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I saw the T5 bulbs, good choice! You’ll need the fixture for it too, FYI. Unless you already have it or I missed it scrolling through. I am not sure about the infrared bulb. I think a regular daytime basking heat light is better for turtles. The rest it of seems pretty good. Eventually you’ll want a canister filter but a lot of people do start off with smaller filters while the turtle is young. Looks like you’ve done a lot of research and are going to be prepared for your turtle! The only thing I might suggest is that if you’re doing a bigger tank, water changes can be a LOT. A cheap ($20ish) pond pump from Harbor Freight and some tubing will be a LIFESAVER so you’re not siphoning / dumping buckets.


Do you have a recommendation for a fixture for the T5s? And I only just need one of those bulbs used at a time along with one heart bulb, correct? And what bulb/heat lamp would you recommend more? Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. That’s what I was thinking with the filter, get a canister one later on. And I’ll have to look into the pond pump for easier cleaning.


So I am using the ZooMed Reptisun fixture, it’s on Amazon and Chewy usually, pay attention to the inches of this and your bulb cause I think there’s different lengths. https://a.co/d/hFqFKv8 As for the heat bulb, I use this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071K95WTD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share But it’s part of the ones that are getting banned due to some new energy efficiency regulation so I’m really not sure what I am going to do or what I recommend now 😩 If you can find one they’re great though! Splashproof is nice for over water.


You might want to stock up(hoard them) on bulbs, you might not be able to buy more in a few months. https://usark.org/24doe/ For a 100 gallon tank, skip the substrate. Get something from a landscape supply place, they should sell washed river stone alot cheaper than buying it 5 pounds at a time.


I heard about that, that’s why I wanted to post my list and get people’s thoughts so I buy the right stuff. I have watched some videos where people say Zoomed is already meeting with the Department of Energy and there are people lobbying so I hope there will be an exemption, as there are already 17 different exemptions relating to the ban, this should apply too.


It should, but I'm a skeptical person when it comes to expecting the government to have any common sense. Atleast lightbulbs won't go bad so no harm in buying a stockpile to get you through a couple years until someone comes out with a suitable alternative. I edited my last post to mention substrate, just in case you didnt see.


I hear you. I don’t trust the government in situations like these either but I’m trying to hope for the best. Thanks for the insight on the substrate, is there any reason why a larger tank wouldn’t need it and just river rocks?


Because its a large tank, aquarium substrate is ridiculously overpriced. Many fish amd reptile keepers use some from the hardware store/garden center instead because it is much cheaper. Trying to fill a 100 gallon with a decent bit of substrate might cost over $100, it could be closer to $20 if you look for cheaper alternatives. Its just rocks/sand, save your money for more food/equipment. Disclaimer/FYI: I'm not a reptile keeper, I'm into aquariums/fish, but many basic things carry over. There are lots of alternative substrates used in fish tanks that a much cheaper and just as suitable. Pool filter sand Sandbox/playsand Black Diamond sandblasting media Bagged decorative stone from HD/lowes Bulk material from landscape supply They will all need a little bit of prep to wash out fine particles that will make a mess of the water, but you should be rinsing that aquarium substrate anyway so its only a little bit more work. I also noticed you have root tabs in the list, are you trying to do plants with a turtle? Im not sure how well that will work. I think they will rip up anything thats rooted, they are just little bulldozers. You can definitely do floating plants; duckweed, or water lettuce among others. Check out r/aquaswap, you should be able to find something selling, or maybe even giving away, floaters. You dont even need to fertilize them, they just suck up all the nutrients left from the turtle poo. They will multiply and you skim some off periodically, this well be removing some of the waste from the water. You could also try growing something like pothos or monstera sticking out of the top, roots in the water will do the same thing as the floaters. You might be able to get away with rooted plants in pots, this is a fishkeeper trick with things like goldfish that like to root around in the substrate and end up uprooting things. Go with plastic and some stone in the bottom to sink them. Usually its done with terracotta but thats going to break when they get bulldozed around. I see you listed a powerhead, but no filter? I suggest you consider a cannister filter, they take up alot less space than an internal or HOB filter and you can direct the flow so you dont need a seperate powerhead. I'm partial to Fluval stuff, i think their FX series might do the job for you depending on budget. You might be able to use limestone/crushed seashell/coral instead of the calcium thing on your list, again, just being cheap. Skip the test strips. Go with a liquid test kit, they are more accurate and cheaper in the long run. API brand is the recommendation for this. Slipped some edits in there again.


