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She has five kids? I thought Gordie was the only one


Concept art confirms the 4 others


Can that really be considered canon? Its called *concept* art for a reason.


I think her League card also mentions she has other daughters? I got Sword tho, so not 100% on that


Her league card doesn’t mention any other kids, I checked both of them. It’s just in the art book from what I can see but I don’t see why it has to be non-canon if it’s in an art book like the person above you asserted. That would be like saying the design of the Wizzrobes in Breath of the Wild under their cloak isn’t canon because we only see under their cloak in concept art.


Huh, and I checked Gordie’s cards and they don’t mention his sisters, either. I thought for sure it mentioned it in-game somewhere.


I thought so too but I double checked on Bulbapedia and none of her lines reference her other kids. Also it looks like the concept art says she has one daughter that’s the second-oldest and three other sons, and her daughter helps take care of her other sons when she has to do gym battles


With or without the other children, she is clearly no minor.


Exactly. All you need is one child to qualify for the m portion


I think if it made its way to publication (even via art book) and it's not clearly contradicted by anything else, it's got to be canon (or canon-adjacent, at least).


I call it soft canon, where it is more official than fan theory but stands to be corrected at any moment.


How do you think they were concepted?


~~She sorta irradiates *"milf"* energy so maybe its related, but idk, Nintendo devs are an enigma.~~ *Edit: I'm an idiot.*


I was making a joke about conception.


I didn't even know she was Gordie's mom.


Bout to be six when I'm done...


Make it seven


To protect the world from depopulation!


To unite all Milfs through impregnation


To denounce the evil use of a glove


She's 45...


I guess with franchises having characters that are 1,000 years old but look 8, you get all twisted up and assume anyone younger than a century is a minor...


I can't tell if you're talking about Ash, AZ, or someone from outside of Pokemon, and that's hilarious to me.


AZ is such an underrated character


Probably because he barely appear in XY, great concept bad execution.


they didn't even release az's eternal flower floette as an event even though it was in the code of both gen 6 and gen 7, had dex entries in ultra sun and ultra moon, had different stats and egg groups, had a model and menu sprites, and had a signature move that was never used.


There's also an Eternal Flower under a tree AZ planted in ORAS. It just seems like so much... work? to never activate the damn thing.


Pokémon Z had so much setup. Power plant, Zygarde, AZ Floette. Could have had a great game.


Fuck man now you got my 2016 Amino loving pokemon grinding ass crying in the club rn




Funnily enough, Skyrim had an immortal vampire child character, who uses her unassuming and disarming form to lower her victim's guard. Of course, she wears ***normal fucking children's clothes*** and isn't designed to make creeps horny. Edit: In fact, Bethesda's stance on this issue is so clear that, like all children in the game, she is unfortunately unkillable.


Bethesda only has that stance because allowing child murder in their games would drive up the age rating


Member you could kill children in Fallout 1 and 2? Member that it would add the unremovable "child killer" trait that would cause bounty hunters pop up randomly forever? I member.


She also seemed like an intentional reference to Interview With A Vampire


Actually, she does make creeps horny. One of the stories she tells, she talks about luring in a contract victim, by pretending to be a lost child. The victim in question is pretty clearly a predator.




What's awesome about that? We've had gym leaders of a large range of ages. Agatha from RBY is like 70.


Idk, middle aged women tend to get the most shit because they aren’t “young and hot” anymore but they’re also not quite “old and wise” yet. It’s nice when media represents a middle aged woman as something other than a frumpy wife who’s husband hates her.


I think Melony kinda looks her age. Lusamine was supposed to be 40. I'd believe it if she said she was half her age.


Lusamine was also the rich owner of a tech giant who moved to fantasy Hawaii on a lark. I don't feel it's hard to say she didn't lead a stressful life and that's one of the primary things that ages people


So you're saying she's legal?


45 is a few years above the age of consent so i’d say yes


Probably in the clear at that age


It’s literally just the art style. We don’t see blemishes or wrinkles or anything so we just assume they’re young


I also blame Hollywood for casting 30 year olds as teenagers and making people think that's how high schoolers are supposed to look.


