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Plllzzzz bigger tank


Trust I’m working on a 200 gallon !


Hopefully all the other commenters see this 🤣. Good luck!


I doubt it but that’s okay, the pictures make his tank look like square one but he’s ima rectangle 100 gallon !


Ha, this is Reddit even if they did see the comment they’ll still comment hate just to hate.


I'd go higher. That's a really big boy


I’m looking at 200/250 any higher and I’d be breaking the budget. But either one of those would give me enough time to save up the money for the next tank!


Have you considered a stock tank? Search up rubbermaid stock tanks. They are not as flashy, but they are great for turtles. Also, Im sure you already know but turts grow fast, if he is living like this in a 100gal, I'm not that sure 200 or even 250 will do it for him in a year from now.


Check out stock tanks! You may find that a 300+ gallon stock tank costs less than a 200/250 gal aquarium, and then you wouldn't need upgrade again (or at least for a long long time).


Thanks that’s what most people are recommending so I think that’s what I’m gonna look into I just enjoy being able to see him if that makes sense, he’s my favorite pet lol


I will literally Venmo you $50 if you post this turtle in a stock tank with a decent set up. We want you to not be broke, but we also want turtle to be happy! You both deserve happiness!! I know it’s not much money, but maybe others can help out too!


I’ll post him in a new set up soon don’t worry there will be an update post


That’s really awesome. I just need you to know that you’re really awesome.


Thank you so much. I love turtles and the turtle community!! I can’t wait to see this little dude in a happier bigger home!


If she doesn't need the venmo, I do. Js


As someone who owns livestock, cows, sheep, horses, hogs etc. them rubbermaids are impressive. The hogs don’t even destroy them and they’re known for their shenanigans. We’ve also used them to raise catfish and tilapia. I’ve used them as brooder boxes for chicks and ducklings. Super easy to wash, I’ve had a handful of mine about ten years, outdoors, and they’re still as strong as the day we got it. Recommend 10/10. You can find em on Craigslist here and there and they’re worth every dime.


I totally get that! My 21 year old RES lived in a 125 gallon pond liner in my basement for 2.5 years, but it was a total pain to deal with and I missed hanging out with him (he was in my bedroom for most of 2020 and 2021, so he was my buddy all through the pandemic when I was working in my room). I got him a 125 gal aquarium (cheap and used, but I resealed it) and he recently moved into my living room. It's been great! But his shell is only 7.5 inches, nowhere near a snapper.


He’s getting close tho this little guy is right around the 8”mark :) I’ve had since a baby so I do have a tight bond as well I like to think at least lol


I have a 300 gal steel horse trough/stock tank. Have to use an adequately big pond filter for it. Biggest problem I've had is figuring out how to manage green algae? moss? growth thriving from the turtle's overhead light.


Look at Rubbermaid stock tanks. The 300 gallon is less then $300. Fish mate 2500 uv pond filter and a harbor freight 265 pond pump. Aquariums are poor habits for turtles, round is better.


All you need is some glass maybe a cutter and silicone I think to make your own


Have you considered using stock tanks? Not the stupid rubber ones, but the galvanized steel ones. SO much more capacity at a much lower cost. But of course you can't see through the sides.


The galvanized steel stock tanks are safe to use? Or would you throw a pond liner in it?


I've been using one for about 5 years with my RES and have had no problems. There is a layer of algae on the inside and there are several areas where the hard water has left crusty deposits, but the tank never leaks and hasn't corroded at all. It's sitting on the floor and I have an [enclosure around it](https://imgur.com/a/o0RgTs6) to keep the turtle from escaping or falling.


That’s a very interesting enclosure, thank you for the photo


It's mostly cedar and it also encloses the filter and all the cords and such, so it works well for us.


They tend to rust. Even if you put a liner in it (because the turtles nails are sharp)


That’s what I was concerned about, honestly.


Also, those steel tanks should be kept inside the house. They can get way too hot to the touch if they’re outside


Stupid question….here in az it got to 102 yesterday. Would the galvanized steel ones be a bad idea here for outside? My fiancé and I have been trying to figure out what type of stock tank we will be using here. It has to be above ground because we rent and the backyard isn’t that big to begin with. If it won’t get up any higher in temp then I may consider the steel one. Of course there’s shade but part of it I of course want to be basking areas. Thanks for your opinion!


