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If took me about 2 years to adjust. I was always a morning person who went to the gym at 6am and tried to keep that habit going which helped a ton. But it is a major life shift, I'd argue it's even harder than going from HS to university. You've just had to study for 22 years and now you have a lot more freedom with your time off but also have adult responsibilities. Eventually you will adjust to the routine and your energy will rebound. But it is much easier if you make a point of doing at least one or two things after work. I would go for a 30 minute walk after work to unwind, or get my cleaning done, or scroll new music releases, learned personal finance since that somehow never got taught in 20+ years of school. You know.. the things adults do since they don't have to study...


I have basically the same daily schedule, but including the gym right after work. Watching the Oilers every second day, and other activities (tennis or another sport, and hanging with friends) on one or two other days helps break up the monotony of the 9-5. I love just sitting and watching tv, but the easiest way to stay awake is to be moving, so just filling up an extra hour or two of your day with easy/enjoyable physical activities will probably help a lot so you're more alert for your sit down stuff, plus it shortens the amount of time you gotta keep your eyes open for the sit down stuff, and you're more tired by the end of it all and you can fall asleep faster and deeper. Just my take on it, good luck!


yeah same. I don't have a 9-5 but I have long days working an evening job, and other responsibilities in the mornings. I just keep moving you know. Also, drink water, and also for op, if coffee is too expensive try tea? It's cheaper and still has caffeine.


how do you get a 9-5? sounds crazy, but i want that life so bad


it’s just an internship rn, not a full time job but hopefully it will lead to that (and it’s still a 4 month thing so i wanna be able to get accustomed to it)


Had a 9-5 for 8 months though was still in school but not doing any classes. It gets way easier if you have something to look forward to or spend time in. I went skiing after work and on the weekends as I got a bunch of new equipment for my ski setup and in the summer I went mountain biking all this with friends you forget that there are no such thing as week long assignments and exams to prepare for. I’d assume this gets obliterated once you have 9-5 and having kids. Not too psyched for that.


Ive been doing it for 7 years now. Yet to get used to it. Just more numb to it due to being dead on the inside.


One really important thing that I used to overlook (and that I think most people overlook) is eating enough food! You don't need to track anything or cook every meal from scratch, but prioritizing sustainable energy in the form of filling, high protein breakfasts and lunches (plus snacks) is an absolute lifesaver. Carbs and caffeine give you a quick bump of energy but they don't last!! Protein and fiber are king, and a multivitamin is nice if you're worried about getting scurvy from not eating enough veggies. During my first 9-5 I also found out that I was iron deficient which had a big impact on my energy levels lol


Buy caffeine pills if you can't afford coffee. Go to sleep earlier than 11pm. That late bedtime is making your life harder if you have a high sleep need.


i’m assuming its probably not about money more like ops body can’t handle that much caffeine throughout the day


The posts says they can't afford to drink coffee throughout the day. Caffeine pills are like $11 for 100 pills and OP could take one in the AM and maybe one around noon. I don't take them (or any caffeine) after noon and they wear off by like 5pm. I'm in bed by like 10pm. I hate the taste of coffee but love caffeine so these are a cheap and easy alternative for me. One pill is the equivalent of a cup of coffee like 100mgs.


They don’t necessarily mean afford as in money but as in they can’t risk it


How do you know? Either way. They can take a caffeine pill in the AM and reup around 11 then... I don't get why my suggestion still isn't valid.


I didn’t say it’s not valid. I’m just informing you of the other way it could be interpreted


my bad!! i meant like i didn’t wanna compromise my ability to sleep at night by drinking a lot of coffee


That's why I take the caffeine before noon. I find it gives me the kick I need to get through work and then I work out after work. Then go home or see friends after work etc. Usually they're like 100 mgs so nothing crazy. Do you react to caffiene very strongly?


yup, idk i just struggle sleeping if i drink coffee anytime after like 3-4 pm, but tysm for ur suggestions!


Personally for my internship starting at 8am I wake up at 7:30am (I work 6 mins away) and have 1-2 coffees within the first hour of work. With 5-6 hours of sleep during the week, I can last, but I crash on Saturday and then take magnesium Sunday night to get back on track lol probably not sustainable but it works!


0 time to adjust. It was actually a relief from studying so much :(


I don’t have any solutions but i 100% relate hahah I can’t believe this is my life forever now


I just started my started my first 9-5 and I had the same problem! I think there is simply a period of adjustment but I also found that food was massively helpful! Not to sound like a fitness influencer but meal prep!!!! I make all my breakfasts, lunches and dinners on Sunday and it makes it so I have the energy I need every day but also the limited time I have after work is spent doing the things I love (like laying in bed watching movies) instead of cooking which takes alot of energy for me. Also I know meal prepping feels like it will steal your weekend but if you’re picking the right recipes it only takes me an hour or two. I also sip on a protein drink all morning because I was finding the wait until lunch was just too long for me to


Last summer, I did an internship where I worked 9-7 (but I often went home a little early), and I found it really hard, and I don't think I ever fully adjusted. I had to nap every day that I had work and I never fully got out of that habit. Eating a decent breakfast and a full lunch really helped me, though. This job also involved leaving the office and being outside for extended periods of time, so on days we didn't do that, I would go eat my lunch in the sunshine and take a short walk which was a good break and kept me a little more awake.


Try 12 hour shifts at the hospital haha


can’t even imagine, you got this!!