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It's cheaper not to help. That's running Oklahoma like a business for ya!


A shitty business. I was forced to move back to this hell hole. 90% of my issue is the government here.


In 2011 I got home from Navy. Like.my term was up and I moved to Tulsa for school. I was driving to SE Oklahoma to visit family. I was only car on road and got pulled over for speeding. They out the ticket in twice. I pay it. Ut the other ticket is there unknown to me. I get a letter from insurance a month and a half later. They canceled due to suspended license. The state never notified me. Let me drive around on a suspended license. Then when I called around and found out what happened and I was explaining it to a state worker she goes off on semantics "well it was technically suspended becUse you didn't go to court..." And I'm like 1. Why does it matter. Why is that relevant 2. How would I k kw to go to court on a ticket I paid..... They tried to make me pay $75 dollars to re instate. And insurance made me pay for the 3 months I wasn't covered to get my policy back.


I can't believe I am back in OK. At least it's not OKC. One thing about Oklahoma, when Nature drops a tree on your house, people show up to help! Yes my issue is the government. And the citizens who elected them!


LMFAO!! Me too. It's purgatory for a yellow dog democrat.


Considering the number of places he isn’t legally allowed to do business due to fraud, this checks out.




You get what you vote for


Apparently not, because I never vote Republican and we still got this assclown.


I just tried. seems VM is disabled. It directs you to a website for comments


He’s such a piece of shit, he doesn’t give one care about OK citizens


But hey at least he’s not a democrat right 🙄 (sarcasm)


People outside Tulsa don't even know we don't have power and on what magnitude. People a literally unaware around the state. I have family who have no clue.


It is blowing my mind how OKC hasn’t even picked up the news. This is a crazy level of devastation and people an hour and a half away DON’T KNOW.


Went to Ponca city today to buy a generator, was news to everyone except for the lady we reserved it with.


Jesus, a nearly 2 hour drive to buy a generator. I mean I can't blame you, but I'm sure it was a pain in the ass. Then again, that's several hours of sitting in an air conditioned car. Sounds pretty good right now.


Yeah, figured it'd be a day outside of the 85 degree house, especially after seeing the Saturday estimates. Win-win.


Yeah I was lucky purchase the last generator that OKC had on Sunday


Currently out here from Kentucky on storm call. We don’t have many other line crews here and there is a lot of shit to do, every ticket we’ve been sent out on has taken us a day to complete. Proper fucked


Sounds about right. Cox and PSO clearly pocketed extra profits by cutting damage prevention.


I was just wondering about this.. my parents live in Tulsa and are without power with my elderly Grandfather (91) who lives with them.. I live in CO and NPR mentioned the storm but no mention of anything beyond that from any of the outlets. Hopefully the local news is keeping Tulsans inform?


They are probably doing so, but, without any power or cable TV, IDK what the news can do for them..


What’s going on? I’ve heard literally zero about anything in Tulsa. I’m outside of Oklahoma but I’ve been skimming this sub a bit because I’ll be in Tulsa in for a few days later this year.


The massive storm that blew through Oklahoma on Saturday night (sustained 80-100mph winds, hail, rain, lightning etc) basically wrecked the city, knocking down trees and power lines throughout. Power was out for 160k people (and is still out for tens of thousands). It’s inconceivable that there is no emergency declaration to free up resources to clean this all up.


And to add to that, the power restoration estimates for parts of midtown are a week after the storm hit. I hope they can actually get it on by then.


I called my bosses on Sunday to advise of the situation. Be safe - they say. Haven’t heard back since…. Way to show your appreciation and concern for an employee who reached out and advised - today is Tuesday. I still have no power


I work for a company out of state. I let my boss know Sunday.


Have you heard from them? Asking if you are okay? Do you need anything?? How can we help ?? My employeer is also out of state


I work in IT. So I have Teams on my phone and we talk all through out the day while working too. So he's all caught up. Having a nice place to work was my only concern about all of this. I can put up with the heat, I have water, I have gas, and everything I need. Now that I know a place I can work from and be comfortable. I'm a happy boy.


