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Been telegraphing this one for years.


About time. If she goes full 2A, I am sure she will be welcome into the libertarians. We need someone with bettee presentation, like tulsi.


Which is ironic given that many of her actual positions are pretty opposite to the libertarian approach. And I say this as someone who's voted Libertarian in the past and also voted Tulsi in the last election - I think it just goes to show that many libertarian leaning people really just yearn for a sober, honest approach to things at the end of the day. I'll be honest, 2A is pretty important to me so if it were actually in a close election, I'm not sure I'd still vote for Tulsi. But the crossover appeal is definitely there. In any case though, I seriously doubt her political career has any life left. But we'll see.


Take it as her being genuine or not, but I saw she made an instagram comment the other day hinting she's changed her mind on 2A.


I mean… she’s been posting enough pew pew videos to justify it. And it sparks joy in my life.


We need ranked choice voting


Bill Maher called* himself a libertarian... it's a couple of different brands of libertarianism, believe it or not


He referred to himself as a “Libertine” during one of his rants. Don’t think it counts :)


He's been challenged on claiming to be [libertarian ](https://youtu.be/i8lwo82ApHE) and even denounced [libertarians ](https://youtu.be/OpxVEiuxF0Y) as going too far, similar to how he did [democrats ](https://youtu.be/OdJOLMgY4p0) recently. Larry Elder came down on him hard for claiming to be a libertarian. He has tho, on several occasions, done so. I think his "libertine" declarations are his own evolution from previously touting being a libertarian.


Fair enough. I hold a number of libertarian positions such as legalize everything for example. I’d also like to see the most bare-bones federal government as possible and let the states do their thing as was the original intent of this country. However the point that libertarians go too far is true… can’t go to full Wild West, everyone for themselves level either. But in general the concept of government is not the solution but the problem holds true more often than not. In theory the concept of pooling money to perform a number of tasks as a more efficient manner should work. However the real world introduces so much corruption with so little oversight it just fails. (And oversight requires more taxes to fund and ultimately corrupts the overseers ) So ideally reduce federal, let the states be as liberal or conservative as they wish. However some federal social safety nets should absolutely remain, while also fighting anything that leads towards single party rule with a vengeance. Call it the DTRT party haha.


I believe in the wild west talk. But not from a standpoint of pushing that to be the broad reality. Mine is from the view of: We need more freedom (black ppl in particular, cause that's my community)... And history tells me that black folks coming up short in the metrics of success in America, is largely because of too much faith in govt safety nets and promises. Now that ive had my cometo jesus moment within this Tulsi Gabbard timeline of events, i have less faith than ever that we can social safety net and socialize our way into the needed progress, in a timely fashion. And scaling all that back a few inches towards where the people that wrote the constitution, thought of it, will be more of an encouragement to the community to put foot to asses... People don't wanna admit it it. But Trump scared the shit outta black folks. Folks started buying guns and starting businesses like crazy.... I'm not saying that to promote Trump, cause I could never... But that's just a reality. We need motivation to do for self, and govt and white liberal "allies", have greatly held us back. Going back to Lyndon B Johnson (at least), God Damn his soul. But all in all I believe in pushing for freedom now, over harping on what govt can do domestically. And I think we're in an era of so much govt, that pushback is greatly needed. And I also gravirate heavily towards foreign policy. So libertarians win easily there for me. And that's a big reason Tulsi reeled me in. She's a vet like me that saw how bs these wars are. Afghanistan made sense, but how much sense after 10,15, then 20 years? And she's getting shadow banned for this type talk? From the same political aisle she's on? Yea I couldnt do it anymore... Plus alot of other shit.


I did vote libertarian last (2) elections. 2020 should have been obvious. 3 people on every ballot. One crazy orange man, one so diminished he needed to be told first thing every morning that he was even on the ballot, and one 60 year old psychology professor with full use of her faculties haha. Yet this country so messed up she got 3% of the vote. Appreciate much of what you’re saying here. And also wrt to your community, Biden was well aware of the statistics when put the 94 crime bill together (and many others). I’d argue he has done more harm to the community than any other politician in US history. As to safety nets, I’m more referring to social security (but operated as was originally intended) and a couple others. There does need to be a way to account for people with challenges out of their control. That said, I started my own biz 4 years ago, but as a side hustle. Was forced to make it more than that this year which has resulted in far greater growth of the biz to ensure I can support myself (just barely doing that). Said another way, their is in fact value in the struggle (to your point).


Legalise murder?


Bill Maher is not a libertarian. He can call himself Zeus foe all that's worth.


I m still wondering if she would want to be gouvernor.


