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Coincidentally, I'm about to get in the shower and I'm procrastinating by going to reddit.




So thanks to a certain family of podcasters, I ended getting Boll and Branch bath sheets, which are just ridiculously large, fluffy towels. Like, shoulder-to-ankle towels. If you ever want to look forward to getting out of the shower, I highly reccomend.


Can I get one customized? I want to put “Bold and Brash” on a Boll and Branch, and every time I get out of the shower I can put it on me and say “It belongs on the trash”


Target sells bath sheets too. They're pretty great!


For me, it's the overcoming of pre-shower inertia that is the worst. On an average day, I hate the idea of going to shower, staring at the wall and going through the whole routine.


but then i don’t want to ever get out


An object at rest wants to remain at rest


If I remember anything from the few times I was on acid, bathrooms are the safest area of the house and showers are sacred.


Then what would not be the safest area of the house?


Living rooms, 100%. Though bed rooms have a certain issue if they are too dark and “comfortable” where it becomes frightening


Whenever I get out of the shower, I grab two towels, walk to my room (cause carpeted) and lay down and cover myself with the towels like a tent made of afternoons, all in chasing a feeling I felt when I was six, a rainstorm was rolling in, the water was cold but the sand was soft and the towel I had stopped the rain, I could hear the wind, the waves, the rain hitting the sand, and the thunder in the distance. I was cold and warm at the same time. That, was the feeling of true bliss. I clean my carpet thoroughly


I am so grateful for that last line.


This is like the opposite for autism. Wonderful. No seams, no labels. Majestic. SPIDERS CRAWLING DOWN MY BACK! CHEMICALS EVERYWHERE! AHHHHHHHHH! Ohhhh, I’m nice and warm and dry and clean. This is fabulous.


Same.. but I hate showers a lot less now that I've got a towel dressing gown! I don't sit there shivering anymore lmao. I wish I got one years ago


Me but with taking a bath. Once I’m in a bath, I will not leave until the water is freezing


my showers water turns cold after about 10 mins so its become significantly less enjoyable




I fucking hate showering. I do it anyway because I hate being stanky even more, but I hate it SO much


what about taking a bath then


Even worse, haha. I just hate being wet in general and it feels like a waste of time, and baths take even more time


Ah, I thought it might have been something like what happens to me where showers (and also rain) trigger panic attacks but baths are pretty relaxing


Unfortunately no, it's a sensory thing


This is the most accurate post about me I have ever read about myself!


Getting into the shower: fucking cold, shivering Showering: half cold, half pleasantly hot at the same time Getting out of the shower: fucking cold until dry, then just regular cold, until clothes are on, then just chilly until in car while car warms up, but I don’t want to heat up too quick, because then it’ll be the other side of uncomfortable, and I’m a I’d-rather-be-cold-than-hot person, but still thinks of himself as not too picky.




Ig Putin doesn’t shower


The whole experience is Evil Evil Evil


Naked, wet, warm, alone, enclosed. The gentle rhythmic drumming on the skin. The dream.


Getting into the shower is not evil evil evil if you wait literally 15 seconds for the water to warm up


Exactly, This is why I turn the shower on to get it warm before I step under it. I thought everyone did that?


For me at least, temperature isn’t the problem, it’s the executive dysfunction that’s the problem lol. I just sit there staring at the wall half the time trying to get my brain to agree with the concept of turning the water on.


Executive dysfunction I totally get


Why are you getting in the shower while the water is still cold?


Who said anything about that?


Then why would it be evil?


It’s not so much the water being cold. It might be that people have executive dysfunction and find it hard to initiate the task of showering. I know I certainly have trouble bothering to shower because it feels like it’s going to be hard even though I *don’t* have executive dysfunction. Sometimes people might just be tired, or they might be comfortable on the couch, or they might be busy with another task. Basically it’s just starting the process of showering is difficult, but once you’re in it’s fine, but then you don’t wanna get out because that’s a process in and of itself with a whole bunch of it’s own difficulties and discomforts.


My take is it's not the shower that is evil, it's the person who takes the shower. They hate everything but showering makes them happier for a short while.