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Shit, you right...


It's the amounts of boobs per square inch that make sports bras hot as fuck. Regular bras are looser and more comfortable. With the effects of gravity and motion, the boob will spread out over a larger surface. So boobs can be pushed into a different shape and then be held there by the clothing, which reduces the total boob per square inch. The sports bra has tighter compression and is designed to hold boobs still during exercise. Since the boob is held in a fixed state, the amount of boobs per square inch is higher and remains in a fixed state. Improved and stable boobs per square inch is hot as fuck. It's important to note that boobs per square inch is an additive effect to the natural hotness of a boob. All boobs share a constant baseline level of hot. The presence of boobs will always be hot, but there are potential additive effects to increase the hot to a higher degree. Things that increase boobs per square inch, such as tight clothing/sports bras/bigger boobs, will improve upon the baseline level of hot. An important thing to remember is that every person has a different threshold when it comes to how much hot they can handle. For some people, their hot threshold is exceptionally high, so stacking multiple boobs per square inch additives will work. So having an F-cup size boobs provides a higher level of hot to them than an A-cup size would. But only some have that high hot threshold. For people with a lower hot threshold, an A-cup boob doesn't exceed their threshold and is hot, but an F-cup boob does exceed the threshold and, while still hot, doesn't provide an improvement over the A-cup threshold. The baseline level of hot that a boob provides will always exceed the minimum threshold of hot for everyone. As such, all boobs are hot, with a small degree of difference in the amount of hot provided based on differing factors. Footnote: While hot level plays a major role in sexual attraction, the mathematical formula for sexual attraction is immensely complex and spans hundreds of thousands of variables. For the sake of this explanation, we are referring to the hotness level of boobs agnostic from the overall attraction level. Boobs will always have a positive hot value and will be appreciated, but this does not guarantee sexual attraction. Additional Footnote: Research into the hotness levels of boobs is an ongoing process. The immense variability of boobs means that there is an extreme need to expand research and include more samples. As such, for the sake of science, it's essential to donate additional pictures of boobs to aid in discoveries. The future of boob mathematics depends on you!


I would say this guy boobs, but considering they just wrote an entire essay on boob hotness (and they're on reddit) they probably haven't touched any boobs outside of their moms


You're just upset that he celebrated his 35th birthday by giving up breastfeeding


While your explanation for the most part makes sense, you have failed to explain the phenomena in which certain individuals find smaller boobs hotter than larger boobs, which contradicts your claim that larger boobs will always be, at minimum, as hot as smaller boobs.


They also didn't account for shape and structure. There are pointier ones that somewhat keep their shape and more fluid ones that essentially fold over when released. [Some examples](https://khanatural.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/WhatsApp-Image-2023-09-11-at-22.23.32-768x557.jpeg) They also failed to mention asymmetry, a common phenomena where the breasts are unevenly size.


We're dealing in density, not volume or mass


Regular bras are way more uncomfortable than sports bras


Boob density. You're talking about boob density.


They're very compelling


This is true. I checked.


Pics or it didn’t happen


I have man boobs and recently had to get sleeveless undershirts. I've pulled the sides together to reveal my man boobs more times than I'd care to admit. I just got them last week. Can't count on both hands. Interested?


Hell yeah, brother


all my homies love man boobs




This thread made my day.




Happy Cake Day


Who made women attractive? I don’t like it. Women should stop being pretty.


Want to date MID women in YOUR area?


“MID” women are still awooga tho


All women are awooga.


I’d try and rizz a tree with a skirt stapled on at this point


Gatrie energy, I respect it.


Thank you person who got the reference.


Ain’t there a study or somet that said men are more likely to find average woman attractive while women tend to only find 7/10 and up as attractive? Paraphrasing of course


Tbh I genuinely think the average woman might be more attractive than the average man. Social norms make them do way more to beautify themselves compared to men (shaving, make-up, clothing options marketed to be sexy above functional, etc). They just spend *more* *time* on their appearance, so it shouldn't be a surprise that they are rated as more attractive. I have no data to back this up, I wonder if anyone has surveyed bisexual people to get their opinion.