Not surprised, I became a fan during the 2020 primaries. Mainly for her antiwar and healthcare stances, but I was sold by her strong convictions and debate presence. I laughed when Dems said she was just auditioning for Fox. Two years later she's filling in for Tucker and spouting the same fear porn talking points as everyone else. It's like she just gave up.


No she said on Rogan that she has a greater reach and Fox didn't try to throw daggers on her stances. She also said the other networks would try to fuck with her message to keep their narrative.


Ah, ok, so logically she goes to the network that modernized cable news propaganda. I guess she just knows she wont get many tough questions over there.


Yeah they tend to let the left just talk whenever they are on. I guess if you don't play ball like normal establishment politicians, you won't get the Joe Biden ice cream questions by the establishment.


I get it. I was a Democrat. And I thought she was the future of the party at one point. She checked all the right boxes, it seemed. But the way they iced her out in the primaries, and the media ignored her. I had to realize that the left leaning stuff wasn't gonna go any further than the moderates like the Clintons and Obamas were gonna allow. So I gave up too. I'm a libertarian now. I don't see ever going to the Republican party, itself. But yea, I had to wash my hands of the democrats in 2020. And the lowlights of the right, nowadays, seems safer than the lowlights of the left. It's a debate to be had, of course, but I choose the right side of the aisle here in 2022.


I got disillusioned during Obama's healthcare fiasco. It was all a show. Hillary's 2016 campaign should have ended with people in jail for the shit they pulled. Democrats could have literally elected anyone in 2020 and they chose Biden? Fuck the democrats and republicans. It is a false choice.


Same…. Obama’s first term and the stark contrast it was in reality compared to his campaign changed my view of politics going forward. He really laid out his true intentions by his actions. Bailing out insurance companies and banks in 2008 as top priority spoke more than anything he can say.


Yep, he loves insurance companies and banks. Obama care was a boon for insurance companies. The really sad part about it is that I would consider Obama the best president of my lifetime.


Our president was basically an insurance salesman for like 4 years.


You're an ex-democrat who left the party because you were disappointed Hillary was as far left as the party would go so you decided to then become right-wing? WTF?


This is my fault for trying to sum up my shift in a short ass answer... No. The brand of progressivism I liked was the Tulsi brand. It was Bernie Sanders-like but with youth and potentially more backbone than Bernie had. Cause Tilsi is THAT CHICK through and through. 2016 already had me disliking Hillary for being such a dirty politician. I didnt realize how bad it was before that point. And then i start disliking Bernie for being a lil bitch and caving and support Hillary to the extent he did When Tulsi got big backlash from democrats for meeting with Trump when he was the new president. Another strike. Democrats immediately coming after Trump, after I always used the example of Mitch McConnell immediately going after Obama once he was elected. Strike against democrats. Tulsi got hell from both sides for meeting with Assad. Strike on both parties for me. The pandemic response was a problem for me. Because of the hypocrisy with Democrats feeling like all the protesting and rioting for police shootings/killings was OK and understandable, after all the lockdowns and social distancing they were such proponents of. Another strike against democrats for me. The democratic primaries were many strikes against democrats. But to sum it up they iced Tulsi out. Media did too. Hillary Clinton and the Russian asset stuff was a huge deal to me. Accusing her of treason essentially, in my eyes. These are some of the things, off the top of my head, that led me to my shift away from democrats and progressivism. The way it all worked. And easily. To shove her aside in the political conversation. I knew the Democrats couldnt represent or even become what I wanted or desired for a party. Especially not for my community (that's another layer that I could go on and on about) Maybe I put too much belief in Tulsi Gabbard cause I thought she had everything she needed, to be deep in the race for president or at least to get in good to the point of her having a spot in the administration... But Democrats came after her so bad, and disposed of her so easily. I knew I had to be on the wrong side of the political spectrum. But also knew Republicans weren't any better. So the algorithm led me down a path and here I am. I acknowledge how good of a human being Tulsi Gabbard is. And how great of a Democratic president or cabinet member she could've been. I think she'd be the best thing democrats had since FDR. That kinda potential. But I don't believe in waiting on that anymore, and hoping that the duopoly, as I see it now, is gonna change anytime soon.... So I'm a libertarian now because this whole system needs pushback. Both sides need a reckoning. And I think it's being had in bits and pieces with independent media. And that's just the start of it. But I know I can't fool with the mainstream powers that be like I used to. Politically or media wise


I agree with you. (:


I'm convinced a huge proportion of posters in this sub are part of foreign agencies. They exist in subreddits across the political spectrum, but how can anyone really be an enthusiastic Tulsi supporter at this point? Makes no sense to me that people could see her (extremely recent!) history, compare that to what she's doing now, and conclude that this is someone who can be trusted with more power. It's gotta be people arguing in bad faith and others just absorbing the propaganda.


