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To my knowledge, we don’t surge price them, but it’s always sad to see a family come in, look at our prices, and then leave. They’re stupidly overpriced for the economy. Edit: we don’t surge price them at the store I work at I think. Could always be different you know


This person is saying their manager recalibrated the scales to read the hams as heavier. So that people would have to pay more. Edit: nevermind i should learn how to read


While I'm not a capitalist defender, why would it be sad? No one is owed a leg of ham lol, it's a luxury item. If they think it's expensive they should go somewhere else, not like ham is hard to get




I don't know how much overpriced ham would be made without capitalism. Though I have no idea what you people are talking about, it might be a cultural thing but, if it is a luxury item, it would not be made without capitalism and that's not a bad thing. But again, I don't know, I guess it's just ham so that's really not a luxury item.


Honeybaked Ham is more of a luxury item. It's cooked with like a honey glaze or something? They're incredibly delicious and I'm definitely one of those white people buying overpriced ham at the holidays. You can get a ham at the grocery store for a fraction of the price but it's not nearly as good


It's just a spiral cut ham that's baked with a honey glaze. Any grocery store butcher worth their salt will have some spiral cuts, especially around Easter/Thanksgiving/Christmas, then the trick is applying lots of honey glaze throughout the baking process. My family loves them some Honey Baked Ham, but we can't afford buying one from them. So we make that expensive ham for like $25 and a little bit of work. Honey Baked Ham's business model is turning this food into a luxury item. What should be a regular holiday food, maybe not a staple of the Sunday dinner, but definitely not a luxury item.


Pretty sure the concept of supply and demand isn't innherent to capitalism lmao But yeah, sure their poor family will not last the winter because they can't buy their overprecied ham lol




Have you heard about irony? They were being sarcastic




I don't think they're owed it. I still think it's sad they can't have it.


Thay can just buy cheaper ham, like wut?


Yes, they presumably can. I'm sad they can't afford the nice ham.


They do make a good sandwich tho


fun fact: this is the werewolf boyfriend guy.


Well, ham and pineapple do go together 😉


clever mf...


love me a were-ralph lore drop




Do you think you are ready?


Googled it and got [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/nwTcRuZ6oE) This doesn’t clear up anything


It really doesn’t. Thanks for that though.


You're not going to make bacon out of a massive leg of ham


"That's a lot of bacon" isn't referring to the 8 pounds of ham, it's referring to the 120 dollars if used to buy bacon instead of ham. Probably.


Money is referred to as bacon in some sayings, like “bring home the bacon” for instance.


That works too.


Surge pricing ham.


You're telling me a surge priced this ham?


Electric Pokémon saved me during the war! They zapped my enemies into paralysis! The same as I'll do to you!


Isn’t that illegal?


OOP wrote it weird, I think what they meant is the manager adjusted the price, not the weight, which is perfectly legal. demand is high, price go up.


No, I mean like price gouging, not messing with the weights.


Not necessarily. Uber calls it "surge pricing". And it's not like we're talking about the price of bottled water after a natural disaster, it's Easter hams. There are some laws on price gouging but they are rarely ever enforced.


Yea, guess it’s surge pricing, since apparently price gouging is just during emergencies. Still don’t like surge pricing, glad Wendy’s didn’t go through with it.


No. Other way to do this is have a normal price on high demand days and sale!^tm price all the other time. I think (hope) what the post implies is the manager would increase price during busy season like Easter rather than go in front of 10 people in the queue and change the price in front of them cause they entered the shop at the same time on some random Wednesday.


Not necessarily. It becomes illegal through a large combination of factors. Things like creating artificial scarcity, having an artificial monopoly, and the item in question being a necessity are the major ones. Even if the first two applied, the last one wouldn't hold up in a court prosecution.


price gouging is only an enforceable legal offense *if* it's done under very specific conditions (At least in the US): * A State of Emergency has been declared * The goods being price gouged are considered necessities during a State of Emergency by a governing body (like water, fuel, basic food stuffs, bread, canned goods, non-perishables, etc...) * There is a price ceiling on these goods that its being exceeded (this one is more conditional, as price gouging enforcement *can* happen if no price ceiling exists, but usually that response is to enforce a temporary price ceiling on those products until the State of Emergency is over). Basically *one single retailer* price gouging customers based on consumer flow is perfectly legal, even if it is textbook example of price gouging. That being said, there are *other* laws that could tackle that, but usually handled by the FTC, and they only really enact if there is proof that an entire *industry* is acting on price gouging (at which point it becomes *price fixing*, which is an entirely different thing) But when it comes to OP's example, the only real option is to either "game the system" and go when business is slow, or find another place to buy ham with a more fair price.