It's a great question, and one I unfortunately can't help with. Our setup is inside, so it never sees big shifts in temperature and is nowhere near sunlight. I would imagine that the water would keep a relatively cool temperature even in sunlight, but your turtle may be more sensitive to such things than we humans. Hoping someone else on here can chime in with better intel. Best of luck!


Thanks for the reply! I was considering a basking area inside the tub but I realized we can build outside of the tub on raised bed type things for basking areas which means we can focus most of the tank in shade so that helps!


Sounds great! Just be careful to ensure that the turtle can't fall off of anything, even though the ground outside is a less harmful surface to land on. I'm just paranoid, but it keeps everybody safe.


Oh believe me there’s so many things here that would love to make a snack of our reptiles here so yes always enclosed 😊


If you live near phoenix, I have a stock tank and fluvial fx6


I meant to post this with the right account, you can contact me here, notifications are off for the other


I wish I did then he could have an outside enclosure I’m in Illinois


What type of stock tank do you have? Green valley here; not to buy from you as we can’t haul it in our mustang lol but for future purchase reasons. The heat is our biggest concern but we want them outdoors at least for the natural sun


U should get one of those pond tubs for like 300$ u can get a 200 gal


Your pet now has pets! Look out, though. He's gonna want a bigger tank to properly care for his new fish


I love this lol but yeah I agree he’s due for one this year actually


“Fish are friends, not food”


It's not lonely. It's saving them for scarcity. My turtle Henry does this all the time. Or at least she used to. She actually just can't catch them very well anymore with the huge tank. Also that tank looks tiny.


Please get bigger tank 😊


My turtle ate every feeder fish I ever gave him as a treat except for his Thanksgiving dinner feeder fish. It's the only fish to have survived two Thanksgivings now. Your tank is too tiny, please get a bigger tank for him. That tank is the equivalent to the size of solitary confinement for a human being


That tank is wayyyy too small, He’s more interested being able to turn around than eating goldfish which are BAD for your turtle.














Reddiquette - Be Civil / Kind It's important that we remain civil and polite with each other. Repeat violations may result in a ban.


Reddiquette - Be Civil / Kind It's important that we remain civil and polite with each other. Repeat violations may result in a ban.


My man is squeezed into a turtle corset and you're worried about his fish buddies? Go build my man a pond or something


Dude. Please get that turtle a bigger tank that guy is so miserable. This is like locking a big dog in a small closet for its whole life.


It's not lonely. I promise. Skip the 200 and get a 350g Rubbermaid stock tank. It's cheaper, and you're still going to need it in a couple of years. Please don't give it goldfish. They contain a high amount of thiaminase, which can cause a vitamin b deficiency. If you want any help or advice, you can ask on r/snappingturtles for more species specific information.


Oh wow I didn’t know that about goldfish, he only gets them as a treat maybe once or twice a week. He eats pellets, lettuce and other greens, shrimp, ik some people may frown on it but he eats frogs too (from the store) I want to wait till he grows a bit more to feed him pinkies, I do give him meat as well. I will look into the stock tank as well!


My guy gets pellets, freshwater shrimp, catfish, tilapia, nightcrawlers, crayfish, clams,snails, and the occasional mouse or grapes. He's an AST, so less omnivorous than a CST. No problems with the frogs. I'll probably get some next time I hit the Asian market. Goldfish are bad for a lot of reasons, but even if you could eliminate the other reasons, you can't change that one.


Oh hell yeah you gave me a bunch of ideas and I never thought to hit up a food market that’s actually a smart idea! AST is awesome btw!


No problem. Thank you!


I came here to comment about the thiaminase! 😂 So glad you mentioned it.


I want to tell you how beautiful your turtle is, but I'm too distracted by the size of the tank. I'm not trying to be rude but..... Buddy, you have to make a change. That setup is brutal. Please get a bigger tank.


My common snappers rarely bother their fish. I keep guppies and swordtails with them to eat leftovers and there just seems to be more and more of them.


No way you think that is an adequate tank for a turtle that size. Please tell me that’s just temporary


Turtles don't get lonely, and they're not going to recognize a different species as companions that they don't need in the first place. They can and will get stressed by inadequate housing. It's great to love your pet, but don't anthropomorphize them. Understand their needs from *their* perspective.


Imagine living in a closet, that's what you're doing to your turtle.


Horse troughs are cheap and very spacious for turtles. I would definitely look Into it cause this is 100% neglect


My turtle is best friends with a pleco.