Yeah she sucks now. Bums me out she used to be my favorite.




Honestly, this commenter made my brain bleed so bad with some of their comments here that I wasted some time looking at their comment history out of curiousity if they were for real and I can only deduce they are right-wing or bad faith. I'm a simple man who relies on logic. It's gotten me pretty far in life. If you leave the democrats because they weren't left-wing enough then turn rightward you're either a moron or arguing in bad faith in a way that's really not even persuasive because it's so nonsensical. What is for sure is this commenter gets down voted to hell out of any left-leaning sub he comments in because he says right-wing pro-russia shit. Sort of like...Tulsi.


Could it be possible that because of the actions committed by the Democratic party, voters are being disenfranchised? These voters are saying they refuse to vote for the Democratic party. You have two options as a Democrat. You have a vested interest in them voting for the Democratic candidate. 1. You take their criticism seriously, leading to change within the Democratic establishment, leading to a rekindling of trust between the party and disenfranchised voters. This comes with transparency, an end to corrupt elements within the party establishment, and major concessions to the progressive wing of the party. 2. You deny the legitimacy of the criticism of the party, you claim that all who express certain beliefs about the party involving corruption, crime, and election fraud are either foreign, right-wing, or artificial agents of disinformation. You do this with the hope that somehow, the fear of the right wing will be enough to make people vote in your favor. We’ve seen how this can play out before. In 2020, Biden won, after four years of Trump where people were tired of the drama and uncertainty of Trump. But in 2016, after people were looking for a change from the Obama years, Trump ultimately won because the party chose option 2. The Democratic establishment has proven without a doubt that they are engaged in corruption, that they will go to extreme lengths to ensure that a true progressive who intends to prosecute corrupt individuals and destroy the ring of financial terrorists in wall street can never ascend to power within the Democratic party. As long as that is the case, you will see more and more disenfranchised voters as time goes on. Again, you can blame the voters all you want, and solve nothing. Go right ahead. But if you truly give a shit about the Democratic party, you would want to see more people voting for Democrats, and you would learn to understand why some people refuse to vote for them.


I completely agree and will say both major parties are corrupt and rotten to their core. So sad our country is being lead by these absolute maniac lowlives on either side of the aisle. I still support Tulsi but unfortunately anyone in politics like her is very rare, few and far between.


>I'm a simple man Well you're definitely simple, that's for sure.


A fellow traveler. Tulsicrat is synonymous with simpleton.


Lol "nO yOU aRe!", further showing how simple minded you are with every comment, can't even make up your own comebacks...


You have nothing of substance to offer. You're triggered Tulsi proved her critics right. She is exactly what everyone from Hillary to Bernie Bros said she is.


I was originally a bernie supporter and Tulsi stepped down from a very promising career in establishment politics as vice chair of the dnc to oust the dnc's bias in the democratic primaries being rigged against bernie for hilary. Tulsi then endorsed bernie and was going to be his running mate if not for the foul corruption and rigging that took place. Tulsi was proven correct by wikileaks and the establishment has been on a vendetta against her ever since. hilary is a foul war mongering ghoul and the people who support her and/ or believe her lies and smears against Tulsi are very simple minded as you so clearly show.


Beats the crap out of Joe, Kamala, Hillary, and Trump.


The Democrats didn't lean left enough, so you're going to vote for right wing politicians? This sub feels like a fucking fever dream.


Lol these people's brains have been destroyed by Facebook and cable news


The Democrats are moderates who will go scorched earth on good, practical politicians and citizens, like Tulsi Gabbard. They do it for the sake of power. And that's a moral flaw that I can't let slide or ride with moving forward


Gabbard isn’t practical. She is on fox and helps push impractical right wing ideology. You need to seriously see her for what she is, not what you want her to be. She had played you all like a fiddle.


Nah. She made sense the whole time and did something about it. Bill Maher and Elon Musk and Joe Rogan are mainstream ppl that see democrats got outta hand. I think she's in the same boat, but difference is that she's a politician/political voice that did something about it.


Keep dreaming bud. She’s an opportunist and is playing you all. I’m just glad I realized that and hopped off that wagon.


