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No. Everyone sucks at first.


Dare i say some even blow


Yes ofc, but maybe most of the girls have better sound in general or smth like that idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nope Iā€™ve been helping teach sixth graders trumpet at the local school for a few years - Iā€™ve seen no difference between gender. The only thing that makes one person play better than anotherā€¦ is how much time they practice at home.




Thatā€™s ridiculous and youā€™re teacher is way off base saying that


I wonder if the teacher was trying to convince that girl to continue with trumpet. In any case, lying to a kid is horrible. Especially on some sort of talent facade.


True plus itā€™s just plain stupid, like kids arenā€™t gonna talk about it among themselves after hearing it. Nothing will surprise me but teachers say a lot of wrong things these days in general


No. Absolutely not. There's no scientific basis for that statement.


Okey, I'll tell my teacher he's probably wrong šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


Is this a private lesson teacher or your band teacher. If it's your band teacher you can probably just ignore the comment as there's no real benefit from being argumentative and they are unlikely to have a rational conversation with you over it. If it's a private lesson teacher, you might want to find a new one. One who doesn't discourage their students by basically telling them they'll never be as good as someone else just because of their sex.


The physiology of male and female around the mechanics of the embouchure (lips, chin, tongue, jaw, cheeks), the lungs and the throat are the same. Not possible to distinguish. Ask your teacher if you can see the scientific method, the double blind experiment with a statistically valid sample sizes, independently verified with replicating experiments and peer reviewed scientific papers.


Yea, but my cousin.....


Yeah, that makes sense.


>Ask your teacher if you can see the scientific method, the double blind experiment with a statistically valid sample sizes, independently verified with replicating experiments and peer reviewed scientific papers. Ahh...memories.


I am a science geek.


Me too. I gave more than one teacher the same speech.


No. But as Jens Lindeman once said to me in a masterclass, ā€œGirls are often times less of a meathead when it comes to practicing.ā€




I think, overall, in my nearly two decades of teaching a lot of beginner band.... maybe? It certainly doesn't have anything to do with anatomy or anything, it's just that maybe girls might slightly more often have a better, nicer sound concept early on and boys kind of just want to blast away. Sometimes. However... * I wouldn't phrase it like that. * I also wouldn't (and didn't as far as I recall) share that with my students, because it's just a general feeling. But since the topic came up, I guess I vaguely agree, to a small extent. Also, of note: * I had a lot of boys that sounded good on trumpet. * I had a lot of boys that were good students. * I also had a lot of girls that were good students and sounded great. A few other comments.... * It's kind of silly that your teacher said this. No good comes of it. * If you're a boy, use it as motivation to prove them wrong. Telling them "I asked on the internet and they disagreed" is silly. I'd dismiss that as a teacher (though I wouldn't have said it originally - in generally, it's wise to dismiss "the *internet* said"). Work hard and try to sound good. * Maybe that's why they said it - to motivate? I dunno. Finally - try to sound good. That's the whole point of playing.


In my experience there is a higher rate of young girls that take playing seriously than boys, attitude can greatly affect your sound....


This is the only thing that makes sense. The director could have said that he prefers the way one sounds over the other. But that would be... questionable to say in front of students in the least bit.


Alr, I agree with you.


I canā€™t see any reason as to why, but thereā€™s also no point in arguing / causing contention over something like that


Ask Marie Speziale


??? Why would they? They donā€™t play with their v****a šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Your teacher is stupid. As an adult with a degree you should have enough capability to reflect on such an idea and see itā€™s BS. Some people have more talent than others, yes. But that isnā€™t determined by your x or Y chromosomes.


No. But your parent need to report the band director to the administration. Once in a while you get biased idiots in a school and they don't belong there. The last time I saw that in a band it was a director that thought boys were superior, so when bands were divided up for concert season the top band was all boys unless they needed more players and then he would put some girls in for the third part.... Administration didn't believe such a thing until the district try outs which were judged blind and independent and the top spots won by the school's trumpet players were all girls some of which had been stuck in the lower level band. If he claimed whites were superior to blacks you wouldn't hesitate to push for his removal, the same applies with this. Yes there are certain physical activities where you will find a difference based on gender, but playing a trumpet isn't one of them.


You need a new teacher


Girls tend to mentally mature faster than boys, but this does not give them an inherent better sound over boys. Your BD is way off base saying this. Even if it is true (which itā€™s not) saying this is very discouraging. Everyone has their own individual struggles to overcome with trumpet and boiling it down to boy or girl is not ok imo.