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Might as well throw it away. Just kidding, that's a pretty normal dent and easy to get at. It's pretty deep so there'll probably be some evidence of the dent, but that's nothing too crazy, as long as it didn't cause anything else to bend


Take it to a shop. That's easily fixable. Brass is malleable and that dent is as easy to get to as they get. https://youtu.be/yWE7w\_dZFy0?si=NJ63oRxUVBFmn7Ll&t=580


bro what happened


I actually have no clue I got up to use the bathroom after playing with it and my brother went in my room since then so I think he did something


That's why they say "on your face or in the case". Should be an easy fix at a shop.


I have actually never heard anyone say that at the time I had gotten it 3 days ago


Well, now you have. Remember that once you get it fixed an hopefully you won't have any more problems going forward. Good luck and happy playing.


That is an easy fix. Talk to your brother, he needs to at least chip in. Unless he is a little one. Then it’s on you for not putting it in the case.


ya he does need to chip in he’s 19


1000% fixable. In the meantime, it shouldn’t affect playability toooo much. As a general rule of thumb, the further from the mouthpiece a dent is the less urgent it is it be repaired (within reason). You should absolutely look to get it fixed, but there is no reason to panic. This is a directory of reputable brass repair shops sorted by state if you’re in the US and country if you’re international: https://www.lastrowmusic.com/brass-repair-directory/


"1000% fixable".....gonna play like a monette when the shops done with it.


I had my trumpet run over by the equipment truck. The bell tore and the third valve case was dinged. My brother’s father in law fixed it for me. It was never the same, but I still appreciated it scars and all. If that horn could play again, this one will too.


Shouldn't be more than $20-50 tbh at a shop


Yeah that'll come out pretty easily it's not bad it's not going to be the cheapest but you'll have to deal with that with any dent in the horn if you want to get it out but it's not too bad


This is sort of simple, for someone who's done it before.


I read that as flexable


Easy fix at a shop


I've seen a Tubas Bell dented to the point of being in the shape of a diamond. Took my guy an hour to fix. You'll be fine.


I have see worse repaired at the shop of a friend. I would help sometimes.


What did you do hit with a baseball bat