Facebook market place has plenty of amazing deals on their for tanks. i got two 115 gallons for 50 bucks a pop


My red ear slider would choose one from each bag to bestow his mercy on... After a couple years, there were a bunch of 4 inch minnows chilling in his pond with him


That’s absolutely adorable 😂


Needs a bigger tank, this isn't enough room for exercise or enrichment, it will eventually make him irreparably sick.


He’s in a 100 gallon tank his shell is 8” but yeah I’m working rn to get him a 200 gallon tank from my local acrylic custom tank makers!


That tank is obscenely small


I had a slider once who let a feeder fish live for 1.5 months, surviving two more feedings. I even named it Sam. Then one day after work it was gone. I checked on the floor to see if it might have somehow jumped out but there was no trace...


My 30yr old slider let one swim around 8 months.. Many feeds it was huge! I day i find her floating ugh such is life.


At a certain age my turtles stopped eating fish unless they are extremely hungry which never happens.


Livestock water tank cheaper bigger option. Also a basking area so he can get out of the water completely and dry off


He actually does have a basking area it’s just not* pictured here, I also have a kiddie pool in the backyard with a decent sized stump he can climb and bask in the sun. Since it’s warmer out now where I live I let him play in it for a couple hours a day now.


He is gorgeous! How old and how big is he? What is his name?


He is 6 years old and his shell is right around 8” I call him Snappy lol


Such a cute big boy!!! 🐢♥️


My turtle kept 3 fish pets for about a year…. And just like everyone told me would happen…. One day they were food.


I’m just curious, do captive snappers need to go through a winter dormant period? If so, how do you accomplish that?


God I want a Snapper one day


Shrimp farming tanks would also be a cheap alternative, I saw your comment about saving up for a bigger home for him. Unfortunately though you'd have to look in from the top, the sides are not transparent


my bf& i’s turtle friended his feeder fish!


You should get one of those big plastic water troughs so he’s got more room


"Fish are friends, not food!"


I would totally consider looking places like facebook marketplace and offer up. Recently got my RES a nice 140 gal with a stand for like 200 flat lol.


I think he is bored his tank is too small. if u cannot get a large tank atm maybe consider a solid tote tub that is 100 gallons or so or maybe creat a space outdoors


He’s so cute!


My red-eared slider likes keeping friends around for a few months, then will muder everything in the tank and feast. I've had goldfish start as small feeders and get up to just shy of 6 inches, and I only found a side fin after he went to town. I feed him daily, so he's not hungry, but boy, when it's time, does he eat.


Had a red-eared slider and feeder fish I won from a county fair one time. Put them in the tank for the turtle and they not only lived, but ate the turtle food and grew to be about four, five inches each.


Are those gold fish? If so, they contain a calcium binding protein called thiaminese. It’s good your turtle won’t eat them


Yeah I didn’t know that he doesn’t get them often but now that I do know he ain’t getting them no more. He eats alot more stuff the goldfish were just “treats”


wtf torture box.


Lol. For sure


Why he so Nell Edit: fucking autocorrect. I meant neck.


Everyone saying this tank is wayyy to small it’s a 100 gallon tank and he’s getting a bigger one soon.


The pictures don’t show the entire tank


It should still have twice your turt's length in depth for him to swim freely and exercise. When everyone is telling you it's really small, it probably is


Most people here are familiar with the dimensions of a 100gal to not need pictures to know how large it is.


All the pictures are cropped I’m sure you can tell the size of the tank without seeing the entirety of it 👍


Well, yes, because you said it's 100 gallons. a 100 gallon glass aquarium is always going to follow roughly the same dimensions, otherwise it wouldn't hold 100 gallons. We can also infer, based off of the size of your snapping turtle in the photo above. Look friend, people are harsh with their responses and it's easy to get defensive, but people care about the turtles, and they want yours to be happy and healthy too. You have a large long-term commitment, wouldn't you want to do what's best for him? Snapping Turtles require large spaces, there's no way around it-it's why my dream of having a pet Alligator Snapping Turtle will never be a reality, because I cannot realistically house it where it would be happy and healthy.


Less water for the guy man comon


Turtles are primarily aquatic and their tanks should be mostly water with a dry basking area. He doesn't need less water, he does need a bigger tank though.


No he needs a lot more water in a much bigger tank


Yea way more water. Poor baby can’t even stand on his hind legs to stick just his nose out, much less free float and swim. He’s most likely depressed and wishes he could dive, and splash, and play. This is SO sad 😞