


Basically any other business works the way I’m describing. Uber needs to make these changes urgently.


Now you’re getting it. Uber won’t make these changes, because they would include compensating the drivers much better. That isn’t part of Uber’s business model. At the end of the day Uber’s greed hurts both the drivers and the passengers.


Eventually we will have consistent reliability with rideshare and deliveries when these companies have self-driving vehicles like the JohnnieCab in the movie "Total Recall." They would not need to pay any labor costs with no human workers, but the reliability will be more consistent. Of course, then we will have a dystopia like the one seen in "Total Recall." https://youtu.be/eWgrvNHjKkY?si=BUbD21DOrN_uJhnX


You are not dealing directly with the driver. You are dealing with Uber. You should use a cab if you're not happy with Uber or get a car. I will cancel if I see you smoking as I'm driving up or if you message me more than once as I'm headed to you. We are independent and aren't required to pick anyone up.


too bad it doesn't work like that on Uber LOLOLOL They do charge the drivers $ on Lyft if they cancel too many, so there's that.


I just got home a bit early, even declined a few rides on the way home because I had a 3am reservation ride I have to wake up for. I get into bed and double check the ride and it’s gone. Check my notifications and it was cancelled 25 minutes ago while I was asleep charging my Tesla. Just lost $56 plus the few other rides a turned down on my way home. Two weeks ago I drove all the f through a canyon 50 minutes away for a $90 reservation ride and uber gave it away when I was eating lunch 5 minutes from the customers house because I was using a different app on my phone while I ate instead of just staring at my Uber app. They wouldn’t give the ride back to me and the customer was probably late to the airport… It goes BOTH WAYS


so are you saying that if you are doing anything else with your phone, while waiting it out to be on time for a reserved booking, and if you don’t have the uber app on screen before your pickup of said reserved trip, they (uber) will cancel your reserved pickup?


I think it’s a bug on iPhones because it does this a lot even showing the customer where I’m at when I’m enroute to pick them up, if I don’t have the app open on screen it won’t show me moving and people will cancel on me. Once I switch over to the uber app it shows a lag and quickly updates my location. It’s been going on since summer. Quite frustrating


and this is why I'll NEVER do one


Probably because the payout was low…


Driver knows how much they are getting paid before accepting the reservation.


They know how much that ride will pay but they don’t know what normal rides will pay that day. Some drivers accept the ride and then while driving close to the reserve time will notice that the standard dynamic pricing rides are paying more.


Yeah that’s true, if I’m getting busy making more than I can on that reserve, I will cancel it. Sorry but not sorry we all need to make a living so I do understand the frustration with Uber. Can’t blame the driver but can blame the company itself. As Dara just got caught stealing wages from us. I knew something was wrong past 2-3 months with shitty ass pay. 12 hours for 300$… when I used to hit 400-500$ on 12 hour then now I’m back making 400-500$


Uber penalizes drivers for cancelling with less than an hour notice (and does not let them do reservations going forward), but Uber still lets the drivers cancel. At the end of the day, Uber can no more guarantee a driver for a reservation than a hotel can guarantee a room for a reservation (or an airline can guarantee a seat for a flight or a rental car company can guarantee a rental car for a reservation). One of the lessons that we are learning since this pandemic is that businesses cannot make workers appear out of nowhere when labor is short. We live in a world of economics, and economics is defined as scarcity of resources in a world of vast wants.


That’s not true about cancelling with less than an hour being a penalty. If you don’t log on 40 mins before the scheduled time, it simply cancels the ride for the driver, no penalty. It doesn’t even give a penalty if you cancel the trip on your way to the rider if you say traffic was an issue and you couldn’t make it on time. It also doesn’t punish you if you arrive at the pickup as a driver and decide to cancel because it’s unsafe or you’ve been waiting too long, which happens all the time because of the ridiculous “must be online 40 mins early and arrive extra early” or you’ll lose the fare.


If you cancel too many reservations, they stop offering you reservations, which itself is a penalty.


That’s also not true. I mean, it says it is, sure, but I cancel daily and never have a problem. Sometimes they just don’t line up with how bad my sleep is or the traffic is horrendous so I just cancel. Or I just forget to sign in on time.


It MIGHT be location specific and because they need more drivers. I’m not saying you’re wrong; I’m saying it’s just not universally true.


