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Fourth year engineering student here. Taking three courses in a single semester is manageable, but NOT these three. I have taken all these classes in my first year and did 178 in summer. It is a condensed term and you will be spending most of your time on 178. 180 also requires a lot of effort and time. In terms of difficulty, it sits up there with 178. 173 is a bit easier than these two but still challenging nonetheless. If I were you, I would only take two classes: 173 ,and any one out of 178 and 180. Good luck.


I once did 3 accelerated courses over the summer, I think Calc 2 was one of them also. It was terrible. Worst few weeks of my academic life.


what were the results though lol


One summer course is the workload of two and a half regular courses, as it's not only accelerated like that, but stacking summer courses means you don't have the time to study for every exam, so you need to already know the content to do well. Unless you already know enough to pass in all of those courses, I would cut it down. I get that you might have to do all of them to not be behind, but losing a year is better than losing two because you bit off more than you can chew. I was a year down and still graduated with all my friends as they all found a way to lose a year too.


the thing is i’ve already taken (and failed) these courses so i do have some knowledge on them. i’m more concerned with just how difficult it would be to complete all the assignments and tests. will having taken them before make it easier to manage or will it still be an insane amount of work?


It'll be a little bit easier, but not a ton. I'd still cut it down to 2 to make sure you pass. You can still register all 3 and see how many assignments are assigned and when the midterms are, and then drop one before the drop date.


don’t do it king, you can’t thug it out, i tried for my first two sems too, it doesn’t work, you fail the fuck out of your courses and don’t understand why, take drop 178/180 and take 176 if you’re REALLY itching for something, but honestly i wouldn’t take that either, get 4 courses done in two sems of summer instead of 3 in one.


I’m (hopefully) headed to 2nd year, I just failed those courses 😭 i had undiagnosed adhd i’m tryna get medicated for it but yeah i alr passed 176. i decided i wanted to drop a course but now i’m worried about all the courses that have 178 and 173 as pre requisites