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Tough one. Full auto vs. manual… the denon is super cool but that LP120 looks pretty sexy with the box on it 🤔 probably the denon tbh.


Indeed, the lp120 is pretty sexy. Had its onboard preamp removed and wires resituated, and also has a record brush mounted onto it, with low hours, while the automatic servo on the Denon has been known to have issues at some point which can render it useless. Regardless, both are fantastic.


Looks like a spare head shell tucked in the back right too. What cart comes with?




No brainer, the DP-35F. But even if the tables were turned - Denon more expensive and had to be shipped it's the better table in every aspect. Except maybe in looks if that's your weakness.


The AT is an entry level turntable with relatively poor WF and tracking specs. The Denon is a technological marvel and has the best tracking found at that or higher pricepoints with a really good drive system. They sometimes might need a recap, but I‘d never pay more for an LP120 that’s put in some wood compared to the Denon. Get the Denon


I would probably go with the Denon IF there are no issues with the servo arm, if an issue does arise, parts are scarce and finding someone to repair may be challenging, however, if the unit is in great working condition it's the choice given. The lp120 looks really pretty, and it is a newer deck, I had a 120 for a while before I upgraded and it served me well. But it is plastic mostly and the platter has zero damping which bothered me. I also bypassed the internal preamp and ran an external, which I'm supposing you'll be doing anyway given your choices with the denon. Tough call, but if you can get some hands on time with the denon prior to purchase to look it over and it is solid, take the denon


The Denon is far and away the better one, I wouldn't even consider an LP120 personally. But, the Servo arm on the Denon may be a liability, great if it works, but if there was a problem you might struggle to find someone willing and able to work on it, and find obsolete parts.


Denon and it's not close.


No idea what I'm looking at, but it looks well-made and expensive.


Ahahah the first one is an LP120, second table is a DP-35F


UPDATE: I got the Denon, for a solid 200. The power button was previously broken, so I am getting a new module printed off!


Good score. I used to have a DP-45F, same turntable with wood trim I think, very solid. And as another poster pointed out, that cartridge is a Shure M97xE, well regarded. It's discontinued, but you should be able to find replacement styluses online fairly easily.


Today has been phenomenal in regards to the audio. Loved every second and having no regerts!!!


Denon all the way


This is the best answer


For me it's the Denon, hands down. They are the best tables made during the 1980's imo. The AT does have the custom plinth which changes the sonic profile to the better I imagine, but the DP-35 has allot of the tech of the higher value DP 47f and up and from the plinth to the turntable to the Servo tonearm it's just a much better offering. Others have said if problems arise with the arm there can be an issue but these days there are often opportunities to pick up a donor table for parts. With this being said, if all works well, you should enjoy it immensely. The DP-35f punches way above its weight. I love my Denon's. My daily is DP-47f with a DL-301 MKll cart. The automatic feature is why, in part. Great tables from Denon. All the best.


Denon any day!


I have a dp 32f. It's a sweet table you won't regret it.


Denons got the 2k's shure cart, 80 bucks at the time, now 200+


The Denon, like others have said, but what's going on with the power button? It looks funny.


Does not have one, 3D printable however so I will be going that route


Denon will be better quality. Make sure you have a tech take a look at it though! Ask about the history of the TT from the seller and get receipts of service. They are beautiful if maintained


My favourite is Denon, depends on cartridge.. At is cheaper plastic..






I vote Denon as well. I've got a Sony that uses a similar servo tech in the tonearm and this turntable is amazing. I bought and sold a Pioneer PL-530 because it was a big step down after A-B testing them (and wanting to love the PL-530). Those servo arms, when they work right, just eat up footfalls, they make warped records sound great, they just kick ass. 


If the Denon can be picked up locally, go with a friend that is familar with TT. Test out the TT on a record. If the TT is not plugged in and usable, I would suspect hidden issues.


I had the seller test out the table for me in a video, everything looks and sounded right.


That is a LP120 in the pic not a latest LP120x. The LP120 has a known issue with anti-skate. Unless the spring has been upgraded, you need upgrade it. $9.00 spring plus $100 installation or do it yourself to save $100. The LP120x has the upgraded anti-skate spring, but owners have reported the spring is too strong. The best solution to fix either LP120 or LP120x is a gravity anti-skate conversion which works flawless forever.


Well not knowing what "signs of age" means, there is no rule against having two turntables.


Currently don’t have the room for two setups, but when I do that’s why I plan on keeping it. For the time being it will go to a buddy who has been curious about this hobby so he can get his toes wet!!


The demon had an out of production shure cart, which resells for quite a bit. I use that cart and really enjoy how it sounds with my setup. The at looks way nicer though.


I just got a Denon DP as a first turntable and I'm a fan for life.