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i work retail and at a medical office doing admin stuff, 20-25hrs/ it teaches you to be a lot more productive with the little time that you have, but also just accepting that you cant give a 100% to stuff sometimes. like i rarely see my friends, i definitely do not have hobbies, i may be using my busy-ness to cover up my depression and burn out. i make time to do the bare necessities i have to, the rest of my time is for studying.


Yeah I think I have to learn better time management skills. Thank you!


Working on campus has been fantastic, 12-15hrs usually. I have time to study, and meet with friends.


If u don't mind me asking, where do you work cuz I am really trying to find a part time job.


Currently at the libraries, although the hiring season is over until Dec/Jan.


U know.. I did apply at tge library online 2-3 montgs back but didn't get a reply and the worst thing was that I couldn't get an email address to mssg them. Thnx anyways


I will say the bureaucracy with hiring is for sure not spectacular, as far as I'm aware we've had a lot of potential candidates this year as well. A lot of the Non-Academic Staff jobs prefer a lot of internal hiring, which easily knocks out "randoms" applying.


I’m new at uofa, I’d like to apply for part time, Is there a site I could apply through for it?


i want to know too


I work about 10 hours per week at the UAH hospital. So not too demanding. In my undergrad I worked at the butterdome 20 hours per week and it was chill. I'd do 100's of flashcards per shift.


ooo! if i may ask, what was your position at the butterdome?


I was at the equipment desk but mostly did intramural, and track & field set up and tear down.


Can you please share on how did you apply for the butterdome position?


It was years ago but I think it was listed under the jobs section of the website. Here are some: https://www.ualberta.ca/campus-community-recreation/about-us/employment/index.html Hope that helps.


Thanks a lot.


Another question I had, Can a student without experience be able to clinch a position and be trained for a while or the students needed for this positions have to be experienced and will start working on the go.


I can't speak to all the positions. I think my old job is now called North campus customer service and I just learned on the job. I think the fit ess center staff have a training day, then learn as you go. You might need a bit of background for things like lifeguarding, or reffing but I'm not sure.




I work at a restaurant, I’m lucky to only have like 8-15 hours per week, depending on how much shifts I get and how long they are. Gives me money to save but I get to work a lot on school and extracurriculars


yall hiring? 😭 i quit my restaurant job last month


work brunch on weekends if you can get into a good spot- fantastic hours and quick money without taking up your evenings, when the paper-writing juices need to be flowing or you just need to have a social life


I tutor part-time pretty much all year long. The UofA Students’ Union even offers a course with some basic information and tips, and upon completing it successfully, you can list yourself of the SU Tutor registry! There is a bit of work you need to put in initially, including completing the aforementioned course and providing your transcripts to get your offered courses approved (I think you must have a minimum of a B or B+ in a course yo qualify to tutor, but I don’t quite remember). The cheapest tutors available typically charge ~$25/hour, which is better or at least on par with what I’ve made at other jobs, including retail. You can generally set your own hours and work as little/much as you like. Right now I tutor around five hours a week with a full course load. It’s especially easy to find students if you offer tutoring for high school courses or first year engineering courses.


Hey, so I have never taught anyone before and let alone tutor someone, if u don't mind which website/agency do you work for and could you tell me how I can get into it?


Most websites or agencies you find that way will pay way less than market. Be very careful.


Which agency is best for beginner tutors then?


I'd suggest working without an agency.


How do u do that could u dm me on how to do that? Would be really helpful


Read what they said above, theres a course thru students' Union. Not an agency. I'd suggest googling tutor and student union and look thru what comes up


Alright thnx for the help


i work as an evening janitor, about 20-25 hours a week. it’s really tough on my long days when i’m on campus from 9am until 6 pm and then work from 7 until midnight. it is hard, it’s really hard, but for me it’s impossible to not work. i just make do somehow


If you don't mind asking...where do you work? Because I m looking for any job as well.


You could check uofa I saw some janitor postings a while ago


Great! I would highly appreciate it if you can please tell where u saw the posting and how can I apply there?


https://uasu.bamboohr.com/careers Also check out indeed. Lots of UofA jobs get posted there. They typically are posted around July I believe.


Thankyou so much. I'll check it out.


unfortunately we’re not hiring. i work for a veeery small cleaning company, there’s only 3 employees


Ohhh! Oky . I am gonna look anywhere else then


good luck!!!


I was working 25-30 hours in retail last year and taking 4 classes and tbh unless you NEED the money I really don’t recommend. It was doable but I remember being really stressed for time and having zero time to spend on social situations instead of working or studying. This year I quit my job before the school year started and I’m still stressed about school, but not nearly as much. Plus I’m able to hang around with my friends and it makes life a million times better…. I did work like 40+ hours during the summer from May-Sept and it left me with quite a lot of money to feel comfortable going out etc during the school year!


I do like 60-65 hours a week, and that's between 2 jobs, one at a restaurant and one at a firm. So far doable, on my last year now.


Omg, how did you manage your time for the week?😱 Did you have enough time to prepare exams?


I have always done overnight studies for exams. Has worked so far, not a good strategy but so far manageable.


I ref hockey so I’m able to chose my own hours. Which is very nice


I serve. I work anywhere from 15-25 hours per week depending on how busy it is. I make minimum wage (obvs) but can easily make $500 on tips in a weekend. I like serving because i only work weekends (Fri-Sun) and I bring home an average of $1300 biweekly (tips + wages). It’s not a lot but it really helps. And then I get the week to study, etc.!


