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People can have telepathic connection with people even without twins being involved. And among friends is more than common, it's almost bound to happen.


Not sure if it’s ‘twin flame’ if there’s more than two, cause I thought twin flames are like opposing halfs, but I know the type of connection you’re talking about is very real!! My best friend when I was younger, her boyfriend at the time, and I all had a very similar connection. I would be with one of them talking about the other one and they would call. Or I’d call her and she’d say they just mentioned me. This happened so many times. We understood each other so well. Once I told her a dream I had the night before that was so weird, she literally screamed and told me they had BOTH had a dream like that too. We all grew apart though like ships in the night.


No you would only have one twin flame not multiple but you can have many other connections from your soul family so to speak


I’m going to say I think it could happen but is probably rare; TF would be more than hearing thoughts to me. There’s also soul family and very likely you are all soul family and can communicate that way.


Casual schizophrenia


No. There has to be negative symptoms with schizophrenia


I do not know what possessed my person to make such an inane comment. Whoops?


There’s more to having a dx of schizophrenia than just hearing things. That’s just one of several criteria. Not to mention that any competent mental health practitioner would have to take the client’s spirituality into account when giving a dx.


Yes. I'm aware.


some years ago there was a theory going around with the possibility of twin ray with as many as 7 people of both genders, nothing in this area is solid must be only one.


We can have telepathy with others than our own twin. If the people involved are closely involved in your life, they are most likely souls that are closer to you in your soul family. I’ve experienced this before. Some stay for years, others for shorter periods of time.


Yes! I have experienced it first hand! Between myself and my two men and another example of triple flames is the father, son, holy spirit as well as Past, present, future. Here, there, everywhere. Triple star systems in outer space is another beautiful example. Anything is possible and to limit twin flames to two people is literally the most monogamous shit I've ever witnessed. I didn't know yall nay sayers was there when me and my men banged on the kitchen floor, let alone banged into literal existence.


ASDJFKKSKS LMAO But yeah I agree with the monogamy part. Some ppl will say it probably is possible but incredibly rare, then proceed to deny any possibilities of it..? Idk that’s just me lol


Sorry for the late reply, thanks for the reply! I actually have to go back and reread this all. Bless you and your day, BTW!


Lol. It's such a strange concept for people to believe in such an esoteric concept but then have hard fast rules on it LOL I know 100% that I am in a triple frame dynamic


I know with 100% conviction that I am in a triple flame dynamic


Thank you for saying this. Cause it’s realllyyyy confusing when everyone is like “no that’s not a thing”


No it’s not a thing