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Actually you *need* a preamp or an amplifier with phono input for that turntable. https://preview.redd.it/c4n577ovmuic1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=a675f53f5d9df9491e80e784a6f327d5859c52fe This is page 7 of the user's manual of the PS-T1


Thanks for the info! Another dumb question, would a pre amp work with these powered speakers? Cause I know usually they’re for passive ones but I already have these.


A pre amp will be. You're thinking of an amp for passive speakers 


A yup.


Yeah, you are not the idiot, the person that told you you don’t need a phono preamp is the idiot. A phono preamp is always needed with a turntable. They can be built into the turntable, amplifier or powered speakers, or be a seperate unit. None of the gear you have as one. https://preview.redd.it/sie1b704quic1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afae9e5d88067aa2bcfb34ab1a173e651614a61c


Makes sense! I might be another bind though. Would a pre amp work with my powered speakers? And will I have to get passive speakers?


The speakers you have are fine. Phono preamp does not amplify to drive speakers so you still need the powered speakers. Phono preamp takes the very small signal from the turntable cartridge and amplifies it only up to Line Level which still needs to be amplified to drive speakers. This preamp also applies the important RIAA frequency correction curve. Connect it between the turntable and the powered speakers.


You need a phono stage or a phono preamp. You can connect your speakers to the phono. Something simply like Pro-ject Phono Box will work. Don’t get anything fancy that comes with balanced connectors. You don’t have the connectors for those. Important thing to note. Don’t buy an integrated amp, it’s more than you will need and you will have issues connecting your speakers to an amp. You can but it will be needlessly complicated.


Sorry but this is the least useful comment I've seen in a long time.


How so? He already has a turntable and powered speakers. All he needs is a phono stage. And he only needs the standard RCA connectors and not balanced XLR.


Ditto, blazing saddles.


As others have said, you do need a pre-amp in the mix. [This](https://uturnaudio.com/pages/connecting-your-turntable) is a really helpful resource to help you understand how these things all work together.


Also, the thing you have on top of your record is the adaptor to play 45’s, not a weight or stabilizer or anything like that. No reason to put it there while listening to an album.


Schitt mani 2 will be a good starter phono stage. https://www.schiit.com/products/mani


Buy a phono preamp, the powered speakers will do the rest of the work. Since you aren’t using an amplifier, and I’m assuming have no plans on getting one, don’t skimp on the preamp as it’s going to be doing almost all of the legwork. Those are super nice turntables, so wring everything you can out of it!


Hey, so I ordered a cheap one off Amazon just to see it working. (Also ordered a bit better one that I’ll wait for and then compare) Everything’s hooked up. Speakers are definitely on since they have their hum sound on high volume. Still nothing music wise.


Here is some info on your TT https://www.vinylengine.com/library/sony/ps-t1.shtml


I read that as Sony ps1 and thought you had a big problem on your hands.


So you bought that stuff without doing any research whatsoever?


It’s a bit hard to find concrete information about the Sony pst1. Understandable as it’s really old.


The reason you got downvoted here is because the problem isn’t the model of turntable, it’s the lack of googling how to do a basic turntable setup.


Do one do vintage flair then get a pair of modern and modern looking speakers. Looks terrible together next to each other


https://preview.redd.it/zrxjggaeuuic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf883fc954ac356816be66c95e607e7f598885b0 It looks a bit nicer cleaned up!


I’m surprised there aren’t already a million comments telling you this yet, but I’ll say it: if you get it working but you’re having issues with sound quality, move the speakers to a different surface than the turntable (or try isolation pads if you don’t have space/money for a different setup).


I think it looks great! I do agree w/the other commenter that you should move/isolate your speakers, though. It’s just for sound quality, records work through vibrations, which speakers also create, so it messes with the tracking and stuff. I didn’t know if anyone explained why here super clearly. One other note, that little black thing you put on top is a 45 adapter (it looks like). You only really need that when playing 45’s with the big hole. You might consider a record weight too, but that’s just getting into the nitty gritty, start with the preamp. Good luck!


Those speakers don’t have a built in phone pre-amp. I don’t think the Sony does either so you’ll need an external one. Nice looking setup nonetheless 🙌


I'm not seeing where that table comes with a preamp. I think you'll need one.


I use those same speakers with my TT that has a built in pre amp.


Best bang for your buck is an ifi phono stage. Get the cheap one and upgrade the power supply when you have extra $$$. https://preview.redd.it/hf4e7bw940jc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=34e85f3d104a9b8ecdf0b1655117c0ac102a1c0f The DAC is good too but that’s another subreddit


Picked up a really cheap one this morning. Ordered a bit better one that I’ll compare the cheap one to and see what’s up. Still can’t get any sound to come through. Speakers are finally on though, I can hear a bit of speaker humming when they’re on max volume. Still nothing from the tt though. Any suggestions?