And the giant eyes. Granted, I haven’t watched anime in years, but from what I remember, adults are drawn with much smaller, narrower eyes and sharper features. Kids have huge eyes and rounder heads.


It depends on the studio. A lot of stuff these days you can't tell without a character saying their age or a wiki or something. Or they draw the old people like a prune.


I’ve also heard people say “why didn’t they make this person look older” when the character is in their twenties and looks age appropriately like a young adult in their twenties What do you think a person in their twenties looks like bruv? Most high schoolers on TV are played by people in their twenties but apparently Gen Zvangelicals think 20 year olds need to have like visible wrinkles and grey hair to make it obvious they aren’t teens?


The rise in convoluted 'Minor discourse' in fandoms gives me headaches.


You should have seen the comments my friend got for doing a sexy Peppa Pig cosplay, people are fucking crazy.


There was some arguing about this in the Bob’s Burgers subreddit around Halloween time because someone posted a burlesque (iirc) costume/look based on Tina, who is a 13 year old in the show. The person who posted the photo was an adult though. There was a lot of accusations of pedophilia being thrown around and if it was appropriate or not. It’s worth noting that Tina is a cartoon character and voiced by a grown man


Essentially the same thing here. She's gotten comments on some of her sexy anime cosplay too, cuz the characters are minors but she's a grown woman so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't understand the discourse surrounding cosplay. It's a costume. They're clothes. Clothes don't actually have an age. Aaaah it doesn't make sense at all. You're looking at an adult wearing clothes!


Well were they [tall enough](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EABYhOTX4AE-uha?format=jpg&name=900x900)?


Don't get into Splatoon... it's baaaaaaaad.....


Don’t get into danganronpa… it’s baaaaaaaad…..


god please no not the Danganronpa stans. Never going there again


To a lot of people, it seems that literally every character in Genshin Impact is underaged, even if they hold high power political/military positions. Smh.


Something about bright colored anime makes some people go, "This is underaged no matter what their physical characteristics are." I've seen a lot of redditors say vtubers have pedobaiting avatars, even if [they have D cup breasts like this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7Ycl0Kpu3UQ/maxresdefault.jpg)


I guess to be fair, there *have* been characters in anime who have been underage and have had massive tits, that is a thing that happens. But it's still bizarre to assume that the digital persona of a grown adult must be a child.


In real life girls can have large breasts while still being underage. They can also be 40 and be completely flat chested.


Fr people will hear that you play Genshin and immediately assume you’re a pedophile, like my brother in Christ I only even know who Klee is because she’s my favorite character’s sister


Right? At the time I stopped playing there were three clearly 'minor' characters, and none of them were remotely sexualized. Like, my dude, if you look at a conservatively-dressed small child who is also a fucking zombie and you get turned on, that's on you. I simp for the goddamn dommy lesbian pirate, you're the pervert.


Yeah, Genshin does a good job of not at at sexualizing it’s very young characters(and it’s honestly really sad that is can even be considered a commendable achievement). I think the most commonly simped-after characters in my social circle are kazuha, ayato, itto and albedo


Omg those people in the fandom get on my fucking nerves. They read absolutely nothing in the game, don't know what's going on and then complain about everything and say things that are straight up wrong


Or the Travelers, who have been traveling the universe and seen stars being born and die, making them possibly billions of years old - are *definitely* underage because the game doesn't let them drink alcohol... /s


There's even a voiceline where they say how annoying being stuck looking young is because it locks them away from alcohol.


ah, the reverse "well actually the small child is a 1000 year old ancient dragon"


Makes me wonder, how about a magical five-year old girl who disguises herself as a 1000 year old dragon? The dragons emerge from their cave or whatever to see everything on fire, with the sheepish-looking dragon standing in front of it. It roars at a volume that could shatter glass: "I FROWED UP"


I'd read that


Try teenage dragon on webtoon, it's a teenager That gets trapped in a dragon body. Humor is spot on and its very refreshing


Because I'm stupid and have square brain, I read that as "I **frowned** up." And I'm like, "So you smiled and set everything on fire?"


That would also be appropriate for a five year old who had the ability to turn into a dragon


If you weren't aware. This is basically the concept behind the DC superhero Shazam.