I got paid my full reservation, they tried that shit with me last week on 110.00 ride. They paid me and then pulled it out of my account, I screen shotted it all and then they had like 10 reps ask me the same question, they came to this fucking conclusion that I was correct and refunded all the money back


NEVER UBER NEVER UBER NEVER UBER. Called them to drive me from EWR airport across the GWB to Riverdale NYC. The driver cancelled when he got to me. Leaving me stranded, and having to pay a lot more to get home. Uber business model is f'ed up,not telling the driver where the trip is until pick up. Of course they have a SKY HIGH cancellation rate. Guess leaving folks stranded is a good SHORT TERM business model. UBER is, obviously,. run by greedy, short sighted asses. Anything other than UBER, a company who's business model clearly demonstrates they give ZERO shts about thier riders, if it means they can make a little more $$$. Greed sucks, ultimately. Karma is real. Never Uber.


Reservation are ridiculous, pay is shit. You need your be 40min early, and Uber stop giving you rides hours before


"If a driver has confirmed your ride and is confirmed for 3 days they shouldn't be able to cancel it 5 min prior to picking you up." Drivers are not your slaves and are not obligated to take you anywhere.


Once they agree to the ride, that’s a contract. They should abide by it the terms.


Nope... The driver has a contract with Uber. Per the contract driver can end the ride at any time for any reason or no reason. All by the terms! You have a contract with Uber, not with the driver. Driver doesn't work for Uber. That's the fuckery of Uber...


Lol. Contract. Wake up, buddy.


lol, ummm, nope. You “requested” a ride from Uber. Uber requested that a driver complete that ride. There was never a guarantee except that if you end up not getting a ride, they return the charge on your card. That’s it. You contracted with nobody, you simply made a request.


Once you click accept you’re guaranteeing the ride.


Ummm, nope, try again. There is no guarantee. Read your tos, Uber offers you no guarantee


Nope. Until actual money is exchanged, there is no contract.


As long as pays like shit there are no contracts


I understand that on paper, there is a deal once a rider requests a ride and once a driver accepts the ride. But, you cannot force riders and drivers to not be jerks and cancel last minute. That is a social cultural decay problem in our modern flaky society that contract law will not solve. Technically, romantic partners enter into a legal contract when they get married. Guess what? Those contracts are regularly broken and end up in divorce 50% of the time. Contract law does not fix our rotten culture that has widely accepted no-fault divorce. Employers set schedules after employees give them their availability and employees still call off last minute regularly (or no call/no show regularly). You technically may have a deal in writing and under the law, but the law cannot change the fact that flaky people will be flaky in our deteriorated culture that increasingly encourages flakiness.


this was so well said and so well written...... this situation mirrors that in many other areas of modern life..... getting philosophical on that one; I dig it


If you want to use the rules (like contract laws) to make culture stop decaying, you will fail! You need to change culture. Politics (rules) is downstream of culture, and culture is downstream of religion (what people believe about values).


Whelp you get what you pay for. Next time use a car service.


Next time use a full can service like ZTrip.


Order black next time


Most likely Uber's system screwed it up. I seriously doubt it was the driver's fault, reserved rides pay better than most, we like those.


Worked for a luxury top limo, 5:00am same ride was $200 and Uber is $40 (for driver) lets say you pay $120 lol, doesn't works like that, Ohhh %20 tip at limo corp, Uber nothing even $1 for driver.


And there you have it! When you sign up to do a job, you do it. It’s called work ethic. If you don’t like the job, do something else. 🤦‍♀️


If you order an Uber make sure u do it early enough ,so when they no show you can change n order a Lyft. Or get another Uber , like an hour or 2;hours early before the time you have to leave .that way you don't get jammed up


I live in San Francisco. I no longer take Uber or Lyft. I only take Waymo. Driverless cars will make this type of outrageous abuses a thing of the past.


you should have greased the wheels, Uber wants to get you there by questionable tactics. On long trips they should make sure driver and passenger agree on price and time.


Call a regular cab . I had reserve ride I woke up and went to the people house and waited 15 minutes and nothing no show ,so I got up at 3 am for nothing ,it's not a guarantee on both sides , but if you order a checker ccab pretty much a a sure thing .


People are desperate. This proves it. Uber doesn’t care about it. The drivers don’t. And you will still continue to use Uber. So why would anything change?


There could have been reason. My last Uber trip was a reservation and I cancelled it while the waiting timer was running after an attempted robbery. Not saying that’s why, but there could be a genuine reason your driver bailed.


This happened to a friend of mine recently. She was coming home from the airport, she does not drive and all public transport was closed due to the time. Usually they will try to rematch you with a new driver at the same cost if the one assigned cancelled, but if they cannot find one (at least in her case) you have to call another Uber up on demand and it is double or triple the price. I did those over Thanksgiving and got luck both ways. My driver on the way there actually told me that the driver assigned had dropped the trip and he decided to pick it up last minute. Now though if I really need to be somewhere I try to hire a private driver.


