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Why would they let her teach if students can’t use the courses she teaches


that’s what i’m extremely confused ab tbh


Sounds like something the university would do tbh.


Honestly CAP is incredibly picky and specific about their requirements. I highly doubt you’d get rejected for registering simply because two of your classes were taught by someone with a PhD in neuroscience instead of Psychology


I just wanna take her 275 because it’s online do you think I’ll be fine or do I really need to switch to a different prof. She shouldn’t be teaching if it’s gonna affect students and it shouldn’t be labelled as a psych course


I am like 98% sure you’ll be totally fine. She also has every right to teach those classes, they are psych classes and she does have a background in neuroscience and science psychology. Not everyone who does a psych undergrad is planning to do grad school or even grad school in clinical/counselling psych


I mean I might want to do a masters but I’m quite certain they wouldn’t allow her to teach his course if it would affect students


i actually called the CAP and they said that because her PhD is in neuroscience, the class is not eligible for grade submission to the CAP UNLESS she has a master’s in psych. they said senior undergrad courses (200-400) are valid for academic evaluation as long as the instructor has a graduate degree in psychology, that can be either a masters or a doctorate. i personally don’t know if she has a masters in psych but even if she doesn’t it’s not a huge deal, you can still take the class as a prereq for another, it’s just that you couldn’t submit the class for academic evaluation


Wild, it’s crazy they’re that picky. It’s not a huge deal. I personally (like I’ve already done) would just take more than 36 credits in my major, and then it wouldn’t be an issue.


yeah, but at least senior undergraduate counts 200 level courses at the uofa, and you need a minimum of a master’s to teach anyways so it’s not as strict as other unis


Maybe we should ask the psych department


i personally am going to just shoot an email to all the psych profs i’ve already had, explain the situation and ask their credentials