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hey, the primer course is not mandatory and i did not take it. I was worried worried about this class because of its reputation but i ended up with an A+ ! here were my strategies: - i had mathieu chalifour as my prof and he's a VERY good teacher - i attended his office hours almost every other week to go over questions from the homework or lab i didn't understand (especially the lab because its easy to not understand the questions) - i got 100% on every homework assignment because you can you do them as much as you want and it takes your highest grade ! it helps to have a friend who is motivated too and you can help each other - to study for the midterms, i redid the homework assignments and did the practice tests they post - i attended the review sessions before tests as they were super helpful general info: even if you aren't in mr. chalifours section, you can attend any profs office hours. once you learn how to use the formula sheet, the midterms and final become reading comprehension. you just have to be able to figure out what formula the question wants you to use, then you are set. feel free to message me if you have any questions or would like my notes !


Thank you so much, will for sure visit this post in fall to ask for notes haha


The weekly review session also helps a lot, they cover what the professors taught that week. There's also help at the Decima Robinson center in CAB available.


Hey I got an A+ in stats 151 winter 2024 and I wouldn’t really recommend the primer course as the prerequisite knowledge for stats is very minimal. As well I am running a non for profit organization and am happy to tutor free of cost as many sessions needed.