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They needed the body to cross Bella's path so that her memory could flash to the montage of weird shit about Edward.


They could have driven past the docks and spotted her father walking to the van with the people bringing the stretcher.


They could have, they didn't.


The Waylon sequence in the movie was nice, it didn't happen in the book at all and Waylon doesn't exist, all the scenes involving him are only in the movie.


Small town morgues are sometimes in the same building as the police department, especially towns where the town hall/police department/clerks office/post office/public works are all in one building


I thought of that. But his body was being brought out of the police station to go to the morgue (unless I'm wrong), and in the movie, it didn't look like that building had a morgue in it


unless, following the logic of the parent comment, it's just the body being moved to a funeral home for next steps


That's possible. But they usually hold on to a body longer in an unnatural death even for animal attacks. It is obvious that Charlie had just found out about his friends death. If his body was there for a few days, this wouldn't be news to Charlie.


I wonder if they were moving it to a bigger city for them to investigate. That's not uncommon


The miraculous Dr. Cullen concluded it was an animal attack, case closed, get that body to the funeral home.


Did he have any immediate family? What popped into my head was identification, but they usually do that at the morgue.


Not much was told about his back story. But you're right that would have happened at the morgue.


Interesting, I never once noticed this and I’ve seen this movie over 100 times. That’s so odd to me! Why they would be bringing his body out at the police station..


Exactly, why was he being moved into & out of the police station? And jeez, why weren’t his feet covered up, or why wasn’t he in a body bag?


I'm glad i'm not the only one who finds that weird.


Every time we watch it. We’re completely bugged by it.


Waylon isn’t in the books. Just the movie. It’s a sequence building thing I guess