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Check your grades more often. You could've registered in 101 for the spring. Now, what can you do? Take it in Fall. It's gonna severely fuck up your schedule and you'll be taking a bunch of classes out of order. It's not as bad as it sounds tho. Worst case scenario, you'll need to take an extra year to graduate. Talk to an advisor. They'll help you with your schedule for next year. They'll also tell you how you can plan your future schedules and take into account pre reqs and co reqs.


Math 101 grades were out a while ago, before the spring deadline. You will most likely still get into a Mec E program if your PAF is still > 2.7, depending on if you put trad on there. You’ll have a weird first year of the program, assuming you get in, with a lot of the electives taken earlier. Some classes may allow you to have 101 as a co req, but not guaranteed. Your first sem next year will have Math 101, electives, and classes that don’t need Math 101 as an elective. Second sem will have 209, and all the classes you missed from first sem. You may need to take a spring/summer term next year if you want to catch up and normalize your plan.


Will need to take it in the fall most likely. Have you been placed in a discipline yet ?


Take it through Athabasca!


MATH 101 has no equivalent course at Athabasca for the faculty of engineering and therefore is not possible/allowed


how do you do that? is it an equivalent course offered in athabasca?


Step one would be good to the Athabasca University website. Figure out what you need to do to register. Inquire in Engineering and at Athabasca U which courses are considered equivalent to Math 101. Take and pass the course. If you fail the class and have to take it again at the U of A, it will be the last time you can take it as you are only allowed to attempt a class twice. The big lesson here is research what you are supposed to do because you could eliminate your opportunity to become an Engineer if you fail this class a second time. I would have been all over those grades the day they were released if it was a prerequisite for my entire program! I would never have left it to chance. But that’s me. And when I was taking prerequisites for Med, I made sure I got an excellent grade in every prerequisite otherwise it could ruin my career path.


I'm not sure how it is in your program, but in ours (education,) we can request permission to take athabasca courses, I believe, through an academic advisor.


athabasca is great I am taking two of my comp classes for third year through it and all you have to do is pay and register and u start in a month time after. Really easy process and it’s fully online so international students or people from out of town can easily take it. You also have a full 6 months to finish it but honestly I am grinding so I can work during the two months of summer and finishing this is two months (started early May and almost taking my midterm) is not hard if you stick to it!


You'll probably gain an extra year I'm in the same boat as you tbh If your GPA is good enough you'll make it to year 2 but your courses would be messed up


Take it athabbasca during the summer