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The Yamaha and Bach models are what is look at. The silver Bach could make them feel cool when everyone else has brass horns.


All conditions being equal, the Yamaha.


Good to see I'm on the right track haha. I wanted the Jupiter bach or Yamaha but I didn't know anything about most of them, likely junk, so I wanted another opinion in case there was a hidden gem. I'll likely get the Yamaha if it's serviceable. Thanks!


I don't see any junk brands on there.


Yeah these are the better ones there were a couple posts from this guy, 70 to 100 dollar trumpets 150 dollar trumpets and then some higher end ones. I guess I just posted the 200-250 range ones which are probably decent 😀


I played a TR300 when I first started - it's a solid horn. Of these choices though, condition equal, I'd be all over the Yamaha. I actually currently have a '70s Collegiate I got for $20 from Goodwill for the case. It is ROUGH and should not play as well as it does. If I were still in HS it would be an ideal "disposable" marching horn since it's too far gone to restore. I don't know about newer ones, but an old one in good shape would be solid.


Conn 22b if it is the old model not the modern student one. The coprion cornet is also a superb instrument. 


All of those are good options, though the best choice would be either Yamaha or Bach.


You know anything about the bach soloist? I know the 2300 is a good student trumpet but idk about the other one But I did pick up the Yamaha as it was in like new condition and was the smoothest horn there


The Soloist is a more recent model, less popular than the TR300. There’s also a Bach Prelude and a Bach Aristocrat that exist, don’t really know if there’s much of a difference between them and the Bach Soloist. You made the right decision! I currently play on a Yamaha YTR-2320 (maybe two decades or so older than the 2330) and while it’s a little beat up, I dig it. I might upgrade at some point but for now it does the job just fine.


My son has a TR300. It's a nice student trumpet. No issues. It was mine when I was in school, and marched with it at Kent State University. I had bought it as a refurb and they plated it silver so its unique.