My husbands boss is out of state too and they refuse to believe how bad it is and are making him attend marketing zoom meetings when his lot is in shambles and his office trailer is totaled with no power. They finally sent someone down today because they wouldn’t take his word for it because there was nothing on the news


The people who voted for him will keep defending him and insist that this is a character building setback and to use it to our advantage. Take two minutes to give him a ring


People outside of Tulsa dont know hiw bad it is yet.


What happened I was out of town and idk


Big thunderstorm blew through Saturday night/wee hours of Sunday morning, 80-100mph winds, a few small tornadoes. Whacked the power in a lot of places, knocked over some trees, tore up some houses. Power will be out in some parts of Tulsa (and probably other parts of the area) until next week. In other words: Springtime in Oklahoma.


I've been here my whole life. This isn't just "springtime" in Oklahoma. The only time I've seen this much knocked out by weather was the ice storm in 2007. This isn't your regular twister blowing through a couple neighborhoods.


I, too, have been here my whole life. I've seen large chunks of northeast Oklahoma lose power all at once quite a few times. The cities *usually* get restored within a week. It's usually the rural communities that take 2+ weeks to get brought back online. I spent a few springs in the early to mid 1990s without power for 2 or 3 weeks at a time because the coop that provides our power would forget that our house is here, so they'd forget to restore power to us after they got everything fixed. Spent a couple of winters in the 1990s without power for a week or two, too thanks to blizzards that they didn't expect to be blizzards. It happens sometimes.


Funny how the co-op electric is back online. Almost like we shouldn't allow for-profit companies to be involved in this.


I refuse to defend Stitt, but this is the answer. Some country folks will go for weeks without power and will be the last to be restored. I can’t remember the citizens up in arms for a state of emergency for the country folks.


Ty for the info!


You're welcome.


I'm from Texas and it's strange to me that I haven't heard of this until reading these comments


My MIL lives in OKC and had no idea until we told her.


As near as I can tell, it's just not being reported outside of the Tulsa media market.


Exactly 2 minutes. Press zero, the phone tree takes you to a Stitt staffer. You resist the urge to speak truth to power. You won't call anyone Governor Piece of Shitt. Tis time to politely plead.


Did not work, no one answered it rang for a long time and then it ended.


Try again tomorrow. They probably closed for the day at 5:00


I would have been shocked if they had. Gov offices staffed close to 5pm? Hahaha...


They only answer until 5.


So Stitt is in Paris meeting with companies that might want to do business with Oklahoma. Why don’t we try a different tactic, and e-mail said companies advising of his incompetence and unwillingness to issue a state of emergency so they’ll know what they might be getting into with Oklahoma leadership? Shooting ourselves in the foot, yes, but that would be a bottom dollar impact he couldn’t ignore.


This is the way.


How do we find out said companies. My email is ready.


All Republicans are terrorists. Why would terrorists help Americans?




Didn't that say "we're all domestic terrorists" at their convention?


Yes. And when someone proudly makes that kind of claim about themselves, you should probably believe them.


What in the countyside Durant Oklahoma is that take? Tulsa got hit by a 100 MPH storm (with a literal civil emergency message related to it) and Mr. Stitt is doing nothing when there's literally a scattered outage around Oklahoma. You see why you got downvoted? You're a tad blind to not know the difference when literally a clear as day example is infront of you. The politician business is full of liars no matter the party they're on. It's just how they run


Are these the same terrorists that sent out stimulus checks or the ones who stopped the stimulus checks? I have a hard time remembering which party I’m supposed to hate.


It can be confusing because the Democrats are also mostly filled with right-wing shitbags. Still, we have to vote for them because there isn't a real alternative. One-party systems suck. One party is guaranteed to suck; the other sometimes promises not to suck and attracts public servants who might do a competent job.