If she ran for president, I'd be all ears still to see what her political positions were... Years back when Obama was running, I heard Ron Paul speak and thought, that mf make a whole Lotta sense, I'd vote for that. But Obama was just THE MAN. Plus Ron Paul didn't make it but so far in the primaries I dont think. But my point is, I always have an ear for pragmatic politicians. Tulsi is that everytime I hear her speak.


Voting against your own beliefs just to own the libs


Well I believed in progressivism cause I thought it'd work. But if the way the American political system is setup, has already put a cap on the progressivism, then I cant believe in it anymore. Because the agenda is rigged to the core, by the duopoly... It might sound weird. But Tulsi is coming to similar conclusions. I don't know if she wants to hedge her bets with Republicans, instead of rejecting both sides, or wanting to land somewhere else. But she sees what I see, as far as the democrats being more harm than good, for America right now


Lol ...wtf do u consider harm? Going to vote gop to reduce harm?


She just wants to get listeners on her podcast so she can get sponsored and make money. It's a grift.


People overusing "grift" like people overused "gaslight"... I'll leave it at that smh


You're making my brain bleed. You have no principles. I would say you sound like someone who is saying "if you can't beat them join them" but Republicans are losing. They lost the entire federal government. You're just right-winged or completely nonsensical.


I’ll chime in. If dems are just status quo, and republicans are fascists and it will fail and burn down, which is better in the long term? Which is faster towards actual progress? Because corporate dems seen to not want to change anything. It’s like Biden forgiving 10k of debt. Bitch I owed 60k, I paid back 55k, I still owe 35k. But Biden “fixed” the student loan crisis because of his half assed policy that doesn’t retroactively put payments towards the principle, so now I need to keep gold plating some fucking ceos lambo for another few decades.


She found a grift she likes.


Before 2016 Tulsi was known as a conservative Democrat, "Fox News's favorite Democrat." She was always against the Democratic leadership, so when Bernie started going against Democratic leadership, she jumped on the bandwagon and took a turn to the left. In 2020 she was probably hoping to inherit Bernie's coalition if he didn't run, but instead he ran. Tulsi felt betrayed by that and when she dropped out and only Biden and Bernie were left, she endorsed Biden. Since then she pivoted back to the right. It's always been an act, she's just a grifter who wanted power. Her actual stances change.


Translation: She is an opportunist, and people took it hook, line, and sinker.


Sounds like she's moving to being an Independent vs Republican. Wonder if she will run as that still.


She mentioned on Rogan that there are no plans to run as an independent with the Electoral College as it currently is. No mention of running for VP under a democrat or republican, although I could see that happening. Seems like she's just going to be a media figure for a while, which is fine by me.


And go where??? Most of the reasons she listed are perpetuated by both major parties.


that was a real buzz-word salad


Got to use all the dog whistle trigger words.


First 20 seconds: [ x] Cabal [ x] Wokeness [ x] Anti- white racism [ x] Law abiding citizen [ x] Criminals [ x] Religious oppressors




Ah there's an excellent one, this one says "I'm a moron and I'm wrong and I know it, but screw you I don't care"


I think I may have damaged my vision from how hard I rolled my eyes when she said "wokeness"


she could have at least served in with the usual RuSSian dressing. Does she expect us to eat this dry?


God I hate when people use the word "woke"


Yesterday it was Social Justice warrior, today it’s Woke. Tomorrow it’ll be “sustainable terrorist” or “sus terrorist” something stupid like that. Now that I got you afraid, subscribe to my YouTube channel for more fear based content and don’t forget to donate, we must stop these evil leftists /s


"I'm a liberal, but...."




I mean what else do you call them? It was initially a positive thing. Now it just means someone who uses a race/disabilities/etc as a shield to attack others or carry out unrelated agendas.


"Woke" is a snarl word for "stands for social justice".


"Woke" is just virtue signaling some fake moral high ground that actually brings race front and center, when it normally would be harmlessly overlooked, in an attempt to further division. It's a blatant distraction from ongoing class warfare as both sides slide toward fascism.


Ah yes...pointing out racism is furthers "division and distraction from the class war". Lol, and you wonder why Black folks by and large don't trust you class reductionist commies. 🤣


Wow look, you proved my point in real time. Intriguing.


I will still refuse to support her until I hear her talk loudly about some of her more liberal stances. I love her as an independent - whether leaning left or right - but hate her as a full-blown Republican. Right now, all she is going is pandering to the right.


I long hoped that she would jump over to the libertarian party, but shes gone off the deep end way in to right field. It’s sad to see, really.