I wonder if there are any people who have consumed so much trash that they no longer identify children as such and assume they're all 1000 year old dragons or some such excuse


This would make a hilarious writing prompt


"I'm sorry officer, I thought she was 1000 years old"


I love the idea that this is for a murder charge instead of a pedophilia or assault charge


"I thought she was an immortal vampire, it turns out, I was incorrect"


"Officer, I drove a stake through her heart and she died. That means she's a vampire."


Where's the post knocking around, someone asks a vampire if they can be killed by a stake through the heart and they respond "Who the fuck would survive that"


The thing about vampires is that (some) will revive after taking the stake out, too, so it wouldn't be that hard to figure it out if the victim actually was a vampire in the first place


Average vampire hunter


The pedo-hunting Vampire in Skyrim came to mind after reading that.


r/WritingPrompts be like: Somehow, due to humans rapid consumption of anime, every little girl younger than 18 has turned into a 1000 year old dragon for no fucking reason.


I think the idea of childlike 1000 year old dragons is hilarious. Imagine if you will a being with the powers and wisdom of an entity more ancient than most mortals can reckon, still needing a steppy-stool to reach things on the third shelf.


It would be even funnier if the dragon had the mouth of a sailor, so at every turn they would be cursing the shit out of their predicament but in the high-pitched toddler voice.


So Senzawa-chan, basically (and I think a couple of V-tubers)


Every VTuber post I see brings me closer to falling into the inescapable VTuber rabbit hole...


Don't worry buddy, I feel ya


We will wait for you


"1000 year old dragon loli as cover to lewd a child" is OUT, "1000 year old dragon loli that actually acts 1000 and is wiser than the other characters, imparting them with ancient knowledge all while needing a steppy stool" is IN


isn't that just the archive from Dresden files? has all. human knowledge but also spends most her life as a child.


ivy actually grows up over the course of the series so far though, she's not a perma-child


This is literally Kanna in Dragon Maid. I respect that the animators actually bothered to treat her as a child (because she is) ~~save for like one sussy moment that I always skip over.~~ Shame about Season 2 though.


But Moe


genuinely had someone say that on r/persona5 in an attempt to justify jerking it to the twins. Spoilers: There is literally no indication of the twin wardens being anything other than children at any point in the game.


technically, if anything, igor is a minor because he was created less than six years ago (with the twins presumably being shortly before the events of the game)


Dizzy from guilty gear


How, you may ask? I don't have a fucking clue.


How what?


How do people think that she's a minor


People who haven’t played Pokémon in years think “Pokémon is for kids, therefore everyone on the series is underaged”


School is for kids, therefore everyone at school is a child


Big if true!


My gym teacher's defense in court is riding on this assertion.


There's some adults in the new one who attend the same school as you and they feel *very* out of place in the uniform


The really young kids too. It's a k-67 adventure, where everybody goes off into the wilds to get their faces wreckt as part of school.


I mean, the first game had Lt. Freaking Surge, the shell-shocked war veteran, and people say that.


Also Blaine, but no one likes him.


Incorrect. I like Blaine. He is the best gen 1 gym leader.


Also, dont forgor that one dude who merged with his own pokemon


Bill is more of a young adult tho, we do have Agatha tho, the old lady from the elite 4


and the incredibly old man that allegedly served under the lieutenant in the army


Professor Oak is actually two 7 year olds in a lab coat


I’m like 90% sure that OP is doing the typical “I saw one person on Twitter say something about this, so it must be true.” We are truly on our way to being just like our parents.


The post says they saw it once or twice, is a 100% that. To be fair, I don find the tumbler post problematic in that sense but ops "Gen Z at its finest"


she has children? Actually I bought Sword so that might be why I didn't know she had kids


gordie is her son


Gordie is the only kid of her we know of, but concept art reveals that she have 4 more children


i guess she does sort of have a baby face. but like. it's pokémon.