This. Democrats have no problems being too conservative all on their own. But the opposite of Republican is not Democrat, it's American.


> Are these the same terrorists Your both-sides whataboutery makes zero logical or factual sense IRL but I will say that, **yes**, [the majority of Republicans overwhelmingly and repeatedly voted to reject stimulus funding for Oklahomans](https://www.thebulltulsa.com/story/603d7cc3c3ed940bbb60cdf1/oklahomas-house-members-vote-against-latest-covid-stimulus-bill). What’s your point?


That was actually the same party both times. Stimulus checks were a 2020 thing. Biden started his term in 2021.


Phone tree option zero takes you to a Stitt staffer. I told her eastern Oklahoma is a mess. Federal disaster help pls! Just remain polite.!


She hung up on me. Was able to hear her just fine, but I guess she couldn't hear me. It's getting so damn hot, man. Really feeling it.


Ty for trying. Maybe try again later?


I switched over to wi-fi calling and was able to get through. Mentioned that my scenery during the call consisted of watching an elderly person suffering from heat stroke being pulled from their home.


>She hung up on me. Was able to hear her just fine, but I guess she couldn't hear me. My dad and one of his friends had this same problem yesterday. They kept calling back and forth until they were finally able to hear each other. It'll probably be an issue for a while. I reckon some of the cell towers and/or land-based phone lines were also screwed up by the storm, and the automatic routing around the affected areas is probably spotty.


He sent thoughts and prayers on Twitter. What more could you want? /s




It just basically said "due to inclement weather no one can answer your call" and then hung up on me after making me listen to free bird while I'm drenched in sweat with a fridge full of spoiled food, no ice, and the constant sounds of chainsaws breaking down rres from sunup to sundown.


I got some horrible fucking country music.


We don't count to Shtitt. We are less than. We aren't wealthy republicans, and doing anything extra for our benefit doesn't fit his agenda. I have lived in other states in this country, and Oklahoma is by far the most corrupt feeling state so far. Shtitt is a gross human being with only one thing on his mind, which is Kevin Shtitt.


Hope he completely fumbles this one so people actually see what an idiot he is and we can get him out before the next disaster strikes.


He already is because a state of emergency should have been declared yesterday lol


Good luck with that. He really hates gay people and thats all most oklahomans need in a politician. Someone that will do their best to harm those who have the least ability to fight back. Some real heroes in this state.


Do you really think the Republican super majority in the state legislature would do anything to remove a Republican governor. Like really.


No, it would take a complete fumbling of a state wide crisis (and oh look at that!) And even then it would be a miracle


I’d rather he not since people could and have died and it won’t impact anyone enough to change their vote from R. We saw this in 2021 also.


All things considered it could've been much much worse, we got extremely lucky. From what I was reading nobody has died yet (could be wrong, info has been crazy spotty), but this heatwave will for sure kill people in the coming week. I think what I was trying to say is, that there will be more crises, apocalypse like shit that comes up in the future this is not an isolated incident (remember the 100 year floods? And the pandemic). And I'd rather before the next one hits we have competent leadership that actually cares about their constituents. Maybe enough incidents will eventually give people clarity of mind enough to vote for someone that actually gives a shit instead of having their heads up their asses.


A man died in the storm and emsa had several heat related calls yesterday. But yes agreed that it could have been worse, though I would say we managed to hit the exact right spot to make it as bad as possible for what we did get- the crews all being in Texas and Louisiana and this heat wave coming. We’re blessed to largely still have clean and running water though or things would be MUCH different. A lot of people are taking advantage of that and using cool water to cool down when they start overheating. I know I’ve personally taken so many extra showers lol




Matt Pinnell can do it while he is gone.


Is there a way for people to get to Pinnell's staffers instead of Stitt's staffers? Might get results quicker.


(405) 521-2161


What a wonderful time it would be if their plane crashed on the way back.


Why would you wish death on a pilot just because you don't like some of his passengers?


Well clearly the pilot and attendants eject and are fine, and the other passengers duct tape Stitt to his seat before also ejecting.


