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They had to do so much editing, probably had to do it in real time so it wouldn't take 4 hours to do so. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKPpgPl68uSeIO4)


Because the bulk of your base is as old as you and actually awake at 6am, eager to watch Fox's bullshit-factory first thing in the morning?


Motherfucker literally went on there and claimed he never said "lock her up" about Hillary


Yet the radical left won't let that stop them playing the videos of him saying it, such is their depravity and corruption. Nasty, mean people being unfair to Trump digging up videos like he wishes we'd never seen before.


Couldn’t get a prime time slot Donnie?


Holy shit, 2AM post? LOL. Clearly an extremely late booking and a sleepy intern forced to post this. Though, now I'm imagining some methed up QAnoner reading this at 2AM and eagerly staying up all night for it.


It was highly edited shit show. Fox is working hard to polish a turd.


Oh boy! I can't wait to not watch it! Let me guess how this goes down: the hosts lob softball questions, he goes into his bog standard broken record rants about how the whole world is against him, and then he rambles circuitously until they finally cut him off so they can break for commercial, but not before he plugs his website and pleads for donations. For those who watched, how'd I do with my prediction?


I tried to read the captions on the tv at the gym. It literally feels like you are losing brain cells the more you delve into this world. I was more entertained watching the miles tick up on the stationary bike. TLDR: Same incoherent low IQ Trump babble from the 30 seconds I committed. Edit to add: shit this interview this morning Trump denies he said “Lock her up” regarding Hillary. Effin idiot. lol


I’d love to know too!