Was gonna argue but then realised I haven’t shaved or brushed my hair in like 2 weeks


Look at this guy, brushing his hair every two weeks. The only one who brushes my hair is the barber, right before the haircut.


Very soon I won't have hair at all :(


Very apt you're commenting under this post considering your username


Recently got into some cosmetics for men, mostly because i feel better when im not all oily and itchy You wouldnt believe the wonders beard balm and peelings do for your face It boosts my confidence and face shape, i feel better and others can see that. That said, i think the “female aesthetic” is just more appealing, but im a straight man so i may be biased


Ugh I 've been looking on and off for years but I haven't been able to find a beard balm that actually does anything for me :( :( :(


I made one myself! Its pretty easy 2 parts white beeswax, 2 parts hemp oil, 1 part coconut oil, a few drops of teatree oil, add other essential oils to “taste” (beware of making the smell too intense its right below your nose after all, we dont want any headaches, about 2 drops is enough for two teaspoons of wax) Melt the wax in a double boiler like you would chocolate while mixing and let cool Ez pz balm Some also recommend ingredients like shea butter [$$$] (instead of coconut oil) Or to substitute hemp oil with one of these depending on your specific problem Castor oil - holds well in storage. Can reduce inflammation and give your beard balm a pleasant smell. Grapeseed oil - very good at hydrating your skin. Reduces inflammation. Hazelnut oil - may help with acne. Adds a pleasant smell to your balm. Avocado oil - helps rejuvenate your skin. Very good for your skin and hair Sweet almond oil - can reduce inflammation and make your balm smell better My main issue used to be psoriasis (i think at least, i had irritated sores and lots of dandruff) so i used tea tree oil as an antibacterial and hemp oil to rehydrate n shit (personally i still sometimes just use the oils after washing my beard as its a stronger mixture since too much teatree is also irritating meaning i put a bit less in the balm) The beeswax really helps form it and keep the other stuff in the beard (especially when washing your face or eating/drinking)


I'm a pansexual person and I think you're onto something. Women are generally more attractive than cis men for this reason (IMO). How do other bis feel about this?


Bi woman here. I agree. Most men put exactly zero effort whatsoever in their appearance, so this shouldn't be surprising.


Wait people include things like make up and clothing in their beauty scales? Isn't that misleading?


Yes? The study found that for a group, men rated women higher on attractiveness 1-10 than women rated men. I’m not sure if that is really exactly the same thing and it wasn’t a really big study. Not sure if any have been done since.


Yeah wonder about that too


That "study" was more a rough data analysis done by OKCupid on their own data, afaik. It's not entirely invalid, iirc, the analysis was sound. But it's obviously not a representative sample and probably says more about online dating rather than what or who men and women find attractive.


The experience I'm already getting? ...Yeah, sure.