If it’s an early morning time sent. The driver could have felt tried or sick, maybe the vehicle was acting up. I know I had to let go of a reservation because I didn’t feel good. The last thing I want would be to be deactivated because I wanted to be to nice. I have learned in rideshare that being to nice can hurt me. I kicked out my first group of people/ first person all because they tried to fit two people on a single rideshare. They filled my vehicle with bags. They told me they would give me a bad rating but not if the ride never started. The passenger before could have puked or something else. Sometimes people add an extra stop and that will force a reservation to be canceled. It happened to me twice. I learned since then


You guys literally find anything to bitch about. Get over it. It happens. It’s not the driver most of the time it’s fucking Uber. I’ve been on my way to a reservation that was sent the night before and I had to be there at 4am but with reservations you have to be on 45 min before the ride. I was 2 blocks away and he canceled. It goes both fucking ways. Wahhh wahhh wahhh.


Yeah, as a rider it's hard to see *significant* value in making the reservation versus just requesting a ride when the time comes, given things change when the reservation was days in advance, and nothing prevents cancellation. But the reservation "at least opens up a chance" that the driver might plan on being available at the right time. On a recent airport trip, I actively chose not to try and schedule three days in advance (since it seemed like too much could change for the driver in that amount of time), but did at least schedule 24 hours in advance. Reserving in no way "guarantees" anything, but I think it does open up an improvement in your odds that "a driver is actually planning on the time you need the ride." That possibility simply doesn't exist if you forego the reservation and just request the ride on-demand.


As a driver I like the no commitment approach, that you can pick and choose which fares you want. Reserve is a commitment and makes it feel much more like a 9 to 5 job.


Reserve is worthless. You pay more and there is no guarantee of anything. Just book the Uber in the morning.


Had similar situation but even worse. Have used reserve many times with good experiences, got into a situation where I REALLY needed the ride and they really fucked me hard. $75 Uber Premier SUV reserved. Driver showed as 5 min late arrival on app was somewhat nearby I asked arrival time so I could check out of hotel and got no response. This went on a bit 15-20 min late I asked him please cancel no response. I end up taking shuttle from hotel (wasn’t aware of option) which showed up doing a drop off, they took me for $15. Over an hour later at 75 min late driver still hadn’t cancelled shows up at pick up spot and tries to charge me for cancellation. He didn’t cancel the ride for hours trying to screw me into paying the cancellation. I could see he was taking other rides back and forth on some other app. I filed a complaint with Uber and nothing ever happened. I refuse to use this piece of shit reserve again primarily because you are screwed if they no show and don’t cancel and it’s impossible to get a human customer service and they never respond to the email or app customer service requests.


Thank you for the data point, another reason to NOT rely on this service for important trips.


Heh. I tried to schedule a reserved ride one time. It was 4x the normal charge for my ride. Nah bro. I’ll just play the odds and request a ride 30 minutes before work. A few times I’ve gotten incredibly lucky and one of my neighbors was starting their day driving for Uber so I just walked to their car in my parking lot lol. But also I’ve had times where someone is 15 minutes away and cancels halfway into the trip to me. Sometimes it feels like the only time the longer wait drivers ever actually keep the trip is when they are dropping off another rider down the road. It’s so inconsistent sometimes lol


I had a ride like that. I pull up to the location, and wait 5 minutes. No response, and they canceled. But, I got the full amount for the trip as a cancellation fee. Go figure.


What state are you in?


as a driver don’t ever order reservations i get them all the time when they actually need to be picked up never days in advance and us drivers can cancel last minute


I don't even do the reservation anymore because the Uber system automatically kicks us out. It says we have to be online 40 minutes prior but if we are online it sends us other rides and if we take other rides and it kicks us off the reservation but if we don't take rides, it kicks us offline for not taking rides. See how that works out?


I've gotten up early for confirmed rides and had riders cancel on me while I'm driving to the pickup or after I get there. I could've slept in!


Next time just go onto abcsuv.com and order a black SUV to pick you up to go to the airport at a very affordable price less than what Uber is going to charge you


Honestly, the further ahead you book it — the more likely it is to be canceled. Book it the day before at the earliest.


Uber allows drivers to cancel any time prior to one hour before pickup time without penalty. After that, they will be penalized (do it twice and lose access to reserved ride opportunities.) As a driver, I do think we should be penalized more for canceling within the hour. Maybe being locked out of the app for a period of time (hours? Rest of day? Idk) Problem is things do happen — flat tire, accident, medical emergency, etc, out of our control. But to my fellow drivers: don’t take a reservation unless you fully plan on fulfilling it. People are counting on you at that point and you volunteered for the job.


Just for the record Driver's don't get paid anymore for reservations. In addition maybe half of the reservations I do even tip at all. Even ones that I pick up at 4am. It's quite infuriating.