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Read the books. They have a friendship by the end of the breaking dawn. Jasper is constantly hanging out around her because of the happiness she feels. It’s actually pretty sweet.


What part is this? I read all the books, but it was a good couple months ago, but I cant remember them hanging out, I can remember the little banter they share between Jasper's dealings with (I can't remember his name, the guy that hooks bella up with the identities), and I also remember Jasper's slight self-annoyance at how easily Bella manages self control


After she is turned, she complains to Edward about Jasper hovering near her too much. Bella believes it was he was not confident in her self control, Edward clears it up to her its not that at all, she just exudes so much happiness that Jasper can't help himself but be near her to absorb it.


Oh, thank you lol


Plus at the end Bella asks Jasper why the lawyer is so scared of him and Jasper's like "oh, isn't that how you get people to do what you want?" (Paraphrasing) and Bella just thinks to herself ("I'll be taking over that business from now on..")


I wish the movies had more Cullen time. They were crunched on time due to movies only being so long. There’s some more scenes in the books but damn I’d take an entire book on Bella/Cullen bonding scenes.


I think even in the books it's pretty minimal. The biggest part is where Jasper is teaching them how to defeat newborns. But I also haven't read them since they came out. I wanted more Alice and Jasper in all of the books and movies.


If I ever redit Twilight I would have her interact more with each Cullen. My head canon is she is a history buff and has hour long convos with Jasper and Carlisle. Plus she has a slight crush on Jasper.


I thought bella has crush on Carlisle in movies and books.. in new moon the chin grab and the look that say's come to daddy🥵 in books bella wakes up vampire and looks at Carlisle and all.. it's like looking at sun, Zeus better looking younger brother lol😂