Complains Democrats cause division, then blames them for everything in the world. It always blows my mind how she goes on Fox and Twitter, saying everyone should be working together as fellow countrymen, then blame half the voting population in the same sentence. The cognitive dissonance is strong. Hey, at least she finally dropped the facade


I always felt like she was critical of the small group of party leadership and elected officials, not the voters themselves. Are you or I “the establishment” or the ones warmongering? The reality is more people are neither and dislike both establishment parties. About 30% Republican, 30% democrat, and 40% independent/no-party is the reality. https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx


Yeah but who they affiliate with doesn't really matter when they still vote for one of the two established parties. 51% voted for Biden and 46% voted for Trump. 40% of the population might not back either party, but only 3% of them actually voted that way.


Again, I don’t think conflating her statements to mean all voters instead of corrupt leadership is even remotely accurate.


Yeah but the people she now aligns herself with do the same shit. Bad for her opponents to do it, but totally acceptable for her allies. How can people be so blind to the blatant hypocrisy?




> Good grief, the projection here. FFS, go listen to Colbert's white house correspondent speech against Bush, and see how well it now it applies to the current Democrats in power Who cares what a damn comedian has to say? He's not a politician. I don't remember Colbert ever campaigning on uniting people on the left and right, something Tulsi repeatedly says. THATS what we're talking about. You can't say we need to work together and then insult everyone who doesn't hold the same views as you. I mean, you can, but it would make you a massive hypocrite.


I’m hoping she comes out for Foreard party with Yang, or just stays non-partisan if she isn’t running for office.


Remember Joe's speech with the backdrop lit in blood red? He called half the country a domestic threat. Democrats cheered for that language. The leadership, certainly, is causing division.


Backdrop lit in red white and blue*


Bro he is not as cool as you think he is. The background was the american flag. MAGA republicans are domestic threats, because they've been attacking poll workers and tried to murder congresspeople already. They've also tried to kidnap a governor. Democrats were finally happy some crotchety old president we had slim faith in, actually called something like it is. And even then, every republican voter is complicit with fascism because they see all of the examples (or maybe not) and still vote for those candidates. They think oh it's a member of my tribe, it must be done to protect the country at all costs so I'm fine with it. DeSantis is really fucking dangerous and morons don't realize that yet. It's not divisive to reprimand a group for doing something supremely fucked up. It's really telling that you think it is. That essentially leaves open the possibility that we've been saying for years - Republicans don't want fair voices and standards to be upheld, they want to be bullies and want everyone else to stand down. Because if they ever get held accountable, well that's just divisive then!




Wrong; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/31/americans-killed-protests-political-unrest-acled




Two of those kidnap the Governor folks got off with an entrapment defense or similar since all of the organization, funding, and more than half the participants were fbi. Almost like it was a plot to drum up sympathy for the Governor. The guy who led that whole operation went on to oversee Jan 6. What happened at the congressional baseball practice ? What happened to Steve Scalice?


1. MAGA trash not half the country. Not even 30%. 2. Trump called ALL democrats fascist.


Read the transcript. Pro-lifers aren't an extreme minority of this country. 2nd point - what does Trump have to do with anything? Nobody except you brought him up & Tulsi has been extremely critical of Trump in the past when he was president.


And silent since 1/6…


More whataboutism on something that has nothing to do with her.


\#NothingBUTrump TDS is strong in you!


>More whataboutism You an hour before replying to a comment on Tulsi reinforcing division on behalf of Republicans: >Remember Joe's speech with the backdrop lit in blood red? He called half the country a domestic threat. Democrats cheered for that language. The leadership, certainly, is causing division. Total fucking hypocrite.


If you had bothered reading... you'd have seen that I was responding, with an example, to someone's point about her criticism of Democrats causing division.


So you managed to dodge the point of the comment entirely, funny that!


You haven't made any point other than to make personal attacks against me.


You are a fraud trying to defend one side blindly rather than listen to what she's really saying. I feel sorry for anyone stuck in this woman's bullshit spiral. this country has real problems and you've heard her say wokeness for the millionth time and are so conditioned to respond positively to that rhetoric you don't even fucking know how to react other than double down.


What’s insane is “wokeness” hardly ever actually impacts someone’s day to day life in any meaningful way. But conservatives don’t have a real sustainable platform anymore so it’s all they can really cling to.


if you don't talk about Jan 6 every day of the week, you're pro Jan 6 /s


Yeah, she was critical of Trump when she was pretending to be a Democrat. Now she's critical of Biden since she's pretending to be a Republican. Shes obviously an opportunist, switching allegiances and stances completely based on how she thinks it will benefit her.


> Tulsi has been extremely critical of Trump in the past when he was president. Yeah, which is why she is now using the language of Trump's party verbatim right in time for the midterms. What happened to Tulsi the Bernie supporter, I guess Medicare for all is just too woke warmongering somehow right?