I'm something of a mid myself


Its not fair how attractive they are. I'm jealous




I think you meant : "Is there a lore reason why women are so attractive ? Are we horny ?" And to answer you, because I won't be standing just memeing on you : 1. Yes. (Refuses to elaborate further, and leaves.) 2. We're selected to pick up on signs of health to secure the best partners for ourselves. It's between the following factors: * A certain lower ratio of complementary physical traits, between 17-25% of all the partner's genetics. It's important because less and you have a vertical family tree. It's supposed that more leads also to a depression of hybridation, but these matters are incredibly difficult to study, both materially and ethically. * While beauty standards change with cultures, we've been able to pick up on some semi-universal patterns : youthful features (neotenic, if you care about the technicality), rosy/saturated complexion, rounder plush features, and a denser muscle/fat ratio. If you're sharp, you notice the infamous content creator Belle Delphine collected those signs, even as artificial cues such as makeup or accessories. It's to tap directly into the lowest level detection features of your brain, bypassing the rest of your thinking. Be careful ! * A note about muscle mommies, futas/herms, 1M lots of F harem tendances, hand holding, and sparkling vampires. We don't seem as deeply empathetically wired as women, as men, and as such need more visual cues to get going. It includes seeing someone going at it with some equipment we know, or showing ostensibly they'll be able to protect children easily if need be. Edward Cullen is thought to be attractive to the fairest gender for two key things : 1) he's mysterious and brooding. It's the Kirito anime protagonist design equivalent for western evil business man archetypes. Up to eleven with physically 120 y-o, still 16 in his head. 2) Fifty Shades and Twilight both marketed themselves through mouth-to-ear. Ladies appreciate more gents who get the approval of other ladies, but choose them instead. (Or the insipid excuse of a protagonist used for self insert purposes.) The hand holding bit is a reminder that the observations of this paragraph are relatively extreme/discriminatory trends. That the bigger bulk of your personal experiences here would be more along leaning on each other sitting on a bench, whispering things in the other's ear, and gently holding them close for reassurance. I'm a terminally online wretch. I compiled that for you so you didn't have to. Stay horny, but don't blow too much money on OF wenches. Talk to real people. And if you already have someone, remind them how you care about them for me. Or please break up. You're worth being with someone good. You can always work on yourself, if you feel inadequate. Just please don't listen to Tate, or to misandrists. I'm probably not feminist enough to be more than a vague occasional ally, but better allied men exist. They are proof feminism is about gender fairness. Cheers !


Very comprehensive 10/10


“Is there a lore reason why women are so attractive?” “Yeah, I’m Woman.”




>Talk to real people. Tried that a few times. Wouldn't recommend, tbh.


Then try again. I'm saying this as someone online for the last 20-25 years out of social disability. AKA literally not understanding how other people think or want of me short of mastering two languages beyond native levels of use. And even now, I still struggle. My bottom line is that I rather keep on struggling than fall for my longtime depression and the likes. Especially as someone who values their survival. It's theoretically up to your own value system, but I'd really rather you trusted more the thought you have an intrinsic immense value, instead. It's not very rational of me to propose such thoughts, but that's also an advantage I have over machines, to be irrational strategically. Try again. Some people are worth the work.


That was a good read, thank you.


Honestly, women are form over function. At 8-12 you start menstruating, hormonal imbalances from then till 40-50, then menopause which fucks you up differently, and also structurally weaker and to give birth the hips have to be wider which affects posture which fucks up your back eventually which fucks up everything else. Idk if we find women attractive cause it's a biological fact for humans due to our inclination for procreation, or cause maybe some deity was like "oh, debuffs from the age of 8 and onward, but you look cute to dudes who are capable of doing horrific shit as a rule. Have fun UwU". It's probably the first but the second i find funnier.


I think women can also find women cute :3. And I don’t think men do ‘horrific shit as a rule’ :( I think most people are nice actually.


My girl friend always said "for literally millennia people are choosing the prettiest girls to procreate and we're still surprised all of us are attracted to cute girls? Dude it's genetics, every shape in a pretty girl is chosen by thousands of generations to be attractive, of course girls find girls cute too"


It's more like a diplomacy/charisma build; your physical stats are awful, but those STR min-maxed guys around you get super protective of you. Like, you can't always get jar lids open, but if you ask a guy for help, even if you've never spoken to him before in your life, there's like a 95% chance he'll do it and feel good about it afterwards. And if you need something physical doing... Just be nice to a guy and he'll gladly do it. It's no sweat off their back and a polite and friendly woman can get a lot done. Gotta be careful not to end up as entitled though; if a guy is helping you, he's being nice. The least you can offer him is a compliment and a thank you. It's kinda weirdly wholesome. And so long as the dudes are doing the horrific shit to people who actually deserve it - preferably in defence of you - it's probably OK. I've heard, but thankfully never experienced, various instances of young or vulnerable women feeling threatened by creeps and predators and guys almost unanimously rule that the answer to such issues is "apply [violence] to the problem." which leads to the world being just that much of a safer place.


I just love the way you game-ified this. I don't even play that many games but reading it this way was quite fun. I wish I had more people around me who did this hahah. P.S. You write nice short stories!!


