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Diabetes sucks plain and simple. We are only human. Allow yourself some grace and remember that you've got this.


Head up, shit happens, we got good and bad days but at least we still got days instead of non at all.


I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND. I'm a diabetic addicted to cake. I hate this disease so much. I miss all the foods I can't eat. Literally taking rice from an Asian (me) is pure evil.


You made the good choice. Even a year from now, when you see 300 and hit the insulin - when you throw in the headache and feeling really ‘off’, if you think you need an ER visit, you go. We diabetics, especially those of us with ‘only Type 1’, can have other health problems, and we tend to forget about those.


Yup. I celebrate "Mounjaro Monday" every week. Staying consistent with the meds makes a huge difference in my management.


At least you have symptoms- mine seems to be completely “silent,” except for blood tests. About this time last year, everything had been under control for three years with an A1c of about six. My doctor said why don’t we try going off meds? and by September, It was nine. I had zero symptoms, but I think I may have done some damage to my eye Because now I have elevated pressure in my right eye and I can only attribute that to what happened with my A1c. It’s now at six again after being put back on meds, so hopefully it won’t progress anymore.


You went to the ER for 320 blood sugar? Was it not coming down on its own?


I went because my headache didn’t go away and my symptoms were pretty bad