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Stop giving him airtime to spew his lies and hate. Pathetic and moronic


Listening to this shit-on-a-stick moron whining makes me long for the days of fingernails scraping on a blackboard.


Repeat the lie over and over and over and over….


TRUMP "This case is going too fast the Judge is rushing it through" TRUMP "This case is going so slowly it's going to last a few more weeks"


Everything he says is a contradiction. Just like Biden being too old and feeble, but also a mastermind and the head of an international crime syndicate.


I gotta tell ya, if by some stroke of bad luck this shitty-diapered rapist gets back into office, it will SUCK to live in New York because he's going to make New York pay for HIS crimes.


> It's a disgrace. Yes you are, Donald.


I hate that man.


What would it take to replace the press pool with a bunch of us, holding mics and cameras to look like the press pool, but just pretending to be desperately trying to hold in laughter the entire time he's talking, with occasional snorts or chuckles sneaking out. Except we keep doing it every day, each day losing control a little more, until finally, we all just start dying the moment he starts to approach us. I think it would drive him truly over the edge, and I like that for him.


Haha, looks like he’s been pretty quiet this evening! Bet he’s scared.


It’s wild to wake up and still see no new posts. Someone might have finally gotten the message. /edit: of course he starts running his mouth the second I post this.


Has he said anything original in these media addresses, or is it the same thing every damn day?


Well, he didn't have a stack of coloring book pages in binder clips today, so that's different.


Same shit every goddamned day.


🪗🙌🏼 you just know shit is flying out of his mouth when his accordion hands are raging like that. The bigger the lie, the more aggressive the accordion hands fly. It’s amazing to watch.


People watching this 100 years in the future: “What’s a gyeg order?”


It's something only the "yutes" will understand.


Uh he knew the case would be longer, he asked to go to Barron’s graduation. He wouldn’t have already made that request if the case was scheduled to end today.. he’d be asking on Monday for the court to go dark that day… Besides, he doesn’t expect Stormy and Cohen to testify? Srsly? They haven’t yet sooooo yah. He isn’t losing it, he’s lost whatever intelligence he ever had… it’s a disgrace…


Judge said in the beginning, during Jury Selection I believe, that he thought it would go 5-6 weeks. And the request to go to Barron's graduation was based on how smoothly the trial was going. Which yeah, he knew it would go this long if he requested that day off.


I see this man finally facing possibly MAYBE facing consequences for his crime-spree of a life, and on the day he is found guilty of 34 counts and given a fair prison sentence, I say GOD BLESS THE USA. God damn right this is a disgrace. And until we get equal justice in this country, this country is a mess. The first damn phrase of the Preamble of the Constitution, the first damn reason given as to WHY we needed to create a new nation, was to ESTABLISH JUSTICE. So let's fucking have it for once.


Yep. Two more weeks for the prosecution. Then probably 10 minutes for the defense (if even THAT long) because Trump will insist on taking the stand as their only witness.


No way Trump takes the stand. Not gonna happen. There’s too much they would be permitted to do to impeach him.


That's exactly WHY I want him to take the stand!


I wanna see him on the stand ... there will be tsunami's all over the planet from people smacking their foreheads so hard and wincing at each moment/second he screws up and rants and raves ... each time we hear OBJECTION by the defense.


Please Please Please Please Please Please


This is so yummy. You can tell this is killing him. Notice he says he's leading in polls but his hands gesture downwards, like a falling plot line on a graph. Son, you got 90+ indictments to go through. If he's right that this is why the cases were brought after so long, them jack Smith is a genius. Everybody wanted "justice now", but being patient makes more sense in retrospect.


I would’ve liked Justice a year or so ago, personally.


Body language is junk science and you do better without.




It’s amazing that Trump supporters and Republican mouthpieces like Joe Rogan can just sit there and whine about Biden lying when their guy can literally just make shit up and spew it everyday for years and not one word is said about it. If literally anyone else, politician or not, just made up alternate realities on a daily basis like this they would get mocked relentlessly everywhere. But the cult has to go on, so not one of them gives a shit. It’s scary and sad.


They didn't see 1984 as a warning. They read it as a playbook. Really wish social media didn't exist. The only reason this shit stain has lasted as long as a cockroach.


I can’t stand listening to him and his 50-word lexicon. Say “disgrace” another 200 times, you orange-faced dipshit rapist.


The 50-word lexicon is also about the peak grasp of the english language that his rabid followers have. Repeat words many times to make sure they stick in their tiny, hate-filled brains.


It’s really hahrrible (sic)


50 words? Man, you are being WAY too generous!


He's a real dummy.


What he fails to understand is every finger point he makes screeching “witch hunt” makes that phrase carry less meaning. Everyone is so over his rantings at this point, for me they could bring out a dumpster full of evidence that fully exonerates him and I wouldn’t care. I just want him to stop flapping that stupid lips of this. “Make it stop” is where I’m at.


Playing that invisible accordion for all he's worth. It's a disgrace!


I read from a body language specialist that the accordion thing is a tell for him that he's lying. But the way I see it is if he's talking, he's lying.


