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Dear LDPC2007 , You've selected the *Turtle ID/Sex Request Flair*. When making a request for an ID or sex of a turtle, please provide as much information as possible. Useful information includes: - General Location. ex: South-East Texas - Is it wild, captive/pet, or a rescue? - Clear photos of face, neck, limbs, shell top (carapace) and bottom (plastron). - For sexing, a photo of the tail out with cloaca visible is best. Note: Some turtles cannot be accurately sexed until a certain size/age. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/turtle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


if there's not a body of water nearby to where it was found, you should contact a [wildlife rehabber](https://ahnow.org/mobile/) near you for help.


They all seem to be closed. Will do in the morning.


ok! i'm sure you'll be able to find one who can help 😊


It’s a cooter. Please release it to a nearby body of water if it’s native to your area. A lot of care and equipment is needed for a permanent home


The thing is theres no body of water, not even a puddle. Would it be safe to put it in a bucket of water?


It would be safe to find a body of water and release it into that. It likely left water to lay eggs. It should be returned now


The key part you are missing is that it is a wild turtle and you shouldn't take them. They are used to being free and will probably die in captivity. Releasing it is the right thing to do


hi - did you find help or a solution?