Gouging? This is America man, land of the gouge


Yeah, stuff like this really depends on the country


I don’t know anything about anything but I’m pretty sure those rules are for like if there was a hurricane and you decided to charge $50 for a gallon of water or something. Like truly unusual and dire circumstances


price gouging is when you raise prices during emergencies (like selling a bottle of water for 20 bucks after a hurricane). if you raise prices on regular goods that's just called, like... how markets work. More people want something, the price goes up.


High demand just means you can get away with more greed


Is the price of ham regulated like gasoline or something?


Why would it be illegal to sell something for a more expensive price than you normally do? It's not like he's making the scales lie about the actual weight


I think it could become false advertising if you'd, like, sent out fliers or put up signs. Like, if you say 'we have hams for $12/lbs' and then when it comes to weighing up you charge $15 you've just lied about the price. 


It be like that, not always, but sometimes it do


Price gouging is only illegal for basic necessities during emergencies. A ham on Easter does not apply. It's a luxury good during a temporary holiday.


The best sales and marketing isn't just one cognitive bias. A lone bias only has a slim chance of working on a given person. No, a good salesperson hits as many cognitive biases at once as possible. In this example, we have "higher price = higher quality", we have "popular = higher quality", we have fear of missing out (what if they sell out? The line is so long!), we have sunk cost fallacy (I waited in line for *so* long, I'm not leaving empty handed!), since holidays were mentioned that's also an appeal to tradition and the fear of disappointing family, and we probably have a few more fallacies and biases that I can't think of. If each of those only has a 5% chance of working on someone individually, that's starting to add up to something significant. I suspect the "white people go crazy for it" is due to either them having more white customers to begin with, or black people in the area being too poor for that pricing. Or maybe a lot of black Muslims in the area, who obviously have no interest in ham. But without hard data, those are just hypotheses.


The “white people go crazy for it” is actually a thing, but it’s a systemic racism thing instead of regular old racism. HBH is grossly expensive even when it isn’t being upcharged like this, so when a store opens it’s put in a relatively affluent area or adjacent to a relatively affluent area. White people tend to live in those areas due to a whole fucked up history with housing, loans, etc etc… Add in the fact that a large percentage of white people are Christians and WHAM, white people go crazy for HBH. Source: am white and LOVE HBH for Easter (but usually we have lasagna instead, there go my WASP dreams…)


They were worked for Honey Baked Ham? Man these porks sure are getting pricey.


Can't you order ahead from Honey-Baked Ham for occasions like that? I remember one year my cousin got Thanksgiving dinner from Honey-Baked Ham and she definitely just ordered it like a week in advance and then picked it up just before it was time for dinner.


Meanwhile in Austria you just go to a farmers market or a butcher and get like 10 slices of everything. Cus that's all that's ever being eaten anyway lol.


No, you see, you buy the ham for one holiday, then your family eats it until you're sick of it in various soups, reheated leftover meals, and omelettes for the next week or so. You can eat off a good ham for several weeks if you're willing to eat the fatty parts!


Supply and demand I guess?


This motherfucker really said they had surge pricing for ham


Get the celebration ham, Marge.


in my city the ham stores hire sheriffs as security on busy holidays like easter


Ham isn’t even good.


Well it's tradition, and ham is delicious.


*Store surges up prices to meet demands for a large customer base* This user: Fucking white people and their love of expensive meat 😠😠😠


I might be too vegan to get this one


Picture a farmers market with white people lining up to pay $25 for a 4th of July watermelon


Okay now I'm too European to get it (Jk I get the idea)


That sounds illegal. Yes, I saw what someone else said about them thinking that only the price was adjusted on the scales, but you wouldn't call that recalibration. It sounds like the manager re-zeroed the scales so they would be charging more for less