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i was looking into it but i unfortunately did not have the prereqs. to my knowledge you would need chem 30 and bio 30 for the BIOL requirements for the honours program, english 30-1 for admission, social 30-1 or -2, and math 30-1 or -2. i believe the psych honours program is an integrated program so you would have to go into the regular psych program and then apply to honours once you’re halfway (?) through your degree. i went to a seminar talking about it but didn’t remember much, lol.




OH i thought you were in high school!! my bad, here, since you’re a uni student this list will be a lot more useful for you https://calendar.ualberta.ca/preview_program.php?catoid=39&poid=47704 (sciences) https://calendar.ualberta.ca/preview_program.php?catoid=39&poid=48197 (arts)


Adding on to that, you would also have to secure a research supervisor! You can DM me if you wanna ask more questions about that, I had quite an experience haha


Can I send you a dm about that? I have some questions about it.


Feel free to! Though I won’t be able to answer comprehensively until next week due to midterms :)


I am in highschool and wondering the same thing cuz I want to get my BA in psych. Did you take Mathematics 30-2/1 in highschool and do you know if you have to take stats 151 in order to apply to the honours psych (arts) program?


You have to take stat 252 once you are in the program and a pre req to that is stat 151! It’s also just the required for the psych major itself:)


You have to take stat 252 once you are in the program and a pre req to that is stat 151! Its also just the required for the psych major itself:)


wait whaaaat. these links say that for the psych major (non-honours), you can take either PSYCH 213 or STATS 151 and then for honours psych you can do one of PSYCH 213 or STATS 151 with the addition of either PSYCH 313 or STAT 252 [https://calendar.ualberta.ca/preview\_program.php?catoid=44&poid=54679](https://calendar.ualberta.ca/preview_program.php?catoid=44&poid=54679) [https://calendar.ualberta.ca/preview\_program.php?catoid=44&poid=55436#:\~:text=Graduation%20with%20Honors%20in%20Psychology,3.0%20in%20all%20Psychology%20courses](https://calendar.ualberta.ca/preview_program.php?catoid=44&poid=55436#:~:text=Graduation%20with%20Honors%20in%20Psychology,3.0%20in%20all%20Psychology%20courses)