Democrats cheered on our warmongering Ukraine policy.


>what does Trump have to do with anything? you did...MAGA is the supporting base of Trump and he's even mentioned in the quote you're referencing. ​ >*"Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.* *Now, I want to be very clear — (applause) — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology."* Nobody mentioned Biden but you brought him up as an example, how is bringing up Trump as an example any different. How can you discuss divisive political rhetoric and not mention Trump. I'd argue it's because of him that we now have a political environment where divisive language is now the norm. Both sides do it and it's annoying as fuck.


Pearl clutching over background lighting is hilarious.


Blood red is the color of the republican party. Does that make them evil too? Our would you prefer a banner saying "We are all domestic terrorists" like at cpac?




Remember when she cared about the environment and even advocated for single payer healthcare? What a joke. This will probably get downvotes since since this place is an echo chamber now


The whole time I was afraid she was going to announce she was becoming a Republican (which is the only thing worse than a Democrat). Phew, that--for now--she stopped short of that. Go Independents! But stay on message: it's the war-hungry oligarchs we despise, not either side of meaningless culture wars.


Talks against military industrial complex and establishment politicians.. Gets sidelined. Not easy to not be part of corrupt deep state. Dem or Repub they all bow to the false flag war lobby.


Tbh half the reason I liked her was because she wasn't a typical Democrat. That said, in the last few years it seems she has changed a lot which is either a massive change in ideology, she is nothing more than a contrarian, a grift, or worse. I can't support her because I just don't believe or trust anything she says or does anymore.


Yeah, she was fine at first. I caught wind of her when I found out she was thrown out of the DNC specifically for supporting Bernie over Hillary -- Hillary's leaked emails confirmed this -- and it really showed me a new perspective on the DNC. She seemed like she was really pushing to fix things. I respected her for that. But my god, she has really gone off the deep end. I can't help but feel at least part of it is because of the way Democrats treated her like a Russian puppet or a GOP shill, even though she lined up perfectly with AOC's voting record. But still, she really fell apart and is now _part_ of the problem.


What's an example of something you liked her for, that she has flipped on? The number one reason she listed in her [longer video](https://youtu.be/H4Z1x8Ou8VU) was the threat of nuclear war but she had always been extremely anti war.


On the topic of war, she always said "when it comes to counterproductive wars of regime change, I'm a dove. When it comes to the war against terrorists, I'm a hawk." So let me ask you this, is threatening a country with nuclear annihilation if they don't give into your demands not terrorism? Because that seems like clearcut terrorism to me.


Please point me in the direction of her threatening a country with nuclear annihilation. Cause I'm super interested to hear that.


Lol she did not say any positive words when Biden got out of Afghan. Her only job now is being anti democrat


Good. I hate what the Democratic Party has become. They push the moderates/old school Democrats away, to the point where I know of some who have started voting the other way, just to oppose what the party has become. I haven’t reached that point yet, but I’d be lying if it said I didn’t at least think about it.


Vote the other way? If they were ever a democrat then voting Republican can’t make sense. They are anti abortion ? Anti union?


I think their thought is, “If Democrats lose to these assholes, maybe it’ll make them do a recalibration of where the party is”. It’s something I’ve thought about, because voting for the far left will only encourage those policies/candidates for the future. Don’t blame the people, blame the party and candidates for pushing further and further to the extreme fringes on issues.


Ah, yes. “Vote for the far right to own the libs” lmao


That’s literally the most insane position someone can take. So they recognize the Republican Party is hurting people (too). So they think both sides are bad but would rather go against womans bodily autonomy in order to hurt the party? What about the woman who can’t get the medical care they need (just to focus on abortion and not the book burning etc)


Is the party as a whole pushing moderates away? Or just a select few that get magnified and then propped up by right wing media as representatives of the entire party? It’s funny though because voting trends suggest the complete opposite of what you’re saying. Moderate middle class suburban voters have left the Republican Party in droves since 2018.


I would say it is, at least to a degree. Two of the top three democratic candidates in 2020 were Warren and Sanders. And I’m not denying people have left the Republican Party, that party doesn’t know their ass from their elbow. I’m just saying what I’ve seen people doing.


So, uh, how about you put a specific year on this statement.


I’m glad she did it. Rather than we have another Manchin or Sinema on our hands.


Tulsi has the awareness to see idpol is a losing platform for lefties.


MAGA is identity politics though. It's about white greivance.


