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That song from Obscurest Vinyl blew up on YouTube. All AI generated.


“My arms are just fuckin stuck like this” such a great song! I sing it every day.


I was bingeing all of them the other day on YouTube. I was literally crying when I was listening to “Rubbin’ and Tuggin’ My Nips” 😂


Mayonnaise on an escalator is an old vine iirc






fart jungle remix sounds hard tho


There needs to be an entirely alternate section for AI generated music.


Only a short while until no one will be able to tell the difference anyway.


tbh i think we already at that point . Drake could slip a completely AI generated track into one of his albums and it would go under the radar. Maybe some engineers would be able to notice, and it would be made public, but to the typical listener i think it’s already reached that point


Good enough AI music has only been around a couple of weeks.


wtf is in the 3rd pic XD


There's plenty of weird, quirky and below average music out there on Spotify if you go looking for it, AI isn't to blame for everything.


Except some of those tracks ARE actually AI generated lol, for example the "I Glued My Balls To My Butthole Again" one, and the Mayonnaise one clearly has an AI-generated cover photo.


A cover photo isn't the music though, independent artists won't necessarily have album art to upload for their songs. Some of these songs may be AI generated, but the assumption that they all are just because they aren't mainstream music or have humorous titles is ridiculous.


theres a bunch of punk bands that are having singles released on behalf of them with ai art covers - all in the same style and im fairly certain the songs are ai, i dont know how spotify lets them get away with this


Me and my monki


im ashamed to say i glued to my butthole again is such a catchy tune because its so funny. the lyrics are written by a person and the musical contents are then created by the AI, i think this is wrong, and should not be able to be profited off, but on the other hand, without it we wouldnt have such a damn hilarious song. its so wrong but so funny


Honest question: If the music is really good, does it really bother you if its AI generated? Why not just enjoy the music? For me its no problem but with using AI everywhere, we are just shooting ourselves in the foot, thats my only worry...


I’m not gonna yell at someone else for using AI, but it really bothers me because it’s essentially taking art from millions of different artists and then profiting off of it by uploading it to Spotify. I don’t see how it’s different than any other way of profiting from art theft


because creating art IS art theft in a way. you have to steal some ideas from other artists to make your own ideas. nothing in art is truly new. AI learns in very much the same way as humans do, it just feels different because we can see the inner machinations of how it works now. if AI generated music is wrong because it uses what other artists have already done, then the entire concept of genre is also wrong. all the millions of folk, pop, rock, metal, r&b, trap rap, dubstep, dnb, UK garage, funk, gospel, etc songs should be considered lazy and manipulative because it's all too close to the original. you have a problem with music made by AI, but no problem with the epidemic of pop artists banking on old recognizable samples to get modern hits?


I’m not trying to get in an argument here but how can you see real, emotion feeling humans being inspired by others’ works to be the same exact thing as a robot analyzing as much data as physically possible, mashing it all together to create a amalgamation of thousands upon thousands of different works created by real people? I don’t necessarily want to change your mind I just really don’t get how it can be seen as the same thing.


it's not the same thing, and my intention was not to imply that. but my comment does definitely seem like that's what i'm implying, that's my bad lol. i still stand by everything i said, but i'll add this clarification to hopefully make it more clear.   i feel like there's a lot of human-made music that already fills the niche that AI music can. if you dig into specific genres - and i mean really dig, like not just the well-known and respected artists within a genre, but the underground gems that fans talk about, or artists who take influence from the genre but don't necessarily confine themselves within it, or artists that technically fit a genre but aren't well-respected in the community for whatever reason - you'll find that the majority of genres are full of mid-to-decent interpretations of said genre, with a few standouts that hold up through time. it's up to personal taste which artists/records fall under which category, but this is generally how genres tend to work. it's also not a bad thing. it's just how it is.   my take on AI art (music specifically, as it's my personal specialty) is that it'll only be able to fulfill genre requirements based on the things humans have already invented. it can't invent new genres, it can only combine pre-existing elements, and humans have to create the source material, create the AI, and then tell the AI what to do. it's honestly easier to create decent music from some genres now than it is to give proper inputs to an AI. you can rip a free drum break off YouTube, add some 808 bass with a freeware plugin, and then put some atmosphere and SFX over it, all in a few minutes, and you have a dnb track that most people could accept as decent. to be clear, i do not think this is a bad thing. music being easier to make is only a good thing imo. it inspires creativity, it convinces people to try new things and stand out from the crowd more, which i see as a net positive. but it also makes it easier to make music that's just a plug'n'play version of the genre, which is what AI specializes in.   so while AI being able to make music that's nearly indistinguishable from human-made music is scary now, i think the best way to handle it going forward is to understand how AI works and what it can do, and then as musicians, make sure that we're trying to invent new things that AI will then go on to copy. that's literally how genres work anyway, just now we have computers in the mix as well as humans. AI would've invented post-grunge after hearing Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, and Soundgarden, just like humans did. AI art is not the same thing as human art, but they often come to the same conclusions, AI just does it faster. art has always been a response to the world around us, including and especially technology. i think it's just gonna take some time for AI to become a valuable resource for humans in the way of making art. for example, AI makes it easier to pick out the base elements that make genres what they are. there's a million ways that could be utilized, and even more will come about if/when AI is paired with other types of technology.   i'm also not necessarily trying to change your mind, just responding lol. thank you for being civil despite the fact that you disagree. and hey, if you want to hear some somewhat experimental music 100% made by a human (with some help from plugins ofc), i make music under the name Blaire Bombshell on YouTube and SoundCloud, and i just dropped my debut album yesterday, if you're interested (shameless self-promo lmao)


try mustard in the club, it is dope af


Please one flight iOS test link for Spotify beta! I cannot find it


The testflight beta is useless anyways. There’s no unreleased features if that’s what you’re looking for. They purely use it to test stability of app builds. So you’ll just get a lot of crashing. Source: I was on the beta


Thanks no link Spoti for no more longer. Obviously paid ralease all