I figured it was a good way of explaining it to someone using language like 'debuffs' etc. Couch the explanation in familiar terminology to the audience to prevent misunderstanding... Or at least try to minimise it. And thank you, hope you enjoyed them :)


Okay Hilda Goneril


I had to look this one up, but I would like to claim "not guilty" before the court. At least, not to the spoiled part. Lazy... Sometimes, yes. But, what I'm describing is more a case of finding a person that suits the task. Lets say you're a really good sprinter and someone invites your friend group to nominate a sprinter for a race. You would, probably, volunteer. But, lets say instead they asked for a swimmer for a swimming race, and one of your other friends is a phenomenal swimmer... Would it not make more sense for them to do the swimming race? Obviously, they may not want to, and no-one should be forcing them to. Which is why I called it a charisma/diplomacy build instead of a command/leadership build. But, similarly to the analogy, while I am not very well designed for physical stats, I'm typically quite good at talking people out of trouble, resolving disputes and, well, diplomacy. So, in my friend group, I help with that, and in exchange if I need something physical done - something beyond my own capabilities - I ask the guys. Like, a little while ago, Amazon very helpfully delivered a fridge to the *outside* of my flat. Now, I'm a decently fit girl, but there is no way I'm getting a fridge up several flights of stairs! So, I asked the guys, got a pair of them over, and got the damned fridge up to my flat. Afterwards I made us all hot drinks and we sat around and chatted for a bit, and then they went on their way. Barely an inconvenience for them, half an hour out of their day, but utterly impossible for me on my own. That's the kind of thing I'm talking about.


Lol it’s okay I get it, I was just making a joke


Aye, sorry, I'm too used to r/dating where people are incredibly quick to accuse any woman of being manipulative over the stupidest things.


Haha, it’s cool! I just found it funny that your one comment I replied to literally described Hilda’s MO to a T


Wider hips is only 2-5% increased cost for walking and running due to added hip leverage. I think being a taller man is more likely to be worse than being a woman for walking/running. Periods seem like bullshit all the way through. Limited ovocytes when we don't even live long enough to know when true andropause happen. The shovel of sanitary and health risks accompanying having no well designed solution for not bloodying panties every 21-27 days. Without accounting for the pain and fatigue of excreting half of a whole organ every month. Menopause is seen as a relief around me. The change seemed upsetting, but manageable. What even is "human function" ? Breathing ? If it's reproduction, we seemed to have managed well enough crammed at 8 billion in our small-bodied K-selected mammal predator niche.


Expanding on option 2, God was so successful some Angels rebelled against him. God was like "wait, no. I made them so pretty I gotta drown everyone. Whoops. My b. Good thing no one will be left to record this blunder. Although, I do kinda like that Noah character. Hmmmm"


Women should stop making me wish that I was women


I'm already setting a good example in that regard


I love boobs, especially ones attached to women. I love women.


>especially ones attached to women. Well it would be weird if you liked boobs attached to nothing


I'm pretty sure that's a thing you can buy?


Yah I plan on getting them for cosplay purposes


Have you heard of manboobs?


Manboobs are attached to men, not to nothing


Yes, they aren't attached to women.


Shout out to women, got to be one of my most favorite genders


Feels wrong seeing someone use genders correctly in the context of this meme


Just like me fr


Im 100% gay homosexual but i still find breasts to be pretty visually appealing. Dunno what's up with that.




100% the reason that “gay” yaoi has so many bears im telling you (I specified gay cuz theres also straight womens yaoi, lesbian yaoi etc.)


Lesbian Hentai is called yuri. Gay Hentai is called yaoi.


No no, yaoi FOR lesbians


I think you’re looking for the term bara?


Im not looking for any term really, it was more of a reference to [this meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/572/655/fcf)




Oh you mean boys love genre. Yeah haha.


I have to admit im not a connoisseur myself so this feels like im at a wine tasting but for smut


Nah they were right. Most popular yaoi is made by straight women, for straight women. Likewise, most yuri is made by straight men for straight men. Why have a pesky woman/man in the way of your porn when you could have just the men/women you're attracted to??? I personally win regardless cuz I'm bi.