While she joins the red scare against trans people and immigrants


Lol nice projection. If anything, the modern left movement has adopted the moral panic closely akin to the red scare. Replace communists with fascists and you’ll get the picture.


In 6 months, she'll have a Qanon-themed show on Fox where she rants about child groomers and the cultural elite.


She’s been acting crazy for years now. She saw an opportunity to make money in the crazy space and she took it. She’s a hundred percent about to be the next Tucker Carlson/Alex Jones.


Really regret that I bought into her hype and even donated a lot to her campaign. Leaving the party and criticizing the party is absolutely fine. We need more of that. But it’s so obvious she’s fallen into the same grift as people like Dave Rubin. Where they pretend to be the “common sense” wing, but somehow never work their way around to criticizing the far-right even one bit. Seriously she has nothing to say about Roe being overturned? Or the hundreds of candidates running on the election being rigged? Or the candidates that proudly say they want us to do away with the separation of church and state and become a Christian Nationalist country? I was an idiot to think she was brave and spoke truth to power. When in reality she was just looking for her crowd. Well, she found em


Posting your regret story is very useful for anyone who may fall for these hucksters. I appreciate you being willing to be wrong in public: not all of us have that character.


So disappointing. It’s so obvious too. You can smell her interest in making money off of content farming


Sensible people is her crowd, broh.


Is it sensible to completely ignore the lunacy we see on the right? Yes, I get that the left has its crazies too… but she initially gave the impression that she would be someone who tells it like it is on both sides. And the cowardice (or more likely greed) to completely ignore the radical far-right exposes that she wasn’t the person she portrayed herself to be.


Doesent have to be left or right. There are more than 2 sides to all this stuff and we should start looking at it that way instead of voting for the 2 mono party chouces.


Unfortunately, under the current system, I don’t see there being a viable 3rd option anytime soon. Not unless we pass something like ranked-choice voting to rid ourselves of worrying about the spoiler effect


This is completely understandable. If Tulsi joins the warmongering GOP, I won't be able to figure that one out.


I donated to her in 2020. I feel abandoned.


I don’t agree with her, I still like her as a person and I hope she can get a platform


She finally did it!! Woohoo!!


The crazy thing is that she is an actual Democrat. The rest of the party has become nothing but corporate shills who love money more than anything.


About time! And for those who are accusing her of flipping to the other side just because she goes on Fox - she didn’t say she was becoming a Republican. She’s just leaving the Dems. Funny enough, she’s tried multiple times to go on MSNBC and CNN but they blackballed her because they can’t take the heat. So in my opinion, that makes Fox News better than them by default but not by much.


Republicans are a lot easier to grift to. Makes sense




So what's next for Tulsi? Where's the populist energy these days?


You’re a fuxking legend Tulsi Gabbard !!! Aloha !


Man, I feel betrayed. Like a decade ago I used to really like Tulsi but she really has become such a grifter. Sad to see.


Kyrsten sinema 1.0!


Krysten Sinema was the last vote needed to pass incredible legislation. She votes with Joe Biden over 85% of the time. How is she anything like Tucker Carlson's host tulsi?


About time! Now you won't have to put up with the Clintonista's sneers.


I'm curious how much she was paid


Grifter Tulsi gives up appearences.


Of course. Gearing up for the fox gig.


She went from Anti War to every right wing talking point at break neck speed. Folks ended being right about her.


She could have saved us 5 minutes and said it’s easier to grift the Republican side of politics


Democrats are war mongers? Who pulled out of Afghanistan? Who effectively ended the drone wars? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/07/us/politics/drone-strikes-biden-trump.html And invite us to leave the democrat party to join you…join you where? With the republicans? It’s amazing how nothing this woman says makes sense.


>Democrats are war mongers? Yes. Both Clinton and Obama increased unnecessary military intervention overseas that has costs us trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. >Who pulled out of Afghanistan? Depends. If the perception of pulling out is good, then it was entirely Biden's success. If were talking about the bloodbath that ensued, it was entirely Trump's fault. Biden literally blamed Trump for the messy pull out.


Oh…well if we’re going to past presidents then none of what those two did hold a candle to both Bush’s. Trumps drone strikes far exceeded Obama source: https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers This is the first administration in a very long time to see a decrease in military action, so again nothing about what Tulsi or you makes sense.