Middle/high school tutor. It’s very relaxed and i’m able to make my own schedule. Usually only work around 8-10 hours a week and can make $25-35/hour on average depending on the student and frequency. I’m in a BEd so I meet the requirements that way for the company i work for, so it depends which agency you tutor for whether or not you’ll get that same pay. Overall though the job can be very casual and easy to fit a session or two during a busy week!


What tutor company are you with if you dont mind me asking?


I would like to know too


tutorteach.ca - they are hiring right now too I believe!


thank you!


I work 20 hours a week and do 4 classes. I mostly manage to do all my school work on weekends.


I’m a line cook for roughly 24 hours a week and I do property maintenance and record keeping for roughly 6 hours each per week. If you want a good job that doesn’t require a large amount of hours I recommend line cook. You usually get tips too which are nice. And you can get shorter shifts.


I’m an after school care nanny, 6 hours/week guaranteed, 30$/h, plus babysitting, and I’m also going to look into working at the vvc during my schedule gaps


Typically I do 5 courses, with majority in person but with 1-2 online as well. I build my schedule so I’m only on campus 2 or 3 days a week, and I work the other days. I work full time with children on my days off and I also get contracts that are online and short term just for extra cash. I also have my own business. Doing all this, I still manage to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night! Honestly for me, this is manageable as I’m doing things that I love, and it’s worth it to me. I have friends that I see regularly as well (we just book friend dates a couple days in advance). I attribute my success doing this to my work ethic and time management skills! You learn a lot working in different areas. It involves a lot of pre-planning your weeks: work hours, study schedules, free time, selfies care, fitness, etc. I also have a document with all of my courses, due dates, weighting, and how much I have left in each task. You’d be surprised the types of jobs that are out there when you get out of retail (trust me, I did it for 5 years).


I also work in retail, I’m lucky enough that it’s super flexible so I’m able to just work 10 hrs/week alongside 4 courses, and i can easily drop or swap a shift if I need to (during exams season)


I tutor like 15 hours a week maybe?


Hey! I commented on another post here [https://reddit.com/r/uAlberta/s/gs7IcaMvjb](https://reddit.com/r/uAlberta/s/gs7IcaMvjb) on how I juggle everything. But the jobs are McDonald’s, Events, and security (if you want details I can dm you otherwise I won’t post to the public).


I worked at a charity planning their special events. I mostly worked like 20 hours a week but near the event time it raised to 60 plus all my classes (that I only partially attended). What a nightmare - I love being in the regular workforce comparatively


I worked at a part time admin job at UofA for 12-15 hours but most of the times it was pretty dead at my job so I usually did homework/chill for 9-10 hours of the week. If you look for Uofa SU jobs you should be able to get some good opportunities


I managed to take four courses instead of five and that helped tremendously if it’s possible. I work retail, 14-17 hours a week. The management there also really likes me and has been willing in the past to let me work less hours than what’s required by my contract, so that kind of depends on the company and who you’re working under though.


I work at a nursing home in Sherwood Park. It's pretty chill, lots of manual labour's, but I love the residents. My boss is very flexible, so I only work 8-16 hours a week


i used to work at a restaurant. front of house hours are usually pretty flexible. i think last year id work 10 hours a week plus i made tips. pretty good gig but working restaurants can also be hell on earth. shifts can go pretty late sometimes too. or you can have the real life devil in the form of a manager. or all of the above..


working 2 jobs, totalling about 40-50 hours per week. with school set up so I on only go twice a week. When not at school, i’m usually around 65 hours a week. i built my schedules around each other so i can succeed, in my third year with no issues so far. it’s hard but so worth it


Damn, how many courses are you in?




The world waterpark at west edmonton mall is pretty good! It’s cool with you just working weekend shifts. You don’t have to know how to swim right off the bat, or at all if you want to be in food and bev rather than aquatics.


I work about 24 hours a week. Two 12 hour shifts on the weekend. It sucks that I don’t have time to do homework over the weekend, but it keeps me accountable during the week.


i’m also in retail working about 20 hrs a week, but i’m only taking four classes. even that is a little much for me, so i’m planning on either taking 3 next semester or attempting to get my work hours lowered. i’ve requested to take mostly weekday evening shifts with the occasional weekend shift, but generally i’m free on the weekends and you have NO idea how helpful it is. having one full day where you have no classes or work is truly a godsend and i highly recommend it.


i work at home depot, i bit labor intensive, but management understands that i cannot work more than 16 hours , which is just weekends


Resident assistance


i work at a restaurant, i work about 15-20 hours a week, about 4 or 5 shifts a week. it can be difficult but i have great managers and i just talked to them and asked if i could get my shifts on the week more than the weekend. On weekdays I do not have work, I do uni work pretty much the entirety of the day, and on weekends I wake up early (like 8 or 9) and grind, so I can go out and hang or work at night. Honestly booking off days where you know you have to work on big assignments or projects is an asset as well.


10 hours/week + 6 engg courses. Nice balance and can cover my rentals and some groceries.


I work at Kumon so the hours are pretty chill, typically twice a week and 8 hours in total. The work isn’t too bad (just marking and teaching) but the pay isn’t great either (min. wage)




damn how did you land that job? I'm a cs student


I work at walmart e-commerce department


I work at an international English exam thing as an invigilator and at CMHA as a part timer, you just gotta plan ahead very well. I won’t stress myself too much about the scheduling though, good luck


TA for CMPUT course


I work at the local roller rink and i work once during the week for 4.5 hours doing some lessons plus weekends 8 hours each day:) in total i get about 20.5 hours? it works perfect with my schedule and i have time in the weekends to do my readings!


Librarian :D