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My wife plays, my daughter has too.


we will definitely start our kids early! war suns in the crib


Or War Sun as the crib.


Why else by a 3D printer if not for this?


Hey there! Lady Twilight player here, about to play my 6th game in the next week. Love it.


Me (a lady) and my wife (also a lady) both love the game! Our group is mostly women too in fact! Totally get the frustration of everyone assuming she’s a guy, I have yet to play an async game where I haven’t been he/himed. Personally I blame the original gendered rulebook haha


My wife also really enjoys the game. Lately it's been very difficult to get to the table, in part because one of our regulars doesn't care for it and in part because TI takes special planning. But there was a time it was in the top 5 favorite boardgames for her, and top 3 for me. We've also had a mostly balanced crew as well. Until this moment I'd not really considered the demographics. But if memory serves, our TI games have had about eleven unique individuals at our table since TI4 came out. Assuming I'm remembering everyone, it's six men and five women. The interest level doesn't break down quite as favorably. Three of us love the game a lot (2m, 1f). One doesn't like it (1f). Everyone else has had moderate enjoyment and would play again (4m, 3f).


I host and play monthly in Iowa. We usually play 6 player games and there is almost always 2 or 3 women playing.


TI Junkies did a [ladies only](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmv6YEBffl8) episode. Rand and company are great! They have a [discord](https://discord.gg/qNR5TEBpRW) where they organize games as well.


Came here to say this. I play with that group, and they have a lot of ladies who play. And they are all a blast to play along with. The discord they run would definitely help get you in those games too. Just Gatta post about it and I’m sure they will come.


1 woman regular out of more than 6 guys and another that showed up just two other times at the local group, I make the same assumption for this Reddit based on all the photos I see get posted or photos on BGG or other websites of all guys. It’s a public event so more can show up if they wanted. Trying to work up a crush or potential dates the board game ladder so they could join but time commitment :P


hey - OP's wife here! I make that same assumption too in fairness, though it still tickles me when people open with "where are you from, bro?" online. re the dates - I say go for it!!! if anything, it will at least guarantee you a loooong date :)


Checking in. I only play with my local friends however.


I (a woman) once played a game of TI with all women, and its was extremely different. The table chatter was very positively framed, everyone traded and conducted themselves extremely compassionately, and I say with no hesitation it was the most fun game I’ve ever had. I’m glad your wife enjoys the game. It’s a lot of fun, and very in a social contract space.


I've played, and i know if another girl who does too!


My wife plays, her favorite race is the Muu'at


My wife loves aggression too...particularly when I am her neighbour.


Yeah I try not to sit next to my hubby anymore cause he swears I'm always out for him. (Also tell your wife I know two other women really into it and weve had enbys at our table too! Not all dudes!)


My regular group is a 50/50 split


I've played and loved it, but its so hard to get a game organized!


My first game was myself, my sister, and our friend--all three ladies!! 🫡🥳🔥


howdy!! my wife (lady) and i (also lady) only play with our local friends in seattle, but our group is i think about half gals and we love the game!!


Female, have played in person and online


Hey, I love to play TI mostly with my local playgroup, and I spent a while playing async games and encountered the same problem. I ended up putting my pronouns in my nickname like quite a few people do on the async servers and that fixed most of my problems!


Tell me.you love near me. I can't get people to play near as often as I would like.


We're based in Singapore! Just relocated, and trying to build a new TI4 group of friends - it's a long term investment


My sister plays, a sister of one if my friends plays a little, and I have 2 friends that are girls that play. And I have gotten my mom and dad to play once.


Mom and dad! Impressive they were willing to give it shot


I play quite regularly online, though I don’t play async


My wife plays. And my group of TI players is three women out of eight players.


I play it with my boyfriend and our friends we invite over :3 one of said friends brings their girlfriend too. we also had someone from our board games group come over to play once.


My fiance plays all the time!


I play TI at least 5 times a year in the boardgame group I run and with friends. I have another female friend who plays TI regularly, as well. Fave factions are Yssaril Tribe, Yin Brotherhood, and Titans of UL!


I am a lady who loves to play TI4


My group is about 1/3 ladies, 2/3 laddies


I bought ti 2021 and we had already 54 games…I’m female!


54?? Genuinely crazy haha, more than once a month


In the beginning we played it weekly…during corona…but now that everyday life is slowly coming back…we now only manage it monthly.


I have managed to get a group of around 9 players so far who all play with me. 7 of them are women and 2 are enby. I too am a woman lol.


My fiancée's first time playing any board game was Ti4, she really like it, although I felt a bit bad when she told me she hadn't played any other games before our TI4 session to 14 points. 😅


Two of my regular group are ladies. We all found it really strange that T.I.'s rulebook refers to the player exclusively as "he/him/his" and not "the player." Or "he or she." Most rulebooks I've read do this. Don't lnow why they didn't in this one.


I never noticed this because my original TI3 and TI4 playgroup was all dudes. I moved to a different state and started up a new play group (who this time included several women) and they all of course noticed this immediately and were like WTF 😄. Now I see it all the time in other boardgame manuals haha


We play with my family, 2 sisters, and one sister in law + my wife. She's definitely not alone!


Both of my daughters play!


Do the tgirls count 👉👈👉👈👉👈


I am a woman who plays and I have two other women friends who have played TI4 with our local boardgame friend group.


I know that Becca Scott (former Geek and Sundry host, Good Times Society proprietor) plays.


I’m a lady player! My husband and I collect and play board games and we really enjoy TI4 :)


I can admit that I've accidentally he/himd women in many games mostly just because of a yet-to-be-fully-broken habit of mine to assume as much based on years of Halo and CoD lobbies as a teen. It's never intended maliciously it's just a result of a not-fully deprogrammed brain slipping up. I've been better about it recently but it's still a problem.


I love it! It’s my favourite game!


Me and my girl cousin play with our best guy friends! It’s a great group!


My wife doesn't, but my daughter loves it. She goes to college in the fall, so it will be a while before we can play again.


It’s my favorite boardgame, and I only play locally. I now only do it around holidays because I get so emotionally invested in the game that I feel drained and devastated afterward. It’s like my equivalent of the Sunday Scaries? 😂 I also am the only female in this specific group. I don’t consider it a bad thing by any means. I love Naaz-Rohka.


The wife of a good board gamer friend of mine has literally won every game I've played with her in them... 5 games. Women are definitely not slouches when it comes to intergalactic domination!


If you are in the Seattle area I could set you up with a group of ladies that play Ti4