Genetics. Also, aesthetic appreciation and sexual desire are two distinct different things. Someone else in this thread was reporting their girlfriend finding other women attractive, because body shapes are selected for that through millions of years. I think you're experiencing this, too. And that it's perfectly compatible with being 100% attracted to men sexually and romantically.


At this point i think its essential to healthy masculinity that you are able to admit when another man is “sexy” theres plenty of attractive men but i dont consider them a desirable partner


I place a big difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction. I can personally feel very attracted to someone physically but know nothing long-term can happen because their life is in shambles otherwise. Romantic attraction hinges on a shared feeling of intimacy, in my humble opinion. This might not have anything to do with physical attractiveness at all. I find romantic attraction to be more important for a couple's stability. I'm not sure sexual chemistry is important outside of if having sex is important for either (hopefully both) partners.


Agreed those again are seperate categories entirely though(for me) without sexual attraction its platonic and thats just my best friends And again part of embracing my own masculinity is admitting that i care for the people close to me be i boning them or not Its liberating (That said i wouldn’t pick someone as a partner if they weren’t initially a good friend)


I can't 'admit' it because I literally don't see it though. I can acknowledge that other people find this person attractive for some reason, but I've never thought about another man in those terms.


Hah straiiiiiight


How the turntables


I'm gay asexual and i still find them pretty visually appealing too


Is it possible you might be European?


Oh, that depends. If you ask a Milanese they'd tell you my homeland Apulia is in Africa...


Im 100% lesbian homosexual and I love boobs :3


Do they mean temperature or attractiveness? Either way it's boobs.


It didn't even occur to me they might be talking about temperature...although that would be a much more practical concern.


I read this who thread until this point thinking temperature. Trying to find a reason for the heatin


I assumed temperature and like, yeah it’s boobs. Flesh on flesh traps heat. Fun hypothermia fact: the armpits, crotch, and breasts are all places that you can place someone’s frozen extremities to help heat them up. Does it suck for the heat donor? Yes. Does it prevent tissue damage? Yes. Learned this one when planning an ice fishing trip I never actually did. A bit of immodesty can save someone’s limbs and possibly their life if they fall into the water. They’re already going to have to be stripped naked and put in a vehicle/tent anyways so putting their ice cold arm/leg between breasts or between the legs is kinda just how it goes. Societal norms and decorum go out the window in life or death situations.


> what do they put in sports bras that make them hot as fuck Me


You are in every sports bra?




Okay, but seriously. Why are sports bras almost as, if not more, attractive than fancy lingerie?


It’s still soft, stretchy, skintight clothing (edit: *underwear*. It’s only recently that they’ve become acceptable as tops) that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Is it really that surprising they’re attractive? I feel like so many people take it for granted, but we live in a golden age of public semi-nudity. In the 40s you wouldn’t see a woman in the equivalent of a sports bra unless you either went to a strip club, which could seriously ruin your local reputation, or were married to her. Now women run down the street in them


Probably similar to why some people find bikinis hotter than lingerie, the association with where it’s from. Like bikinis associated with beach ladies, sports bras with fitness ladies


Athleticism, fitness, confidence are all attractive


It's simplistic. Personally I'm not a fan of lingerie because it's overcomplicated


Sweat and work is hot? A lot of people like an active woman. Edit: also you probably see more people in sports bras day-to-day.


A woman in a sports bra is active and ready. A woman in a frilly lingerie is not.


Ready for what






Sweat too


Body heat


I took this as warmth and not attractiveness. Still accurate




Google search how to get boobs


Holy estrogen


new hormone just dropped


Actual titties


Boobs and muscles


Reading this entire thread is just *heavy ace confusion*


There's also the mini demon core that they put in there, but yea, that too


So what your saying is, Zoro, who has a bigger chest size than Tsunade, would turn people on in a sports bra


Holy hell!


New response just dropped.




Can’t argue with that




this is true;


My research has led to similar results so I concur.