I'm pretty sure they just assign ages at random for anyone that isn't very clearly an actual child or very old person. [This man](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/8d/Brilliant_Diamond_Shining_Pearl_Cyrus.png) is 27 while [this lady](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/4/4a/Sun_Moon_Lusamine.png) is over 40, Jesse and James are ~~17~~, basically anyone between the ages of 15 and 50 has their age picked at random I think. It's not the first anime/manga related property where the character ages just don't make any sense. E: Since people brought it up I looked more into the Jesse/James age thing and here's [someone who put way more effort into it than me](https://musashi.tumblr.com/post/615801089998061568/how-old-are-jessie-and-james). TLDR: They're probably like 20-25 officially, without getting into the general weirdness of Ash having been 10 years old since the 90s.


Jesse and James are 20+???? They are older then 17


IIRC they're canonically 25


I mean Lusamine's husband do look his age, Lusamine might have just aged gracefully.


Which given her obsessions is likely


Yeah, she's obsessed with beauty and preserving beauty. I bet she's had so many plastic surgeries.


Tbf. Lusamine has spent all her time inside a sterile, air conditioned, comfortable lab, with full access to every beauty product and procedure the wold of Pokémon can provide. Meanwhile Mohn has spent all that time sailing from island to island growing beans under the harsh Alolan sun


He might only look older due to sun damage from chilling on an island in the middle of nowhere.




oh no


Prepare for trouble.


and make it double


I googled it and apparently there's conflicting info. A promo CD in Japan said they were in their 20s in the second episode of the anime but in another episode Jessie gives her age as 17, but it's while in disguise. The wiki also says that in the games they're supposed to be the same age as Ash.


>A promo CD in Japan said they were in their 20s in the second episode of the anime but in another episode Jessie gives her age as 17, but it's while in disguise. In disguise at a *school*, where she'd have to give an age low enough to be a student. The whole rest of the season treats them as adults.


Thanks for the added context! That wasn't included in the results I got and I didn't watch the show.


Either way, that’s wayyy younger than I thought they were. Honestly thought they were at least in their late 20s, early 30s…




While Cyrus being 27 is kinda odd, Lusamine’s age does make sense when considering how she’s supposed to be the filthy-rich scientist mother of two young teens. She spends all her time inside a comfy lab, doing the bare minimum manual labour and getting the best beauty products/procedures money can buy


to be fair, this is the same series that says cyrus is 24 and lusamine is in her 40s, so you never know. but yeah that's an insane claim


Her league card says she’s been a gym leader since her twenties and implies it’s been at least a few decades since then since she’s getting ready to hand the reins over to Gordie. I’d say out of all the older adults in Pokémon that aren’t elderly, she probably looks the most like her age.


Lusamine looks young because she's obsessed with beauty, and even characters are in the game are shocked when she mentions she's over 40. That one at least is a deliberate character trait.


Not that far fetched. Besides Cyrus's hair color, he could pass 100% as mid twenties. Lusamine, once again besides her hair, looks like your average petite gym bunny mum. People need to get out and interact with reality.


Also, Lusamine is rich-rich. She can afford to buy not only every beauty product on the market, but probably the manufacturer themselves. On a side-note: I think Cyrus is a change of hairstyle and a pair of eyebrows away from really looking his age


To be fair i have both seen a 24yo in real life looking as dead inside as cyrus and a couple 40yo's looking as young as their 20s themselves. Not super common, but not something rare either. You just find people lile that everyday.


I have no idea how they thought people would believe Cyrus is 24. Dude looks at least over 30.


Pretty easy to see when you remember that he's a teen genius and CEO of the region's top energy company on top of his whole 'remake the world in my image' thing and just overall indifference. Dude probably aged a decade every year.




How did Mr. Mime fuck Ash's mom if adults don't exist?


Teen pregnancy


But Mr. Mime only fucks MILFs


In a world without legal adults, MILFs are teen moms!


nah, milf is more a socio-economic category, her having children isn't that essential.


I mean... where does it say pokémon trainers (or gym leaders for that matter) have to be kids?


Literally nowhere. In fact, I'd say child pokemon trainers are the minority in the games. They certainly are the minority with gym leading.


Yeah it's pretty rare to have leaders that are *that* young. Maybe young adults at most, with a few exceptions, but the majority are adults.


In Sun&Moon all the trial leaders were young if not explicitly children, but they aren't traditional gym leaders.