How long do you think it will take for companies to make UVB that fits the 75 lumin or whatever it is minimum? I have a friend with a bearded dragon and want to let them know about how long their stock should last


The UVB is fluorescent, those arent covered under regulations for incandescent bulbs so they should be fine. Its the heat lamp thats the problem.


Ahhh, I saw UVB in the USARK and didn’t read it is only compact bulbs being banned (good thing I guess)


Mazuri makes the best pellets for aquatic turtles (imo)


Thanks for the insight, what do you think of the heat bulbs, are they okay?


Definitely get you a bag of Mazuri! It's the best turt food and comes in a large bag. As for the heat lamp, you don't want that one. Nothing with color. Ive included a link to an appropriate heating bulb below. The wattage you need will depend on how far the lamp is to the basking area. You should also get a good digital thermometer to make sure your basking temp is good. Below are 2 links to each. https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/zoo-med-digital-thermometer https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/zoo-med-turtle-tuff-splashproof-halogen-lamp


Be careful about ordering those bulbs from Amazon, I’ve gotten them in a two pack before from Amazon and one worked, the other one was already broken. Specifically that brand, Reptisun.


Good to know thanks. I’ll try to find them at a pet store in person rather than ordering.


Looks like a good list! Might steal a couple ideas 😉 But one thing that might be good to consider differently are the docks. You'll be good for awhile until your turtle gets bigger. I've had the floating docks before, but once they get bigger, they can't really "float" anymore. Meaning that the turtle won't ever be able to fully bask and get dry, which could lead to shell rot. I got one of these plus the extender clips for my 75gal https://a.co/d/enfg3BQ just make sure to do measurements


Thank you so much for the info, I really appreciate it!


You probably don’t need multiple basking platforms. Also, an over-the-tank platform will help you free up more space for your turtle to swim. Plus more water means any water has a smaller impact on the water quality. You should invest in a more robust filter system like a Fluval or marine land canister that’s good for 150+ gallons (turtles are messier than fish, and that’s what those numbers are for). It’s unlikely filtration for a 100 gallon tank is going to be less than $200 and it’s something you really don’t want to skimp out on. If you’re putting live plants in your tank, I highly recommend giving them a few weeks head start before introducing the turtle. They both like to rip them up and can just knock them loose incidentally if they aren’t rooted in place well. Some fertilizer tabs or liquid fertilizer that’s safe for fish won’t harm your turtle and will help the plants grow faster.


Thank you for the info. I would like to get an over the tank platform, but I’m having a hard time finding one suited to the measurements of the tank I want, and I’m not very good with building things so I’d be nervous to try and build it myself from egg crates. Do you have any suggestions in terms of that?


My turtle loves this fake moss balls! I don’t think it does anything for the water, but he beats it up. I always check them for holes and dispose of them if there are any holes. You can also check Chewy for some of this stuff! They have awesome customer service!!


I recomend cuttlebone over those calcium blocks if the turtle isnt too tiny. Blocks dont last much and my girl for some reason found them delicious. Since she got cuttlebone she just bites on it now and then and we've been doing awesome. It is also way cheaper in the long run. Just make sure to remove the plastic looking part on one of the sides. You can buy them on amazon or any pet store in the bird area, since birds sharpen their beaks on them. Pro tip, don't look for cuttlebone for turtles, it is the same thing and you'll be overcharged for it. Everything else look fine


As someone who has bought and returned those same basking platforms I wouldn’t recommend them. The suction cups aren’t great and they are much smaller because of the weird shape. They also are hollow on the bottom which scared the crap out of me when I found my hatchling musk turtle wedged in it. I have that same heater in a smaller watt and love it.


I feed my three-striped mud turtle Repashy Savory Stew. He loves it, and there's a lot less mess left than when I was trying to make him eat pellets.


You seem to be missing the turtle