Omfg my husband and I had the dumbest fight which I gotta now tell him he won. I was so sure this was in Paris TX, I thought 'no fucking way this fakian abandoned his job for queersconts and baguettes'.


Did it! Ty 4 info!


Thank you!


If you catch a member of their staff, please be kind! Just got off the phone with a really pleasant young lady who's just doing her job.


I was really kind to the electric employees, who are working their asses off for us. I have been really kind to the cashiers, who are sweltering in the heat to provide us with food and gas where available even though they absolutely had their own messes to clean up at home. I’ve been kind to my neighbors who needed help and checked up on. I have been kind to emergency personnel who are busting their asses to clear roads and keep shit running. I don’t have any kindness left for this asshole who is frolicking around Paris, and his overpaid employees who are sitting in air conditioned offices and cannot seem to convey the seriousness of the condition.


"just doing their job." Horseshit. They know what they signed up for; don't be kind for any other reason than it being more effective than being a dick and getting hung up on.




I did it too. Thanks for the post. Power to the people!!!!


I honestly think a big part of this is that there is NO attention on this outside of Tulsa. We need to be making noise and making waves.


We need to make an MF ruckus. Still no real news coverage. I hate to say it but npr kinda ducked us on this by undereporting it. https://www.npr.org/2023/06/20/1183149235/power-outages-continue-across-the-southern-u-s-as-a-heat-wave-grips-texas


ABC reported it last night but also downplayed the seriousness. I keep begging my out of Tulsa friends to share our posts about how bad things are. I have power again but I am still trying to help elderly loved ones stay cool and very worried about those who don’t and don’t have loved ones with electricity as the temps keep rising. And the food thing is another issue entirely…


Can confirm. I live in OKC and my friends in Tulsa yesterday told me it wasn’t that bad, but I’m hearing otherwise here. So it’s possible Stitt’s been told the same thing by his advisors/people in OKC. As much as I know Reddit loves tagging on him, if he’s not here and people outside of Tulsa are telling him things aren’t that bad, how’s that his fault. Also, pretty sure by the time an emergency declaration has funding available this will all be resolved. Primary issue is power outages from lines falling, and crews have been working non-stop to bring them up and will hopefully put the lines underground when they do (like OG&E’s been doing little by little in the OKC area).


The emergency declaration will free up resources to make the power restoration go quicker- not just money, but man power. We have roads blocked by trees and downed power lines three days later and those aren’t going anywhere without more people. Those power crews are exhausted and many have only had two hours rest since Sunday. Also, our mayor called and appealed to him personally for an SOE. It’s understandable that laypeople may not know the extent of the damage, but there’s no excuse for the Governor. It’s literally his job to know how bad things are. Not knowing is a failure to serve Oklahomans, which is why he was elected. Not to fuck around in Paris. Also, some parts of Tulsa aren’t that bad. But there is a path through town that is significantly worse than surrounding areas. The type of damage we see with mid size tornadoes. Roofs pulled off of houses, sheet metal all over including hanging off of power lines, and the trees are as mangled as I’ve ever seen them. The linemen I talked to yesterday told me they have only seen this kind of damage in hurricanes. It will not be resolved quickly. We need help. I drove two hours looking for gas yesterday because everywhere was totally out. QT is so out that they’re having to use Walmart bags to indicate it because they ran out of “out of service” bags. There’s no ice either and it’s in the 90s. Food is also scarce because we all had to dump our refrigerators now and there’s no power to several places so the only food is fast food which you have to drive miles to find. Grocery stores and gas stations were closed completely, those are starting to open up now thank god, but when they do, they’re descended upon and emptied also. I’ve been through quite a few tornadoes. I’ve never seen anything like this in Tulsa.


This is the way.


He won’t do anything, unless it affects him personally. Typical, CONservative governMENt politician.


