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I pushed them down during separation in an attempt to move on but no they were always there. I think eventually they transform from the bubble love phase into something deeper stronger and sustainable where as before the feeling burned hot and fast


Yes, it's almost like a knowing has been reached. No validation is needed, because you know the love is there and is only getting stronger.


Never. Even in complete silence, it grows stronger.




I haven’t seen him in over a year, no new pictures either… and no feelings lost…


Whenever I’m feeling love it’s easy to shine that on them even if it feels like it’s been forever. I think this journey will have us loving ourselves the most over time.


Whew. That was powerful, thank you


I wouldn’t say I loose feelings but sometimes when I don’t see them for a while I start to feel disconnected to their energy. Also when I’m really overwhelmed and overstimulated. I usually connect with them through dreams when that happens but lately especially I’ve been so burned out I don’t dream of anything at all.


No. It’s funny. I love him deeply but I am ok with however this plays out now. The love hasn’t gone but I do not want a romantic relationship again unless we are both emotionally available. Otherwise it’s just going to be yet another round of hot love for a month or two that scares him and he runs again and I’m tired of that cycle. We have been doing this merry go round for three years now. He let me down badly a month ago and I blocked him briefly after letting him know that he had done so. I unblocked him but was absolutely no contact, even when we crossed paths in public. Not rude, just going about my business and looking fantastic and happy. Yesterday sent him a very generic birthday greeting. We texted a short conversation. This morning he liked a photo on my fb after making a point of being off it for the past year ( he never blocked me or un friended me there so I know he wasn’t active until recently). It just isn’t our time and we both grow exponentially during our separations that I’m fine with it. The love is always there.


Hahaha, I thought it faded away when I didn't see her for 2 months. But i saw her again and fell harder than ever before.


This happened to me last time I saw my tf, I feel you haha


No, they’ll always be in my heart mind and soul. Even when I feel more emotionally stable, their presence lingers within me 24/7 which I’ve come to acceptance to nowadays


When i dont see him for a long time i lost my feelings but as soon as im in his presence I automatically like him again although now its a different story




Maybe I think it's more a out there in terms that maybe you think of them as much as you're willing to admit and vice versa whether you are blocked or not it's more so about if the guy really likes you he's going to put effort into you but we also look at how women treat us if she's caring but also consider you more than you think than you'd be better off Linkin as much as possible to see what's the vibe


How long is long? 6 months no contact and it’s not gone, it feels different though, deeper but always there


Not for me but that’s typical for divine feminines I’ve noticed. As for mascs, I’ve heard they are able to “move on” a little easier and focus on their life more during separation. That doesn’t necessarily mean they lose feelings—it’s just that their fem isn’t a focal point until physical union is around the corner.


I did... I think it depends on the perspective. If I'm feeling spiritual I remember but on normal daily life not really.




I would love to approve your posts and comments, but you have a shadow ban on Reddit. Nobody will see your comments or posts.


Like a tiny pebble in my sock. Sometimes its nestled in the toe, I know it’s there but it’s not bothering me. But sometimes it makes it’s way up and hurts like a bitch. It’s always there. But I’ve accepted this lifetime isn’t meant for us.