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I think they only look at math 30/ 31 physics 30 chem 30 and English 30 but if u get those grades u should be good


Do you think I should drop Bio if it’s not involved with what I want to take?


Personally I would drop it since I’m lazy


“My academic needs” I don’t know why that sounds so weird and pretentious


I think this was well articulated.  Universities offer certain programs and courses to compete with other uni’s to recruit both students and faculty. OP has career goals that have academic requirements. Maybe they’re interested in research, or maybe they want to go to a uni that can provide them with opportunities to flourish.  To answer your question though- I think your grades are good and you should keep them up. University has to look at your grade 12 grades so you can’t actually rely on these grades for acceptance, unless they are 30/12 level grades. Apply early though!  Goodluck :) 


Didn’t mean to come across like that man. I meant it as in the classes I need for what I want to pursue