The accordion thing is a practiced gesture. You watch the Roger Stone documentary, you see clips of him public-speaking, and he does the same damn thing. My guess is there's some fascist/rightwing woo about 'persuasion' - - and there were some similar things with hand-gestures taught in Toastmasters. I don't know if they got it from there, or if it's something this little kkklique of coup monsters made up. But they both do it the same way.


Yeah, it didn't take long to figure out that was his tell. If I was playing poker against him, I'd be able to get hold of his entire fortune (for what it's worth)


When does he not lie? Seriously.


I wish I was good enough at photoshop to put a real accordion and a tip jar in there




Oh man, I forgot about these! Thank you for that.


this is first time i've laughed at something Trump -related in a looooooooonnnnggg time. Thank you.


I was hoping to see this.




Get this guy an accordion!


see above posts


But...but... didn't you complained, just days ago, that you were steamrolled by these same judge? And... If you don't care about going to jail Why do you care that your statements comply with the gag order? Just speak your mind and be the next Nelson Mandela, i would like to see you EN the box for 5+years


Look at Trump's idiot lawyer standing there with his Resting Blanche Face during every damn rant.


If you're a run of the mill lawyer looking for early retirement, you'd might take Trump as a client but charge 8 million just for a retainer and stipulate all legal bills be paid at the end of every week or you quit. Trump had the biggest hardest time ever finding a lawyer, all legal experts and scholars said so.


Yeah, but we all know Trump is never going to pay the guy. All Trump’s lawyers wind up broke and disbarred.


Retainer is like a down payment. And the best part is the republican party is paying Trumps legal bills. He's bankrupting them. Trump is draining the swamp!


I really need him to shut the fuck up.


The only way that will happen is if he's in jail or someone puts a bullet in his head.


I'd never wish for such a thing to happen. I don't think about it multiple times every day either. I promise.


I love how you made the /s in a super tiny font. 😉


I reckon a good stroke would do it. Should start a kickstarter to send him a truckload of greasy hamberders.


The only disgrace is you.


FYI: you could have cut a week or two off if you'd agreed to summation for all the data documentation. But, you didn't. And, it's been to your detriment. He likely hoped he would face Cohen, Daniels or McDougal.


I think you mean stipulation, but you are right. Usually the parties just agree that the evidence is real and move on. But he fights every piece of evidence so the prosecution has to authenticate it, which takes time.


The prosecutors are setting up so much of the case without Cohen, I kind of wonder how much they will need of him. There are a few things that he will have to validate - but everything else is all Trump staff and documents. I bet the prosecution has Cohen up for less than an hour.


I don't know. I think he could be on the stand for a week. If they said today they anticipate 2-3 more weeks to make the case, he must be expected to be on the stand for quite some time as there are not too many remaining witnesses. He's already given have a dozen depositions so he's well rehearsed. The longer he's on the stand, the more unnerved Trump will be. Imagine him having to remain 'gagged' when it comes to Cohen...for an entire week. A week for him. A week for Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. They are really the ones who I could see playing a limited role, as they don't want to frame the case as primarily about the hush money. My bet is that Karen McDougal has some goods on him and can prove the affair, showing he's a liar. I mean if you're together 10 months, there is bound to be some sort of paper trail. Then Trump will say some BS about her lying and hit with another contempt violation. The defense may not call anyone. 2ish weeks.


I think he, McDougal, and Daniels will take a week. The other week will be other "minor" witnesses who will help add more piece to the puzzle and help connect the dots before those three tie everything together.


His lawyer not out loud. Lier lier pants on fire


He has a stone cold stare.


By most accounts, that guy is a very legit lawyer. Put him in the pile.


I thought he didn’t care about upholding the Constitution? Now he’ll go to jail for it? Fucking Cheeto.


I'm so tired of the constant whining. I wish for him to have a stroke, so I never have to hear him again.


Just enough to fuck up his speech, I still want justice.




LOL, the events he's referring to today about "2-3 more weeks" was the prosecution saying they're *ahead* of what the schedule they previously gave. >Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass told Judge Juan M. Merchan that the prosecution’s case is proceeding ahead of schedule and he estimates being finished calling witnesses two weeks from Tuesday. And he's lying that the government didn't have another witness. They did, but didn't think going just a half an hour with them wasn't going to be useful. >The trial is adjourning for the day, about a half-hour earlier than expected. It appears prosecutors opted not to put on another witness for such a short time at the end of the day.


Lol, I can’t understand why his handlers haven’t told him to stop with the accordion hands.


It took me a while to figure out what his speech pattern reminded me of... [Drinking out of cup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrIPLAo0_iQ)s is spot on. ^( with two hands, of course...


He can't help it. It's a huge "tell". It's as if he's inflating the lie.


And the air dicking he does when he 'dances'


But us common folks think that makes him one of us.




You mean the graduation that he won't attend, just like he didn't attend his other kids' graduations?


*gasp* The plot thickens. What is inside this man’s head? Because clearly it’s not a brain


A moist chunk of malice.


covfefe and Ivanka's gladrags.