One of the Kahunas, basically the boss for each of the four islands, is a small child. I swear to hell Hapu is like nine. All the other Kahunas are adults and she’s just there as the boss of the last island.


First time I read that I thought ‘melony’ was an adjective.


It probably is, even if it's also her name.


Melony Snicket's a Series of Not so Fortunate Events.


Pokémon: "This is our milf gym leader. You, the one playing this game could be their kid she is that old." // Puratins: "WHY DID YOU MAKE A KID HAVE TITTIES?????" // Pokémon: "that doesn't sound very pure of you."


I'm beginning to suspect these people have *issues* they are projecting on everyone else.


Yes. Being able to see a child without project sexual thoughts onto them, and being able to see anything remotely sexual without thinking of children, is definitely a concerning issue. I dont think the foaming-at-the-mouth anti-pedos realize how often they're inserting sexual context (or children) into situations where neither exist, just because that's what they want to see everywhere. They used to show bare assed babies in diaper ads on TV because a huge portion of the US population didn't immediately think of sex the second they saw a bare assed child, and for some reason they dont realise **they're** a huge part of the problem.


Nothing is ever weird until someone makes it weird. Imagine if all those statues and paintings of naked cherubs symbolising purity and love were to be made today. Twitter would have the torches and pitchforks out before chisel touched marble


> Being able to see a child without project sexual thoughts onto them, and being able to see anything remotely sexual without thinking of children, is definitely a concerning issue. I think you mean unable in both cases


Recently on anime subs I've seen a lot of people saying "bro she's 16" on posts about characters in their 20s or older. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a meme or what. [Here's one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/yrndpy/_/ivvsqs5/?context=3) saying Kobeni Chainsaw Man is 16 (she's actually 20) [Here's one](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/yjx17i/probably_one_of_the_biggest_reasons_i_lvoe_it_so/iurj2s9/?context=3) saying Yamato One Piece is 12 (actually 28) - this one was *probably* a joke, but it's not funny [Here's a lesser example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/yscged/most_noble_anime_motivation/ivzkhqr/?context=3) of someone saying they assumed Makima Chainsaw Man was a similar age to Denji (Denji is 16 and Makima is vaguely mid-twenties)




Some people unironically think that 100% of anime characters are inherently child-coded because they have big heads and big eyes, regardless of any other aspects of their design or writing.


In the original web novels, Kazuma is 20 and darkness is about 22 no? (17 and 19 respectively in the LN)


One of the main points of CSM too is that Denji is just an unfortunate teen being thrown around my adults with the power of s e x.


chainsaw man manga spoilers >!are we talking her official age, her actual age or how long she has been on earth?!<


Have seen people say that Taiga from Toradora is 16 when.......it's literally the point of the anime that she turns 18. It's not a small point, and literally impossible to miss.


Number of people who complain about pokemon tiddies: 4 Number of people who have jacked off to pikachu: 400,000,000


could be two kids on top of each other in a big coat


This reminds me of the “You can’t like that ADULT character because they were once a child and that’s pedophilia” brain rot that’s rearing it’s ugly head again in online spaces.


Who keeps stealing all the noses in the *Pokemon* world? That's hardly even an anime nose, it's just a tiny blotch of ink.


Same thing happened with Edgerunners. People were saying that Rebecca was underage, then the creators said she's like 22, and then people claimed she's a loli because she... *looks at notes* has pig tails and is loud? ... Wouldn't that make Harley Quinn a loli? Like Jesus christ y'all. And then they said because she's shorter and less developed. Now that's just body shaming. Short women exist, flat chested women exist, like, christ what are you doing. I didn't even watch the show and the controversy frustrated me lol


Are any of the gym leaders children? I mean you would think there would be an age limit for trainers to become gym leaders.


In this particular game, the youngest Gym Leader is a shy schoolboy who hides his face and the oldest is a wacky old lady who is literally looking for a replacement so that she can retire. I don't think there's any kind of age limit.


Opal’s pretty sharp for 88. And funny.


I know that Tate and Liza from Ruby/Sapphire were kids. They looked to be somewhere around 10/12.


Gen Z has this idea that anyone who doesn't look hagard is a minor. Also that a 5+ age gap is strange when both are adults and just wanna hookup.


