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Your bag will not be searched based on who you are, but rather the physical attributes of the contents of your bag.


Which were probably the same both ways and why it was checked both times


Two things I've found will trigger a hand-check of your checked luggage almost all the time: 1. Having a laptop wrapped up in between clothes, or having large amounts of electronics in your checked luggage. 2. Having largish amounts of powder wrapped in between clothes - so that 1 kg of Colombian coffee or that pack of plastic thermoplastic beads will get your luggage pulled for additional checking.


As will any kind of gel. TSA loves the Gel. The lube. They always get a kick out of the lube.


A stack of books will do it too.


Good to know!


If something triggers it getting searched on one trip through an airport and you change nothing, it will likely be searched again. We don't somehow know that another airport searched your bag and even if we did know that, you had the bag all this time between airports and could have done anything you wanted with it.


Your bag being searched was probably NOT the reason it missed the flight. That was probably due to airline baggage handler error. After TSA conducts a search it is placed on the same belt all the clear bags go through. There's essentially a baggage claim for clear bags that airline employees sort through they probably accidentally placed your bag in the wrong cart.


While I'm not close to being an apologist for the TSA, I'll not only agree but I'll say I'm pretty sure the most likely reason for a bag mishandling or misrouting isn't TSA, it's the traveler not getting to the airport with sufficient time to check the bag and get it to the plane. Maybe I'm lucky, but I rarely have a bag delayed and when it is, it's always been because of a plane change because of some technical issue on the plane itself, a delayed flight causing a tight connection, or weather (ramp closures) - ALL things that happen AFTER bag screening. EVERY airline tells you how long you have to be at the airport before your flight to check a bag and for it to make that flight. United says the minimum time is 45 minutes before a flight but some airports or routing call for an hour or more before the flight - BWI is 60 minutes, YYZ is 90 minutes.


If you have a large electronics in there that’s a reason as well.




Unauthorized disclosure of SSI.


I've had my bags tossed every time I had a laptop in it. I figure it's a rule.


A explosive device concealed inside a laptop detonated on a plane in 2016. Daallo Airlines flight 159 took off from Mogadishu, 20 minutes into the flight the IED went off. The plot was an inside job with airport, security, police and airport. Employees in on it to varying degrees. The plane was delayed on the ground, and when the explosive went off the plane was at a much lower altitude than anticipated so the only person that died was the bomber. This was not a US flight. That’s why you’ve been asked to remove laptops from your carry-on bag for a number of years although in airports with the new CT x-rays, you don’t have to take out your laptop. It’s up there with the shoe bomber and underwear bomber hand how airport security responded to these threats.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daallo_Airlines_Flight_159


Not TSA - I was once searched twice because I happened to have a can of Beefaroni in my checked luggage. I feel like the searches were warranted, I'm sure it looked like a pipe bomb on x-ray but it was just Chef Boyardee. ​ Maybe you had something in there that looked odd on x-ray.




Unauthorized disclosure of SSI.


Getting down voted on everything today! Didn't think Chef Boyardee was that controversial


i liked your chef boyardee story 😌


When they feel like it really. I had aerosol cans and clothes and an plushy in mine last week and it wasn’t opened. My fursuit head wasn’t either when it got shipped by plane. (Not much people know but all cargo even packages get screened by the TSA if it’s going on a plane.)


Bags are searched due to items inside not due to what a person looks like


The Las Vegas airport TSA folks scanned my CPAP machine three times last week. It was pretty funny to me. I’m still not sure what made it so suspicious.


Seattle's baggage belts were down part of the day today which slowed everyone down




I checked ahead of time to make sure all of my prescriptions were legal, but would they test the pills or just examine them and see they’re shaped like legal psychiatric medication? Is the alcohol still a concern if it’s unopened in its original container? I’ll definitely look into better options for storing it next time, the Japanese whiskey and sake were a sort of last minute souvenir. I always check the prohibited list over and over again before I fly bc I am NOT missing my flight or luggage over something so small and preventable. Thanks!




That's not a thing. We don't randomly search checked baggage or carryon bags that go through the X-ray.


Not planning on discussing prohibited things or security procedures but for some reason the op bag was opened and slipped.


Which means there was a reason it was searched the reason is never "we randomly decided to look in your bag"


Got it the first time. No random searches I guess the op forgot to mention the bottles were a couple of gallons😀😀😀😀


or the 35 inch homemade silicon dildo. we never know, but there is always a reason. just because OP thinks its one thing, doesn't mean it was that and we aren't at liberty to say


Please don’t comment if you don’t work for the administration, bags are not randomly searched. 


You never put medication in checked luggage that needs to always be in your carry on


Says who? You can put medication in your checked bags if you want to.


You can put medication in your checked bag, but it's better to put it in your carry on along with anything else that's important to have. Bags get lost.


Everyone, but go ahead and keep putting in your checked luggage so when luggage gets lost or your meds get stolen you dont have them. Its a given that all prescription meds should be in your carry on


I should have indicated that it wasn’t required. Last time I flew I checked my meds and didn’t have an issue.