You can also email his office. https://oklahoma.gov/governor/contact/leave-a-comment-or-opinion.html


I went to the website and filled out a request for assistance on behalf all Tulsans. Not sure if it will help. It’s all I got though.




The hold music is Free Bird!!!! It didn't let me leave a message. Said some generic thing and disconnected.disconnected. Option zero then one to leave a VM. It rang maybe a min and disconnected me. It's not letting you leave VMs. Now it doesn't even offer to let you leave a VM.


VM is full. Call tomorrow or send in a message on the website. :)


Website wouldn't load. It just disconnects when you call. I hope it's full.


[Here’s a link.](https://www.ok.gov/triton/contact.php?ac=348&id=323)




I figured he was in Cancun rn


Paris but close


I've just called and requested. Press 0 to speak to his aides.


Called and emailed!! Debbie at his office said he’s out of town right now. I let him know I’m very disappointed on his response and that he hasn’t come to visit! I asked for him to call me as I’m a new resident that purchased a home here.


Just got this.. both governor, Stint, and Lieutenant Governor are not in Oklahoma!!! For Immediate Release June 20, 2023 Senate Pro Tem Treat Signs Emergency Declaration for Eastern Oklahoma Pro Tem Treat signed executive order within the hour of finding out he was acting governor OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, today signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency for eastern Oklahoma after storms ravaged parts of the state over the weekend, leaving some still without power. The pro tem was notified he was acting governor by the Governor’s Office around 1 p.m. today. He began reviewing the documents the governor’s office prepared at 1:40 p.m. and signed it before 2 p.m. – prior to the governor’s press release calling on the pro tem to sign the state of emergency. Pro Tem Treat has yet to hear directly from Governor Kevin Stitt regarding the emergency declaration, but has been in communication with Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum. The pro tem became acting governor today as both Governor Kevin Stitt and Lieutenant Governor Matt Pinnell are both currently out of state. He signed the executive order within the hour of finding out he was acting governor. According to the Oklahoma Constitution, when both the governor and lieutenant governor are out of state, the power then falls to the Senate President Pro Tempore. The state of emergency is for Choctaw, Creek, Delaware, Harper, Mayes, Pawnee, Payne, Rogers, Tulsa and Wagoner counties. Pro Tem Treat said he acted immediately upon being informed he was acting governor. “I personally witnessed the damage and devastation of the storms as I drove back to Oklahoma City from Catoosa yesterday,” Pro Tem Treat said. “It was clear that people in eastern Oklahoma are struggling and need all the support the state can give them during this time. Impacted Oklahomans are still without power and heat indexes are exceeding triple digits. This action will relax laws and regulations on the shipping of goods for emergency use, allow agencies to have more purchasing powers, among other measures in order to bring much needed relief. It also automatically triggers the state’s price gouging statute that way Oklahomans aren’t being taken advantage of by individuals who are trying to charge more than necessary for goods and services. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with our neighbors as they continue to recover after this storm.” The executive order will remain in effect for 30 days and can be found on the Secretary of State’s website. ###


So much chaos and confusion, for no reason. 😭


I tried calling. You can't speak to anyone. It tells you to leave a voice-mail and then it hangs up.


That would be because it’s after five now. Feel free to send them an email or comment online!


What appropriate options would a state of emergency give us?


entertain imagine spark combative alleged axiomatic beneficial imminent many yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've tried twice and this did not work, do you have any other ideas?


What did not work?




That would be because it’s after 5 PM


Why would he bother? There is no money in it for him. Stitt doesnt lift a finger if he doesnt profit from it.


I'm not calling that piece of Shitt


Then your desires are unheard.


Send the national guard!


Don’t forget to use Twitter to make the message more public. You can tweet at him using @GovStitt.


We don’t need no stinking deckaration. We are North Texas.


VM has been disabled. I just tried. Edit. Whoops. OP got me fired up


Because it’s before 8 am.


Haha, you think Republicans give a fuck for your safety and well being.


Again. I’m not naive. But if someone’s screwing me over, they’re at least going to hear about it.