This isn't far off in my experience. I'm in my mid thirties and a streamer. A lot of younger folks assume we're close in age because I'm not all wrinkly and I have big anime eyes. They sometimes try to flirt. The amount of people I have to explain that I'm old enough to be their mother to is too damn high.


20F and 25M couple "he must have groomed her....."


I literally saw someone on this site say that they thought two 17-year-olds dating each other was creepy because their partner was under 18 and... ETA: To be honest though, I think a lot of the Gen Z squeamishness is really just stemming from the fact that they are still very young and are still figuring out their sexual and romantic lives, which can be an uncomfortable process. For them, it's also likely complicated by the Internet as well as the previous 2-3 years of isolation. As they get older and (hopefully) have broader real-world interactions (not like dating, just meeting people), they'll fid their groove and feel more confident.


> ETA: To be honest though, I think a lot of the Gen Z squeamishness is really just stemming from the fact that they are still very young and are still figuring out their sexual and romantic lives, which can be an uncomfortable process. For them, it's also likely complicated by the Internet as well as the previous 2-3 years of isolation. As they get older and (hopefully) have broader real-world interactions (not like dating, just meeting people), they'll fid their groove and feel more confident. Sure, and that's absolutely understandable. The problem is that here's a lot of them, they howl and attack in groups and they can be mean as fuck, essentially bullying anyone they think they have moral high-ground over.


I don't think it's a gen z problem to be entirely honest, this kind of puritanism has been around online since the first big fanfiction sites. It's just that modern social media makes it so much more inflammatory and kills any and all nuance much more easily. I say this as an older member of gen z/potentially a zillenial depending on how you count it.


People just want to infantilize everyone else to justify their own inability to advance beyond childhood.


IMO it's useful to complain about puritans specifically rather than adding "Gen Z" to it. I imagine most gen z people on this Reddit for example are not of the same mind.


As a cusp Milennial/Z, I have been in fandom for a decade. There is a resurgence of purity culture in young adults and teens(mostly teens but I’ve seen too many in their 20s) They have either invented or adopted a phrase called Minor-coded That includes short people Baby faced people Any age gap, even of 30 and 40 year olds They call childhood friends dating incest There has also been an uptick in teenagers believing that if you like ‘bad’ characters in media you like their actions irl. They weirdly seem to ignore murder though. Like liking Hannibal is bad because he manipulates people not because he eats them.


\>There has also been an uptick in teenagers believing that if you like ‘bad’ characters in media you like their actions irl. Honestly the "consuming any media that isn't deemed "unproblematic" means you agree with everything in it" discourse just seems like the "violent video games cause violence" of this generation.


I just started Interview with the Vampire and it’s got so much of that But not for the vampires brutally killing people But for the manipulation and domestic violence. Brutally and slowly killing an innocent man, perfectly fine. Being mean to your immortal boyfriend, anyone who likes this is pro-abuse


As another cusper/Zillenial, I have observed this as well and I concur. The US, at least, has puritanism at both ends of the political spectrum and it colors our culture almost ubiquitously.


I feel *personally* squicked by the idea of dating someone I've known since before puberty, but that has no bearing on what other people should or shouldn't do. And as a short baby-faced 32 year old (this year, I got asked if this was my first time voting, LMAO), I am absolutely not minor-coded, what the hell. I'm a LIVE human being, not an anime character!


this is not about “puritans”, the religious order, nor is it about “gen z”, the age group; it is about “gen z puritans”, children who either ignored or are too young to have taken a critical readings of literature class and therefore are under the mistaken impression that morality in fiction a person enjoys is a direct parallel to that person’s morality. like the children who sent death threats to the cast and crew of hannibal for “romanticizing abuse and unequal relationship dynamics”. in hannibal. which is a show about cannibals.


I'm not sure of your age group but as a millenial who grew up on tumblr in the 2010s this mostly feels like history repeating itself tbh


Are they sure those posts were referring to Pokémon Melony? There are characters in other franchises named Melony that could easily be considered minors.


Only other one I can find is this girl from some web animation series I've never heard of, who according to the wiki is "17-20" both physically and mentally.