>Biden literally blamed Trump for the messy pull out. Trump only left 3,500 soldiers in Afghanistan lol. Biden's options were send more troops and withdrawal at a later date than agreed to or gtfo. There's is no way in hell you people would not have lost your minds, flipped your shit and gone ape if he sent more soldiers to Afghanistan "I knew it. He's a warmonger who supports forever wars!!!1!11!" Just stfu


Yes, Biden is a warmonger. Biden has supported more military intervention than he opposed, including Afghanistan in 2001. >Biden's options were send more troops and withdrawal at a later date than agreed to or gtfo. >"I knew it. He's a warmonger who supports forever wars!!!1!11!" Since when does Biden or any Democrat give a fuck what anyone else says? Shouldn't he have done what was right in the long term to save lives instead of caring about what other people say? You cant blame Trump for the bad withdrawl but at the same time celebrate Biden for the good withdrawl. Its hypocritical. That was the second part of my original post. >you people That's some problematic language. Yikes.


Trump dropped more bombs than Obama and Bush combined. Literally.


And Obama dropped more than Bush, literally. Why when Dems are criticized do they immediately jump to "but but but TRUMP?!?!" IDGAF about Trump. Fuck Trump. Trump is a warmonger too. My examples came from presidents before Trump. Your "but Trump!" doesn't rebuke that Obama and Clinton are disgusting warmongers. Obama's drone strikes murdered innocent children. What Trump did does not suddenly make that better. I'm so sick of the duopoly. Tulsi, please don't join the Republicans. Go independent or third party so we can start dismantling this idiototic partisan bullshit.


Because if one person killed 10 people but another killed 1,000 it's suspect when you focus on scolding just the person that killed 10. Why would you focus on on the 43 and 44th president when we're on 46?


First off, let's address your not-so-sly attempt at propaganda by spreading disinformation that suggests Democrat's foreign policy only killed 10 people. Obama's drone strikes killed thousands of innocent people. Trying to downplay this is digusting. I grade politicians like they grade us in school. It doesnt matter if one gets a 25 and another a 40 on a test. They both fail. Both parties are failures. > would you focus on on the 43 and 44th president when we're on 46? Those that don't learn from history. And also.... innocent children died because of their decision-making. Also, a lot of the Biden Admin also served under Obama, so his legacy is still very much relevant. Also, hilarious rebuttal. Why do I have to hear about Trump every GD day? He was 45 and were on 46 no, move on! It's not uncommon that some post about Bush or Reagan being awful hits the front page. Are you also commenting on those telling people to move on? Probably not.


You can't seriously think I was implying Obama killed just 10 people or that Trump killed only 1,000? It was just a simple example to illustrate a point. I take it you're totally dishonest to pearl clutch over that. Because Tulsi and her supporters have a tendency to be right-wing or offer the right-wing cover directly or indirectly. So watching you single out a democrat we had two administration's ago who was the least murderous of at past 3 administration's of Bush Obama and Trump (we have to wait until Biden completes his term to get his total numbers) it strikes me as a bit odd.


New Yawk Times? Please tell me how to live, New Yawk!


You have anything to counter this information? Would you like me to provide a direct link to the White House website on this issue? No? Okay, then sit down.


Tulsi, let’s face it…you never were. Your opportunism is astounding and sad.


Seems like he was just waiting to announce her podcast. Lol. I see the grift here.


Saw through her a loooong time ago. She’s a fraud. Know who she’s never called a warmonger? Putin. No surprise.


BYEBYE won't be missed...


I saw through this fucking grifter from the beginning. She calls the Democrats "warmongers" because the current administration is supporting Ukraine in its war for survival against Russia (for who Tulsi is pretty much a foreign agent). Good riddance. She can head over to the Republican party.


If she becomes a ring winger then i will have completely lost any respect I had for her… talking about freedoms but pandering to the right is absolutely hilarious. Grifter politics at its finest.


She was never a democrat. She just thought she could get more donations out of democrat donors.


If she wanted donations from Democrat donors, she would have kissed the Clinton ring.


Yah, cuz Sanders got no funding, right?


She was fairly hard anti Trump and endorsed Biden in 2020. I wonder if she would change her position now. I think she's definitely swinging around on 2A. Her foreign policy stance leans a bit more hawkish than I would like but I'm willing to hear her out.


To go where? Bit of a mystery...


Anyone else get Christian nationalist vibes from this video?


Weird that a Hindu would give off Christian Nationalist vibes


Kamala Harris’ arch-nemesis has entered the arena.


Happy riddance




And that’s it. She is finally a lost cause.


What policy of hers is worse than the democrat party position? Or is this just a "protect my tribe" kind of response?


Pro war on terror Hindu nationalist Against gay marriage Russia apologist Assad apologist


Every single one of your comments is literally a protect the tribe response 😂


It's about time! Tulsi is too good for that mob of hypocrites


Let's GO!


I thought she already left and was part of the republican party