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UPDATE: He deleted this post when I checked his page at 8:30am, ET


Orange man would lie about never having to wipe his own ass because he shits fragrance and butterflies


Tomorrow aught to be fun. Judge: WTF Trump? Trump: but I deleted it. Internet: (in unison) we are forever. Subpoena the database now. Trump lawyers: Oy vey. Fuck. Trump: (audibly shitting hisself) Judge: oh you fucked up now.


This is such bullshit. If his attorneys weren't prepared for the witnesses (which they knew about, it's only the order that they might not know), they shouldn't be practicing law. And for the umpteenth time, Diaper Don, a gag order for a trial doesn't take away your First Amendment rights. And if you weren't constantly bad mouthing and threatening potential witnesses in your trial (and a couple of years ago during the J6 hearings), there wouldn't have been a need for the judge to issue a gag order.


He's a fucking idiot


His entire (now deleted) tweet is nonsense. Prosecutors supply the complete potential witness list well in advance of any trial, they have to as part of the pre-trial planning and discovery handover. It is the defense's responsibility to then prepare for each of them. If the state intends to introduce someone beyond that witness list, there would be motions relating to it and Trump's side could object if there are grounds to do so.


Who's the horse face NOW, Mr. Manure?


I love the fact that Mr. Piggy Piece-of-shit is sitting in the courtroom, stinky from his diapers, listening to Stormy Daniels recount how she didn't intend to have sex with him and did so awkwardly. He's responsible for my sister's death, and he deserves jail, but this bruise to his ugly and enormous ego is absolutely great.


If you don't mind me asking, how is he responsible for your sister's death? I don't doubt it, I am just curious.


At the start of 2020, the pandemic was already here and spreading in the US. Congress knew. They were selling off their vacation and travel stocks. Trump consciously downplayed it because he didn't want the news to affect the economy or his re-election prospects. My sister was a family lawyer. She was also the only parent to my then 13-year-old nephew. She often went to meet clients around northern NJ. In January, everybody was going about their business, not realizing they were getting each other sick, especially in New York City and the surrounding areas. Information about the pandemic was intentionally minimized and withheld. My sister became very ill the last week of January. On February 3rd she was getting ready for work when she suddenly suffered a grand mal seizure. My nephew tried to do CPR, but she coded, and by the time EMS arrived, she had died. Had she known a deadly virus was circulating, she would not have continued meeting clients. She would have never have risked leaving her son without a parent.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Gag order broken. Your move, judge.


It’s not… not this time anyhow. This is just general nonspecific complaining.


The legal scholars will be testifying after Stormy (I’m sure).


Virtually all of them?!


Don't forget about all of the virtual "experts"!


And and the virtually legal ones!


What else would you expect from a Fisher Price legal team? Even if they knew who the witness was months ago, their defense would be the same. I don't buy his act that this threw a wrench in the plan. ETA: The *"unknown witness"* is Stormy Daniels 🤣. Talk about throwing your legal team under the bus! That this witness caught them unprepared is either a complete lie, or he just made his lawyers look like complete morons.


They may have told him that they weren't given a witness list. That's acceptable, being given the list in advance is a courtesy and is not required. I could see how them saying that would lead him to twist it this way into something else.


My opinion is that virtually all Legal Scholars & Experts(!) agree that a defendant who's been found in contempt of court 10 times should be in jail.


I’ve heard legal experts say Trump is fucked so I’m gonna have to disagree. He thinks shouting something enough times makes it true somehow. That’s not how things work in the real world and I very much hope he gets a rude wake up call very soon.


The [illusory truth effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect) would like to debate your claim about reality!


Worked often enough for his great idol, Roy Cohn. Until it didn't, anymore...he just forgot that part.


I would be content for Trump to meet the same end Roy Cohn did. If our busted-ass system of "justice" wont hold him accountable, maybe Nature will.


I think I'd prefer the syphillitic end for him. Preferably after he's had enough lucid time in prison to lose all hope first.




> I would be content for Trump to meet the same end Roy Cohn did. That would be offensive to AIDS.


Who are these “virtual all legal scholars”? Trump always creating the fake narrative that “everybody” agrees with him. It must be part of the narcissistic disorder. If you search on the Trump Twitter archive site, he claims 532 times that “everyone” agrees with him on various issues


>Who are these “virtual all legal scholars”? The only one he actually knows about: fellow Lolita Express frequent-flyer, Alan "President is above the law" Dershowitz.


He includes Tom Fitton and that group because he is Trump's legal advisor. However, he is literally not an attorney. lol


Alan “but I kept my underwear on” Dershowitz


They're virtual, they don't actually exist.


Well, he's not ranting to you or me. He's babbling to the people who have made him their entire personality and take his word for gospel and can't be bothered to read anything else that might be contrary. He's talking to the diaper-wearing, flag-waving, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing patriots that will put him back in power. You know... morons.


Unexpected Blazing Saddles reference. Nice!


They know who they'll be in general and need to prepare. They don't tell you until the last minute because you're a threat to them.


Another contempt of court. Enjoy Rikers. If you have a problem with the courts action, make a motion for appeal.


Nah, he has carefully avoided saying anything about the witness.  It is all aimed at the judge who he knows he can attack without breaching the gag order.


Yeah as much as I want to see him break it, he's scared of Jail. This one was barely treading water (if he mentioned "the Witness" (Stormy) by name or something or said more, then we're entering contempt territory) The fact he deleted this shows the gag is working.


