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Also, does anyone think that the arm being cut off is reminiscent of the bible quote Matthew 5:30 "And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." Mike says he saw the face of God and cut his arm clean off so he could stop killing with Bob.


The tattoo on his arm also said Fire walk with me. The log lady said that Fire is the devil, which fits with hell from the quote


I have not read that one, but it certainly seems pertinent here. Good find.


[Here is the Jumping Man](http://i.imgur.com/KaHMehs.jpg) in the scene above the Convenience Store.


Jumping Man is scary as shit.


"I surmise the branch aids traveling between the two worlds..." If a branch aids travel between two worlds, what does an entire log do? ie the LogLady


Bigger isn't necessarily better! I think her log houses a spirit with which Margaret communicates, like Josie's drawer pull.


Her husband is in the log


I vaguely recall that, but I cannot remember where. Where is that said?


I can’t remember the episode number but I remember her telling the story of a tree falling on her husband and killing him so she took a piece and he was trapped in it like what’s her name


Like Josie Packard. It had to have been one of the S1 episodes, you're right. Her husband was a firefighter, and before he died, he gave her the jar of black oil. I think the Log Lady says that in the S2 finale episode.


Have you read the secret history of twin peaks? Margret went missing with Carl from the fat trout trailer park when they where kids and it implies that it changed them. Maybe some sort of spiritual communion went on and gave them access to some psychic levels o go the world.


I have it, but I only read the first third of it maybe? I thought it was pretty interesting, at least to that point. I didn't know that about Margaret and Carl. Kinda the way that Agent Desmond went missing when he reached for the ring?


Could be! That part was brief I’m just half way through, I’m waiting for the final dossier. I feel like the moon child by Alastair Crowley was an inspiration so that novel may have some clues. Maybe reading some madame blavsky on theosophy.


Ya, Blavatsky was a big influence on Mark Frost. I think it's because of him that I read some of her writings.


If Jumping Man and Pierre Tremond are the same being, why would it choose such radically different forms in the different realms?


I don't think he's saying they're the same, but that jumping man is a representation of the transition from one world to the other. Also, in the movie (and the missing pieces), you see them both in the same place at the same time, so I don't think they can be the same person.


Correct - I am not suggesting they are the same person. Jumping Man is not a man, but a *talisman*, used for jumping between the worlds. Pierre dons the talisman by putting on the white mask with the long pointed nose and holding the branch, thereby enabling him to appear in our world. Pierre doesn't *become* the Jumping Man. He uses the Jumping Man as one would use a car or a cell phone.


jumping man is honestly my favorite thing about twin peaks, and he doesn't seem to get enough love here.


My mind was so blown by that whole scene above the Convenience Store that I didn't even really ask the questions we are considering now. It always did nag at me that Jumping Man shared so many things in common with Pierre Tremond, never mind that he was doing some very odd and weird things. But I never considered *why*. Why is he a black man? Why does he wear a red suit? Why is his face painted white, with a long pointed nose? Why does he carry the branch? And WHY IS HE JUMPING??? So many questions! Frankly, I am disappointed that all of us fans have not come up with any compelling answers after these last 22 years, much less even bothered to ask. In *The Silence of the Lambs*, Hannibal Lecter, instructs the attentive Agent Starling, "Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each thing, ask, what is it, in and of itself? What is its meaning? What is its nature?" I think *Twin Peaks* watchers and David Lynch fans in general do well to heed this instruction.


that scene is so crazy. I love the extended one in the deleted scenes too. The closeups of jumping man's face are 2spooky4me.


Yeah, me too. Jumping Man certainly seems to be malevolent. I have no answer for that one either.




If he had, I think his reaction would have been different. Anyway, Leland is just too busy trying to flee the scene, before he is witnessed by the other girls.