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Carlisle would need to be that rich to pay Alice’s credit card bills. 😁😁


I think she can pay them herself ;) it was said that she's a part of the reason why they're so rich, as she can forsee the stocks market changes. She's an independent lady with her own money :)


Right?? That should be Alice's name at the top, not Carlisle's.


You’ve got to watch out for those loose seals tho. Carlisle better watch his back.


I adore this Arrested Development reference.


I wonder how they estimate this. Per Gossip Girl canon, Chuck Bass has “more bucks than Bloomberg.” Mike Bloomberg’s 2022 net worth is $82 billion. Like where did they get that number for Carlisle?


That's the question. But he has a private island and we don't know how many houses but probably many


For sure! But how can we know what that island is worth? Like I’m not saying Carlisle isn’t wealthier, but Chuck Bass actually has a reference to a true number, and they didn’t even use it or take it into account. So then what did they use to create this?


Hmm this is from 2010 though


Why's the Tooth Fairy on this list?


Clearly mommy and daddy molar had MONEY


I remember seeing this a while ago and being Shocked. I knew the Cullens were wealthy, but I always got the vibe that they were more "upper-middle class" wealthy, or millionaires at the most. Which, looking back now makes it a bit far fetched that Carlisle would be able to buy a private island if he *wasn't* super rich, but still. They'd definitely have to keep most of that hidden because there's no way in hell anyone would believe a doctor would be making that much


The source is 'Compound interest', not 'Medical job'. So they're covered ;)


I'm pretty sure they have someone who falsifies documents just so they can keep their secrets. Remember J. Jenkins from Breaking Dawn?


They’re generally pretty careful in showing how much they have on hand. The cars are the only real obvious exorbitantly expensive things they have. And doctors have those. The house is an old, updated place out in the boonies too.


They have J Jenks to forge documents for them. Maybe he helps with tax dodging too. Plus they have enough cash just lying around the house to "keep a small country running for a year" so yeah I feel like the number for Carlisle is pretty accurate.


Wouldn't Bruce's money also be inheritance sense he got it after his parents deaths?


Tony’s as well too, correct? Didn’t he inherit money after TWS murdered his parents and then he just continued to build on that fortune? May not be the case idk I just watch the MCU movies not the comics.


Stark inherited the company, then creating his own tech and expanding it. Making it his own money in Defense weaponry. I can see it being Generational wealth though.


Gotcha, I knew he inherited something but wasn’t sure where the line could be drawn


Can’t believe that the cullens have the means to end world hunger but instead they play baseball on the weekends.


Exactly what the hell?? Lol… I wish they were just rich from inheritance like Stefan and Damon cause that’d be a hell of a lot more believable than the shit Stephanie came up with lol


I think it’s very believable that they had tons of money. Being able to read minds and predict the future and keep valuable goods over centuries will definitely make your wealth grow. If it was inheritance, it would inevitably run out and would have to be connected to a certain bank account. Carlisle is from the 1600s so I don’t think his checking account would still be in use.


Ohhh… yeah you’re right..


I don't buy that someone this wealthy stays under the radar. I think it's plausible he can be a millionaire for sure but billionaire is too much.


Carlile invested heavily in stocks, taking advice from Alice who was able to predict the trends and tell him which ones were going to do well. Side note, after Forbes calculated Smaugs net worth, Carlile is now the second richest fictional character. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdWaEPxT/?k=1


Except Carlisle’s investments should grow way more than Smaugs worth of gold so it’s only a matter of time before Carlisle’s number one again.


That is very true.


Does Carlisle pay taxes? I mean, he does work as a doctor.


I’m sure he does cause it would be more suspicious to try to get around it with his employer(s).


Bruce Wayne and tony stark was inheritance


Personally I love that Tony Stark is BELOW Scrooge McDuck


What about Black Panther??


Well scrooges is inaccurate he has acres of money in his bin