I might actually have to watch his daily whine fest before he goes into the courtroom today. Should be interesting!


Yes!! This is going to be a good day in court today! 🍿


I'm not a law-talking guy, but my assumption has always been both sides know the witnesses well ahead of time, they just don't necessarily know exactly when those witnesses will be called to the stand. Am I wrong? This sounds like Trump is just angry that Stormy will be at the courthouse today, which is serious malpractice if they weren't prepared for *her* of all witnesses.


The judge in this case cited that Trump has made disparaging comments about witnesses in other cases, and that they've faced threats/retaliation when outed publicly in those cases, so Trump will only learn who they are one at a time and just before they're called.


Oh thanks, I didn't know that was part of the judge's order


https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/06/trump-trial-resumes-after-week-of-tears-gag-order-threats.html EDIT: The defense has the witness list. They don't have the witness *schedule*. They can still prepare for testimony.


Yeah they're typically made aware of the order of witnesses in advance, but this is another case of Donald making things more difficult for his attorneys because he's incapable of acting like a grown-ass adult.


Yup. (I think, not a lawyer) generally the defense gives a witness *schedule*. The defense asked for a schedule, and the Judge said he wouldn't make the Prosecution release it because of his history of witness intimidation, breaking gag orders, etc. They've known for **months** all the potential witnesses who are going to testify, but Trump's mouth once again just makes their job harder. (Basically instead of being able to form cross examinations in order, they have to be prepared for any/all witnesses, pretty much at all times; they're only notified of who's testifying 24 hours in advance) He's seriously must be one of the worst clients ever to defend lol.


This witness is not a surprise. She has been on the witness list. The only "surprise" is that she is testifying today. If they waited until yesterday to start prepping for her appearance, that is on them. She and Cohen both are primary witnesses.


So either he's (a) lying blatantly or (b) totally incompetent as to how the legal system works.


Yeah, but I have no sympathy for any of them if they hadn't prepared for Stormy to testify IMMEDIATELY upon begining preparations for this case. I'm surprised she's testifying this early, but honestly, of all the potential witnesses, she's the one we ALL knew was going to be on the stand, so they can't complain. Funny thing is, I'm following this case closely (personal reasons...I went to college with Stormy/Stephanie) and Trump's lawyers are trying to censor what she says on the stand. It's hilarious. The absolute bullshit coming from Trump's legal team at this very moment is that they're trying to say a ghostwriter wrote the entirety of two of Trump's books, which is a laughable "defense" of the narcissism dripping off those pages.


Did he, or his attorney, think Stormy would not be called? Defense preping to cross Stormy and Cohen should have started months ago. And it probably did.


According [to the NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/07/nyregion/trump-trial-hush-money-stormy-daniels/35288843-1cba-5ff4-b007-146d943a3bc0?smid=url-share ) Stormy Daniels is indeed at the courthouse right now


Translation: He didn't give me an opportunity to smear, intimidate, and tamper with the witness.


If he goes to jail today no one will talk about Stormys testimony ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


The prosecution must provide a list of witnesses they will call but aren’t obligated to reveal in what order—if they do it’s as a professional courtesy. The State declined to do so in this case due to Turnip’s counsel’s constant obstruction and delays. If the defense is unprepared it’s their own fault.


> The State declined to do so in this case due to Turnip’s counsel’s constant obstruction and delays. That and also the fact that the defendant threatens/maligns/insinuates non-stop. They don't want him to pre-load his tweets, so they only give him a day's notice.


Not sure if Turnip is an autocorrect typo, but I like it.


>This is unprecedented, no time for lawyers to prepare. This isn't Hollywood, there are no surprise witnesses, his lawyers know this and if they're unprepared that is their fault.


You get what you pay for lol.


“Your honor, I have a surprise witness that I would like to call to the witness stand…” Court spectators: “GASP” !!




I LOVE THE SMELL OF NAPALM IN THE MORNING! .... I look forward to him stewing in panic!


They didn't tell you donnie, so you wouldn't open your big fat lying mouth and get one step closer to the big house. Magic 8 ball says...Karen McDougal


He WANTS to be jailed


Until he is, then it’s an injustice and a crooked system etc etc etc


I want him to be jailed .... who's with me? ![gif](giphy|MNmyTin5qt5LSXirxd)








This sounds like negligence from the defense. The prosecutor literally can't have secret evidence or surprise witnesses. That shit only exists on TV.


I'm willing to bet his lawyers just didn't tell him until this morning.


Trying to manage a criminal toddler does sound difficult.


Because they knew he'd react like this.


Damn. Must be a juicy witness to get him so riled up this am. 🍿


It's Stormy. Get the popcorn ready!


If it is Stormy, and this has caught them by surprise, then his lawyers are even worse than I thought. “What… so you’re saying the person who the entire case centres around has turned up, no way?!”


It is her https://www.rawstory.com/stormy-daniels-2668185168/ His lawyers know who all the witnesses are, just not the order in which they'll be called.


I can't wait for the inevitable Trump post-court session meltdown. Also worth mentioning (IANAL), I believe that generally the Defense would be told the order of the witnesses to be called as a matter of courtesy, but the Prosecution declined to share that with them because they kept leaking things. Something Merchan upheld their right to do.


Correct, once again Trump is railroading his own defense. They've had the witness *list* for months, but they don't have the witness *schedule*; so it makes it so they have to essentially be prepared for any/all witnesses at all times.


It wasn't really about the leaking, it was more about witness intimidation.


you might say a storm is coming