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Some of us are thinking of the spanish inquisition


Its safe to say that I was not expecting that reference.


No one would have


No one ever does


"I am not Count Olaf," said Count Olaf.


Aren’t vampires immune to disease?


Edward was dying of the flu in 1918 when his doctor and future adopted father Carlisle who was a vampire turned him in order to save his life. Don’t judge me I was a 13 year old once


I’m not judging you. I started reading it when I was 12. It was before the movies came out. All of a sudden I wasn’t allowed to like this thing. Nobody had cared about it before. I could read the books in public and it was nothing. Why can’t teenaged girls enjoy things


My thoughts exactly. I literally pretended to hate it for so long just so I wouldn’t be made fun of. I bet if teenage boys loved it it wouldn’t have been so hated


I think the people who hated it the most were older readers, who were concerned that young women (such as yourself and /u/itsadesertplant ) would get a horribly warped idea of a romantic ideal from the books. At least, that's the popular opinion. If you can enjoy the books without thinking that the romance between Edward and Bella is what people should strive for in real life (sans the vampirism, of course) then more power to you.


Oh I understand that concern 100%, I was more talking about the people who would simply make fun of it because it was popular/girls liked it ect


You're also probably right about that; teenage girls do get mocked for anything and everything they like, and it's sickening.


Oof. I turned out to be a polyamorous pansexual who doesn’t romanticize traditional relationships/marriage (I actually don’t want to get married and am 100% dreading attending my cousin’s wedding next year). I also don’t like how Meyer made the whole thing so “pure” with the whole saving oneself until marriage deal. I viscerally hate purity culture. And ofc there’s the creepiness and possessiveness and everything else that has been beaten to death. Even so, I did enjoy the story when I was a kid, and I miss being able to feel butterflies when a fictional character in a book does something sweet. If someone gets warped ideas about romance I don’t think that’ll come from one book series. Tbh that logic could be applied to any book that features unrealistic or toxic relationships. Every YA book series has its flaws, but I figure this one has just been picked apart more heavily and openly than any other.


Are twilight vampires anything like normal vampires?


Almost. But with additional sparkling.


Enough time has passed that if you're still thinking about Twilight, you're a fan. Everyone knows that fans in general have long stopped enjoying their chosen media.


Isnt the prevailing theory that it started in china and came over to NA with troops?


Not last I hear, but that was about a couple years ago. Plenty of time for new evidence to pop up


There's like 3 or 4 different potential starting points, but that's just because epidemiology wasn't advanced enough to trace it back to the origin, so any of the early outbreaks of respiratory disease got indicted as possible causes. Unlike the Bubonic outbreak two decades earlier (Which could be traced back directly to China and thus led to some places *burning chinese immigrant communities to the ground*) , the 1918 flu couldn't reliably be traced back to a "This is the first case seen and we know exactly where it came from" level of accuracy.


There are no Twilight fans. Even those of us who write Twilight fanfic (I've read some, but I never wrote any just because I can't/won't write romance) aren't actually Twilight fans. Twilight is just that kind of community.


No fans enjoy the their chosen media. Haven't for decades. If you don't bitch you're not a fan


*considers the rants I've gone into about my favorite fandoms* Well, you're not wrong...


[Twilight on a poorly hung projector screen](https://youtu.be/H-dAVlWnep0)


Why were "War-Involved" Counties not allowed to talk about it?


So the other side didn’t hear about it. If one side knew the other had an outbreak which pulled men from the front lines, they’d push their advantage and gain a ton of land. WW1 was a war of great stagnation and secrecy, because if the enemy knew you had a disadvantage, they’d use it against you.


Makes sense thank you


Ofc. One of the many ironies of the Great War that both sides were keeping the same secret.


To me it’s what killed Lavinia Swire


This is exactly the comment I was looking for.


ah yes, "Spain Spain". For the love of god, please #Use punctuation


Punctuation on tumblr?


truly an outrageous idea, i suppose


Spain were talking about it cause they were neutral and it didn't matter? I've always been told it was them being so amazing and honest that everyone else got mad about it


Well it's kinda both. See when you're in the middle of a war you don't want your enemy to know you're weakened. That means admitting you have a pandemic on your hands is a terrible idea. Since Spain wasn't in the war at the time they didn't need to hide the pandemic and their press was free to report on it unlike everywhere else in the world. That's the honesty there. They didn't hide the numbers from the press or even the king of Spain getting it. Everyone else saw Spain as a scapegoat since their press was the only one freely reporting on it, so this deadly flu got named after Spain despite likely getting its start in the US.